L w man ~~'al ac 2 DAY -. , ~- No0. N ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1922 PR OSMTTEE Hindu Swordsma, At All Nations Sweeping razor-edged swords in t X direction of a man's bare ,neck an splitting aT potato as it rests on human had with a downward strok of flashing steel are just part of th VOltS ADJUSTED COMPENSA- repertoire of A. K. Savant, Spec., wh TION; LEAVES MEANS will appear in the All Nations Vodv UNSETTLED on March 2, in Hill auditorium. Sa ant will display his skill with one edged swords, practicing an art 1,00 )RDNEY EXPECTS BILL years old, begunin Damascus, an TO PASS THIS SESSION developed in India.. - After five years under professiona ton to Report Bill Carrying Only tutelage Savant received recognitio Insumnee Prorison Toted at the court of Maharajah of Baroda. In "nuxac rvso oe dia, a state near Bombay, and also 1' Down Central India in the presence of Gwal or and Indore. (By Associated Press) HIs swords were forged in Ann Ar Vaspington, Feb. 24.-Rejecting, 7 2, a propostion to pay the soldierr iUS by meana of a sales tax, theC cal sub-committee .of the house * RE EP ys and means committee was un- stoo to have gone on record to- , 5 to 4, in favor of reporting out adjusted compensation bill without - l provision for raising the revenue. Authorize Research Contract .Re 'he sub-committee reported to the newal with Army Ordinance ire majority, membership 'of the Department imittee later in the day, but a GRANT LEAVE OF ABSENCE ision was .deferred, adjournment TO CASE, LEVI, OKKELBER( ig taken until next Tuesday, so to give committeemen not members - Substantial 'addition was made t the sub-coenmittee time to study the scholarship fund for o'rienta girls when the Board of Regents yes whole matter. terday accepted former Regent Lev Expect Action Tuesday L. Barbour's gift of a valuable piec ome of those proessing to hate of downtown Detroit property. Th nded sentiments among the major- proceeds from the rental of this prop members were of the opinion that erty are to be devoted to the augmen ess there were unforseeh' develo-: tation of the fund. As between now and Tuesday the In response to a demand caused b on of the sub-committee probably the expansion of the work of the ild be ratified, botanical garden, under the director side from the ballots on the sales ship of Prof. H. H. Bartlett, th and on a bill without a revenue Board authorized the erection of a visigr there were said to have new greenhouse' unit at the gardens cO several other votes in the sub- and a new cottage for .the head gar- Lmittee. It' was, learned that a dener. ion to report a bill carrying only Invitation to Bayliss insurance provision was defeated, An invitation will be extended soon a 2. to Prof. W. M. Bayliss, of University Ka~jorty Against Postponement college, London, to deliver a lecture our members of the sub-committee here. Professor Bayliss, one of the e reported to have favored a furth- most distinguished phydiologists of ostponement of bonus legislation today, is now giving a series of lec he belief that in time the problem tures in New York city. inance would solve itself. Leave of absence for the year ostponexnent is opposed, however, 1922-23 was granted to Prof. Peter a large majoriky of the committee I. Okkelberg, of the- zoology depart- also by many members of the ment, Prof. E. C. Case, of the geolo- se. Chairman Fordney reiterated gy department, and Prof. Moritz a bonus bill 'would be passed at Levi, of the French department. session and other committeemen The Board authorized the renewal 'essed the same view. of the contract between the chemi cal engineering department of the penginering college and theordnance department of the United States war TO department for research work in the metallurgy of metals entering in to the manufacture of small arms. N Change Size of Diplomas ....