1#, I' I ' UL ble. Be'cause of many conflicting events the party to have been given by the advisory board of the Women's league on Feb. 25 has been postponed to April 22. All girls wishing to b from the University lo women should see Dean dan at once. runds or I ra B. Jor- The Selwyns present JANE COWL in Her Createst Success "SMILIN' THROUGH Next Week-"THE BAT" DuH"EN MARLU Sa.Ma.'Merchant .f Venice;" Tues., Fri.E Night" Wed., Set, Eves.,,"Hamlet" Thurs. d Shrew~ $1 to $3 II'P- ichigan women, A. cabinet, were annual banquetI Hoff Federation the Detroit Y. it at the Detroit 500 Attend an; 500 girls representing rated clubs of the Detroit n, met at this annual ban-.j hear reports of the year's ard honors to the most pro- oups in education, member- ervice, and to elect officers wing year. Among the oth- s on the program were an. the Right Rev. Charles D. n "The Relation of the Y. Industry." ation extended by the fed- its University of Michigan one step in the movement -industrial co-operation. It1 of both organizations, theE W. C, A. and the Detroit to get together for the ex- ideas and for personal ie for Co-Operation lents can profit by a knowl- e practical experience of dustry, and that industrial ;ain a great deal from the etical ideals of college girls by both organizations. It co-operation by which each t in such a way that they f!of the University of Mich- C. A., its representatives .federation cabinet council ittee members to be their knn Arbor the week end of Girls' play, at which time nt meeting will be held. All senior girls should be measured, for their caps and gowns at Mack &, Co.'s before March 1 in order that they may wear them to the Junior Girls' play. The Y. W. C. A. cabinet will meet at 3 o'clock this afternoon at New- berry hall. Fisher's orchestra will furnish the music for the matinee dance which the girls of Adams' house are to give at the Armory this afternoon for the benefit of the University of Mich- igan league building fund. The party will last from 3 until 5:30 o'clock. Tickets for the affair are on sale for $1. The Wednesday evening rifle prac- tice will be changed to Thursday eve- ning on account of the holiday today. All girls who are planning to go to the Thursday practice are asked to sign to that effect on the bulletin board in Barbour gymnasium. Everyone is ask- ed to come to the practice promptly, at 7:30 o'clock. Chairmen of Masques play-reading, coaching, cast, property, and stage committees will meet at 10 o'clock this morning in the parlors of Barbour gymnasium. A regular meeting of Masques will.' be held at 3:30 o'clock tomorrow aft- ernoon in the parlors of Barbour gym- nasium. Scott house is the first house to earn a 100. per cent sign in the league house to house membership campaign. Favorable reports are coming in from the other houses. Any girls who are considering tak- ing work in playgronud instruction should consult with Miss, Wood about The Michigan Daily of Thursday, Dec. 8, 1892, announced the organiza- tion of a freshman banjo club. There's One Thing ; , i 1 . ;' 1' 1 , %// v , . . Certain--- Any fellow who will not take the trouble to see our Suits for Sprin in Sport Models, has only himself to blame, if he pays more,'for his clothes than we ask. Think this, over, The prices below include . Two Pair r Spring Shirts - $1.00 to $6.00 Spring Caps - $1.50 ,4$3.00 Spring ats - $3.50 " $5.00 Spring lies - -.75 " $2.00 .00 $3000 $3500 $ 40.00 J.F W ii ert C. Next to WUERTH THEATER NOTE ATTRACTION OPENED TILE NEW TOL THEATRE, DETROIT, AT 40-65EASINETET NKT PRICES to CAPACITY BUSINESS__________________________________________ Washington FestivaI Week Now in Conjunction With First National:Week /' F,. STARTS TODAY This Big Double Attractation will be shown at Regular Prices JOH N ARRYMORE IN ALBERT PAYSON TERRUNE'S REMARKABLE STORY s E LOTUS' EATER" IJjf- ,, k p, PERSONALLY DIRECTED BY MARSHALL NEILAN as I, A He never saw a woman until he was twenty-five. -thei ihe stepped off the yacht upon which his wealthy father's will had imprisoned him -endthe first woman he met was an adven- turess! Then there's drama and hmor and nov- elty all the way from Broadway to the South Sea IstIes and in every foot of this one perfect screen production. S} LOOK AT THIS CAST JACQUES LENOI.. .......JOHN BARRYMORE Mavis........................Colleen Moore Madge Vance......... . .......Anna Q. Nilsson Mrs. Hastings Vance ..............Ida Waterman The Dean......................Frank Currier John Carson .................. J. Barney Sherry Jocko. ..... ......Wesley Barry K-, _ t, SPECIAL WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY MATINEE Enlarged Orchestra PEatFOR wlA CE4: 1:30, 3:00, 4:30 Special Score EVENING: 7:00, 8:30 Here At Last, This Year's Greatest Comedy THE FROZEN-FACED COMEDIAN pop .sf . efn f , LL 5 rr BUSTER IN The Playhouse POSITIVELY A KNOCKOUT 1I,: -. -- ---- I