AIN Finishing Lantern Slides GROUPS Daylight or Flashlight Indoors or Outside 13 E. University Ave. N~EW SCHOOL OF EDUCATION~ SHOWS ENROLLMENT INCREASE An increased enrollment of 68 new members in the new School of Educa- tion was reported this semester in addition to the total enrollment of 147 students at the opening of the school last semester. There is now a total of 193 members, 62 men and 141 wo- men. In the department "of physical education, there are 19 enrollments, 12 men and seven women. Registra- tion is open only to juniors and se- niors. EXPLAINS COMPUTATION DOEP SCHOLARSHIP CHART Scholarship charts for fraternities, sororities,' and house clubs, issued in September each year, are based upon the grades of the two semesters of the preceding year jointly. ' Groups frequently wish, however, to ascertain their standings for the first semester. The method of computation, as out- lined by Registrar- Arthur G. Hall, is therefore explained by means of the following, allustrative example. The number of hours of each grade of every member of the organization, all schools and colleges of the Uni- versity, should be tabulated and to- taled. The hours of incomplete, ab- sent from examination, etc., are to Queer Salutations Figure In Letters Advertising "Sm art Set" Article (By Delbert Clark)- Circulation advertising for the lit- erary whip of America has recently been flooding the Michigan campus in formidable waves. Faculty and offi- cers of administration of the Univer- sity, from the President down to the Janitor of the R. 0. T. C. office, have each received a stereotyped letter in- closing a subscription blank for the publication. Balderdash?! A casual scansion of this mess of drivel will reveal to a one-eyed amo- eba that it -is a lot of blithering balder- dash. An inexcusable ignorance of facts is coupledwith half-wit .stupid ity. A few examples will suffice to convince the -most pig-headed of the ot Dry Cleaning is washing your garments in Benzol' or Gasoline. We use't Benzol exclusively. Ann Arbor 's Only Cleaners NOT Using Gasoline be omitted from the tion. Example: Hours A 10 x B 39. x C 50 x D 20 x E 10 x IX 8 120. further computa- Count 1.004 .85 .40 0= Total 10.00 25.50 35.00 .8.00 0 78.50 l"Unlucky PHONEforSpo - --- --t --- Ir 0 4 ,: The weighted credit, 78.50, divided by the number of hours completed, 120, gives the percentage standing of the group, 65.4. percent. By reference to the margin of last year's chart, this will be found to be considerably below tC grade average. SOPH LIT DUES I Soph lits may 'pay their dues I for the year, from 0 o'clock until F 4 o'clock, Tuesday, Feb. 21, in I the main corridor. of University hall. No tickets for the prom I will be issued to anyone who has I not paid. The -dues are $1.00. CLASS. TREASURER. A Reliable Jeweler CHAPMAN 113 South Main infallibility of my statements, not only in this case but in any others that may arise. The No'rdic influence of the pack of stoneheads whose influence emanates like bad whisky from the Atlantic coast is driving all accurate biologic thought from the country. But I weary of tiresome originality- let me quote. The rot that follows is an example of what may be found in the advertising matter which has been received from the whip by campus ' officials: "Prof. Marion L. Burton, Dear Mad- am,;-it is too nerve-racking, this, fearful expectation of seeing some day the address, Dr. Thomas Edison Lov- ell, President, University of Michigan, Dear Tom. But to continue: "Prof. Francis J. Dunbar, Dear Sir"; posh! The lady in question is too busy at the Shop to thunder a fitting denunciation.. This bosh is worthy of the dinosaurs, perhaps, but not of moderns like "the aristocrat of American magazines." 