TAudience Stirred ' NOD f n University Will H
y Kindler Music""" " U L""N. Sports Taciit
T TO V LBRS (By Delbert Clark) FOR CON OC TION With the building of the field house
Hans Kindler with his inspired 'el- on Ferry field the University will
Lo quickly won his way into the hearts John Finley Will Deliver Principal have the best facilities for indoor
of his large audience last nightin Hill Address on "International sports of any college in the Middle
auditorium, whenhe played d'Albet'sEntanglements West, it was pointed out by Prof.
Ralph W. Aigler, chairman of the
SOCIALISTS' PLEDGE! SUPPORT concerto in major with a thnique FACULTY WILL HAVE SEATS Board in Control of Athletic, yester-
IN CONFERENCE AT and sympathy that would be hard t 'RESERVED ON MAIN FLOOR day. The field house was authoriz-
CRICAGO equal. Golden bursts of song and ed at the meeting of the board Satur-
CHIAGOquiet passages of melancholy beauty day.
vied in their hold upon the listeners. Final plans for Washington's birth- Indoor sports, which are now held
NEW POLITICAL PARTY The Dutch 'cellist, barely 30 years day exercises have been announced. A inatermanrgymnasiu re he
EXPECTED TO DEVELOP of age, showed a familiarity with his full holiday has been declared for to- facilities are admittedly inadequate,
instrument, a friendly, big-brotherly morrow, according to the usual cus- will be held at the new field house.
Speakers Plan Program to Endorse familiarity, that enabled him to bring tom, and a University convocation Practice space also will be provided
Candidates Favorableto out the most difficult passages with called for 10 o'clock in Hill auditor- for the baseball squad during the
Working Classeasy skill and delightful warmth. m time when weather prohibits the use
After he had finished he was repeated- Dr. John H. Finley, commissioner of of the diamond.
ly called back by an audience onus- education of the state of New York, Larger Than Football Field
(By Associated Press) ually insistent. will deliver the principal address on The ground floor of the building, it
Chicago, Feb. 20. - Unanimous The opening number of the pro the subject, "International Entangle was shown by Coach Fielding H.
support of a new movement to install gram, Rezncek's Overture, "Donna ments.' He will be introduced by Yost, will cover an area larger than
men and women of the working class Diana," opened with a prancing President Marion L. Burton. a football field. Compared to the
themetheaprogressingmen fthroughslalightalland swTs lasogram present gymnasium. the approved
In the nation's legislative halls was (Continued on Page Eight) The entire program will be as fol- structure will be aproximately twice
pleged by farmer members of te So- lows: as wide and fully 100 feet longer. The
cialist and Farmer - Labor -party, g~ nuint "Festival Prelude".........Barnes running track will be 1-8 of a mile in
labor union leaders and clergymen 11Y ' l~ 1 Earl V. Moore length, and 75 yard straight-aways
in a conference today, called by aUU hulL ONUInvocation.....Rev. R. Edward Sayles will be provided for. As the 75 yard
group of railroad union men, headed ((USoldiers' Chorus from "Faust" is the longest of the dashes in Confer-
by William H. Johnston, president of U1 TE1 G................. ounod ence meets it is unnecessary to pro
the International association of ma- Varsity Glee club vide for longer distances. At the in-
chinists. Address, "International Entangle- door meets held in Waterman gymna-
'Significant Event" MINGLES HUMOR WITH DELIVERY ments".... John H. Finley, LLD. sium at the present time, dashes must
It was delared by Morris Hilquitt OF FACTS A*D OTHER "America" .............the audience be limited to 50 yards.
of New York to be "the most signifi- Benediction "It is the purpose of the board to
cant event that has taken place in the STPostlude, "March in C".... Cummings seat more than 8,000 spectators at
American labor movement for a gen- Earl V. Moore the events to be held in the new field
eration." The conference brought to- Humor mingled with a straight-for- Deans on Stage house," stated Professor Aigler. "This
gether leaders high in labor and min- ward delivery of facts and statistics The official party, including the will give practically all students of
or political party circles. Although deans of the schools and colleges, the University a chance to witness the
Chairman Johnston declared in his will be seated on the stage. They indoor events."
