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March 08, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-03-08

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Pick Sisler For Pubic opinion Changes As France's
L Sculptors Node TPosition Is Known, Asserts Talamon
George H. Sisler, '15E, regular first( , " That publi opinon since the close come to a naval agreement and accept-NEWYH ILO[
" ~asean soe th ae St Louis h m Ameic ns, omte nSuetAar ecm oefinl oadFac, hr aepwr hni et
b aseman of the St. Louis Americans, of the Washngton conference has ed terms that practically make her a
ha bLe enfo aselstatueon toofbeh pre- Senate Committee on Student Affars. become more friendly toward France, third rate power. When It came to 1111NE
SL seated to Mexico by the.Aericn Acts Upon Recommendation of and that the latter's position. is now reduction of submarine tonnage, Eng- LDUCAT II
league, Ban Johnson, president, an Advisory Body being more sympathetically under- land refused to agree to more than
stood was the statement of Prot. 60,000 tons for France, threatening to
VISION Siser is to beepresented as sliding RELEASES R. C. WHITLOCK, Rene Talamon, of the French depart- construct submarines without limit if
home, with Ray Schalk, of the Chicago . G. FREY AND S. M. BROWN ment, in a lecture last night in Nat- France insisted on 90,000. It was due W IRT
White Sox, as the catcher waiting at ural Science auditorium. Professor to these circumstances that a subma-
thpate The, as tates tymbolize Upon the request of the Student Ad- Talamon, who served in the capacity rine holiday was not agreed upon, de-
TED baseball relations between Mexico and visory committee, the Senate Commit- of official interpreter at the Disarma- dared Professor Talamon. MODEL IGH S
the United States, and will be erect- tee on Student Affairs yesterday after- ment conference, reviewed his exper- Interpreter's Task Dfficult INCLUDED IN
)NEY ed n tlre public square in Mexico noon lifted the ban of. individual pro- fences there in an address on "Some
City. bation on James G. Frey, '22, Robert Personal Glimpses of the Washing-
eterans C. Whitlock, '23, and Sheldon M. ton Conference." extremely difficult one, he declared. Dean Whitney Announ
SBeSsEvery speech upon being delivered, Block Will Be R
dely, Brown, '23, members of the Sigma Al- Praises -Hughes.- was translated into French or Eng-Cmpe P
ri nivfllIIpha Epsilon fraternity, which as a wacrnltditoFecrBg Coplete Pi
gIL rin- TI CKETS ITHA wholehadbeen formerly placed on "Every nation gained and lost, but lish, both being official. languages of
probation. The removal from prob-a-it was only through the almost super- the conference. His description of a A new' University b
ation in these threemcaesvtakeseffect human ability of Secretary Hughes diplomat who acted the gestures while a model high school
Senior Woien -Students to Be Guests as soon as the men receive e o that such' results were achieved," he the interpreter gave his speech was of Education was to
a at .Junior Girls' Show cla notices, declared. Limitation of land arna- extremely humorous. Dean A. S. Whitney, o
iginally Students Petition ments he stated was impossible be- The public,' he declared, had receiv- Education, at the ban
cause not every land power was pres- ed an erroneous impression of the and seniors of the E
by theplay to be given March 23, 24 and ate committee after the students nas- ent at the conference. France, on the conference, but declared that in time last evening. Later he
dy bly t e givn Mar 23, 24 and abom e after et vam other hand, showed he, willingness to its true aspects would be realized, detailed information <
)dayan 25' at the Whitney theater will go on ad above had petitioned for removal_________________________________ building.'
