kTTLE1 1~ic I! L J Number 12 ir.r rrrtii. rrrrrrr i r .rr r romen will meet throughout the year o 12:15 a. m., beginning with Monday, [YRA B. JORDAN, Dean of Women. e Arts, Spanish Courses: 04 U. H., will meet in room 216 N. S. 304 U. H., will m'eet in room 173 N. S. (Continued from Page One) sequent mushy condition of the field,l and there ran tnem through a light signal practice. The squad is in good physical condition and should be ready to meet whatever opposition the Case "pik-8kin toters" can offer. If the Scientists live up to their reputation of being game fighters, a good, scrap- py exhibition of football will reward the large number oftstudents and alumni that is expected" to turn out for the contest. The game will start at 3 o'clock Ann Arbor time, rain or shine. Students will be admitted on display of their athletic books, cou- Pon number two, to be signed. Officials for the game will be: Wal- ter Kennedy, Chicago, referee; Ernest Verwiebe, Harvard, umpire; and Lloyd Olds, Ypsilanti, head linesman. WANTED-1,000 freshmen. Arcade Barber Shop.-Adv. WAHR'S VE ASSURE YOU WELCOME AND T OF SERVICE ATT. 50 YEARS OF I U: II - - - N. W' EDDY. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT STU DEN T S SU PPLY 1111 South University Ave Engineers and Architects Materials. White Agency. Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Le Lg of the Oratorical Board Monday, Oct. 10, at 0. W. RUSH, President. p in Masques will be held in Sarah Caswell An- Monday, Oct. 10, for Freshmen, Tuesday and 2, for upperclassmen. All candidates are re- ther to recite or to read some selection of their J. RALEIGH NELSON. in and the Periodical room, only, are open on n. Books desired for Sunday use, which are or- arts of the building, will be put on reserve in day evening upon a personal request presented oks are 'usually drawn. F. L. D. GOODRICH, Associate Librarian. a THE INK PENCIL WITH THE PLATIIdU1M IRIDIO POINT WRITES SMOOTHLY WEARS FOREVER ALWAYS IN ORDER HALLER & FULLER STATE ST.,JEWELERS 11""""""""""""I1111""""""111"f""lll""lf"11111""""""""il 1"1"11""1 ?I. STEA N rs I WHAT'S GOING ON : e 7,000,000,000 ng Five j BELIEF insured nany is Louis uction. next five ated the ree years, on of the e before greement c,an un- >f its im- h buyer German f deliver- SATURDAY 3:00-case vs. MIChigan on Ferry field. 7:00-Upper Room Bible class, Upper room, Lane hall. 7:30-Informal party at Methodist* church under direction of Wesleyan guild. Everyone invited. 7:30-Craftsmen's club meets at Ma- sonic temple. 8:00-Men and Women Cosmopolitan clubs hold joint social at Lane hall. Foreign students invited. 8:00-Party, Unitarian church parlors.1 SUNDAY 9 :30-University Men's Bible class, 'Upper room, Lane hall. 10:40 A. l.-Prof. Henry Wilder, Har- vard Divinity school, speaks at Uni- tarian church. 2 :00-Uversty 'Men's Discussion' class at Christian church. 4:30-Student Volunteers meet in Lane hall. Volunteers from other colleges especially welcome. 5:45-Young people's social in Unitar- ian church parlors. Supper at nom- inal charge. 6:00-Supper for. Episcopal students,; Harris -hall. 6:30-Congregational Student's forum. Professor Frayer speaks. MONDAY 7:30-Executive committee of Com- merce club meets in room 304, Un- ion. U-NOTICES All first year men who have not had their physical examination and re- ceived a measurement chart should report to Dr. May at once at Water- man gymnasium. Gym lockers should be secured immediately. REVISIONS MADE IN POINT SYSTEM THERE'S A DEAL OF KNOWLEDGE IN BOOKS' -and far from the least of these, as every successful person knows, is the bank book. Acquire the bank book habit and you will succeed. Pay it by check, it is the easiest and safest way. FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK 101-105 South Main Street. 