Prof. Fred N. Scott of the rhetoric
department will sail from Montreal,
Canada, June 2, for Liverpool, Eng-
land, on the steamship Montcalm,, op-
erating on the Canadian Pacific line.
On arriving in Liverpool, Professor
Scott will leave at once for London,
where he will remain until tl2e first
STIESpart of August tq study the "History
DORF of English Usage" at the British mu-
seum, the largest institution of its
kind in the world.
DS A short while before returning
N TS home, Professor Scott will spend a
few days on a walking tour in the
our Mile Welch mountains. He will sail for
home on Aug. 19 on the steamship
Regina, and expects to arrive in Ann
Arbor the first part of-September. Mrs.
to the Scott will accompany him on the
ois had trip.
)ith the Professor Scott said that he wouldl
beable to attend to his classes reg-
ularly until June 1.
en, Mc-
s, tpird,
3rd, the
ng held
Ten sororities will start work on
the campus Tuesday morning, March
7, in the Michiganensian sales cam-
paign which according to the manage-
ment, is the nost elaborate ever
planned for the yearbok. The cam-
paign this year is in the form of a
competition and is entirely in the
hands'of the women students on the
Captains of several of the teams,
when asked about the progress of the
work so far, said that the women
were highly enthusiastic and deter-
mined to win the prize which is being
offered. They are planning several
original and -unique selling features
with which to dispose of the publi-
cations. At a' meeting held in the
Michiganensian offices Friday, sever-
al new organizations signified their
intention of joining the campaign.
MOORE APPOINTED'O '9 [ 16tfi11
D~ETO ORIGAME, 25-19 Fil
r1Y M r l
isconsin. Tim
N Fl
e 8 see-
first, Mc-
zer, Min-
Churchill's 'Speech Does Not Mention
. Sir Younger, Leader of
s: first,
John- (By Associated Press)
Kansas. London, March 4-Outwardly the
political crisis is unchanged. Wins-
Kansas, ton Churchill's speech at Oxford ,yes-
d, Dahl, terday like the speches of Austin
eet, 10 Chamberlain and Sir Laning Worth-
iigton-Evans, was chiefly remarkable
)sborne, for its omission of any direct refer-
Ohio ence to Sir George. Younger, leader
aes and of the conservative sectionists ana'
t 6 feet apparently there is no intention
among the Premier's. conservative
t, Ames colleagues to .emulate Lord Berken-
s, Rath- head in reading a public lesson to the
North- offending conservative organizers.
s estab- Mr. Churchill's speech at Lough-
the for- borough today, so far as may be sup-
jointly posed to reflect the premier's mind,
clearly looked to the formation of a
first, new national party out of the present
Ayres, coalition, bit when this imay be he
record, gave not the slightest indication.
of 33 His words conveyed what is re-
garded in political circles as the ear-
It, Win- ly resignation 'of the Prime minister.
tendorf, A provincial paper published an ar-
ebraskla, ticle to-the effect that Sir George
Yqpnger had expressed regret that his
former recent speeches had been interpreted
eld by as a challenge to the Premier's au-
Members to Circulate Petition For
Retention of Present Means
of Identification
After operating for several weeks1
under the name of the Mimes theater,
the theater's name was ;yesterday re-'
designated the "Michigan Union Play-
house" by the board of directors of
the Union. Last fall the board named
the theater according to the term
which was re-affirmed yesterday, but
the former action was not brought to
the attention of officers, who called
the theater the "Min'es Theater of
the University of Michigan Union,"
or for short, the "Mimes Theater." 1
Mimes, honorary Union dramatic
society, members say, will petition
the board at its next 'meeting to call
the 'theater the Mimes theater. TheyF
believe it is vitally important to have
it so named.
Theater Union Actlyity
The board takes the. view that the
theater is an integral part of the Un-
ion, and as a Union activity it should
be so called. They further feel that
if the term "Mimes" appears in the
name, that the campus will get the1
ide4 that only Mimes productions will1
be billed there.t
The members of the board are: E.'
