trt4yn, at, F I- ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARC}I 4, 12-2 vrm In Methods Of University Control To Replace "Autocratic Type" I Proposed In Criticism By fichigan Man In March Issue Of "Survey" II gistc m in university government is, posal of Dr. John E. Kirkpat- structor in the political science ient, in an article appearing in rch issue of The Survey. The urges the replacemnt of the "aristocratic -or autocratic university government" for a sible" 'type, I - The tendency in American universi- ANCE ties, according to the author, has, been to develop an executive government, Fail to but one of the "responsible" type. "By of responsible,'." says the writer "is meant the type of government in which the executive- is created by and' subject to the parliament or legisla- ture." This form of political govern- jr oyd ment, he declares, furnishes a prom- as been ising form of educational government icitation for the American college, which now i the fails notably to measure up -to this desirable standard. Dr. Kirkpatrick traces the develop- ment of the American system from the earliest days, saying that govern- ment by lay boards, that is, by boards composed of non-professional men in an educational sense, grew naturally out of conditions. A guild of schol- ars, which grew naturally into y uni- versity in Europe, could not possibly appear in a new, frontier country. Colleges were begun by clergymen and supported by laymen.' , Later on, says the article, business men began to take the place of the clergymen, who practically disappear- ed from college boards. This was due partially to the spirit of the age and partially to a need for better organi- zation. But the university proper, the faculty, the students, and the alumni, were allowed no voice. Dr. Kirkpatrick then quotes Prof. E. R. Holme, of the University of Sydney, who was sent to the United States to make a study of American institutions of education. Professor Holme did not report favorably on the American system. "Its principles are those of autocracy," he said, "and its effect isto set one man an impossible task while exempting all others on the staff from any comparable re- sponsibility." Again he stated, "So long os the president holds the favor of the board, he can exercise all the absolute powers it possesses. The re- sult is to give the university the feel- ing of being ruled monarchically by the delegate of a remote, absolute au- thority." The writer proposes that the facul- ty be granted a number of powers and rights, including the formal right to aprove the budget, to consent to edu- cational policies and staff appoint- ments, and to nominate the deans and the president. "These reforms would transform our present irresponsible systems into . responsible govern- ments," he claims. The boards would remain as reviewing bodies holding a suspensive veto. Student. participation in responsi- bility is also recommended iii the ar- ticle, and an alumni body to review' and advise the acts of the faculty and board . are also suggested. None of these things are impractic- able, it is claimed, since they are al-. ready in practice in European institu- tions, and even in a few of our Ameri- can schools. I ENLISTED STRI TO BE CU Military Leaders Know t. Reduction as T Sum ION TOC . a : , ,... 'OPINIONS VARIED as P ON- POOE RUL MIMES' FIRST ESSAY IN VAUDVILLE MEETS WITH UNQUALIFIED SUCCESS nded indefi-t indication of the Unionist. r as its head. System of Accrediting Law Schools . Finds Advocates and Op- ponents LOCAL ATTORNEYS DIFFER ON ADVANTAGES TO BE GAINED >le i Ld the Unionist Various opinions regarding the sys- e gener- tem of accrediting the law schools of .ppening the country, a topic of discussion at :sters- in the recent meeting of the American and Mr. Bar association, were expressed' by reprove local business men and attorneys, rd Birk- when questioned on the subject yes- terday. Mr. L. W. Lisle, of the 'law firm of has yet Lehman and Lisle, stated that he was d" con- strongly in favor of'any action that to the would stiffen the requirements for the ster is bar. "I do not believe in eliminating present schools merely because they are not of with the the larger class in the country," said .ons, in Mr. Lisle, "but I am in favor of mak- he Free ing, the courses in such schools more 3ndment thorough and fully adequate. "I do not thin-k that a two-year college course is essential in every case, -but it is a good test of the stu- dent's 'true desire to enter the legal SNIprofession, especially if he must work 1 his way through schools." U 