330 South State Street (Nickels Arcade). (lnn?'ljw *U *tluttr0 O'en#tfwa guu Member Federal System 225 . 304rtg fter# - x A Reliable jeweler CHAPMAN 113 South Main .. i_ CLEANLINESS:-- Do you remember how particular your mother used to be to keep you clean when you were a youngster? That is just how particular we are about your butter, cheese, milk, and cream. THE ANN;ARBOR DAIRY 'CO. THE HOME OF-PURE MILK Telephone 423 WELCOME TO THE REXALL STORE! ORA'TOR ASSOCIA LECTU J CO T e ar- eated organiza ach an a eries, pi eptance, Lt will bE ee. This le up of ,n and a ion accor ident of :t. will fi onths, ai normal p nce, less transport tions gree- rices, deci- e left com- one third "JUST LIKE OPERATING A STANDARD REMINGTON" The Remington Portable is standard in every feature com- mon to the larger machines., Among itsother standard fea- tures are the single shift, shlift lock, back spacer key, two color ribbon mechanism variable ne spacer, adjustable marginal, stops and standard type faces. The Remington Portable has been built to suit the require- >ments of everybody who needs a typewriter for his or her per- sonal use. It is the ideal type- writer for this purpose-and for YOUR purpose. THE MAYER-SCHAIRER CO. Stationers, Printers, Binders OFFICE OUTFITTERS Phone 1404 112 S. Main $t. TEN CHARLES REXALL Remedies can be obtained EDITH in Ann Arbor at OINTMENTS RLY NEXT "W candidates fo will be annou the men have ed by Dir and Charles ent of the clu n the hands o ee and must he members ca flee club will .d permanentr i a competitive considered fc ppearance, an r way for con d, or the Important changes in the' honor x the point system which has been in effect d the in connection with the activities of the rices Women's Athletic association were cu made at a meeting of the women's ;ation athletic board on Thursday afternoon. The changes have been made in ac- cordance with a new ruling of the Na- tional Women's Athletic association, which endeavors to standardize the P'EEK work at all colleges so that women transferring from one college to an- rz the other may transfer their honor points unced as well and receive credit for work, been no matter: where it is done. ector The whole system of grading apd s E. -counting the honor points has merely b. been raised from a basis of one to one f the hundred, so that activities which have t be heretofore received one honor point an be will now be given 100. The whole list con- has been revised in accordance with mem- this ruling, so that the amount of bas- work necessary for a certain require- or an ment has not been changed in any d ne- case, but the scale of marking has certs been multiplied by 100. This means that in order to win a sweater, a girlj must win a total of 1,000 honor points,! ;e instead of 100, as formerly, but the foot- amount of work which she does to esity, win them will be the same. vard Anyone wishing information in rc- rtant gard to the work, or wishing to learn ason, the requirements for honor points in y, a the various sports and phases of the said gymnasium work, may inquire at the Edsill's Rexall Drug Store .TI 208 S. Main Street 'Next door to Kresge's PROF. RexgII Signifies Quality and Service Vs.' SHOWER BATH AND SWIM FOR EX-Gov. JUDGE 35c AT THE CITY Y.MAC.A SIR BEST .QUALITY POCAHONTAS-any Size WEST VIRGINIA LUMP AND EGG KENTUCKY EGG AND LUMP BEST QUALITY PREMIUM AN. THRACITE SOLVAY COKE Your Orders Respectfully Solicited PRUNER COAL 00., INC. Office-124JEast Huron Street Phone 1950-F1 SWIMMING POOL OPEN TO MEN -- 10:00 A.'M. TO 9:30 P. M. EXCEPTING MONDAY AND THURSDAY-3:30 TO 4:30 P. M. ' TUESDAY AND FRIDAY- 8:00 TO 9:00 P. M. SIXTY-FOOT WHITE TILE POOL WITH RUNNING WATER - IRVIN Cambridg 7.-Thef a (Te SPECIAL STUDENT MEMI $6.50 FOR SIX MONTHS ALL P RSF Yard-