F. Moore, '22, president of the Union;
Frank Lee, '22, recording secretary;
Robert Cooper, '22, literary vice-pres-1
i ent; E. H. Fox, '22E, engineering
vice-president; Paul Moore, '22M,
medical vice-president; R. Deebach,
'23D, combined vice-president; Harry
Wilson, '22L, law vice-president; Wi',
fred Shaw; editor of the Alumnus;
and the following faculty members:l
Dean Bates, Dean Bursley, Prof. Ev-
ans Holbrook, of the law school;
Prof. John C. Parker,' and Prof. Hen-
ry C. Anderson, of the engineering1
college. All were present except Wil-
son, law vice-president.
Players Offer Objections
In desiring that the building be cal-
led the Mimes theater, the supporters
of that name, urge the benefits ,which,
would accrue if the Mimes as ,an or-
ganization were back of the theater.,
They point to the fact that the body
now does almost all the work about
the theater, back-stage work, usher-
ing, planning of programs, and other
detail work in which they -would not,
have the interest which they now ex-
hibit if the house were called by a
general Union name.
As for the term "playhouse," it is
maintained that the term "theater"
would be much more effective in at-
tracting crowds to the. building.
Shows of the kind that Mimes intend
Ito present are not ordinarily present-
ed in d playhouse, but are regularly
presented in theaters, it is asserted.
The term "playhouse" is claimed not
at all to express the real character
of the theater and that it would be ru-
inous from a financial standpoint.
. dash:
first, Illinois
tterson, Whar-
third, Kansas
This estab-
record, beating
ois' last year's'
Dr. Goetsch Addresses Students
Dr. Emil Goetsch, professor of sur-
gery in the Long Island College hos-
pital, Brooklyn, spoke to the medical,
students of the University yesterday
morning in the medical amphitheater
of the University hospital, on the su-
ject, "Some Recent Advances is the
Study of Goiter."
Chosen by Board of Dlrectors To At.
tend National College Unions
E. F. Moore, '22, president of the
Union, was named a delegate from
the Michigan Union, to atend the na-
tional meeting of representatives of
college Unions next Thursday, Fri-
day and Saturday, at the Harvard
Union at Cambridge, Mass. The ap-
pointment was made at the meeting
of the board of directors yesterday.
A second delegate will likely be chos-'
en from a group of four men, Dean
Bursley, Dean Bates, Professor Hol-
brook, and Wilfred B. Shaw, all of
whom are members of "the board of
directors. If none of these men will
be able to attend, a delegate will be
appointed in the discretion of the
president of the Union.
Mutual problems confronting all
Unions will be discussed at the meet-
ings which will be attended by repre-
sentatives of 15 universities, includ-
ing Ohio State, Illinois, Indiana,
Maine, Michigan, Harvard, Chicago,
Minnesota, Wisconsin, Toronto, Pur-
due, Western Reserve, McGill, Case
Schol of Applied Sciences, and Mich-
igan Agricultural college.
, Association Formed Here
Through the initiative of the Mich-
igan Union, the national association
of college Unions was formed two
years ago when the first meeting was
held here May 6, T and 8, 192. Rep-
resentatives from, 21 universities were
in attendance at the sessions in Ann
Arbor. The board of directors of
the Michigan Union -whih instituted
the convention, was of the opinion
that if the several organizations were
afforded a means by which ideas find
experiences could be exchanged, great
benefits would follow. And if, from
such a conference, a permanent asso-
ciation of Unions resulted, an effec
tive means would be provided to pro-
mote the Union movement as a factor
in student life.
A tentative constitution for the na-
tional association was proposed at
that time, and at the Cambridge
meeting this week it is expected that
constructive amendments and changes
will be offered to better it.