1 Mr. Frank Jones, on being question- ed in his offices in the Ann Arbor Sav- ings bank building took rather a differ- SPRAC- Ant stand. "To me the chief difficul-' ty is that the large law schools at pre- sent attempt to turn out the finished product, the hundred dollar a day man M" men at graduation, which of course is im- r insig- possible in any school. Jefferson, Lin- setting coln, and in our day MacAdoo, had not 'e to be a college education, yet they are the day all finest types of legal men the has ever Sin any seen." ir it on R. O. Bonisteel, who has offices in the First National bank, building, said e start- that the accrediting of certain law y, the schools would undoubtedly raise the by ath- standard of the legal profession, and iderable that a two years college course, while and un- not absolutely necessary, in nany raluable cases was valuable for the broadening; bsolete. effect it had upon the man. He add- leclared ed, however, "Admittance to the bar y ways, by state examinations is the best' men to means for assuring the legal safety ing dig- of the public." chigafl's . _ _ _ ill be MILD INFLUENZA at the P cil next PREVALENT HERE (By M. E. Gordon) Presenting a bill that could only be rivalled by the professional stage, Mimes' first venture into vaudeville scored an unqualified success last: night at the Mimes theater. From the opening of the first act to the drop of the curtain the audience was kept in continual laugher and showed its ap- preciation for the extraordinary qual- ity of the acts in such- a manner that the establishmen of Mimes vaudeville on the campus is practically an as- sured fact. James J. Johnson, '23, accompanied by William Kratz, '24, was the hit of the evening. His parodies brought forth a tremendous round of ap- plause, encore following encore. Extremely odd and differenjt was the, spiritualist act presented by Donald Coney, '24, William Randall, grad., and Marshall Spencer, '24. The acting was especially effective and kept the audi- ence in suspense to the very end of the skit. William Michaels, '22, of opera fame, was entertaining in black-face monologue, while Myron E. Chon, '23, playing the saxophone, accompanied by Edwin R. Meiss, '23, featured in several numbers. The policeman as a source,of laugh- ter came in for his share in a well balanced act by George Buchanan, '23, and Emil Larson, '23. "You Got It" as sung by John L. Walter, '23, and Gordon D. Wier, '24, was well received by tIhe audience. Wier, taking a feminine role, acted with exereme effectiveness. The lighting and scenic effects of the entire show were extremely pleas- ing. The theater is constructed with facilities that, to all. appearances, riv- al the appointments of large profes- sional playhouses. Another show, which will be open to both men and women, will be put- on by Mimes at 8 o'clock this eve- ning. Emery Declares University a s Wide Reputation "When travelling . throughout the country I found that our state was advertised in the best way by the Uni- versity of Michigan," said Major John C. Emery, national past commander of the American legion, who was in Ann, Arbor for the day yesterday. "And I think the general pride of the people of the- state in the University makes it what it is." Drew Up Bon s Bill Major Emery is one of the five men who originated the four-fold bill for the soldier bonus, and consequently is a staunch advocate of the measure. "I think that 90 per cent of the men will be in favor of the insurance in place of other considerations," he said. "I would rather think of the bill as an ad- justment of compensation than as a bonus bill." "The American legion will be the greatest single unit working for better government in the United States," ac- cording to Major Emery. "At present in its infancy and perhaps somewhat impulsive, as the average age of its members is only 26 years, it has the right foundations and will become a determining factor in American life. The need for tho erganization will not decrease and it will be more essential' 25. years hence than at ,the present, time." Major Emery, who has announced his candidacy for United States sena- tor, stated that Newb'erryism has not so much disgraced the state as it has the Republican party, and declared that the Republicans "should clean up from within before the Democrats do it from outside." Guest of Shriners The University Shrine club invited Major Emery as its guest last evening. He told in a short talk of the pilgrim- age of the American legion to France last fall, describing the trip by 100 ex-soldiers from every state in