|J1iL LIiML tLIL LUltiU LUIA LPU V lay in the next few days on she ce as the condition of the ice w warrant further notice. lay .v A -~ - olState Relay Carnival At E. Lansing 'OR DROPS 18 MEN C OF CANDI. Eighteen men were included in the rst cut made by Coach Fisher this eason. Thse surviving the knife oft ie coach's eye went through their aces for two huirs yesterday after- on at a' lively clip.-t The coach is well pleased with the ray the men are coming in shape and rith warm weather expected in a cou- let of weeks there is already present n anxious feeling to get the grass of 'erry field under foot .so hat a real ame can be played and the men will e enabled to show what they really ave. Hitting is still occipying a major art in the practice and the men are lapping the apple in a way that aake the coach smile with satisfac- [on. So vicious did Bands become uring yester ay's batting practice hat he drove a ball through the net nd broke one of the arc lights on hie ceiling.' The infielders spent haf an hour andling hot grounders from the bat f Dixon, pitching ace of the Wolver- aes. .Wimbles, Uteritz, Knode, Benyas nd Banks are handling the hot ones n nice fashion.# The work of the outfielder consists lostly of hitting practice, for the cage ill not permit the knocking of fly alls; The gardeners must wait until he weather ,permits before they can et in anyywork at chasing flys. Shac- leford, Klein, Ronan and Roby are itting in nice shape and seem to ibie he most formidable contenders for an utfield job.} Intramural Items The Intramural department in an of- 'rt to reach as many independents as ossible during its program has set .side one night each weekfor the re- waider of the season which will be .evoted solely to organizing non-fra- ernity teams for recreational purpos- s. From 6:15 to 7:45 o'clock on "uesday evening, Feb. 28, the gymna- lum will be open for the benefit of he independents alone. Officials and asketballs will be provided and any- ody wbo reports at that time will et an opportunity to play in a game. f sufficient men turn out an effort will e made to organize teams and play regular schedule of games. The inter-fraternity track meet will *e held- during the week startng Wach '5. The inter-class meet will ake place the week following. In the Western Conference Intra- nural Inter-fraternity Bowling tour- tament, the Illinois chapter of Alpha Eamma Rho is leading at present with s score of" 902. Among the Michigan hapters, Delta Theta Phi is high with score of 830. The basketball schedule for rues- lay, Feb. 28,is as follows: 6:15-:45, :ndependents nght; 9:30, Fresh Dents rs. Soph Dents; Detroiters vs, Skull nd Bones; Upper Class Dents vs. Architects; Upper Class Medics -vs. tIomoeops. The officials at 9:30 are Brunoting, Kerley, Andrus and Wei- zel. Acaeia, Trigon, Delta Kappa Epsi- on, Delta Theta Phi, Delta Epsilon, 'heta Delta Cli, Psi Upsilon, Beta Theta Pi, Alpha Chi Sigma are still left in the inter-fraternity hockey con- varsity Tank)Men Lose IBoth- feets Two decisive defeats were scored on the Michigan swimming team on the" trip last week end. On Fridaynight the opponent was the Erie Y. M. C. A., while the team met the Y. M. C A. of" Clveland, on Saturday night. - At Erie the score was 4-20 and at Cleveland the defeat was 59 to 12. The lack' of coaching was apparent at all times in the swimming of the Wolverines and w undoubtedly the cause of the decided defeats.' Against the Erie swimmers' the Wolverines were able to garner three second places, six- third$ and, one first, the only one made by Michigan in either meet. This first was male' by Aldrich in the 100 yard breast stroke. Hubbard was able to score a second place in both the 220 and the 60 yard back stroke and White plac- ed second in the diving. Theremain- ing points of the total,20 were made by scoring six thirds. Erie also won the relay froin the Michigan team composed of Babcock, Aldrich, Ull- man and Smith. At Cleveland it was even worse for the Wolverines since they pnly scored 12 points by getting two seconds and six thirds. Hubbard was again the leader in Michigan's scoring by tak- ing both of