--...The size of 'the diploma issued to iking of German ships by Amer- graduating classes will be smaller army airpla'ne bombs will be the hereafter and will be uniform for all ect of a lecture to be given by schools and colleges. The new di- ard E . Coffin, '03E,,vice-president ploma will be about 14 by 17 inches. he Hudson Motor Car company, The S. C. A. i formed the Board oit, and member of the naval ad- that Bishop Charles D. Williams, o ry board, at 8:30 o'clock Tuesday the Episcopal diocese of Detroit, will t in Hill auditorium under the au- speak in the .near future in Hill aud- es of the Engineering society. itorium in the cause of the Students' dr. Cofinu ,is said to be better in- Friendship fund, 'for the aid of Ba- led on the subject than any other kanstudents in European universi- in Michigan with the possible ties. ption of secretary of the navy, The Regents authorized the pur- Denby," said Prof. A. E. White, chase of new calculating machinery re chemical -engineering depart- for laboratory equipment in the de- t and director of engineering re- partment of statistical and financial ch department, in discussing the mathematics. tre. ' ' Authorization was made for the le moving.pictures and lantern purchase of 250 copies of the Michi- s were taken by.the photographic ganensian, for distribution among on of the Air service and have Michigan high schools. unobtainable for moving picture It is estimated that more than 1,000 ters. Mr. ,Coffin was present at members of the American Library as- lombing tests and will give a de- sociation, which will meet in Detroit tive talk during the progress of in June, will hold one day's session ictures. It is said that these pic- in Ann Arbor at the invitation of the s had a decided influence in the Board of Regents, the invitation, ten- it Disarmament conference at dered last month, having been- ac- hington.. cepted. mbers of the Engineering society be admitted upon presentation of ROY D. CHAPIN, '00, membership cards. The general ic is invited and a charge of 25 TA LKS HERE SUNDAY s admission will be asked. The eeds will go t' the Veterans' me- F Mr. R. D. Chapin, '00, president of al committee toward the comple- the Hudson Motor Car company, of of the Union reading room. , Detroit, will present an informal talk at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the Union, on the subject of "The Auto- ILLINOIS GAME TICKETS motive Field." This is one of a ser- ies of Union Sunday afternoon meet- A limited number of tickets at ings. cents for the Illinois basket- Mr. Chapin will explain the scope l11 game tonight' will be placed and possibilities of the automotive . sale at 9 o'clock this morning field and point out 'the qualifications the offices of the Athletic as- 'w'hich are essential to young men en- ciation in the Press building. tering the field. Tickets for the wrestling meet 3 o'clock this afternoon with Platt, Iiolden Union Entertainers A. C,. in Waterman gymnas- A. A. Piatt, '29, and A. H. Holden, m will go on sale at the same '24, will furnish the regular Satur- ne. Admission will be 50 cents. day night entertainment at 10:30 i o'clock"irtonniht in the TUnio~n tan i _t P To Display Skill2WOLEINES Wisconsin filmJ Vodvil Show lar. 2Coming Mlarch 7 e bor but finished to the charpness of ILLINOIS.TONIS IT d"Not Responsible," a movie acted, NEWLY APP H D id a razor by Savant. When asked if directed and filmed entirely by stu a swordsmanship was general'in India,Idents -of the University of Wisco- I ELE Savant said: "In the Bomba i d Indians ic Primed for Struggle n sin, will be shown Tuesday. evening, dency of 60,000,000 people there are March 7, Hill auditorium under the ae nofover500in aellIndia. reHo UnonLorcestraNrThi 1e only three including myself -and there Hopes directon of the Union orchestra. This - 10 areot over 500 in all India" "photo play is .similar to that which DOUBLE CHECK iAKEs i The swordsman is also a magician, LLINIOFFENSE IS BUILT The Daily now has under way. INPOSSIBLE, CO11IIT AROUND VERSATILE CARNE Although the Regents do not, as a BLEVES '~but he denies that his work with the geerlrueLprmtthVseES il - blades is magic. He will wrap a p general rule, permit the use of Hill )0 tatoin a handkerchief and then slice Illinois'ybasketball quintet, fighting audtorium horncommerci mm E C.GA dthe potato without cutting the cloth.' desperately to keep in the running for pica trs, hentuefthi oi XET E IT Savant plans to return to India. andthe Conference championship, meets as a strictly student project led TO STOP EXTRA Vi the Wolverine basketeers in what will them to consent to the showing of promote knowledge of the internal probably be the toughest of its re- he Wisconsin movie in the auditor- to probbly e th toghes of ts r- -Hopes t Overcm e Possibi combustion engine. His father is maj- maning battles at 7:30 o'clock ,to- i um. Rlepettin of I rregularies or-commandant of the state forces in night In Waterman gymnasium. Willett Kempton, a junior at Wis- FundaofetiChanges - Baroda, which is the leading state in The Indians are primed for the con- consin, directed and jfilmed "Not Re-a India along educational lines. Savant test. Coach Winters, of the Illini, ap- sponsible."