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March 05, 1922 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-03-05

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The Student Who Earns His "Keep"
--and the U. of M. Employment System
(By Virginia Tryon) Below his name is a printed list of to the Employment Bureau. The art- have taken up the odd jobs, such
"I care not for my neighhor's brth, occupations, and he puts crosses be- greater number who come for help as housecleaning, mowing, shoveling
Or kehowhesmakes ayhsprayer, b side those in which he is most skilled, are freshmen, for they are. new here snow, etc., as the demands come in.
I' grant himak whiteray'rplace on or in which he has had the most ex- and do not know how to find work Many of these odd jobs have led to
earth, perience. themselves. Later, after Mrs. Stewart permanent places, giving the individ-
Provided his game is square. Then he gives the card to Mrs. Stew- has started them in the way of procur- ual all the work he has time for.
If'he plays it straight, art, who has a unique and original ing positions, they can manage alone. Financial conditions affect the stu-
I'll call him mate. , method of marking these cards so that Positions have been secured for the dent worker as they do other work-
If he cheats, I'll throw him fiat. she can select at once from the files students along many lines. Some ers, and the student has to learn to
Other rank than this is a worthless lie, the particular one she needs at a cer- have secured all the work they could understand that his position is a busi-
For all clean men are as good as I, tain time. She has some little colored handle, %vhile others would like a lit- ness proposition-that there is compe
And the king is naught but that." metal tabs which fasten on to the top tle snore than they have been able to tition; that if there are too many work
of the card, and which show up easily get. Sometimes a student's, class ers at a restaurant or boarding house,
This is the verse which stands as a and distinctly in the file. Each color schedule interferes with some particu- making the overhead expenses too
motto on the desk of. Mrs. Mary L. stands for a certain type of occupa- lar work that he might otherwise take, high, some will be laid off; that if he
tion. A man who signifies his ,desire and for this reason some students have has fallen down on his first job, the
Stewasjt, assistant to the Dean of Stu- to earn money as a chauffer has a been unable to obtain board jobs, or second will be harder to get. 5ince
dents, and in charge of the University black tab on his card, a musician has a other jobs which interfered with their it is this same thing which he will run
Employment bureau for men. She has blue one, and he who wishes a "board classes. The "board job" is the popu- into ,when lae is -through scohol and
placed it there as being an expression job" (these are by far the most nu- lar job on the campus, and there is a out in the business world, he Is gain-
of the spirit of those boys with whom merous) has a red label. Sometimes constant waiting list. ing valuable experience. In fact, in-
there are three or four different colors The Employment Bureau has re- sofar as his job is concerned, he is a
she comes constantly in contact, men on one card. There are nine different ceived requests for student work business manwvith business responsi-
who have come here to the University colors in all, along various lines. They have placed bility. Courtesy is a great asset to a
in the face of great odds, and find it Phone calls are received from many draftsmen, stenographers and typists, business man, and so it is to the stu-
necessary to spend their spare hours people wishing student help. Mrs. mechanick, janitors, musicians, fur- dent business man. He should not
working their way through college. Stewart at once takes the name and nacemen, ushers, barbers, butchers; leave a job without an explanation, or
address of the employer, what he clerks, salesmen, etc., and many go to it late, or put it off to another
For these men think a college wishes to have done, and when, all young men with energy, grit and per- day, without first making such ar
training so worth while that they are on a special card for the purpose. She severence-the words of Mrs. Stew- rangements. (Continued on Page 7)
willing not only to come here and consults the files, calls the student she
pursue the regular curriculum of selects, and sends him to the place in
}. studies, but, to work in order to ac- question. If he is engaged and com-
quire ,the means to carry into effect pletes the job, that fact, along with
their ambition. the statement by the employer, of
It is these men whom Mrs. Stewart whether the work was done in a satis- White Col d and Platinums
helps daily, and with her sympathetic factory manner, is recorded on the DIAMOND MOU NTINGS
aid many of them have found steady back of the student's card in the file.
employment. She not only finds jobs In this manner she is able to keep
for them, but she constantly keeps a perfect record of the kind of work T HE beautiful new modes in diamond mountings are a radical tepart-
in touch with them to see how they a certain man will do, and she knows ure from the older styles. Many a pretty diamond is va ly im-
are filling their positions. who can be trusted to accomplish proved if set in a mounting of newer design.
The system by which the work is what he is sent to do. And she finds
organized is most, simple and most ef- that the spirit of the men with Whom We have an excellent assortment of the newer craftsmanship in diamo d
fective. In two large drawers in a she comes in contact Is he most won- ountings. You may buy these set with our quality diamonds--or have
fective.onat s h ms wn your owe stones set in them. t
convenient cabinet, there are kept filed derful part of it all.
large cards which bear the names of Now as to the results and success of
all the men who come for aid in secur- the work. It is estimated that ap-
ing employment. On the face of these proximately one-fourth of the students
cards the applicant fills in his name, either wholly or in part support them- J E W E L E R,
address, and some not inconsiderable selves while they are in the University. 113 E. Liberty St.
family history. He gives a complete Many secure work which she does not
schedule of his courses, which shows know about, for they are often re-en-
clearly what time he has free for work. gaged by the people who first applied
Our Fire Sale was a Success
For We Are Now Ready
to Show You an
Entirely Nelv and Complete. Stock

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