A complete new shipmeit of band
instruments was received for the R. O.
T. C. unit yesterday, and Maor Ar-
thur states that alb men interested in
joinig the organization may report at
his office for any infor;m'ation desired.
No applications will be considereA
I after the middle of next week, and it
is only due to the recent arrival of the
instruments that the time limit of en-
rollment was extended.
Colonel Steyer of Ft. Wayne will
speak at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow evv-
ning, in room 348 Engineering uld-,
ing, on "The Experiences of the Amer-
ican Army in Siberia," where he was
recently in command of a brigade. Col-
onel Powers, chief of staff of the or-
ganized reserve' forces in Michigan,
will also deliver an Address upon "The
R. O. T. C. and the Reserve Corps."
Major Arthur states that no definite
date has been set for the inspection
of the University unit by the com-
manding general, Which is to take
place sometime in May. Preparations
are being made for a grand review and
military events of a similar nature at
that time.
Two articles of interest to students
are contained' in the Journal of the
UnitedsStates Artillery for February.
The first is an article by Major Ar-
thur entitled "The R. 0. T. C.,:at the
University of Michigan," giving the
history of student military organiza-
tions at the University. As for the
present, Major Arthur says that al-
though the enrollment in the R. 0. T.
C. here is ont large when compared
to the size of the University, practi-
cally every member of the unit is se-
riously interested and intends to con-
tiaue the course, and almost every
graduate accepts a commission. More
than 50 per cent of the studentsare!
enrolled in the .coast artillery unit."j
treaty in the first
any question af-
onal covenant ne-P
Washington con-R
ras 50 to 23. FEI
s;Proposa FO1L E S1011 NSKHE
of Maryland, sup- Managing Editorof Detroit Journal Sword Dance of Scottish Highlanders
l andonly four I Says Papers Should Reflect Hawaiian Hula Are on
,od o labama, Cominunity Life - Program
>od s of Alabama,
)emnorat, Nevada, Aohratatotednigo
ined the provision People are interested in themselves Another attraction, the dancing of
rightsof the Un- more than anyone else, and the thing Winifred Smeaton, '24, has developed
ly to the mandated they like to read about most is them- in the program for the All Nations
, tt d selves, and their doings of their Vodvil to be given at 8 o'clock tomor-
of 62 to 11, the fellows, Grove Patterson, managing row night in Hill auditorium. The in-
proposed amend- editor .of the D~etroit Journal, said in tricate sword dance, dating backto the
ore to( prevent the his address last night at the Union days when the clans assembled after
rt of intoxicating before the Students'. Press club. ' battle for the great victory roast, will
ted islands.Eight Mr. Patterson, speaking on "Mak- be her first number. The dance is
his tisne with the g a Newspaper Interesting," assert- traditional among the highlanders of
d to the amend-' ed a newspaper "that ceases to re- Scotland, creating great competition'
gle other sentr fiect the: life of the community,. the at the annual/Scotch games where the
cast his vote with lives of men and women, and gives native sons and4daughtei, appear in
its spac to' the promotion df an the, ancient rites. ,
oIdea ort rform, and to the printing "A Little Bit of Hawaii" will be in-
over the signific- of propaganda. for the purpose of terpreted by native "hula" dancing and
onferee tarsatieywarming 'the heart of its owner, areal Hawaiian singing in the act stag-
wiference treaties, whether that owner be a ;arlor so- ed by Tang, Tavares and company.
rs said the result calist or a mere millionaire with a Special sets, creating the atmosphere
hen stheir expecta- hobby, no longer is a newspaper but of the islands have been arranged for
ies would be rati- a dull pamphlet. this sketch of native life. It is the
ere might be con- "To gover the Mexican war the old story of thwarted love with the
on the Democratic Baltimore Sun used 60 blooded hors- maiden leaving home and seeking se-
es in establishment of an extraordi- clusion in the neighboring moun-
Questioned nary pony express between New Or- tains. The parts are taken by native
irnment another lea'ns and Baltimore. Relaying the Hawaiians who draw the picture from
sented by Senator news by these fast horses, the Sun real life. Tang, Tavares and company
whether the Un- was able to beat the war department will be remembered for their work in
sole judge wheth- at Washington as much as 48 hours. the Union opera.