- He is the same man who - graduated from the University of predates fully the dangerous oppon- was here to take moving pctures of Radical as are the changes ic - Bombay prior to his entrance here. ntheas ful the dangerous, pn- the Union, at the time of the X A. Igan's election system adopt ethlly on their home floor, and has -. tbll game last fall, for use in vote of the Student council TI pared his men accordingly. The Ili1- publicity work in putting across a night, the possibilities for a f Inois team now orcupes the second po- Union at Wisconsin/ This film will successful election are declar sition in the Conference standing, also be shown at Hill auditorium if general campus opinion to be having won six games and lost two, it can be obtained by tattime. enhanced by the new voting's and must win all of its remaining con- Two vaudeville numbers by the The chief provisions of the p tests, including one with Purdue, the Mimes Repertoire company com- vance registration and double U!1 present leaders, if it is to capture the plte the te'tative program wiich in, are' innovations at ichig -KORFF premier honors. Victory tonight will was announged yesterday. Tickets aim directly at the fundamenta mean much to the Illini. will sell for 50 cents, in the old systeI as disclosed spring election of 921. German Intrigue to Weaken Franco. Seeking Even Break The committee, of which Ea Russian Alliance Brought Michigan's basketeere, on the other Irell, '23L, is chairman develo Humiliation, He Says hand, have little to lose. With fourLdetail-the general scheme sl defeats registered against them they dt the o nl h ee ag 9 CHIEF PRESENT PROBLEM IS are entirely eliminated from the -title T . to the counsideration the plan JAP OCCUPATION OF COAST race. Yet, they also are anxious for Led was decided upon, containi n p a victory tonight. Aside from the fact or developments and alterati J German- intrigue wit the purpose that they are 'desirous of finishing as TEothe ndmentandscheme tug - of weakening the Franco-Russian al- high up in the race as, possible, an HNICAL JOURNALS OULDttscee I liance led Russia into a foreign pol even break with the Illinois crew for - NOT BE PONDEROUS, Irregnladites Dlscovered e icy in Manchuria which resulted in the season is their paramount aim. SAYS EDITOR Serious irregularities in the a her humiliation by Japan, declared Considering the fact that they lost by -of general campus elections we - Baron S. A. Korff in his lecture on a scant three point margin at Urbana "There is no reason why the $ech- closed by the Student Advfsor - "Russia's Interests in the Pacific," while playing in a slump, prospects nical publicatign should be ponder- mittesinvestigation of the 1921s given yesterday afternoon in room for a Michigan triumph tonight are ous," remarked Mr. Hartey Whipple, charges from many ouaries 9 B of the Law building. bright, editor o'f Concrete, in discussing the fhdrge 'justifiydowe Previously baron !Korff , declared With -the Illinois team comes editorial problems of the technical found to be 'Justified when - Russia's interests lay in the south "Chuck" Carney, unquestionably one magazine in his talk before the repre- ng in ways that were apps e and west, but when Germany saw that of the most versatile college basket- sentatives of the college magazines at fraudulentand general voi & France allied herself with Russia, she ball players in the game today. Aside their banquet last night at the Union. womeren, adscoer T Itia , set about .to induce Russia to develop from being captain of the visiting "Every newspaper man knows therefween tas d sced.hie j spheres of influence in northern Man- team, Carney is acknowledged to be is a formula for news: 'What?