T' ' AT s who work at the booth in hall are requested to meet :lock tomorrow in the Wom- .e room in Universit yhall. 1 Dames wil hold its regular t 8 o'clock Tuesday evening Lors of Barbour gymnasium. on L. Burton will give a to the members. of the Junior Girls' play rse at 4 o'clock Monday aft- .t 4:30 o'clock the scientific will rehearse, at 5 o'clock nd at 5:20 o'clock group 6. for act three will rehearse ck Monday night. The re- or Tuesday will be as fol- oups 5 and 2 at 4 o'clock, t 4:30 o'clock and group 1 ek. These rehearsals will Sarah Caswell Angell hall. s will meet at 3 o'clock ternoon in the parlors of ymnasium. The spring play, f Thorn,".will be discussed me set for- tryouts. It is that all members be there. Assisted by the Girls' Mandolin clubI and Mildred Chase, '22, as soloist, the University Girls' Glee club will give a concert for the benefit .of the Women's league Wednesday evening; March 8, in Hill auditorium. The Glee club will be directed by Miss Nora Crane Hunt, of the faculty of the School of Music. Florence Shirey, '22, will be the accompanist.' The entire program will be publish- ed at a later date. LOCAL R. 0. T. C. TEAM HIGH SCORER IN NA'TIONAL MEET Out of a possible 6,000 points, the R. O. T. C. team of the University made 5,053 points in the annual rifle shoot in which 18 universities, including 11- linois, Northwestern, Wisconsin, and Chicago took part this last week. The results of the contest have not yet been decided, but will probably be known by Monday. The winners of the contest held this lsat week will comppte in the National shoot to be held the latter part of this month. TODAY Screen Arcade-Wanda Hawley in "The Love Charm." (By Associated Press) London, March 4.-A knowledge of Gaelic will be a paying accomplish- ment now that most of the commun- ications from the Irish Free state will be transmitted, as is expected, in that language. A translation office in Fleet street already announces that it is prepared to handle all business conducted in 4 Irish. Majestic-Elsie Ferguson, lace Reid in "Forever." Wal- Wuerth - "A Man's Home," a 'Ralph Ince production. Orpheum- Herbert Rawlingson ill "Cheated Hearts." Rae-William S. Hart in "The Three Word Brand." I' SLEEP ANYWHERE, BUT EAT AT REX'S THE CLUB LUNCH 712 Arbor Street Near State and Packard Streets U THIS WEEK, Van'sB Stage Garrick (Detroit)-"Honeydew," a musical comedy. Shubert Michigan (Detroit) - Walter Scanlan in "Irish Eyes." Something for sale? A Classified Ad in The Daily will find a buyer.- Adv. Patronize our Advertisers.-Adv. i I I Quality and S( 1114 South~ University I' a No further for You Have Found It! THE PHOTOPLAY AS YOU DESIRE IT, AS YOU WOULD WANT IT MADE GREATEST STARS POSSIBLE TO CHOOSE TO PORTRAY THE EXCEPTI( Wallace- Elsie I FER B. and A GEORGE FITZMAURICE PRODUCTION BASED ON THE NOVEL LOVE STORY OF ALL TIME ER" "Peter Ibbe the screen, and here are y a great love! recent years, and here is The romance of a rose-red love. Budding in springtime. Blooming through storms of. lifE Glowing on and on in spite of frosty age and A story of all you've ever dreamed a great love Told in enthralling action and scenes of exqui Us glorious picture, one of the greatest ding ER Nothing else the note( stars have ever done cai compare with it! It is a picture whose greatest appeal is the discriminating E if : BROUGHT BACK BY SPECIAL REQUEST I tC HR Il [A \I f f 1 IN A COMEDY YOU'LL WANT TO SEE TWICE OR MORE' "A DOG'S LIFE" A reissue of his first famous comedy