taining sufficient "In the early days of the century Instrumental selections by members
n Yap, or wheth- a number of New York publishers co- of the Chinese club will be one of the
ight to install 'a operated, chartered a sailing vessel numbers on the bill. Mandolins, tem-
re should be ex- and. sent it to London for the ex- pered with the native robes of Old
d several other, press purpose of bringing back news China, will do much to induce an im-
servations are ex- for American consumption. In those pression of the Orient. The work of
vote tomorrow. days, and indeed for some time lat- Robert Rein, '24D, on the 'cello is an-
er, there were but three major means other act. Both he and his accom-
for transmission of news - by train, panist, Jean Cilliers, '24D, will render
ship and carrier pigeon." some semi-classical selections.
-END IO~N shp an carierpigen.""Old and New Japan," a human pi-
~. Ef3.Iture of the interesting and romantic
Seven Ap ear In land of the Pacific, will give some idea
aof the native life, costumes, and hum-
- l ecital Tonlht or of the Japanese.
NS SEVEN ACTS The Union orchestra will furnish
NT CAMPUS A s S the music for the evening. Tickets are
NT' CMPUS;now on sae at the State street book
AINERS stores and on the campus for 50 cents.
Seven advanced students of the
acts will, consti: School of Music will combine to give EXPERT PROPOSES
t the Mimes thea- the next students' recital at 7:30
Saturday, March o'clock this evening at the school. ZONING ANN ARBOR
w, will be the first It is a well known fact by those who
k-end performanc- attend these recitals that music of "Zoning of home, railroad, factory,
ar in the theater the highest grade is given, and it is hospital, school, playground, and
ear, and acts have urged that all Ann Arbor music loy- other districts of Ann Arbor is one of
dr originality and ers take advantage of these Wednes- the great problems of this city, for if
vnion productions, day evening concerts;. Ann Arbor's population increases as
en by men. Special interest toight centers in fast in the futre as it has in the past
is a blackface act the three ecompositions by Normand 50 years, the population will be more
gels, '22. Mchales, Lockwood; which} will be played by than doubled in 1960," says Fredrick
veral of the Spot- the composer. The compositions of L. Olmstead, city planning expert o
.as directed many this young man which were recent- Brookline, Mass., in his report recent-
cal activities.Con- y played by the University Sym-'ly madeto the city Chamber of Com-
>encer will put on p 1 ny orchestra attractid a great m er, e for the betterment of condi-
led, "Ninety-Nine- deal.of. attention, 'and the three piec- tine here. These plans, which are
dlgan Record or- es he will play at the students' re- intenled to care for the growth of the
a number on the cital will give evidence of his tal- city, were -begun seven years ago.
testra has done ex- ent in another form. Regarding city thoroughfares, Mr.
aking records for The as follows: Omtead thinks that there is a defi-
tcerns all over the Three Mazurkas ............Chopin nite need for early laying out the
nake its first ap- Ruth Howell main ones, and tht Fourteenth street
Michigan audience Night and the Curtains Drawn and a part of north Main street are
........................ Ferrata inadequate.
Lg"' with the wine The Americans Come (An episode "Ann Arbor is a growing -city, al-
- act produced by in France, 1918) ....Fay Foster most free from slum conditions which
.d Lorenzo Wal- Doris Howe usually prevail. The University will
Weir, who is well Improvisation, Valse - Prelude, continue to grow, whether the rest of
us for his work in Capriccio....Normand ;"Lockwood the city gr'ows or is stagnant, and the
theatrical produc- Normand Lockwood 'industrial growth can be largely
part of the wom- Concerto, A major.........Mozart checked or stimulated by the way in
liestra will accom- (2d and 3d Movements) which Ann Arbor fails or regulates
. James J. John- Josephine Conable its growth," he says.
act, will sing, and Canzonetta, Sonetto del Petrarca
on the piano. He...........................Liszt MINNESOTA FOREIGN STUDENTS
t the last Spotlight Minnie Huber START DRIVE FOR $4,000 FUND
We Walked One Day.,.....Brahmt -
present being held Amanda Weisenreder (By Conference Radio News Service)
o be presented in St. Francis Walking on the Waves Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 28. - For-
The casts for all. ........................... Liszt eign students at the University of
toe different so that Max Ewing Minnesota began a fund drive here to-
talent may be Mary Louise Maxwell, Evelyn Pace day. The university expects to be
and Ava Comn, accompapists. able to raise $4,000 by the drive.