opening address that the time was not the talk given by Alex Dow, Sunday will wear academic costume. Members With the completion of the building
yet ripe for the formation of a new afternoon at the Union. of the various faculties will have Michigan could put in her bid for the
party, today's meeting was expected Mr. Dow stated that he could not seats on the main floor directly in Conference indoor track meets. At
to develop the germ of a new political confine his subject to either the exe- front of the stage. The doors of the
organization which some delegates cit hauditorium will be open at 9:30e
said would be functioning by 1924. cutive or englneering department, for o'clock, and no seats will be reserved 5 5 Students u e t
Non-Partisan Action each was equally important in public except thbse for the faculties and the e thih
Non-partisan political action in the utilities. Glee club. A R ecords For
1922 election was the keynote of the President and Mrs. Burton will be
meeting. A dozen speakers pledged The speaker outlined the opportun- home" from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock
thenr support of a program to en- in the afternoon. Dr. Finley will re-
dorse candidates 'favorable to the public service, emphasizing the advan- ceive with them.
working class. Committees don'pro- tages of working with men who are _________
gram and organization will report to- on a comparatively high social and in- Thirty-one of the students of the lit-
morrow, when definite plans are ex- tellectual plane, and the gratifying as- erary college and 24 in the engineer-
pected to be adopted. surance of continuous employment. YLLIIIdS LL SHOWIing college received "All-A" records
By combining their efforts, workers When asked if he believed that the n for their last semester's work, accord-
could fill a political machine which recet expensive attempt by the gov- Ul IUEUN111 IGHTE fo hingtr s ethu r Hall's re ordTh
could elect toofi ce "men and wom- emnment to operate therailroads,IT ing to Arthur G. Hall's records. The
en truly representative of the people would set up a precedent against na- total number of students in the literary
of the United States," E. J. Manion, of tional control of public utilities, Mr. school is somewhat greater than 4,500.
the Order of Railway Telegraphers,; Dow replied. in the affirmative. He "Theodora," the sensational 10 reel scoli~oehtgrae hn450
told thedelegates. explained, however, that the greater picture, will be shown Wednesday and Out of the 31 students receiving "All-
part of the expense incurred in the Thursday nights in Hill auditorium A" records, eight were seniors, nine
late government administration was to help raise funds to complete the juniors, four sophomores, and ten were
. 'stWnurtle Are due to the fact that the Wilson admin- second floor reading room in the freshmen. Of this number 19 were
Postmrtem AreUnion.
N istration put into effect many expen- men and 12 were women. Every one
Sitbj'eets of NlYsive regulations and railroad man- The picture is being presented by of the freshmen making a perfect rec-
euvers which were prohibited under the Veterans' Memorial committee of ord carried at least 15 hours of work,
managem-----'ent. the University, who desire to raise the the regular number of hours required
GrgoyleIssue__-necessary $15,000. Admission will be for all freshman iits to carry.
JOURNAL SOLDTO50 cents, and tickets may be bought Names Given
JsrUReAL ltLDeTwtat all campus bookstores, the Union, of the 24 students in the engineering
d ,ash and sblae winks of humor, con- HEARST, IS RUMOR Hill auditorium, or downtown at college receiving "A's" in all their
taing a pae of prefaces written by - Wahr's, Fisher's, or Brown's. courses last semester, four 'were sen-
"Theodora" is the second picture corsej s ssour weresnd
Gee Dee Eee in his own inimitable Sale of the Detroit Journal to that has been brought here by the Tors, five juniors, six sophomores, and
sye 'and phraseology, the February the rest freshmen.
ssue of the Gargoyle, a postmortem William Randolph Hearst, is rumored Veterans' committee, the first starring Those who received the "All-A" rec-
issue dealing with the recent J-Hop, in Detroit business circles. It is said Viora Dana, played a few months ago. ord in the literary college are: Mar-
the defunct first semester, and the that associates of the Detroit News Anter is. pec ol sownaingaret Adams, 22, William Anderson,
-a few months. Special music has'2 Dgad Bon '3,Frn
passing, of the bluebook period, ap- bid $1,100,000 for the Journal , and been provided, and it will be played B2r '22, Elizabeth Carsonr'24,
pears on the campus today. that Hearst must have raised the bid by the Union orchestra. Indications Frieda Diekhoff 24 Arthur Ditter
The art work, cover,' frontispiece, by at least $250,000. point to a record sale of tickets, and 23ePaul Eickoan, '23, Elwood Fay.
