rroit J, L /. fly 60 per aims that saved the y the use *Detroit, Mich., March 5.--Officials of the Detroit stockyards, at the behest of the Detroit Humane society, have provided a "maternity hospital'" for aniimals at the yard. That is believed' here to be the first animal hospital of its kind in the country. A large number of cattle are taken to the institution each wek, it is an- nounced. An old shed is used for hos- pital purposes, it being converted into a building that will protect the 'ani- mals from, the elements. Windows were provided and the floor covered with straw to a considerable depth. Washington, Mar. 4.-Administration spokesmen repree'-uting the govern- nment's attitude in bringing coal miners and operators into conference on April 1, when the wage contracts in the union expire, are nothing "except in a suggestive way" it was_ said today. at the White House. President Harding desires, it vas said, that it be made clear' that the. government was not interfering with a fixed plan for~ operating lines, set- tling wage questions, or anything else, but was anxious to be of service to the employers and employees in any plan of adjustment they might care to advance. CERCLE FRANCAIS PLANS SOCIAL' IXER FOR MARCH 10 A dance has been arranged for, the associate members of the Cercle Fran- ais. to be given from nine to 12 o'clock on Friday, March 10, at Barbour gym- nasium. The dance is to be in the form of a mixer to provide an opportunity for acquainted, but it will be open to any- one interested in the organization. Those who are not already members of the society may secure member- ships at the door for' 50 cents, which will admit them to the dance as well as the annual French play which will be held shortly after spring vaca-~ tion, besides several French lectures. The fixer is a regular yearly afad with the Cercle Francais and is one which Is always attractive. Music for the occasion will be provided by "Mike" Chow's orchestra, with Phil iDamond at the piano.: and recovered. line of coverings. cheerfully submits MARTIN 112 E 0 the edu- cnaracter of- have at our ,tion of large Beginning of merous people tbryology, who have obtained rse, visual in- on. It should substitute for wever,'a great '! PO Q' QUALITY. S Revolutionists Occupy Fiume London, March 4.--The revolution- ary element of Flume has occupied the town and, established a government, according to a Central News dispatch from Rome. President Zanella and his family are reported to have fled to Buccari, six miles from Fiume. WE HAVE A GIFT FOR YOU 1 'We are giving away Free Purchase of a .Wagner Dutch oven, a Beautiful Aluminum Cup, which is with Every "Drip: Drop" Wagner Cast one of the ;_ r rhe Screen-, THE WUJERTH excellent productions are or the Wuerth for the com- From Sunday to Tuesday Home" is the headliner. Pic- t deal with home life and ,erests are the most popular n, "A Man's Home" played by f actors of the old school, Henry T. Morey, Kathlyn Faire Binny, and Grace Val- kes. a new and unusual at- ward the home othjer than en in "The Old Nest" and Hills." e remainder of the week, evost, erstwhile queen of the eauties, tries to run Cupid's in the clever comedy "'Don't nal." The escapades of this pg flapper from Broadway, ,es to protect nice, inexperi- ung men from dangerous ampires is bound to get the THME ORPHEUX t Rawlinson appears at the from Sunday to Tuesday inl Hearts." Antonio Moreno, een. from Tuesday to Thurs-' a. powerful, heart-appealing the far west, "A Guilty Con- The great northwest is viv-' rayed in the Universal film nes to the Orpheum next Fri- Saturday. TO QUESTIONNAIRES 'ROVE CAP~ DAVIS WOR~K 'er cent of the questionnaires Camp Davis work sent out 922, by the department of' end surveying, to several hun- ni of the College of Engin- top completed the work~ given Davis betgeen 1908 and 1915, n received to date. Replies hat 20 per cent of the men Tated in that period are not' uising engineering. ijority of the replies are ap- lowering the standards or g the term of tho camp to the present period.. Returns )nuaires also suggest that Ises be added to the curri- The very name "Dutch Oven" miakes you think of good, wholesome foods--- juicy, tender meats, and fowl, savory stews, wonderful roasts. They will not dry up 'or burn food. This frequently occurs in Roasters which are not made of cast metal} Thouigh It ,may be in direct most useful articles in the modern kitchen. It is so ~strong that it ,cannot be dented or bent. Prie Ranging from ,1.50 to $8 *violation Drop in and see this wonderful value. /, of some coVnvent{ion (ill-advised) w Pa 4' QUALITY. JOHN C. FISCHER C-O. IA'-TO-THE-.MINUTE HARDWARE Main near Washington Washington near Main F . ;' 1 1, a were of i0 the opinion that Sunday evening meals should be fairly enjoyable. We kniow , .4 Five Big Days. Starting Tuesday Through Sat.u - -.-- We take pleasur4 in offering this pr duction to all Ann Arbior at this time with it opening simultaneousiy in five of the largest cities in America Signed' The Management that to omit them is uncrfmfortable. Which is why we tell Special 41i !IIf;LaA Schedule/I il I fj F Preis "osifior o O"e8 WiForPonr Ma a o ~ ~ f5l ,e,? tA I£ oo W ig o __ocia i4~ "y '.5.,tgtf8t e a00 10 rt la thnb .i;. r .t; _ Lotn e ° :" '' ,l ofOa " ~ ,' I~. ~ , d m~~~ . i.h. tlte~ t "T? 'ol rmer irs a . _ e X w~;Je: r :.s. e6de Las ats-tht .:4, : dw' wed. Masv !-::t vest 0 p A . {n:::Y ':.:-" MIL Di, tt c ')d iJ p "nyF?,--:.?," . vrrlattK W C:::;.e O c pl ii B.wa f. a4 /of0t-a ,f. ...M i' DetM A4Alle ""s'ser' you 11 of the Ar- iaced an in- 1vthe lower iding. The y beautiful Wr the intri- ;r,~ .and the 'hich are so that the Arcade Cafeteria serves a Sundey evening lunc~eon .5+ (V from five-thirty to seven- a "luncheon 'i i I _.- .. . i - , i '' , ' t ' r® --W------- - -t- f, SEE the riotous bath- II ~h SEE the coetty ra ng dance never be- 'cars encounter a ar attempted on the a r9'arlmO n tiue enger train. PUPODUVC T1ON} I- 11 I I :.. 5..;: -#> sl in, for scr racing * gas that is as dainty and delicate' as you could''wish A\ STORY that starts where others leave off-where the poor .C.girl marries her rich ideal--where the heiress, tired of soci- Sety's Whims, waeds a plain man of the people. And when their dreams have come true at the a ltar- what of the, years that follow? A picture that takes'the old adage, "Like 'to like," and weaves it into a gorgeous tapestry of, life--New York life! with its pleas- uire, its pain, its-thousand .alluring varieties. played by a Vrillant Casts Incinding I uhesitatingly declare Ibe without a cyclone It is your plain duty e your house and any i may possess fully lone. "Get insured" ns. The cost is not in proportion to what e ways of protection. LER RANCE, i or as .7 genuinely satisfying _ . " « a ,. , + r I as youx should desire. i r Leatrioe Joy Conrad Nagel - Edith Roberts Jaok Mower.. Theodore Roberts m Symjphony-O+rchestraX Special Musical Score- rt'" ,.