. __ * -OFFIN.
National Aviation Authority Believes
in Efficacy of Planies and J
Bombs for Battle
Futility of naval power as an ag-
gressive instrument in warfare was
emphasized by Howard E. Coffin, '03E,
of Detroit, national authority on ovia-
tion, last night- at Hill auditorium.
Four reels of official pictures were
shown, exhibiting the action and re-
sults of the bombing tests made off
the coast of Virginia last summer.
-.Sees Important Events
"That operation coupled with the
diarmament conference. in Washing-
ton were two events of supreme inter-
national importance," said Mr. Coffin.
The maneuvers took place miles from"
shore and both sea and land lines
were employed, but the majority of
the machines used were army planes
equipped with the Liberty motor. Six-
ty to. eighty million dollars worth of
battleships and destroyers were de-
molished during the tests, including
the U. S. S. Alabama as well as the
far famed "unsinkable" German flag-
ship, which was' completely submerg-I
ed less than 30 minutes after a bombI
hit it.J
"We saw the Alabama transformed1
into a mass of twisted steel ribbonst
under the fire of the practice bombs.I
The accuracy of the bombers was re-
markable considering that under act-4
ual war conditions, only the most ex-
pert marksmenwould be permitted to
control the bombing. The object of]
the tests was chiefly to discriminate
between the 'sizes of the bombs neces-
sary to sink each type of ship, al-;
though the effect upon the morale ofI
the crews could only be estimated."
Takes Up 'Commercial Side ,
Mr'. Coffin discussed the commercial
side of the aviation question and statedI
that plans were already on foot to run
a regular transcontinental mail and
passenger air-line. He was intimately
connected with the Aircraft board dur-
ing the war, and believes now that
the world is headed inevitably toward
a great transportation scheme besed
upon the lighter-than-air machine..
He spoke under the auspices of.the,
Engineering society, and the proceeds
which were realized from a small ad-
mission fee were turned over to the
Veterans' gommIttee which is- at-.
tempting to finish the Union reading
Ten lectures are on the schedule
of the University xtension division
to be delivered Wis week by six fac-
ulty members, Lectures will be de-
livered in nine different cities in the
state. The schedule i as follows:
Ftb.27: Prof. C. 0. Carey, of the de-
partment of surveying, Detroit, "Pres-
ent Day Coinditions in China" (il-
Feb. 28: Prof. Aubrey Tealdi, of
the department of landscape design,
Port Huron, "Civic Improvement;"
Prof. W. D. Henderson, of the Ex-
tension division, Romeo, "Dollars and
Sense in Education;;" Prof. R. M.
Wenley, of the philosophy depart-
ment, Bay City, "Remoter Causes of
the Present."
March 2: Prof. W. D. Henderson,
Detroit, "Human Nature and the
Changing Order."
'March 3: Prof. R. D. fr'. Hollis-
ter, of the public speaking depart-
ment, Wayne, 'Hamlet;" Prof. R. M.
Wenley, of the philosophy department,
Howell;' Prof. C. 0. Carey, Grand
Rapids, "Michigan Engineers in
March 4: Prof. L. M. Eich, of the
public speaking department, Ceresco,
"James Whitcomb Riley and Other
American Poets."
March 5: Prof. W. D. Henderson,
Chelsea, "Modern Science and . the
All fraternities and sororities, and
the following organizations must sub-
mit their copy to the Michiganensian
between 3 and 5 o'clock today or their
pictures will be run without copy:
Stanley Chorus, School of Music Sym-
phonic league, Masques, Mummers,
Women's League board, Women's Cos-
mopolitan club, Mortarboard, Sigma
Delta Phi, Girls Educational club.
