B e use for otherwise ar" e n. teuts expressed P. lt. The co-operative house plan has succeeded at Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Kansas. Is there any good reason why it should not prove effective at Michigan? THE EGO OF THE FAMOUS In the three classifications once suggested for the listing;of great men, one was for those who "had greatness thrust upon them". Under this category might well be placed the heroes of popular acclaim, the best baseball player, the champion pugilist, the favorite movie star. They arise from' an exceed- ingly commonplace existence to the pinnacles of fame, often in a single day. Their names become household words in the homes of those who wor- ship idols. They are great. It is not unnatural, then, that these individuals, ushered by the populace from a hut into a mansion' because they can punch the hardest or make love the most sentimentally, should begin to consider them- selves really great. IThey see their names continu- ally in print, hear themselves spoken of by strap-' gers, and they absorb the fabulous sums which a willing public offers them as a propitiate gift. While some may argue upon the stupidity of set- ting up such idols, there is. much to be said in its behalf. Whether or not an individual can do loga- rithms, if he owns the swiftest punch in the world it is an attribute which should be recognized. And if an actor possesses the ability to win the favor of the masses, there must be some virtue in. his make- up which deserves general acclaim., He delivers the goods. It seems, however, that when normal men have greatness thrust upon them through abnormal con- ditions, they become invested with the idea of per- sonal ability, not only in the field which gainyed them fame, but in every other as well. Thus the pugilist, having been recognized as champion in the. prize ring, feels in himself the genius of a Sheridan or a Booth, and accordingly starts his Thespian career in a vaudeville act. Then crowds pack the theaters and wonder at the ungainliness of their hero creak- ing across the stage in his evening clothes. And the movie star turns to literature as an outlet for his inexpressible talent. The masses, in turn, read his articles and'wonder why that "Million Dollar Smile" has so utterly failed to register in the form of printed words, and why one of such divine screen personality should conceal it so successfully in his literary efforts. Ego is the sad but almost inevitable accompani- ment of sudden greatness, and its urge often leads to as precipitious a downfall. Of course the pop- ular hero does not enter other fields entirely for glory; plenty of cash comes to him in connection with his conquests, until the public discovers that their idol is a moneygrabber. But, in the final count, the popular hero gains little or nothing by entering into the arts, because he has a swift punch or a pleasing. smile, and might retain his pinnacle of glory longer, if he resisted the temptation and re- mained true to the pursuit that had made him. ON F. HIULLRY .....A. J. Parker )hn J. Hamels, Jr. han W. Robertson ., .. ...: of Varsity -gely to be letes to do On Al I "'M" Books at BdGRAHAM' Both Ends of the Diagorn I ItI_ real Thy universities of Iowa and Wisconsin, being unable, because of Conference rulings, to send their freshman teams abroad to seek competition, recently got together for an all-frosh radio track meet. Events were run off at Iowa City and Madison, and the results were compared by wireless. All of which goes toprove that there's more than one way of killing, a dog besides choking him to death with- butter. Truly, justice works in wondrous ways. In Chi- cago it kept a murderer alive by artificial means for thirty days, in order that he might be hanged at the appointed time. 'die Telescope 'Tis Spring. Who Cares? The last two weeks have been A temperatural shame ; The weather was a sin, No two days were the same.. DETROIT UNITED LINES Ann Arbor and Jackoa , T E TA E (]; astern Standard, Tie) Detroit Limted andipresacs. - 6:0 a. i., :y:w a. m., 8 :o a. M., *:oo a. m. and hourly to g:.g p. °m.% n pres Cars (local stops of An Arbr), t.:47 a. . and tvery two kours to 9:47 P.-In. Local Cars East Boud-g S a:s ., 7 :00 a. m. and every two hours p:o p. :., 21oo . . To Ys ianti onlY-rr :4o P. a., za:ms a.m in., g sa. im. ToSaline, change at Ypsilanti..