Michigan Is Leader
Asked yesterday what problems he
expected the Michigan ,Union to 'pre
sent to the eonvention~ Moore stated
that the Union here was far ahead of
any other Union in the country, and
that most of its .problems 'ere el-
ready settled. He intimated that the
Michigan delegates would act more
in the capacity of an advisory com-
mittee for the other delegates.
Upper Peninsula Wants Tourists
(By Associated Press)
Marquette, Mich., March 4.'-"Two
hundred thousand tourists 'in 1922"
is the slogan adopted by the Upper
Peninsula Development Bureau. An
effort will be made to bring that
number of persons from lower Mich-
igan and from other states 'to Clover-
land this year.
The object of the campaign is te
advertise the beauties of the north
ern peninsula throughout the coun
University Wand
To Give Concert
This Afternoon
A joint program of band music and
community singing will be ,given. at
the next Faculty concert at 4:15
o'clock this afternoon in Hill auditor-
ium. The Varsity band, under the di-
rection of Capt. Wilfred Wilson of the
School of Music, will give two groups
of numbers. These will be interspersed
with community singing led by George
Oscar Bowen, also of the School of
The program will be as follows:
Overture, "On the Nous" ....Canivez
Marche Militaire, Nos. 1 and, 2,
Opr. 51 ....... ......Schubert
A Passing Fancy.............Jewell
March, Answering Liberty's Call
.. Corvers
Mass singing
Grande Valse, Linons et Dentelles
sur les Motifs de "La Valse des,'
dessous" de Ch. Pillon
*(Transcription pour Harmonie
ou Fanfare ..........par Popy)
March, "The Co-Ed".......Zamecnik
Gems from the Operas . . arr. Missud
March, "Spirit of the Times". San glear
Mass singing
The management of theftSchool of
Music regrets exceedingly that owing
to the misbehavior of certain small
children, it has been found necessary
to refuse admittance to all children.
Concert patrons will appreciate the
necessity of such a ruling and are re-
quested to co-operate in the matter.
a h
ball five won its fl
ference victbry an
tie with Illinois f
the Big Ten race
one of the best
men have faced t
the opening perk
were at a loss tr
Hawkeyes' style c
employed the five
the initial period
by close guarding
Iowa holding a sJ
the scoring, due t
tain Shimgk to sii
middle of the floo
Iowa drew first
scored on a free t
ened the count a :
by the free throw
took the lead.whe
field baskets whil
two free throws.
count at five all R
igan forward sent
shot through the
then remained 'st
other of the H
found its mark an
loop. Iowa retain
til the close of t
score stood 9 to (
Iowa Tak
During the enti
maintained its lea
er floorwork and
Prof. Rene Talamon, of the ro- portio:
mance language department, lately ing ru
returned from the Conference on the was th
Limitations of Armametns at Wash- ing m
ington, has consented to lecture on ously
his experiences before the Cercle derful
Francais at 4:15- o'clock W6dnesday ited ag
afternoon in room 203 Tappan hall. week
Many of the students in Professor wa's b
Talamon's classes have urged him to that I
speak on his work as interpreter at the Va
the Conference. and give a brief re- the pe
view of the impressions formulated Mich
there. In consequence, Professor comeb,
Talamon accepted the invitation prof- overca
fered him to speak in French before ed the
the Cercle. By so doing, he will be winnir
enabled to give an account of his ex- this pi
periences in Washington and, at , the valian
same time, fill a position in a series and n
of lectures which have been arranged Confe
by the Cercle. self 1
Other lectures in the series will be the B
given by Professor Huet,' of the Jun- witht
for college, Detroit, and by Michael ved a
Pargment. Homer A. Des Marais, they
both of the romance language depart- coites
ment, and Dean John R. Effinger, of
the literary college, all of whom will Mic
speak on the French play. Professor been
Huet, the only one of the speakers since
not connected with the University, red
will talk on March 8. victor:
Ier's n
ey, I
. Dik
Nf WI!:
ren students have han
cripts to the departme
eaking, entitling them1
Varsity representative
n Oratorical league co
vill be held in May.
s of the contestants fo
s: C. E. Forsythe, '22E
'23L,' J. Van Valkenber
J. Galt, '22, Devera Stem
loyd W. La Rouche, '2
ge, '22. Juniors: Luci
. J. Donahue, '23, M. Me
lius Glasgow, '23, Ed.
nk J. Ortman, '23, Ross
'23, E. H. Cramer,
ampion, '23, Homer g
. H.' Smith, '24L, $OiI
rence Rhodes, '23, Char
'2 Sonnhmores: F.
