S I U a U U cecac An attempt is being made to secure
the pardon of Charles Goram, of Pon-
With Purdue settled .in first place Michigan's play wholly out of balance tiac, convicted of killing his wife and
- as undisputed champions of the Big and allowed the Hawkceyes to begin given a life sentence at Jackson more
et Large Number Ten court race, attention has now cen- threatening operations. Captain Rea than a year ago, the pardon plea be-
thletes This tered on second place, which is the will probably be in condition for the ing based upon the medical report of
bone of contention between Michigan, fray Saturday and his presence will
llinois and Wisconsin. Although strengthen the Wolverines materially. r. Max M. Peet, of the University
MORE these three contending teams do not ]Must Watch Shimek hospitalr
[)T1ER SCHOOL meet each other before the close of the Shimek, the lanky Hawkeye guard, At the ti o thed murdr oram
season, each df them will get into ac- is the most feared man on the Iowa sfound in ds condi On
tion against a Conference opponent squad. This player i's second in Con-
b alnual Illinois this week-end. Illinois meets Chicago ference scoring with, a total of 112 tality was found to have been impair-
ast Badger four tonight in the gymnasium annex at points for 9 games, a unique record ed. With the idea that a skull frac-
ersities, colleges Urbana In a game which the Illini are for a guard. Miller is pressing Shi- ture received in a railroad accident
ughout the west- favored to win. Tomorrow night mek hard with 107 points, while Ely several years ago might have been re-
y. Schools from Michigan entertains the fighting has amassed 89 counters. Mather's sponsible for these periods of mental
sissippi are en- Hawkeyes at Waterman gymnasium, task at present is to devise some de- aberration, he was brought here to
from as far East while Dr. Meanwell's Badger tossers fense against this running guard. the hospital. An X-Ray showed a
will engage the Gopher five at Minne - depression in the left frontal region
1 AVATof the skull, with resultant pressure_
,y Interests apolis. GOLD FOOTBALLS upon the left frontal lobe of the
n the carnival in Wisconsin Meets Gophers'A EF E ainhcafsn tal obe of me
is the four mile Wisconsin lost t the Gophers ARDED TO FIVE brain, causing disturbance of memory
13 schools com- one of the early. season upsets, but -
hat there will be Minnesota has not been going well of Five men received gold footballs this
his single event. late, and it would not be surprising week in reward for the services inAr
ing men for this to see the Cardinal quintet overcome the gridiron sport. This is in accord- A:_
cdigan, Chicago, the disadvantage of a foreign court ance with the Athletic association's
Ames, Kansas, and take the fray from Dr. Cooke's policy to award all men who have re- coMING SOON
Aggies, O. S. U., team. Wisconsin lost a bitterly fought .ceived three M's in football or who
?7 to 35 struggle to Illinois Monday have been members of a Conference SECL MEDOCHSTRA
he strong Illinois night and iust win each of its three championship team of any sport with SPECIAL MUSICAL SCORE
they are expect- remaining games to entertain hopes a small gold trophy of that particular The ' ' ' ~
a representation of a second place berth, The Illini sport. The men who' were decorated
e 1921 carnival. comeback against Wisconsin points to with this honor are: Ernie Vick, '22,
hould be the only an easy victory for them over the who receives two footballs, - one for #6 U n 1VersR1 US
lini runners any Maroons, although Winter's men will All-American and the other for three
r7 relay teams, be forced to play a better defensive Varsity letters; Duke Dunne, '24L,
ipped by the loss game when, they meet Purdue Tues- Frank Stektee, '22, :Edde Usher, '22, - t i l ydia abrO I11dn;I
r, Finkle. . day evening, If they are to stand a and Gob WIlson, '22.
e in the relay chance to win from the leaders.
y with 10 teams Wolverines Tackle Iowa You'll find many bargains when you \sa v
'sity al Pennsyl- read Michigan Daily Ads.-Adv. Those who have visited our new
,i f, Peam tl Michigan again meets the battling department are enthusiastic ove
sir fast team to Hawkeye squad tomorrow in the see- . ti
hoping to dupli- and contest the two teams have met lection of smart Spring styles in
ice of last year in this week. ° Mather's men took the uu amwina at ta ai a
tebacon. Mich -
one men a c- game at Iowa City, which wag one of "
the most peculiar frays seen on a-
on should do soConference court this year. Every- * , h anl C1
iols and Wiscon,~ thing was Michigan's .durng the first *
half, which ended with the Wolverines y
ols entering flts ladn2. t ,whlMnth ecn If you have not been in,'come s
nas, Ohio State, period Iowa came back undaunted *get acquainted with the latest
ud Nebraska. On and completely outplayed the Wol- a CAROM BII LIARDS e togs. You will find that these
rtet is G. R. Mer- verines but were unable to overcome sA all your ideals as to beauty of]
famous Ted who Michigan's lead run up in the open- S Eighteen table*, on ground !6LD e .. le$sperfection of detail. They are es
years ago. . ing period of play. floor for this most popular RNODIC1N young men clothes with an air o
Expected Coach Mather does not xpect a rep- recreation,5 and a touch of originalit
i will attract con- etition of the kind of play put up at You are missng part af *
s the two mile Iowa for the coach should be better the please of college life0- i.