-Who? ities were not found sufficent; churia which would divert Russia's their bulwark, both offensively 'and Where? When? Why? How?' The ommenatino a comlet strength as an ally of France and defensively, daily newspaper man concerns him- s ion ot a was cause friction with Japan, who was Most Spectacular Player self principally with the answers t to the committee's report also seeking to develop similar areas. Thus far this season he has been the 'what, who' questions, but the Advae reistion w prt Quarrel Not Fundamental the most spectacular of all the Con- technical journalist has, as his prim- Adcrefulg station with pr That the quarrel between Russia ference basketeers, and is at present ary interest, the reply to the ques class officer nd the Student and Japan was based not on funda- leading the field as to the greatest tions, 'Why? How?"' continued Mr. cl is the chie f innovatiaS n a mental reasons but only on German number of points scored, being credit- Whipple. "The college technical jour-elysthe chnciovati V jai intrigue, Baron Korif declared, was ed with a total of 118. Upon his per- nal is in a sense a school for techni- the counci ot det indicated by the fact that both na- formance tonight greatly depends Ii cal journalism," he added in tespeaking trksure rsent a indicaed by he fac tspeakingna books must .be presented if in tions concluded several treaties im- linois' chance of winning. of the functions, of such publications, on the votin ist is desired mediately after the close of the war. Just where Carney will play is Prof. John R. Brumm, of the jour-op eeils it isrdeired Describing the present situation in problematical. He 'can fit in at nalism department, appealed to the precise date of registration i Siberia, Baron Korff said that west- guard, forward or center, although' it college magazines to "stress the im- asimet then dan is to eupo em Siberia had returned to a state of is quite likely that he will be seen at portance of getting in contact with atime has possible isbefore thas barter and that portion of the coun- his favorite position, that of, forward. cultural, rather than purely profes- try was governed 'by local govern- In that event, Tabor unquestionably sional lines of work." He also com-v ' ments both bolshevik and ojserva- will play at the other forward post- mended the idea of co-operation V Vtin will be at class booth ti tion, Stilwell will jump center, and among the technical publications. " e. Bolshevism Discarded Collins and Sabo will take care of the "Our primary aim is co-operation to stg slattached to ballots and a Eastern Siberia, he' continued, is guard positions. As for these four make bigger and better engineering nu lanTo prevent all possibi now divided Into three states. The Far men, Tabor and Collins are rated as college magazines, principally through dule vot eis East 1enbihas dihsaredT bol- average, Stilwell as consistently go'd; advertising," said H. C. Pride, general wil be checked as each vote is. shevism, while the other two are con- while Sabo is heralded as being a stel- chairman of the Engineering College handled both by classofficer fervative in character. The bolshevik lar guard. Ever since the loss of Wal- Magazines association in an interview servtiv incharcte.- he~blshv~kStudent councilmen. government claiming portions of these quist, due to professionalism, this yesterday on the work of the confer- ."The revision of the electioi states has granted special privileges combination has been meeting with ence. in the hinterland to foreign capital- unusual success. Thi~s morning's discussion of busi tkm i th o i (Continued on Page Five) ness policies will take place at 9t.nbte counc. n yar, ts. _hi_________thR__ano'clock in room 302 of the Union, the opinion expressed by Jaitr The 'chief problem of the RussianFry22mnggedtr f people, Baron Korff concluded, was LATE ELECTIONS 1 awhile wicnheon wil i be served at Michiganensian in an int the occupation of the Siberian coast 12:30, after which there will be a by Japanese troops .which closes Si- W ARNING GIVEN, meeting of the executive committee. yesterday. It is a combinati beria to all whom Japan may desire SAYS OFFICIAL ful for some time at Illinois a< to exclude. With her coastline fort- SAYS/FIIA ' -__/____ fled, Japan has maderthe Japan sea a-Twilight Con ert- and the problems that have be Ampl waring andsuffcien pub .7perienced at Michigan shoul, closed water body. This situation is Ample warning oend sufficient pub- be solved permanently." not as serious as it seems, he said, as licity was given to the rule that 'll o the united force of the Chinese and students turning in