the Union, on the famous "George Wash- ington.". There was a reception held for them at Paris and the birthplace of the Legion was visited. They were present at the dedication, and unveil- ing of a monument to Joan of Arc at Orleans and visited the birthplace of Marshal Foch. He stated that the American soldiers in Germany were living as princes, as one American dollar was worth more than 330 marks. In place of court martial among these soldiers, he says, they threaten to send them back to the Fine Work Done In Concert IBy High Glee Clubs Something well. worth while and highly enjoyable in itself, was the{ unanimous comment of those who attended the first annual concert of the Ann Arbor High School Glee-clubs at Pattengill auditorium last night. The "Pilgrims' Chorus" and the "Purple and White" as sung by the combined clubs were excellent fea- tures of the program, showing the results of conscientious preparation under the careful direction of George 0. Bowen, of the School of Music. Simplicity and a feeling of pure joyousness characterized the andante movement of Hayden's "Surprise Sym- pony," the first number of the orches-- tra. In the "Minuet" by Mozart ele- gance of style and atmospheric" color prevailed. The final selections from Il Trovatore made the greatest ap- peal to the audience. . Of the solo numbers, the violin pieces of Howard Rufus were decided- ly the , best. His interpretation of Massenet, "Meditation" showed pure tone, careful phrasing, and certainty of intonation. Miss Hope Bower charmed her audienc e with Penn's "Smilin' Through,' her lyric soprano voice and unaffected manner winning' instant favor.. "Ole Uncle Moon'' was the most at- tractive number of the Boys' Glee club, while "Young Lovel's Bride" won greatest applause as the best number of the Girls' Glee club., COLLEGE UNIONS TO MEET Assocfation Formed at Michigan Two Years Ago Conenes Next Week . (By Associated Press) Cambridge, Mass., March 3.-Repre- sentatives of 15 university unions will meet here next week to discuss their common problems, when the associa- tion of college and university unions assembles for its second meeting at the Harvard Union. Delegates are ex-: pected from Ohio State university,, the Universities of Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Michigan, Chicago, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Toronto, Purdue, Western Reserve, McGill; Case School of Ap- plied Sciences, and Michigan Agrical- tural college. The association was formed two years ago by the University of Mich!- can Un,-ion. E B- PLAN SOFFRED HOUSE Cash Feature to Be Cut Where Total Due Is More Than $ 0 SUB-COMMITTEE AGREES ON PROPOSAL UNANIMOUSLY Washington, March 3.-A compro- mise soldiers' bonus plan under which the cash feature would be eliminated where the former service man would be entitled to more than $50 adjusted service pay has been agreed on ten- tatively, but unanimously, by a spe- cial sub-committee of the Republican members of the house ways and means committee. In the nature of a substitute for the discarded cash feature there would be added to the adjusted service certifl- cate title a provision which would en- able the men selecting the certificate option to obtain" immediately from batiks a loan equal to one-half of the adjusted service pay to which they would' be; entitled on the basis of $1 a day for domestic service and $1.25 a day for overseas service. In annoulncg the cmpromise agreement, Chairman Fgrdney s'aid it probably would be a week before all details of the loan provision could be worked out and the original bill amended to conform to it. He expressed the opinion that the plan would be so well, received by house members generally that it would not be necessary to submit the new bill to a party conference, thus speed- ing up the time of its submission to the house. Western Editors To fMeet flay,19 At fMinneapolis Editors of Conference newspapers will probably meet May 19 to 22 at Minneapolis for the annual convention of the Western Conference Editors' as- sociation, according to a letter sent out by Thomas W. Phelps, editor of the Minnesota .Daily, who is head of the association. Problems and policies of the college papers will be discussed at the meet- ing in Minneapolis. An attempt to bring the dailies of the Conference into closer relationship and better harmony is being made by the association, which held Its first meeting in Ann Arbor last spring. {The Confrence intercollege radio service is one of the association's tangible-achieve ments. WEINBERG COLISEUM LET TO LOCAL LUMBER COMPANY Weinberg's coliseum and 200 feet of property have been rented to the Ann Arbor Lumber company. Lum- her has already been moved on to the, plots of ground to the north of the coliseum, and at the end of the present seasonthe building will be used as a storehouse for interior wood-work. The property is on the market and bids are being handled by severailAnn Arbor real estate companies. The entire estate covers more than 20 blocks. whic hed it fist metig inAnn Washington, March 3. 