1E SI t Joe Parker will open his new cafe in the basement of the Cornwell build- ing, corner of East Huron and Fourth avenue, today. Table tops, dating from 1895 to 1907, which formerly covered the walls of the old "Catal- pa" will be imbedded in the ceiling and according to Joe every effort will be made to restore the atufosphere of the old inn. Dr. C. L. Straith, of Detroit, will lec- tuer at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the dental amphitheater on "Hare Lip, Cleft Palate, and Qancer of the Mouth." There will also be.an instruc- tive reel showing the steps of a cleft palate operation and its final separa- tion. The lecture is under the aus- pices of the Dental society. Dr. Straith is connected with both Grace and Harper hospitals of Detroit, A. Me P.M. ,._.. Tired of menus that repeat weekly? There s an' ever- changing varIety af the Michigan Cafeteria! States Problem s ONerve Repair "Peripheral Nerve Repair" was the subject discussed by Prof. G. Carl Huber, of the anatomy department, in a lecture delivered under the auspices of Alpha Omega Alpha. honorary medi- cal fraternity Monday evening in Nat- ural Science auditorium. Professor Huber was introduced by Dr. A. M. Barrett, professor psychiatry. Niplahne Theories Giving a brief resume of past re- search in regard to the repair of nerves, Professor Huber pointed out that at the beginning of the nine- teenth century there were two chief theories established. First, that the repair work was due to the down- E U , T111N ._ s EERPOINTED and other Metal Dencila name VENUS is your guarantee of eect"on. Absolutely cruetble-proof, smooth and perfectly graded. 7 DEGREES ZB soft black H med. hard B sofli 2H hard. F firm 4H- extra hard HB medium-for general use 1Seper tube of 12 leads; $1.50 per dozen tubes Ifyourdealercannotsupplyyouwriteus. American Lead Pencil Co. 215 Fifth Ave., Dept. Dl INewYork Askus aboPt the new VENUS EVBRPOINTEfl PENCILS witnout any stump. Prof. Huber stated that during the war there were many army officers doing research work along these lines in the laboratories here, and that defi- nite conclusions were established. The chief difference from the earlier be- liefs is that in place of simply degen- eration taking place, there is at the same time a process of regeneration. Experiments Prove Successful Some substance with which to bridge the space between two sections of an injured nerve has caused much inves- tigation. An auto-transplant has proved successful by taking four sec- tions of comparatively unimportant nerves from the arm and using them as a connecting tissue between the ends of the severed nerve, new fibres growing through all the bundles. There has been some feeling that a protective sheath should surround the section, but Professor Huber feels that all those used, though they do no harm, are of no actual good. It has been found that sections of nerves can be kept for forty or more days in liquid parafin, just above theC freezing point. Know Your Alumni (By Courtesy of Chines) Do You Know That George Sutherland was a mem- ber of the first senate in the state of! Utah in 1896, that he is a member of, congress from that state at the pres- ent time ,that he waspresident of the American Br association in 1916-1917, that he wrote an important book, "Con- stitutional Powers and World Affairs," In 1919, and finally and most import- ant, that he attended the Law school ,at Michigan in 1882 andi 1883? Penn defeated Michigan 6 to 0 in a football game played Nov. 19, 1907, here. It was called the greatest battle in the history of Ferry Field up, to that time. "Germany" Schultz was unanimously elected 'captain of the 1908 football team on Nov. 25, 1907. TWO Michgan was the best r any school in the state a Volunteer conference, h College, Holland, last F day, and Sunday, havir than fifty delegates. Two Michigan men we being elected to offices. Avery, '25M, was elested the students' Volunteer coming year, and G. Clare one of the council. Bishop, e' - -a comparison shows that ichi gan prces are lowest. r 61 2JEast Ube rty Street ,, 4 1 1 11 ml #