SET sociated Press) . 18.-Drastic measures n by the five judges for division of the circuit court of criminal cor- n order to prevent an ndsman from vouching of prisoners. A set of to the qualifications of e been agreed upon by and the police depart- s instructed to strictly es as a safeguard for e, a check will be kept Ian's financial standing e w1g he be permitted ext~eding the amount ty's value.sAssets on e of a bondsman may an no longer be listed, ad be regarded as se- American Marines Champs Of China Peking, Feb. 18 (By mall).-The football championship of China has now been won by a team representing' the American marines stationed in1 Peking as the legation guard. The title was won after the championship of North China, had been clinched by a defeat of the 15th infantry, and by a game with the team from the Ameri- can club of Shanghai, which, went to the credit of Peking by the score of 35 to 10. The final game was played in Shanghai before a crowd of 2,000 spectators on the 31st of December. The marine team had practiced for about two months under the coaching of Captain Tenney, a former halfback at Brown University, and two former Princeton players. The brand of foot- ball which they put up would -have compared favorably with that of many college teams in America and through- out the short season of. three games the marine squad was relieved of all other duties.qThe trip to Shanghai was taken by 17 men, and the the squad was accompanied by Colonel Kamniany, commander of the legation guard in Peking, as well as by Coach Tenney and the marine athletic offi- cer. LIT STUDENTS TO '25 MAY ET TEACHING CERTIFICATES Life certificates for teaching will be granted to students who take the re- quired courses,, but who are not en- rolled in the School of Education, up to the year 1925. Beginning with that year no life certificates will be granted unless the student has been fully en- rolled in that school. This,,is in accordance with a deci- sion. rendered by the faculty of \the School of Education this week. The postponement of this rule until 1925 was made in order that students al- ready registered in the literary college may continue there. $500,000 for a club house for foreign students have been given by John D. Rockefeller, Jr., to the Intercollegiate Cosmolitan club of New York. Plans call for' the building on, Riverside Drive opposite Grant's Tomb. It will accommodate five hundred students. This club, the largest of its kind, has 620 members from 65 countries, at- tending 41 colleges and universities in New York City. . 0. T. C. UNIT RECEIVES OF MTJMITION S AND UNI Military Equipment at Un Now Valued at More Th $150,000 "The valuation of the R. ? unit at Michigan is now mo $150,000," said Major Robert yesterday. A new load of equipmentj within the last few days, in mortars, machine riflels ain latest model rifles, and unifo is planned to have practicev new guns on several occasion the next few months. The unit has purchased t LOAD banners. One is a regulation national IIFORIIS' standard, while the other is a regi- mental flag, bearing the official seal ilversity of the University of Michigan with an - "Reserve Officers Training Corps" em- broidered below. The colors are maize on blue, O. T. C. Enrollment in the corps has fallen re than down considerably this semester as Arthur compared to last. It is urged by Ma- jor Arthur that more men report for received this work. 411 men in the University ncluding are eligible for enrollment. d guns, rms. It The Chinese Students' Christ n As- with the sociation in North America has about s ,during 1,500 members. The student R. M. C. A. in China has 174 associations and wo new 19,000 members. TUTTL A Place to bring your friends Nowhere is the food better Nowhere is the service more prompt TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM Maynard Street l, State Savings Bank' Shows at 2-3:30 7-8:30 Adults Kiddies Cor. Main and Washington TODAY -MONDAY - TUESDAY AMEPFACOCK. :es will be SUff- aliflcation of a harging an ex- surety. These declared, were nt of infringing risoner to bail e to insure the e and as a pro- in case a bond Capital $300-000 Surls$0,0 Resources $4,000,000 ,. RMACY MEETING HELD HERE IN JUNE will be the meeting place gan Pharmaceutical asso- 6 to 8, it was decided by e committee at a meeting ciation h'eld recently in ess administration of the vill provide speakers on aining tothe management store. Among the enter- ature promised for the :ing are a theater party, d an athletic program in rmnasium. University and organization will be en- ~or IS JUST AS NOURISNINI AND DELICIOUS DURING THE WINTER MONTNS AS IT IS IN SUMMER. IT KEEPS YOU IN GOOD NEALTN THE YEAR 'ROUND } y + t _ .. 2 ! I E a r 2 s ' I I' _I .f Shows at 2-3:40-5:20 7-8:40 1~1 tI Adults 30c Kiddies lOc I I 1 1 A. Sunday Monday Tuesday . 4 I' { f r>' GEORGE AQLISS "DISRAELI" ,, " .u rom A. cefebrate c 'T cess'b y, Luis . JC",Pdre )i fe3b , j.1eaiy 16/ker d_ f :' [usical Presentation Overoture Dame" '- , Suppe Selection from G. Verdi's Opera "La Forza Del Destino" L. Falcone, Conducting it seemed i bit of cleverness for the spies who sought the overthrow of Disraeli's plans to be camping at his elbow but this greatest of all English statesmen wanted them there-so he could watch them. ' Here's a story of treason and intrigue-youthful love and domestic devotion-full of action and with suspense that holds you to the very end of the story. Portrayed by one of the foremost actors of the day and an all star cast that has neet been supassed 'IN OMEDY and NEWS