Ientered the fast fortitied with capable substitutes * if you do not make use of U
Ms quartet. The should any exigepcy, such as happen- ® them regularly.
coileglate record ed Monday night, occur, when Bill N Intimate picture o$
. They still have Miller was forced to leave the game Utatr c
intact and with, early in the second half because four soo-it arra set
n Penn, Michigan personal fouls had been called o4on In.ar i Stp
a good chance of him. Miller's absence from the line- -I I like a sunburst In glisten. Plain models and sport style.
ecord, or of forc- up completely upset the smooth run- j [__lgfashiona
eams to do so. nhg offpnse which had given Michigan Dancing through hants
r11 teams are en- an early lead, and at the same time where pleasure twinkles
Ames who is also weakened the defense. Pearman was j r - "amog the lights.tiks
er for this event, at first substituted for Miller, but la't- *a
nd Michigan are er BirIks was shifted from guard to I N a V ANDS B 0 CANDIES t I d
teams and should forward and LeGalley was sent into PIPES LaUN~!E0 SODAS V
a fast run. Birks' place at back guard. The re- U "We try to tr'at you riht Leatrice Joy-Conrad Nagel 107 'Uniborsit
ttract Many sult of this shift tended to throw a a *a W ' aNar nTarRJackMowrer- Edith oberts1
are exceptionally
th 48 men in the ,A
the high hurdles, amural Items
s, 22 in the high
it -put, 34 in the Hockey schedule for today is as fol-
300 yard run, 43 lows: at 6:15, Acacia vs. Alpha Chi
all38rIuntheh150- Sigma; at 6:15, the winner of Psi Up-
all-around chai- silonm vs. Beta Theta Pi will play the
winner of Delta Upsilon vs. Theta
g more repre sent-Delta, Chi.
er school entered *__
s closely followed First trials in the All-campus foul
hicago. shooting contest show R. T. Roth, '24,
leading with 18 goals out of 25 at-
IXE CLUB'S tempts. Bob Rce, '23, and Warney,
MPIE ONIHT'25, followed with 17^ goals. G. Je-
-E' OIGT 2 ro123,last year's champion, quoi~t-isn 't W ay Qrt
umander John G. fled for the second round with 16.
ican Legion, will Webster and Hadley, '25, also qualified
lierty of Mich- with 15' Opportunity, for those Whoe
heir meeting at 6 have not yet had atrial, will be giv- a cow gives that counts.
in the banquet en tonight, when the gymnasium will
Temple. Colonel be open from 6:30 until 7:45 o'clock
yne, will, also be solely for foul shooting contestants.
Basketballs' and officials will be on
handttaket are ofiallthosbe wo It's how much cream there is on the milk when you get it.
hand to take care of all those who
Ad. 1t paya.-Adv. come at that time.
It isn't how low a price a clothier pays for his stock-it's how big a value he
hIA S S IF IE TSjfhe puts into the purchase.
CLOSES In providing for our Spring merchandise - not only in clothing but. thruout
F ADVERTISING AT 3 PM. the store - we plan to give our customers unwatered and unadulterated values
which deserve your attention to them - because they are Real.
ram people want LOST-Money (two bills) thought to
r the summer.( f have beep lost in halls of the Zoo- .SU TTO
guarantees $42.00 logy department section of the Na-
tural Science building. Reward for
o f D orr 1 - return to room Z 229 of Natural S -- $400
J; Ruhl, 2878-W. LOST-Will person who took brown
108-3 overcoat by mistake from cloak-
We don't want a medal for buing honest! We do want
room of Library, kindly return same -
c student, sopho- to 923 S. State St., or call 2271-R.
eferred, to repre- Owner is in great need of same. 109 your meditation because we're telling you how to be safe.
company in Ann
proposition, and LOST-Will person who took brown
he remainder of hat in Van's Thursday, commun-
ddress Box C. M., icate with Alexander. 73. 109
97-21FRENTN . AN
r's student Direc- FOR RENT-Room for man on May-
Phone 2371-W. nard st., just a block from Campus.
106-21 Well furnished. Inquire 230 Nickel's 211 SOUTH MAIN ST.
Arcade. 108-4
FOR RENT - Suite, $6.00. Single
at front suite, one- room, $3.00. Steam u, at. One block
campus. 1115 So. from canpus, 804 Monroe. 109-3
109 FOR RENT-Heated five room flat one .-
Seo. men Phone block from campus. Inquire 414
Made b
" "
r our
f free(
Come in
; .
Maynard. 109-2
+.... ..M.r..M ""'