Michigan Dames, Girls' Mandolin
club, T-Square, Westminster Hall,
Martha Cook, Freshman social com-
Music for the Junior lit smoker
which is to betheld at 7:30 o'clock to-
night in the upper readng room of the
Union will be furnished by a frater-
nity orchestra of several pieces. As
announced previously, Coach Fielding S
H. Yost and Prof. C. E. Griffin, of the
economics department, have been se-
cured to give short talks. -PRESIDE]
There will be more than enough VII
"smokes" and eats to go around. Tick-
ets for the affair are priced at 50
cents and are being sold by members GOVER
of the social committee of the class. C ALI
Those'Who are unable to obtain tickets
from these men may secure them at
the door. Program
* Lawsf
S9LE.Harding tb
read in p
session pi
tration pr(
i . direct and
---- .American.
Sophomores Receive Precedence But dediately
Otlier Class Members May views bill
Submit Applications tration's p
declared t
Ticket applications for' the Sopho- operation
more Prom may be procured from 2 been demo
until 5:30 o'clock this afternoon at tally wro
the information desk in the lobby of blet He
the Union. Members of the sophomore at an adm
literary and engineering classes will ernent fl
be given precedence in the distributibn the grantt
of tickets, but anyone wishing to at- ret subs
tend the Prom may submit an applica- This pi
tion. No applications will be accept- plained, w
ed after 6 o'clock Saturday night, and effective p
none will be considered which do not signed to
come through -the mail, according to the "subve
Donald Steketee, '24, chairman of the vided for
ticket committee. by the pre
A definite p'rice for the tickets h~as operative
not been decided upon, due to the fact ed- nations
that a complete budget of expenses treaties.
for the Prom'has not yet been compil- Tre
ed. The price, however, will be ap- The Pre
proximately $5.00, according to state- not intent
ments. of committee members. Sopho- as provide
more dues for the year 1921-22, and of 1920, an
any arrears from last year must be tariff subv
paid before the applicant is eligibile said, it w
to purchase a ticket. Members of the barrassme
class who have been students in the ance of c
University for the past two years will Adminsi
receive precedence over :those who later said
have spent a portion of the time at made to r
some other'in titution. the new p:
Waring's - -piece orchestra, of the treaty
State CollegeWenisylvania, which was the statute
one of the assisting orchestras at the -
J-Hop, will furnish the dance music
for the Prom. According to members SfluDl
of the committee, this group'of music-
tans is one- of the best obtainable, FOR
having gained considerable popularity
throughout the East, and favorable
comment for their work here at the Represe
Hop. rprese
Will Show First
Student Produced
k2ilnk On Tuesday
is to be cor
students, m
tions at boc
In order
Through the efforts of the Union or- prizetoe
ciestra "Not Responsible," a motion the grate
picture produced entirely by students Each soro
at the University of Wisconsin, will a team le
be shown here next Tuesday, March 7. choosingv
The production is the first of its kind the mana
ever written, acted and directed by an captain is
undergraduate student body, and is Michiganer
advertised as the "world's first studentm et
photo-drama." Tmake rtu
The film has been shown success- Tuesday
fully in Madison and other Wisconsin 9, at 4 o'c]
cities and will be taken back toM 'ad-'team gett
ison for a return engagement, after it points duri
has been shown ,in college centers Final pw
throughout the country. The initial made at e
appearance of the film at an outside tains to be
university will be its exhibition in. Ann March 3
Arbor. listed so
The story is that of a college ro- captain,
mance, with the scenes located, on and cp 'ata
in the viscinity of the Wisconsin cam- Delta p
pus, 'and the adjacent lakes, which, omega, M
according to the student producers, ta Delta, R
proved to be an ideal setting. Catherine
Miss George Ann Kimberly, of Chi- Marian M
cago, is the leading lady, playing the Gammt S
role of a shy and reticent country girl Phi, Nanel
just entering the big university. She pha, Atha
is' supported by Jack Harding, of In- Betty For
dianapolis, as the leading man. Bet._.o
lie Hough; Ze
Two University officials have be-
come ill during the past week end and
will be unable to continue their work
in their respective departments - for
some time. Registrar Arthur G. Hall
was taken seriously ill last Saturday
at his home and was removed to St.
Joseph's hospital'where he underwent
ari operation. Dr. Hall is recuperating
but it will be some time before he will
be able to return to his duties. Dr.
F. B. Wahr, of the German department,
All professors and i
have notices, other tha
pear in the Official Bu'
such notices into the "n
es and they will be
appear in The Daily