these seconds, one in the 220 yard swim and the other in the 100 yard back stroke. The outstand- ing performance of the evening was the fine plunging of Abrams and Wils- don of Cleveland. They covered 75 feet, Abrams in 51.3 seconds and the other in 54.3. ENROLLMENT OPENS FOR GEOLOGY CAMP Application for enrollment with the geography and geology groups for the six Iweeks Summer session work at camp should be made promptly to Prof. Carl 0. Sauer, room 440 Natural Science building. A large number of preliminary sign-ups have already been made. As the total enrollment cannot exceed 30, 15 in each group, it is important that all students who are interested in going should see Professor Sauer as soon as possible. This is the third season that the camp has beeh open. It is situated on the Upper Cumberland river in southern Kentucky, 14 miles down stream from the nearest railroad. The session lasts foi' six weeks, from June 20 to July 31. A~month of that time will be spent at the permanent camp. Professor Sauer has charge of the camp, and will teach the geography group. Prof. G. KW. Ehlers will teach the geology group. Charles M. Lewis is to go as assistant. Drawings Made in Handball Tourney The drawings for the first round of the All-campus handball doubles tour- ey is as follows: Watson, 1110-R, and Gehring, 508-J, vs. Stevens, 1466-M, and (Madame X);. Husband and Hus- band, 2166-M, vs. Ball and Harris, 2866-M, Rosehman, 88-M, and Boyle, wvs. Boxell, 139, and Palmer, Univ 52- M; Seymour, 343, and Swartz, 1202-J, vs. Segall and Blauner, 751-W; Bruc- ker, 713-W, and Sanchez, 1330M, vs Scarnechia, 1935, and Bowers, 397; Vick, 2451, and Knode vs. - Wilson, 2997-M, and De Long, 2997-M. Dunne, 118, and Goldman, 1597-R, drew a bye. Something for sale? A Classified Ad in The Daily will find a buyer.-. Adv. Every Michigan contestant took a place in the State relay carnival at East Lansing, - Saturday. In eight events the Ann, Arbor athletes walked off with six firsts, one tie for first, one second, and two third places. three of these firsts established records for the M. A. C. gyn. Farrell's men encountered little, difficulty in any event. Sargent gar- nered the lion's share of the points with a first in the 40-yard high hurdles and tie for first in the 40-yard low hurdles. He topped the high sticks in the fast time of 5 2-5, and tied with Earnest of M. A. C. in the lows at 5 1-5. His teammates claim that Sargent beat the Farmer by a foot in the low hurdles but the judges couldn't see it that way. In the toss up for the medal in the draw race the Michigan, man lost. Michigan's tiny sprinter, Burke, eas- ily won the 50-yard open race. He sadly disconcerted the officials by romping over the distance in the same time that Walker, of Kalamazoo Nor- mal, made in the special invitation 50- yard affair. The invitational is sup- posed to be the classic sprint of the relay meet. Burke was so unkind as to spill the dope by travelling the fifty yards in the open race in 4 4-5. Two of the timers caught him at 4 3-5, but the official time was given out at the slower figure. Walker was checked at 4 4-5 also, but the judges opined dif- ferently and decided to call it 4 7-10. Harvie, the local man invited to par- ticipate in the special event, took third place, while Earnest of M. A. C., was awarded second. Once more whispjrs are heard to the effect that Earnest was a trifle too far back to get the second berth. In the high jump McEllven of Mich- igan, set a new record when he clear- ed the bar for first place at 5 feet and 31 inches. Walker, of Michigan, was second with a hop of ,5 feet, 10 inches. This is the first time the sophomor'e has been able to beat Walker, who is a joint holder of the Conference high jump record. Landowski, who broke the Water- man gym record in the pole vault in the meet with Chicago, did likewise with the M. A. C. record. He beat his nearest opponent by a foot and a half ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR BUS SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE OCT. 1o, -1921 Read Down Central St dard Time A. M. P.M. P.M. A&PM Daly -Daily Daily Daily 7 t30, I:30 L... Adrian ...Ar. 7.00 12:45 8:05 2:05 .. Tecumseh .. 