inside, and cartoons, are executed with Hearst, with Arthur Brisbane, is it is hoped to fill the house both d'25, Maxwell Fead, '25. Clifford
insurpassable and consistently realls- part owner of the Detroit Times, nights. ,ield, '5 MxelFa , .Cifr
ticwrkmanship. "This Side of Par. Folz, '23, Florence Fuller, '25, Nor-
adise," the three color cover by El- man B. Johnson,'25, Mana Kilpatrick,
merfi . Wellin, '23, isda cross section of L $ L j f'qj '23, Margaret Kraus, '23, R. Dale Law,
youthful animation depicting the giv- ue Sl. peabb lBefore Large Crowd: '25, Charles Lewis, '22, Elizabeth Lieb-
ing of the world's most common, yet . erman, '25, Natalie$Morgan, r 22t Dai
most popular'Valentine - the lover's Th~inks ilichigan Is RealC le ereman, '25, Watale rg lanm'2 ,ai
osculation. The Inside, departing mo- ' '25, Esther Nyland, '22, Edward Rams-
mentarily from the grave and serious dell, '23, Grace Ray, '24, Edward Reid,
tone of the cover, will furnish those Edgar A. Quest, ;noted poet and "Michigan is a real college," said '23, Lisle Rose, '25, Sydney Saasohn'
exceptional students who passed the d a th F'rt Mr. Guest, when interviewed by a re- '22, Donald Scott, 22, Harold Scott,
intelligenuce tests a few moments of porter. "There is not a day passes 22 Emily Wires, '23, and Cleo Wood,
instruction and pleasure. It Is aptly Methodist church on Sunday evening pter "Teeinot a day passt '24.'
cl~urchthat I do not experience a sorry heart
captioned "Simple Cuts for Simple befqre the largest audience ever as- at not having had the opportunity of Twenty-Four Engineers
People" and consists of two typical sembled in any church In Ann Arbor. being a college man. When my son, The following are the all "A" stu-
college characters with all their logi- Despite the fact that every foot of 'Buddie,' is old enough to . attend a dents in the engineering college:
cal accoutrements, to be cut out and university. I am sending him to Mich- P. C. Ackerman, '22E, W. E. Bach-
pasted - well, where the directions a igan, and am coming with him to make man, 23E, M. B. Bleecker, 24E, G. E.
recommend them to be pasted. at least 200 persons were turned away up for a little of what .I missed." Bosserdet, '25E, W. K. Greiner, '25E,
Sunday magazine editors, foreign from the ddors, and many others who Mr. Guest is widely noted for his T. R. Halman, '25E, A. R. Hellwarth,
and domestic, wise and otherwise, are had intended to attend gave it up as a daily column Oof poetry and humor '25E, J. W. Morse, '23E, J. H. Pilking-
strongly recommended to read "H hopeless task before they got near which .is syndicated and published by ton, '22E, J. R. Polhamus, '24E, D. J.
to Run a Sunday Supplement," and newspapers throughout the country. Reese, '25E, Campbell Robertson, '25E,
learn therefrom some new and orig- the building. He manifested intense interest in af- W. K. Saunders, '24E, R. S. Scribner,
inal angles upon their function in the The moment "Eddie" Guest took the fairs pertaining to Michigan and col- '25E, D. C. Seitz, '23E, E. B. Tucker,
newspaper world.farpetiigtMihanndc-
"There' Many aSli"wplatform his perspnality seemed to lege life, asking many questions re- '22E, S. A. Weart, '25E, G. A. Whin-
m There's Many a Slip' will furnish broadcast itself throughout the audi- garding the campus publications and ery, '24E, H. L. Wilcox, '24E, E. R. Wol-
many a J-Hopper a reminiscent chu'c- the relation of "the publications to fert, '23E, J. G. Higgins, '22E, C. L.
kle. Last but not least come the edi- ence and his remarkably human story faculty and student control. In con- Hulswit, '24E, Aaron Levin, '25E, R. D.
torials, the first of which, "Have You of "What Happens to the Folks at nection with the 'following of a jour- Merriam, '25E..
