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February 22, 1922 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-02-22

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999 TAXI

Michigan easily defeated Albion, 60- Cornell defeated Michigan 44-0 at
8, at Ann Arbor, Saturday, Nov. 5, 1892, Ithaca, Tuesday, Nov. 8, 1892, in a foot-
in a football game. ball game.
For Benefit

NOW 35 Cents
Every Passenger Insured
Against Accident'

Four Good Right iHanders and Valu-
:ibie Port-Sider Make Up Pitch-
1g Staff to Pate
Seventy-five men are toiling for two
hours each afternoon in Waterman
gymnasium in order that Michigan will
have a baseball team that will com-

Fisher's 7 Piece Orchestra
Tickets $1.00 at Graham's and Wahr's


It s Something New
for Norma!
To find comedy In drama-to find her at one mom-
ent a lovable madcap, at the next a wife who knows
her money buys her husband's kisses-to find
smiles to banish your tears-those wonderful things
you'll find in "The Wonderful Thing."
It's a Swift Surprise
Oh! You'll Like It!


STARTING TODAY-Wednesday thru Saturday

pare favorably with the Wolverine
teams that for so many seasons have
been the champions or at least near
the top of the Conference.
Many Turn Out
There is a wealth of material from
which the coach can select a team.
Batting practice started Monday and
the coach is giving all the men a
chance to show what they can do at
the plate. The pitchers are also given
an opportunity to display their wares
to the coach during batting practice.
The men are rapidly regaining their
batting eyes and by the time the squad
goes out doors, the men should be
hitting in midseason form.
Coach Fisher is well pleased with
the way that his pitchers are rounding
into shape. In Dixon, Liverance,
Schultz and Mudd of last year's squad,
the coach has the nucleus of his
pitching staff. The main trouble is
that all of the four above mentioned
moundsmer are right hander\ A
good left hand twirler would be a val-
uable addition to the team. Fisher
seems to have solved this difficulty in
the discovery of Smith, a promising
southpaw. Smith, a former letter man
at California, fulfilled the one year
resident requirement and is now elig-
ible and ready for the season to begin.
He is getting over some nice twisters
every afternoon in the gym.
Strong Infield Expected
With Wimbles, Uteritz, Abbott, and
Benyas to choose an infield from, the
coach should be able to put a strong
aggregation in the field this spring.
The out-field can be taken care of by
Shackleford, Klein, and Ronan of last
year's squad. There is a chance that
the coach will shift Doug Roby, a
catcher, to the garden position )fn
order to utilize his hitting strength.
Captain Ernie Vick, barring injury,
will hold down the receiving end of
the battery in a manner that no team
in the Conference will be able to
Intramural Items
Interfraternity basketball schedule
for Thursday night is as follows: At
7 o'clock on court 2, Phi Sigma Delta
vs. winner of Sigma Chi and X Psi
Phi; on court 3, Delta Sig vs. Lambda
Chi Alpha. At 9:30 o'clock on .cort
2, Sigma Nu vs. Acacia; on court 3,
Delta Sigma Delta ,vs. Sigma Alpha
Epsilon. Class BB practices for
Thursday are: At 6:15 o'clock on
court 1, Fresh dents, all fresh dents
who are still enrolled in the lit college
being eligible; on court 2, Soph dents;
on court 3, Upperclass dents; and on
court 4, the Architects At 7 o'clock
on court 1, Homoeops; court 4, Fresh
medics. "At 9:30 o'clock on court 1,
Soph medics, and on court 4, the Up-
perclass medics.
Wednesday's hockey schedule is as
follows: 3:30 o'clock-Acacia vs. Tri-
gon; 4:30 o'clock- Delta Upsilon vs.
Theta Delta Chi; 5:15 o'clock, Psi Up-
silon vs. Beta Theta Pi; 7 o'clock,
Delta Kappa Epsilon vs. Delta Theta
Phi; and at 7:30 o'clock, Junior engi-
neers vs. Medics.
There will be a consolation tourna-
ment for the class teams provided the
(Continued on page 5)
Union Plans Three Cushion Touney
Arrangements are being made by the
Union for a three cushion billiard
tournament which it is anxious to have
run off before the indoor sport season
closes. The entry lists will be posted
within a few days. The entry fee will
be $1.00.
Mudd Gets Cigarettes for Bowling
By bowling 238, Henry H. Mudd, '23,
won the carton of cigarettes given by
the Union for the highest individual
score for the past week.

Ma Foi!

So Chic! So Parisienne

and yet so Americaine!
Mais oui! A Triumph for Norma!
Meet the sweetest little Amercaine who ever sent
Counts crazy. Meet Jacqueline Boggs, alias

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Her Pop owns all the hams in
U. S. A.: and she Owns most of
the beauty. She has everything
except-"The wonderful thing'
Just a madcap learning for the
time the wonderful thing that is


in Thn
, 1/







An Hilarious Century Comedy

' L bS7:: : t w~~ii~ul umuuuu
t I ~
* There is a certain amount of
* mental stimulus born of com-
petition. yu8el
® You may fid yousef lck
- ing the "pep" to carry on in A4he*
S afternoon, when the morning
* has been trying.
When such moments comete
M drop- in and try the perfect i
Billiard equipment we have, and *j
which we promise will put re- I
newed energy into you.
E - U


of the Apocalypse

Symphonic Concert Or'he""ra - Vocalist - Spe-
tal effets- New York Musical Synchronization
We want 9,000 people to see it, because we are showing
It at the lowest price ever charged for it anywhere.

/rm I .Ij


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