delinquent elec- 7" Will Prevent Re lminatio Russian people would cause the Jap- tions or making any changes except y .id"Fraud should be almost imp anese to return the territory now oc- unavoidable ones in their elections with the registration and cih cupied. was given the students, contrary to an the new pl-an provides," said T' editorial that appeared in a recent The University Symphony- orches- I. Underwood, '23L. Any syste issue of The Daily, according to a tra's 'third concert of the season will can prevent the recriminatior CAMPUS DRAINAGE University official, be given at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow aft- bad feeling of a number of can 0.-K., SAYS PARDON In the Daily Official Bulletin notices ernoon in Hill auditorium, as a regu- in last year's blection is a des 3- appeared on. four separate occasions lar number in the series of Twilight thing. Internal discord in t stating when elections should be made Faculty concerts. It will be open to activities i most easily created - The recent flooding of the campus and setting the time limit on changes the public. . feeltng, even if ; unjustified, was not due to poor draining facilities in elections. It was stated at that Mrs. Helen M. Snyder, whose musi- (Continued on Page Eight' but rather to the frozen ground and time that all conferences wih profes- cal activities, especially in composi an unusually hard rain, according to sors relative to courses should 1e tion,, have brought her much well-de- E. C. Pardon, superintendent of the held early in order that the elections served recognition, will present a con- buildings and grounds department. might be on or before Feb. 9t In the cent overture, "Youth." Mrs. Snyder t f The drainage system on the cam- issue of Jan. 27 it was . specifically will be the first student of the School pus has provoked a great deal of dis-stated that all changes unless tina- of Music to receive an artist diploma cussion within the last few days. Fol- voidable, would be charged $1. Un- in the theory department and , her All professors and instructor lowing the rain of Tuesday the cam- avoidable elections were defined to overture will be in the nature of a have notices, other than those pus presented one continuous chain of mean changes made necessary by fail- graduation thesis. - pear in the- Official Bulletin, cai small ponds, a source of great annoy- ing in a prequisite subject or by a Mrs. -Slaud Okkelberg, of tie piano such notices into the messenge: ance to the students and professors. conflict.- department, will be the, soloist, play- es and they will be deliverer There is nothing wrong with the ing Schumann's. Concerto, one of the appear in The Daily the foll system of draining,"' Mr. Pardon de- TICKETS FOR SOPH LIT most beautiful of piano concertos. morning. clared yesterday. 'fhe frozen ground MIXER ARE SELLING FAST did nothpermittthe great amount of Faculty members who received water that fell to seep through and it Advance tickets sales for the sopho- tionnaire blanks from The Dail; formed into pools on the surface." more lit mixer at 2:30 o'clock this -- semester and have not returned afternoon in the Union assembly hall Erie, Pa., Feb. 24.-Erle swim- are requested to mail them at od FIRST MIMES VAUDEVILLE indicate that the dance will be well.at- min'g team won from Michigan the file editor, The Daily. SET FOR MARCH 3 AND 4 tended, according to members of the tonight, ,48 to 20. Aldrich won E sophomore lit, social committee..* Michigan's only first place, tak- Mimes first vaudeville performance Though the dance is being held pri- Ing the 100-yard breast stroke. CHIMES ART STAFF Mime firt vadevile prfo manwrly' for sophomore literary stu-jICHVEARSTF In the new Mimes theater will be giv-en ,,t ! 1 inth nwMiesteate wl b g. dents, it is open to all members of Name Hays' Successor TuesdayThr en March 3 and 4, according to E. the University. ' m Washington, Feb. 24. - Announce- I m There will be an import Mortimer Shuter, director of Union Rhodes' orchestra will furnish mus- ment of the new postmaster general meeting of all those who dramatics. The show was originally is for the dancing, which will continue succeed W H. Has, whse reig- interested in art work for planned for this week end, 'but due to until 5:30 o'clock. Tickets .may be nation will become effective March 4-imes in room 306 of the