Joined the O. of D. B. F.?" will give Our House," was told with such keen nalistic career, Mr. Guest remarked, r
a multitude of us whimpering stu- interest, earnestness and vividness
dens fod orthoght a prbaby hathe ookhi auiene igh hoe I started as a printer's devil, arriv- CLEVELAND CLUB PLANS PARTY
dents food for thought, as probably that he took his audience right home ing at my present capacity through FOR WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY
will "Allah Give Us a Change," a with him and actually introduced them dint of hard work and luck. Every-
straight from the shoulder appeal for to his wife, Mary, and their little thing depends on the fellow, of course. Members of the Cleveland club will
a ehange in the campus balloting sys-. "Bud." He must have some ability in writing, hold their first social functionof the
tem. Intermingled with his several more and an aptitude ' for the task in year in the form of a Washington's
serious human interest poems which hand." birthday party tonight in the Arcade
"Eddie" Guest rendered from his large Great praise was accorded Robert dance hall. Dancing will continue
HOLIDAY TOMORROW collection, were numerous bits of rare Frost by Mr. Guest, who commented from 9 to 1 o'clock, Wednesday being
!humor which kept the audience in a on the wonderful opportunity afforded a holiday. Rogers' orchestra will play.
Tomorrow, Washington's birth- happy frame of mind, by Mr. Frost's residence in Ann Ar- Tickets may be secured at Wahr's
day, will be a full University j At the conclusion of the lecture Mr. bor, both because of the contact with bookstore for $1.50. All Ohio men are
olday, accordiLg to the usual Guest was obliged to remain seated him that is possible for the students invited.
while throngs of admirers filed by to and the inspiration which youth and The club adopted a constitution at
shake his hand and ask for his auto- University life must furnish to Mr. its meeting this week. The next meet-
graph. Frost. ing will be held Tuesday, March 7.
ave Best Indoor MIC,| A EAIL
ies In Middle West
present only two places are availa D
ble, the gymnasium at Northwestern
and the armory at Illinois.
Te tative Plans DrawnI
Attention has been called to tbe
fact that the building is to be a field
house and not a gymnasium. It will CLOSE GUARDING FEATURES SLOW
not displace the present building for GAME; ONLY FEW FOULS
a place of physical training but it will CALLED
be used merely'for athletic contests
and practices. WOLVERINE LEAD SAFE
Tentative plans for the building1 AT R FRT TVT
have already been drawn, but as yet AFTER FIRST MINUTES
noe have been accepted. The officers
of the board have been authorized to 'Absence of "Bud" Rea Caused Several
accept plans and with the board's Changes in Maize and Blue
consent to let the contracts for the Lineup
work. The cost of the building has
been estimated at between $150,000 Michiga's basketball team defeated
and $200,000. gn aebl emdfae
--d-----00.the Indiana quintet last night by a
score of 24-16 in Waterman gymnas,
iaOUInruuu TO T1fl hium. The game was slow and monot-
onous with the outcome never in doubt
IMSnrN 'after the first five minutes of play.
TheWolverines were rather slow in
getting started and Indiana assumed
TRYOUTS CALLED FOR PLACES the lead for the first few minutes of
IN PLAYSTE APPEAR the game. Bahr, the Hoosier roving
LATER guard, started Indiana off .with two
LATE field goals. Miller followed these with
two free throws and after some loose
Six vaudeville and musical acts will playing on both sides added another.
be offered Friday and Saturday nights Miller put Michigan in the lead
in the Mimes Union theater by the shortly with the best shot of the game,
Mimes Repertoire company, in the a side arm throw from the sideline.
first of the regular week-end perform- This was increased a moment later
ances since the opening of the theater when Ely caged a long one and follow-
last Friday night, Men only will be ed it up with another one from under
admitted the first night, while womenthbak.
as well as men, may prhs ikt the basket.
ay purchase tickets Spurt in Second-Ralf
for the Saturday night show. The Bahr contributed another for In-
programs will be the same on both diana and Thomas duplicated the feat.
nights. Coffey ended the half with the only
All seats will be reserved, the seat free throw which the Hoosiers counted
sale commencing at 10 o'clock Fri- in the first period. The score at the
day morning. The admission price end of the half was 11-9 in favor of
will be 50 cents, according to the an- the Wolverines.
beun 50 policthe kWolverines.ic
nounc ol of kepingte price Michigan opened up the second half
relative to the cost of production. All with a spurt which put them well In
seats will be. reserved for every per- the lead and Indiana never threatened
formance, so that there will not be during the remainder of the contest.
the inconvenience of rush seats. Kipke, who was shifted to forward to
To Rehearse Soon. take .the place of 'Whitlock, cae
Tryouts for three plays and a musi- through with 'three baskets in 'tie
cal comedy to be given in the near period and was a leading factor in
future in the theater were called yes- the victory.