1- Harding took a hand in the n appropriation bill today, su members of the house army , ations subcommittees into co after a talk with General Pe Agree on Cut The subcommittee yesterda tentatively to cut the army strength for, next year froni thorized 150,000 to 115,000. conference it was disclosed administration for a force than 130,000 had ben formuli present actual strength is al General Pershing would nc the nature of his talk with t ident but when the sun Chairman Anthony and his a followed there was no effort ceal that General Persh thought it necessary to appe President against the cut t -mitee had proposed. Pershing Ieads Factk As active head of the army Pershing is known to feel alone the. efficiency of the n tary policy wor'led out under tional Defense act of, 1920 wa ened, but even the -post war to combine the regulars, al guard and reserve into o would be impaired if the regu ice was further reduced be new system had been perfe was in operation. - STUDE0NTS ANNO1 Due to the fact that a ni names were left off the lis "A" students in the, literary as announced in The Daily re new list has been compiled b trar A. G. Hall. The revised lows: Margaret E. Adams, liam L. Anderson, '25, Duga Brown, '23, Forman G. Bro Elizabeth Carson, '24, Frieda hoff, '24, Arthur F. Dittmer, G. Eickmann, '23, Elwood C. '25, Maxwell E. Fead, '25, Cli Folz, '23, Florence Fuller, '25, B .Johnson, '25, Mana Kilpat Margaret Kraus, '23, R. Dale Charles W. Lewis, '22, Elizabe erman, '25, Natalie Morgan, 'T L. Neumann, '25, Woodward hammer, '25, Esther D. Nyb Edward T. Ramsdell, '23, Gr '24, Edward S. Reid, '23, -Rose, '25, Sydney Sarasohn, '22 Scott, '22, Harold Scott, '22, Seekell, '2, Lois L. Watern Hilda Wester, '22, Miller Willi Emily Mitchell Wires, '23, a Myrtle Wood, '24. REGENTS SANCTI WISCONSIN M li Vl ast month, the senior nion from pianos will . in Ann Ar- nents will be which gives the best of An epidemic of what is taken as a mild type of influenza or winter colds has been prevailing among the stu-' dent body during the. past few days. Although no serious cases, and no pneumonia have been reported, the University Health service has been making a number of calls. Most of the cases are of a peculiar type that requires rest for two dr three days to bring about a cure. Dr. W. E. Forsythe,' director of the Health service, recommends that stu- dents troubled with these colds go im- mediately to bed, eat little food, fruits being best in these cases, and drink a great deal of water. It is also benefic- ial to gargle the throat with a glass ofI water containing one teaspoonful ofj salt. VARSITY BAND TO PLAY AT SUNDAY FACULTY CONCERT Two groups of music by the Var- sity band interspersed with ibmm'u- nity singing will comprise the pro-. gram at the next concert on the Fac- ulty series at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, in Hill auditorium. The band will be under the direction of Capt. Wilfred Wilson, while the audi- ence will be led in the singing of Speci'al permission has be ed from the Board of Regent "Not Responsible," a movie rected, and filmed entirely b sity of Wisconsin students auditorium next Tuesday eve Union orchestra has secures from the Edwin Booth Drar of the University of Wiscons In giving permission to movie, the Regents have ma ception to ;their general ru allow commercial moving p be shown in Hill auditoriun this movie is altogether an production, with students the work. Besides the feature picta will be two vaudeville acts, a reel Harold Lloyd comed Stevens, '23, has been placed of tickets which will sell fo each. The tickets may be now at the main desk in. lobby. ' The movie is similt to be filmed by The Daily of 50 I at CHICAGO TO HAVE WORLD'S LARGEST HOTEL .BUILDING Chicago is to have the world's larg- est hotel according to plans made known Thursday. The building which is to be called the Stevens, will be of 25 stories and will contain 3,000 rooms. It will be erected at a cost of $15,000,000, on Michigan boulevard, and There w tomorrow according also gave an ad- among its many unique 4 hp an nirnlnnP adig r '