ToteWlam!--Trom De'troit To the Editor of the Sunday Magazine: And then there are those references My attention has lately been called to irreverance and the absence of to a letter of protest which appears in chivalry in G. D. E. After this G. D. E. will surely cease his activity and be- your magazine for January 15, 1922. come as the rest of the decently dead. It decries the attempts of this G. D. E. And if these should prove unavail- person to infect the student body with ing, there is yet one more-oh, at the outlandish ideational poisons, and it very least, one more-telling blow to is signed "Rose B. Phelps." be dealt. " . . Is not normal and should not be allowed to influence the I wish to congratulate Rose B. on thinking of normal, healthy-minded her spirited protest. Sir, more of this people through the press, even in a sort of good old American spunk ss free country!" Rose! How truly do needed if our institutions are" indeed . RsHwtuyd are you see that there is a mystical, in- to survive; if ambition and service are trinsic value in normality; how well to be preserved as THE American you realize that Prohibition will not ideals; if what is left of the constitu- completely succeed until it covers tion is to be ventilat-venerated in the thought as well as alcohol, until the. future as it has been> in the past; if ferment has ceiased to be in the spirit American womanhood is to be held in as well as in the keg. How simply dJ reverence; if American manhood is to be red-blooded, and upstanding, and virile; if all that is finest and best (as Rose says) in American life today, as, for example: Edgar. A. Guest, R. sj h W. Service, the movies, Methtdisi rw and methodicalism, hysteria, Venus Mechanitis, the flapper, H. B. Wright, neurosis, Harding bl, thrift, sobri- ety, spiritual bankru tcy, asceticism, moderation, Theosophy, automatonism -oh, the list is endless, though I- must not omit bill-board advertising and quantity production and aesthetic an- aesthesia . .. if all this is to be ours to have and to hold. Most of all, perhaps, do I admire the moderation with which Rose states hers case--that, and her subtly ironic me- thod of approach: "Now I do not wish to take G. D. ,E.'s criticism very seri- ously{'. .l and, "As usual, it hardly merits that." After which she suggests T h e D o e that G. D. E, and his kind be sup- T e D e pressed. This is a refreshing way of taking a Joke, or a Joker-or at any 426 THOMPSON ST. rate one who is not to be taken seri- ously. If Rose had taken G. D. E. seri- ously, I suppose she would have sug- gested that he be boiled 'in Crisco. THERE'S A Very well, let us pass on . . . "More- over, I am too busily engaged in the EXPERT INDIAN TAIL( business of study and self-support to enter into any lengthy controversy Called for an with him or anyone else." The thir- teenti version of the seventh deadly Note:-DRY CLEANING is th alibi, you see, and very well put, too! and rinsing in Hydrocarbon Solven In other words, she has not time to WE use the Highest grade of F learn a game before interfering with its technique. you imply the truth that sona citizens should be protected from ideas so that they may be comfortable and sat- isfied and undisturbed! Rose, I wish that I could follow you, I do indeed. To be able to plead sin- cerely for the preservation of truths that,- stand upon our flecks, for the defense of abstractions that are so securely established that men have for Shrino W ear forgotten the conditions that brought them into existence as ideals-what complete satisfaction there must be in the mere absence of a struggle, in the mere living in a region of mental calm and intellectual normalcy. But there is, after all, something more to be said. These abnormal people who so enrage your mind may be, for all I know, a much the pro- ducts of the age as you who are adapt- able; and it is a sad and outrageous' fact that a great many of them-espe- (Continued on Page 8) I Crowds to r = Wah=Jack WPHONE 2650-J 4 REASON ORS DO YOUR WORK! d Delivered e process of thoroughly washing ts. Hydrocarbons as a base. I- A Blouse one can tub! How often one turns to it these be- tween days when Winter en- nui has attacked most wo- men where clothes are con- cerned. For there is a keen satisfaction in wearing a fresh, trig Blouse. r... New Neckwear of Novel J4de A new little piece of Neck- wear will give a delightful new touch to your, frock or perhaps 'your Spring suits Crisp organdie contrasts with the soft satins that are gaily embroidered. All in all the new neckwear is assured of its popularity. LIBERTY AT MAIN Here's An Opportunity To get rid of your old playertrolls at a liberal allowance. Bring in your unrused rolls and exchange them for the latest and most improved rolls made. Re-juvinate your Player-Roll Library. SCHAEBERLE & SON, Music Store 110 SOUTH MAIN STREET