- Local Cars West Boud-M5:S a. jdra, 3: P. aa. -To Jackson and Kalau-.oo-Timited cars: 8:47,, 9:4; , a. m., 2 47,'247,4y,. T'o Jackson and ,Latnsln- I~md: 9:4 P. m. 1922 MARCH 1922 S' M T W T I S 1 2 3 ,4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3031 HATS -SPRING - HATS Reblocked at greatly reduced prices Turned inside out, with all new trim. mings they are as good as new. High class work only. FACTORY NAT STORE 61 PACTHARD STRET Telephone .1793. O1THERS SA P0011 PUBLICITY (Purdue Exponent) Something seems to be wrong with the type of advertising being given to the universities of the country. In- stead of telling of the' real work be- ing accomplished and of the realiza- tion of the purpose for which the in- stitutions are founded, the metropol- itan papers are carrying feature stor- ies on' all kinds of freak organizations now 'being orgaized and on reforms that are thought necessary. The Indi- anapolis News in in editorial entitled "College Eccentricities,' mentions a few of the leading questions that are finding space in the columns of the daily press: "This seems to be a season of bizarre activities at colleges and universities. From Chicago university comes a story of the organization of a "Five Minute Egg Cub," the members of which are "hard boiled." They are banded t, gether, they say, to fight the -college sissy and any applicant for member- ship must be able to prove that he does not use perfume, hasno efem- inate habits and can go ten fast rounds with the gloves. Notre Dames reports that several young men, astonished at the amount of ,money spent for silk hosiery will not go to dances with any girl unless she wear cotton. "The woman dean of a Columbia university' department says that 'of course all the girls smoke.' Some other deans deny this and some ad- mit it. Aboult this4 time of year the seniors at Eastrn universities are asked whether they ever kissed a girl, what they think about kissing in gen- eral, whether they think girls dress immodestly, etc. The women's colleges discuss the ideal husband,-whether he shall be a mere money maker, etc. Pictures are publi 'hed of college girls attired in a gymnasium suit, each of whom has been found by measure- ments to be the duplicate of the Venus de Milo. The girl who makes grades hardly ever gets a mention. The boy who has distinguished himself as .a scholar is not asked to face the fierce light of publicity." Colleges all over the country would benefit if the papers would leave the solution of the smoking evil to the var- ious deans of women, if the answers to all the foolish questions would nev- er be published, and if the man 'and woman, who realizes thepurposeaof the university; and who makes the best of every minute would be given the credit and publicity that is due them. . Jaanese Girls Honor Dean Jordan Dean Myra B. Jordan was the guest of honor at a tea given yesterday aft- ernoon by the Japanese girls of the University at HIelen Newberry resid- ence. A clever program comprised of music and Japanese dancing was giv- en. Tea was served. I "22 LITS NOTICE I All members of the 1922 liter- ary class who have not yet paid their class dues are urged to do so at once. Checks are to be Imailed to the class treasurer at 2107 Washtenaw avenue. Names lof senior lits whose dues are I -yet unpaid are now in the reg- istrar's office, according to Walt- I er B. Rea, president of the class. wouldn't start to r heart glad in com a plate of those 1 I' 1I 1 i1 1 Alfrrb 3J. Cdream Al Detroit You would w ANN ARBOR " Footwear of Quality and Distinction " The PHONE 664 We, BUTTER Lost something? A Olassified Ad in ,Bu The Daily will find it for you.-Adv. ladver m - * L IA Million Dollars . F"" per- r has been f late. Both 7 the scheme . I eing operated ata aesota, and Kan- and easily man- re owned by the, ts. It is not es- t that the school nerally has a cook, and es once a week. Any by the students: them- h washing, and house chedule of the student ve house. A faculty food and lodging'as house. Co-operative cheaply from the uni- ving expenses at the ionth in addition to the .,f One night 'twould snow,.the sun Next day hot rays would pour, Until the white was gone ; That night 'twould snow once more. We've thought that Spring was here Most every other dlay; Each time 'twould disappear And cold again held sway. So hope's become a bore, .No comforts does it bring. And we shall guess no more That summery days mean Spring. Then let the weather veer As often as it dares, And if they say, "Spring's here,'' Well, who the devil cares?. A Helping Hand H ERE'S our helping hand to the man looking for alight, com- fortable,Spring topcoat! Reasonably priced. Drop in and see our cqllection t of the co-operative house are with a little effort on his or her cheaply, and at the same time, munity life. Men, who are now t time employment to eke out by this plan could make their i farther. The work that they > perform for their employers o for their friends and them- i who has been working his way co-operative house is a more he same end with less work. To live on a slender allowance, it All wool, silk and wool hose now r 2rice. -I ,. It Is Rumored That a man's face is his fortune.' many of us are in the poorhouse. No wonder so ramous Closing Linen "The first step in a great enterprise," gurgled the future president as he began learning how to walk. ERM. WAGNER & C For Men 4