Lys and sale from,2 to 6 o'clock this after- from individual probation in accord- The building, which
ouced noon at the box office at Hill audi- ance with the right of petition grant- ThANesiavenue, wil
a Ford-' torium. Other sales wil be held from ed to them in the probation order University high'and will b
udn 2 to fi o'clock Friday and Saturday, which prvldes that " If any members l es ly E S I L S i # ibiko hi a itb
day, i and from 9 to 12 o'clock Saturday of your fraternity feel as individuals britheLMa thCaskdorm
morning. .1 that they were innocent of any viola- harra for the
FOR USESeFF thveMrtha Coo
Senior women will be the guests of tions of the rules, they have the op- 'Irounds and erection
edicted honor at the opening performance, portunity of placing the facts before grOun s a mon
ppeared following the usual custom. Morethan the Student Advisory committee with $650,000. This amoun
SHouse 40 of the best. seats have been re-the request for an investigationandh Kappa Kappa Gamma Leads sororities hpi she nga
that dns rvd for tesTheir complimen- if the results of these Investigations uldin s De WrhGilSre 'fu$pp amaL6Sroiis h dsinforthe nearectio
that on the BuildingS asl MewgGuiat Endds bothtsideseof ion
tary tickets may be obtained from warrant it, the Student Advisory corn- d aer by,Sarmargin at End of
ulation 1 to 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in mittee may recommend that probation Headquarters First Day both sie of itlly:
s as to the league room of University ball. be raised in the cases of these men, On the left will be the
e cor- Each member of the play committee and these recommendations will be PRES. BURTON, D. SHELDON,t
vhether may also obtain a complimentary tick, given careful consideration by the BISHOP HENDERSON, SPEAK WILL SHOW YEAR BOOKS IN ucation, whi will inc
express et at this time. Senate Committee on Student Affairs." LIBRARY DURING DRIVE ture rooms, library, s
roted. 'The plot of this year's play is clev- The petitions for the three men sent "An irreligious educated man is oratories and willco
ined to er and the cast is, showing ability in to the Senate committee are as fo- only partially educated, and an uned- At the close of the first day of the the block. On the rig]
ed the the parts. Novel choruses, music, lows: ucated religious. man is only partially Michganensian sales competition, kinderartentands'he
he. At dancing, and costumes give a brilliant "The Student Advisory committee religious" is the statement made by Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority leads The entire n g th
hat Mr. effect. .One of th'e innovations is the requests that James G. Frey be re- Dr. Warren F. Sheldon, secretary ofu n
nid had scenery which is being designed by moved from individual probation, as the board .of education of the Metho-
e bank S. 0. Davis of Detroit. according to his statements to the dist church in presiding last night, having a total of 18 subscriptions. East University and wi
ported, committee, he was not at the S. A. E. that typifies the spirit which moved Two teams were tide for second plac'e,t avense
g pe - HOWE, '01, SPEAKS house on the Saturday night fllowing the dedication of Wesley hall to the Alpha Chi Omega and Delta Delta Del- willinclde unior and
ordt ey BCthe -Hiop, and'had no knowledge of student interests of the Methodist each ving a total of 17 sales to or grade seven tot
seither BEFPRE CHEMISTS any violations of the J-Hop regla- tchurchaingofttaAnfn7 Arbor. r adewillsevlieto
r te Harrison E. Howe, '01, editor of the o a- Hold Afternoon Services The schoothwilleaedt
Journal of Industrial and Engineer- Removal of San Requested The total number of sales turned in
ated lig Chemistry, of the American Chem- "The Student Advisory committee The dedicatory services of this new for the first day of the campaign wa possible to lbe made. C
bers of ierequests that Robert C Whitlock be headquarters for Methodist students the biology, physics,
ice the a t esociety, was the princiai speak removed from individual probation, as which was formerly known as McMil- 140 of which 59 were paid up sub- physical departments c
rs any etin of the Uy according to his statements to the an and Sackett halls and occupy a scriptions. This is considered a fairly have worked together
ay,Michigan American committee, he was not at the S. A. . position on State street just northof good showing by the yearbook man- analogous department
o Chemical society last night at t house on the Saturday night follow- the Methodist church started at'4 ' agement in spite of the inclement school and in this wa
eseng the J-Hop, and had no know- lock with a pageant especially writ- weather. All the teams stayed at have the best equipme
. cas T e sesi n was devoted almost en- edge of any violations of the J-Hop ten for the occasion, directed by Prof. the booths during the entire day and all branches of the ne
A ad- tirely tougadiscussion of the means of regulations. Ray K. Immel, of the public speaking each made an effort to secure first Offices for Ins
public. imptoving the chemical Journal rep- "The Student Advisory committee department, and acted out by' 19 stu- place. Science instructors