terday by E. Mortimer Shuter, director The Wolverine lineup was a patch-
will be used for each day, and for the edu'far.wn ote oso e
chorbusedo tem icalsecond guard within a week. Captain
choruses of the musical comedy.1 "Bud" Rea was nnable to play be-
"Whirligig," a dramatic conundrum in
two guesses; by Edgar" Smith, "The'E cause of Injuries received in the Wis-
Thirteeh byir"Endg"ThCharmconsin game last Saturday. As a re-
School' 'are to' go on the boards soon, sult Coach Mather shifted Kpke from
and men desiring to try out for places forward to guard and started "Chief"
are urged to do so at once. After eli- Pearman at forward. Kipke went back
gibility reports have been received on to his regular position in the second
the tryouts, all the plays will go in- half and Birks held down the defense
to immediate rehearsal, Position.
The musical come'dy, no name for The main feature of the game was
which has yet been found, was writ- the close guarding of Michigan. In
ten by E. R. Meiss, '23, and is to be this Paper was the shining light. Such
produced soon. As these programs guarding compelled the Hooseiers to
are to be given every week-end at the resort almost entirely to long shots
Mimes theater, it is necessary that in which their ability was practically
tryouts report at once so that the bills nil. Upon only two occasions was the
can be rehearsed and perfected onIIndiana five able to get past the center
schedule time. of the floor and still retain pssession
Freshmen Eligible of the ball.
Freshmen are now eligible to try 1illerm Stars
out for tie 1923 Union opera. A class Miller continued his exceptional foul
in dancing and stage deportment will shooting by counting six out of eight
be opened in several weeks, and those free throws. Birk during the time
who try out for the opera now will that he was in the game made a nice
have the advantage of enrolling in this showing but the loss of, "Bud" was
class. quite noticeable.
All tryouts should report to Mr. For the Hoosiers the shooting of
Shuter between 10 o'clock in the Bahr and guarding of their big tip
morning and 5 o'clock in the after- off man Coffey, were the outstanding
noon at his office in the Mimes thea- points.
ter. Hehas changed his office from Summary of the game is as follows:
its former location in.,omn 308 of the Michigan / India
Union. Miller ......... .R.F.......... Sanford
Pearman ......... L.F......... Thomas
Frost$ Paper.. .......L.G........... Bahr
Kipke. ....L.G........Harris
Losing T1e W4or d Field goals-Michigan-Miller 2, Ely
3,Kipke 3, Paper; Indiana--Bahr 3,
Thomas; Crowe. 'Free throws-Mich-
"Men want to lose the world when igan-Miller 6 out of 8; Indiana--
they are either too successful or too Sanford, 0 out of 2, Coffey 6 out of 11.
unsuccessful,' was the theme of. Rob- Substitutions-Michigan-Whitlock for
ert Frost's talk called "The World Pearman, Kipke for Whitlock, Birks
Well Lost," which was given on Sun- for Kipke; Indiana-Sloates for San-
day before the students' class of the ford, Busby for Harris, Crowe for ftis-
Presbyterian church. by. Officials-Referee Kearns, De-
"When we are too successful our pauw; umpire, McCord, Illinois.
world grows too roseate, intolerantly
easy and beautiful, and we cry, 'Van- Ex-Service Men to See Andrews
ity, vanity, all is vanity.' Again, the Mr. James A. Andrews of the Amer-
world sometimes grows too much for ican legion, desires to see all ex-ser-
us and we fall behind it in the race. vice men whom the "Clean-Up Squad"
In both of those cases we want to requested to send in affidavits, at his
lose the world for a while," Mr. Frost office, the American Red Cross office
said. in the Cornwell building, today from
As ,outlined in the talk there are 9 to 5 o'clock. All papers must be
four ways of escpae from the world. sent to the Veterans' bureau before
The first is through realism, which is adjustment can be made.
in reality facing the world. Men seek
to escape the world by taking large
doses of it daily, and come to be in-
oculated with it. Two of the weaker
ways are through drink and tobacco.
By these means men also escape from -
the world. All members of the editorial staff
The fourth escape is through beauty and tryouts will meet at 5 o'clock to-
in its largest sense, through the day.
thinking of great thoughts that are__
imperishable. "It is by this way that The Daily will issue a paper Thurs-
we most truly lose the world," Mr, day morning, regardless of the holi-
Frost concluded in his talk. - day.