6:25 -12;o 8:252:25.....Clinton......6:05 11;501 9:15 3:15 ......Saline .......5:15 r:oo 9g.5 3:45 Ar. Ann Arbor LV. 4:45 10:3 A ?K. PM. P.M. A&PM Read Up SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS when he vaulted 12 feet. Stipe heaved the shot 43 feet 10 inches for Mich- igan, incidently breaking another rec- ord by some four feet. Michigan expected to win the two mile relay easily, but the Farmbers were more accustomed to running around the small track, and develop- ed some keen competition. Adolph of M. A. C. barely nosed Gibson of Michi- gan out in the first heat. Brendel fol- lowed suit with Polhamus, but Price caine back in the third heat and pul- led ahead of Hartsuchs. Hattendorf started the last relay with a lead of three yards over Huston. In the fifth lap the Aggie man passed Hattendorf. Steve's star half miler admits that he got dizzy running -around the track, which is sixteen laps to the mile, but he finished wiping the dust off the ,ailing in the first six laps and won the race in:the last two turns. The time was eight minutes and forty-one seconds, an average of two -minutes ten and one-fourth seconds for each man, which iP fast time for a race around so small a track. \ Something for, sale? A Classified A4d in The Daily will find a buyer.- Adv. Buy your class toques from Daily idvertisers.-Adv SLEEP MAYi1HER, BIUT EAT AT REX' THE CLUB LUNCH 712 Arbor Street Near State and Packad Streets Money Loaned at 6 9c on Liberty Bonds, Studebaker, Packard. Reo, Bos- ton Montana, the Steels,.Rails and GoodOil Stocks as well as other meritorious issues of Stocks and Bond, 7 E.G. HILONER 107 First National Bank Bldg. 'Phone 1503 i i .M i / 1 ) 1 Mo ila /'f Sandals I JUST. a smart little sandal with modish square j - low flat heels. 115 South1Meia , r t r BIG i The National Alarm C1l regulate your Sleepin awakened hours. $3.5 a; Other Alarms as Low as $1 ARNOLD & CO. 2205 SOUTH MAIN STREET Jewlr I! P.M. 3:30 4.:05 4:25 5 :5 5 :45s I,. Adrian . . .Ar. ...Tecumseh . ...Clinton. .. Saline..... Ar. Ann Arbor Lv. P.M. g :oo 8:05 7:15 6:45 P.M. -spr I I r - lits, and medics Patronize our Advertisers.-Adv. LA SSIFIE ADVERTISING I TH IS COLUMN CLOSES' AT 3 P.M. WANTED NTED-Energetic student, sopho- tore or junior preferred, to repre- ent a prominent company in Ann rbor. Excellent proposition, and pportunity for the remainder of ollege, course. Address Box 'C. M., ally., 97-21 NTED-To lease furnished or un- irnished house, suitable for frater- ity of approximately 25 men. Write ox N. P., -Daily; 103-6 NTED-This year's student Direc- ory. 703 Forest. Phone 2371-W. 106-21 LOST - ST - Ideal Waterman Pen last 'uesday, between Church St. and ym. Finder please call 1153-M. Ddwards. 105 ST-One long white glove Friday on . University, between E. University aid Church. Finder please call 949. 105-2f LOST LOST-Pair black bone-rim glasses near Malestic Sunday. Finder call 1194-J. 106-2 LOST-Phi Beta P1rfraternity pin. Call W. A. Corcoran, 344. 105-2 LOST-A silver, Swiss, wrist watch, Sunday noon. Call1593-J. 106 LOST-"Craftsmen" club pin. Phone 937-M. 106 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Modern 9 room house; 1 acre of ground, 1 1-2. miles south of campus on State St. Beautiful lawn and shade, fruit of all kinds. Small payment down, balance as rent. N. S. Johnson. Phone 7113-F21. 105-3 FOR SALE -May Festival coupon. $3.00 value for $2.00. Phone 1752. 106-2 FOR RENT FOR RENT-Room for man on May- nard St., just a block from campus. Well furnished. Inquire 230 Nickel's Arcade. 106-3 We're like the news delivers a paper w r, tery to a paid ur W e deliv the kind We don words i If you li All kih~ds *f A Suit--~ 'WO COO paper' in Topeka, Kansas, that r every morning to the ceme- man v ho, before he died, p his subpcription for twenty years. er what you ask for---give you of underwear you like to wear. 't alibi your request or waste n asking why you want it. ke it to wear--it's good enoug for us to sell. LLEN CO. still N ,Spring Weights 1.00 to $5.00 --two-piece or together I, r ..'ALLEN CO. 211- So. Main St. -%fMmo