resented iby Mr. Hiwe and the other requests that Sheldon M. Brown be dents. Between acts readings were While the campaign is on, copies of rooms in the first flo
organs of the chemical society., removed from individual probation, as given by Prof.'T. C. Trueblood, also old Michiganensians and other col- aided in their work b
Burt P. Garnett, technical manager according to his statements to the of the public speaking department. lege yearbooks will be on display in which will be added at
N of the AAmerican Chemical society's committee, he was not a member of Following the pageant a reception the lobby of the Library where stu- tion and will be mod
news service, gave a short resume of the J-Hop house party of the S. A. E. was held for all the students of the dents may examine them. Four, piec- green house on the sc
,the work done by his agency, which fraternity, and had no intimation of University, Methodists of the city, in- es of art work which will decorate Natural Science build:
is trying to furnish the daily press any irregular actions, or violations of vited guests, and friends. the new book are in the window of will also have an and
with authentic information along rules at their dance on the Saturday A banquet fpllowed at which more Graham's book store on State street. seating capacity of 30
chemical lineb . night following the J-Hop." than 340 were present. Dr. H. Addis Sales will continue today and tomor for instruction purpos
urdue's Leeson acted as toastmaster and ad- row. used for educational u
Shoved #[ dresses were given by Edward Ramns- tures to the .two di's
inteATIN N'3,Fn , ~g raD.A-n ru school. The contemt
! Puppets To Lance 0N ELECTO S dell,2, gLi EradDrAwle nt
the P- f1u IIWI thur H. Harrop, of Albion college, ill have an auditoriu
a fastm s Theaterand Dr. James C. Baker, director of seat 70. anual arts
Adule is I I S EXPEC TD NISI the Wesley Foundation at the Univer- fl es will also be on tb
h place, si.ty of Illinois. Dr. Baker said, ' CEIVE -Ta inlEl A large swimming p
Tony Sarg's marionettes will furn- wis to cngrulae y on tU UasA much in the open p
hand ish the attraction at the Mimes thea- STUDENT COUNCIL SCHEDULED you are entering Into your opportun- ble may at the same ti
when ter next 'Friday afternoon and evening. TO FACE "LETTER DAY" ity here" and especially commended Replies to applications for Sopho- ing the winter month,
Creations of this artist have aroused PROPOSAL ALSO project from the rig]
'oam thePRPSLA O the work of Dr. A. W. Stalker and more Prom tickets are being sent out bidn n ilhv
Favorable 'comment from theater goers building and will have
ly after fb le co ntfr ta t go e. Miss Moore, of the church, for their as rapidly as possible, according to lug. There will be Ic
lf, were Several problems of wide campus work. members of the ticket committee. .Out
L At the afternoon performance, which interest are slated for discussion at Formal Opening of a total of 580 applications submit-
S wi l begin at :0 ocloc, heestor the meeting of the Student council The exercises were. concluded in the ted to the coimittee 250 were accept- The second oor'Sn
ovoc u f iedby the puppets, and "Rose in the which ibe eld tonight i t auditorium of the new Wesley hall. ed. This was the original limit plac- the library. It will
S pes an "o the Union. This will be a regular meet- President Marion L. Burton spoke on ed upon the sale of tickets by the high and every effort
als and Rng" willie given at tohe lug of e council. ' "Religion and the University," and committee at one of its first meet- to have it the' most s
is ihprograms are given under the auspic-, Election ..changes which will make BihpThooeHedro, fteUhg.tatve romti the ts
a regis-es of the Matinee Musicale society. the election methods more fair to Besroi areaofe etodirst chrc Enoc.etractive room in the
org Each puppet has as many Joints as a candidates are 'the most likely sub- Detroit area of the Methodist church tinforce Rules be sed in place of se
E n human beinga and move, dance, ight, t can disar host ey sb- made the formal dedication. One of All applications, were carefully ex- there will be libraria
oy an and make love in a realt fiashght, dr cssion beyoae been the statements made by President amined in order to judge farily wheth- will be to teach thes
Tn an esv e rit h n , ue cosseron for Such Burton was "Any educational insti- er or not the applicant was entitled of books and how to st

company, each controlling. one puppet. political meeting, at-which"allcandi-tution is doomed to failure that neg- to purchase a ticket. The method used the Martha Cook dor
Mimes will present its regular dates could present their policies. lects the ,character ofits individuals." in the process was that of elimina- floor there will also 1
vaudeville program at 8 'clock Satur- Plansfor holding a great convocation tion. The applications were judged nasium, gymnasium in
day evening. .Seats for all week-end of the University at regular stated OWNERS ASK CITY by time of arrival, class membership printing shop and me
* performances will be reserved, the intervals will also be brought up, at of the applicant, whether or not all room.