1 do not know how they get that way, neither do I care. They are that way. It may look humorous, but to me it is pathetic. It is a strong indication of the passing of a great race. And Again ... . By thecourtesy' of the Secretary of the University I have secured the fol- lowing, gem to completa the brooch, in 'lead-foil setting:"Miss.Shirley*W. Smith, Dear Madam"; damned rot! I{ renounce the publication and I have hunted in the waste basket for the various rejection slips they have sent me in the past, and which I have been saving as souvenirs to make a crazy quilt, in order to send them back. 1 cannot find them. As I remember now, I seem to have pieced them to- gether with binder twine into a neck- tie for my Sunday outfit, and it has no doubt long since succumbed to the onslaughts of the Vhrsity laundry, thus completing the cycle of evolution. I am not adverse to destructive criticism, especially of anything I my- self write. And keeping this in mind, I say that American pseudo-civiliza- tion - is fulfilling my fondest expecta- tions, and with the chuckle-heads who have condemned our literature to a perdition of eternity without Crane, without Cabell, without Father Eddie Guest, we may look soon for a snivel- ling. petticpatocracy of stenographers who cannot spell, and dictators who idiotically confuse professors with presidents, and males with misses, to the eternal hysteria of the letter-read- ing public, with its perverted sense of the ridiculous. Asses? 'Nuffs Enough If they are not asses, they-are most certainly worms. In this forecast I can not be mistaken. My biologic search convinces me of it, and'the unutter- able pishposh uttered by magazine editors points to the confirmation of my views. But I weary. I shall take my Sans- krit dictionary under my arm, my flask of bootleg Nestle's food in my hip pocket, my typewriter in my hand, and wander dismally down to State street, to watch the procession of pif- fling dolt dribble past, Detroit Alum Plan Dance Tor AIi Universities Want to be .conomical? Here 's a final clearance of MEN'S SUITS .,+ 0' :. f Good News For' Hungry Students '~I 6 I If you have not yet become acquainted, with Good Eats Caf eteria, there is no better time than now. i $1650 $2150 Alumni from 25 different universities are now co-operating with the Detroit University of Michigan club to give the All-university bill Feb. 27, at the Graystone in Detroit. The plan was started by the Uni- versity of Michigan club and the De- troit Association of University of Mich- igan Women, and all university people will be invited regardless of their alma mater. The proceeds of the dance will be given to the fund for the new Women's League building. The patrons: and patronesses from Ann Arbor are Regent Junius E. Beal and Mrs. Beal, Dean Joseph A. Burs- ley and Mrs. Bursley, Registrar Arthur G. Hall and Mrs. Hall,. Frederick. P. Jordan and Dean! Jordan, and Wilfred B. Shaw and Mrs. Shaw. Mason P. Rumney, '08E, president of the Detroit alumni, invited President Marion L. Burton and Mrs. Burton to attend the ball,tbut because of a previous engage- ment on that date, the President will not be able to be there. Tickets for the affair have been placed on sale at the desk in the Union or may be procured from Wilfred Shaw, editor of the Alumnus. The price is $5 a couple, or $3 ,for a single ticket. The Graystone, where the affair will be given, is a new building on Woodward, between Willis and Can- field avenues. It has one 'of the largest ball rooms in the state and a't least 1,000 couples are expected to attend. / t T O -DAY That enables you to tenzs of dollars ivith save ease 'f we are serving old fashioned, CHICKEN DINNER FOR 65c which you find will hard to beat Regular Meals 35c up Copyright 1921 Hart Schaffner & Mars The Best in Town GOOD EATS CAFETERIA East Williams Street o I Weights suitable for srng and Buy your class toques from Daily e a rly summer wear. Hart I _ .IIadvertisers.--Adv. Schaffner & Marx make ; fine it uI uup ..f*flS**4*..".............................a** .~******4t****.... n ..........u uuruau............. n~.o~.......~ .... . r1 I fabrics, styles, colors, tailoring. 7I Prices are sensational to make the clearance immediate! I Women's Swimming Meet Tuesday, February, 21 Enter Monday, City Y. M. C. A. Women's Swimming 1 CITY Y.M.C.A. ReU Conlin Fiegel Co. Class Hours: Monday and Thursday, 3.30 to 4.3o P. M. Tuesday and Friday, 8.oo to 9.00 P. . Wednesday and Saturday, 9.30 to 10.30 A. ). T ain Street at Washington SIGN AT U. HALL MONDAY Li U~r~p aH ru~t~rgr N~ltrQ rN Hrrrr Qra~r Ntrrur~tH~rrrn Hpr~NH~rarM rla.aaanaaa.....l ur~.HnnuqRrrarrr... b..a raa Aaa...a a a.... w s I AUDITORIUM A Hans Kindler -Dutch Violoncellist TICKETS on Sale at SCHOOL fOF MUSIC r i Eve. ruary 20 Soloiat With the Detroit Symphony Orchestra Oslp Gabrilowitech, Conductor. soc - $1.00 $1.50 - $2.0i h, if