Gilkey to be Conference Speaker
(By Conference Iadio News Service)
Madison, Wis., March 4.-Dr. Charles
i- W. Gilkey, pastor of the Hyde Park
d Baptist church of Chicago, will be the
12 principal speaker at the religIous con-
ference to be held at the University of
Wisconsin, March 10 to 12.
Proposed New Coll
Type Of Ed
GL What Dr. J. E. Kirkpatrick, of the
political science department, terms as
the ."most radical departure, in the
history of the United States, from the
.d- conventional type of institution of
nt higher education" is the-plan proposed
to by some 50 college and university pro-
in fessors to oragnize a new college
n- possiblyeat Kansas City, Mo., in which
the most striking feature is that the
ol- faculty instead of the board of trus-
d, tees is the corporate and governing
rg, board. Such, a college would be ab-
in- solutely unlike any in the United
22, States and would be sipilar in many
an ways to the more democratic colleges
er- and universities of Europe.
C. The plan has been 'in the process of
A. formulation for a year and the pro-
23, ponents have worked put the $asic
at- principles which they deem worthy of
lqh consideration by. the generai public. A
l9s final agreement upon the details, how-
H. ever, has not as yep beep reached. Th4
24' plan was presented to the Council q
, the American Association of Univer
sity Professors, at its recent meetini
Fege Is- Unique
cational Institution
;. ;
r r
in Pittsburg and appears in the Feb-
ruary issue of the association's bulrt
The. corporate or legal board of the
college, according to the draft of the
principles, should be made up of
those' faculty members, who are on
permanent tenure and -of professorial
rank. Commenting upon this, Prof.
Alexander Meiklejohn, of Amherst
college, says, "The suggestion of the
incorporation of the faculty as the
legal 'body appeals to me very much.
"I am especially struck by three
things," adds Prof. John Dewey, of
Columbia university, "the attpt t
serve educational c9-proihation, tg
make the institutit and the students
as nearly self supporting as possible,
Wand the plan of organization for fa.,
ulty control an4 an advisory council.
The proposals mark an experixnent
which seems to me most valuable and
worth trying. If they succeed, and I'
see no reason why they should not,
they will make a new departure in
American higher education."
(Continued on Page Four)'t
News of the Day
wind gar
five, Micl
passed t
fought st
used the
sult of tl
many of
mark as
center of
Washington, March 4.-Another par-c
tisan discussion over the right of
Senator Newberry, Republican, Michi-4
gan, .to a seat in the senate, a ques-
tion. decided early in January took
place in the senate again late today.
At the conclusion, Senator Caray,
Democrat, Arkansas, announced that
on Monday he would introduce a res-
olution calling for an investigation of
charges made several- weeks ago by
Senator Poindexter' Republican,
Washington, that influences had been
brought to bear to force senators to
vote against seating Newberry.
Columbus, Ohio, March 4. - Ohio
State defeated Northwestern 35-33, last
night in basketball here, which re-
quired 10 minutes overtime playing
than in the o
lanky guard
points in the
15 out of his
Ely Miller
upon the bas
second half w
in foul shoo
to the Wolyv
bling was-a
thegame. 0
the Michigar
Wiseonsin Defeats Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minn., March 4.--Wis-
consin's basketball team defeated the
Minnesota quintet here tonight by a
score of 34-20 in a Western Confer-
ence game.