igb sale opening at the Mimes' box office this time although it is doubtful TO PAVE STREETS class dues had been paid, hours of Class rooms, a la
at 10 o'clock Friday morning. whether sufficient data is on hand at credit in the University, and duration per Dart of the library
concert present to bring any definite action. Petitions, abking that many of the of time spent on the. campus. After will be on the third fl
ie club DAILY TO CORRECT A definite date for "Letter Day" is more important streets of Ann Arbor this test had been accorded each one floor will be used by t
lock to- likely to be set at this time as plans be paved, signed by a majority of the of the applications, aproximately 400 ucation, excepting. the
be turn- DIRECTORY LISTS are now almost completed for this property owners whose land adjoins were eligible to receive tickets. The vhich the gymnasium
ittee for - event. Such action is intended to these streets, have been received by number was then further reduced by the third floor.
Names' of all students entering the awaken the interest of the campus at the committee on- public highways of selecting 250 which had arrived ear-
iven by University at the beginning of the large in Michigan athletics and to the city, have already been considered liest, ,,careful record' having been DETROIT SAFETY F
ich will second .semester, as well as correc-, encourage the wearing of the Univer- by it, and will soon be reported upon kept of the time of arrival of each SPEAKS ON BUILD]
e pro- tions of addresses and telephone num- sity insignia by the letter men. ' to the city council, according to City application. In apportioning tickets
ontralto, bers of student 'whose names are in Clerk Reynolds. . to the five sophomore classes distrbv- Frank Burton, com
and Ma- the original copy of the Student Di- PROF. AIGLER SPEAKS AT Amofig these petitions are those tion was made in proportion to the department of buildin
ie Law- rectory will be published in the first FRESH LAW SMOKER TONIGHT asking that Packard street to the end number of members in the class. The' gineering of the city c
o selec- supplement to the Directory which is Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, of the Law of the city limits, Washtenaw street classes eligible for tickets were sopho- on "Problems in Bu
to be included in the issue of The school, will speak at the Fresh Law from Oxford road to the city limits, more lits, architects, dents, and phar- tion" yesterday in r
of Ruth Daily tomorrow. smoker to be held at 7:30 o'clock to- and North State from Huron to Ful- mics. engineering building.
e Glee Necessarily, the time limit to hand night in the reading room of the Un- ler streets be paved. The committee Propose Sale Next Week prominent in the fo
ose Bar- in changes or new addresses has ex- ion. Other features include special has purposely delayed making its re- It is probable that the sale of tick- new Detroit building
ket sale, pired and all students are requested music and stunts. Refreshments will port to 'ascertain if the federal and ets will be held on Monday, Tuesday ture was given under
e of ad- not to send any further corrections or be served. the state governments could not be and Wednesday of next week. The the college of architi
cy, '23, additions in the Directory to The made to bear "part of the expense of time set for the applicant to call fr
Daily. It will be attempted to run Man, Acted as Lincoln's Guard, Dies the paving of certain streets. his ticket on the acceptance letters 71Rla '
these supplements so as to conform Port Huron, March 7.-Charles Von- which are being sent out, should be
Tonight as nearly as possible to the shape o! natter, 87 years old, 'who died Sun- IudIaia Wrestlers Win observed or purchaser will be in dan-
lee club the book, which will facilitate clipping day, was one of the., soldiers who Columbus, 0., March 7.-Indiana ger of losing his ticket, according to There will be a me
tonight and pasting these lists in copies of stood guard over the body of Abra- defeated, Ohio State in a wrestling John P. Bernard, chairman of the torial upper staff a
n. the Directory. ham Lincoln as it lay in state. match here last night,.I Prom committee. afternoon.


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Chase, '22, c
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and Mary Jan
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