OF, w 'I x I Ut'i AiUf I ~va a ar a aa a+aa SXXTIC= i g ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1922 PRICE , HIG A SCORES DUAL VICTOR ml 3 ; RA B only other im i came before th was that pertainsi of certain footb -coming games an 4ter this year a I be on the same the home-coming is action was ta act that the des as home-coming preference to on it. The board w iat in order to pr( vith all of our of best to do away rse of favoritism 2nquet I 4 thleie4 Followin Iting athletes .o team and of the 11 team were ho given last night lhes were made Stagg of Chicago ntertainment wa S. increase the g( the three unive se of the affai am A. Frayer, . of' athletic coy master. fessor Frayer in as the first spe o Stagg, the dir :. the Universit He said-that y between the hard feeling,,im than at present 1 f this sort do ml lard feeling and fellowship thatE all college men e they come. n Dewey, '23, san he Mimes quartet t Schirmer, '22,'T Paul Wilson, 12 '22, entertained rarsity cheer lea ells were given lhe three univers coaches of the and the Wiscoi were there and siting teams as w teams were gues emaining tables nts and the large FILM SENSATION TO BE SHOWN BY FAST GAEINDS WAR VETERANS -""' N "Theodora," proclaimed by New W York critics to be the year's movie. sensatin, will be shown under the auspices of the Veteran's Memorial U NI committee of the University of Michi- gan, at 7:30 o'clock, Wednesday and FERRY FIELD Thursday, Feb. 22 and 23, in Hi1 ud- BASKET-TOSSERS DOWN STRONG GREAT itorium- VISITORS WITH GREAT IES The presentation of this picture is a DIFFICULTY part of the committee's campaign to LSSURED raise $15,000 to be used to complete CLOSE GUARDING MAKES the reading room of the Union. When ATHLETES completed this room will be aedicat- SPECTACULAR CONTEST ed to Michigan men who gave their During Football lives during the late war. Wolverines Outplaed in Oei shed at Admission will be 50 cents. Tickets Period Are Strong atpenng are on sale at all campus book storesP o Sn g at and downtown stores and may be ob- Finis to be establish- tained at the door for each perform- with a Wolverine ance. In the fastest game of the year here [niversity in the Michigan's basketball team defeated iven a severe set T-IlWisconsin by a score of 18-17 in Wat- the proposal for LIT UIIU IV Lerman gymnasium last night. The was rejected by game was marked by exceptionally of Athletics at close guarding, each team taking the on. SJSHMLII L INEIIUball down the floor innumerable times at need'for bet- times only to lose it under the basket ilities at the Rby the clever defense of the other srd votel to RUM OF AUTOMATIC MARKING team., house on Ferry DENIED; REPORTS ARRIVE visitors Draw First Blood unmodate indoor MONDAY The game started with a rush and etball, track and five minutes were played without eith- more space for All grades for the students of the er team scoring. Michigan had sever- literary college have been sent out al chances to count but missed every Ins and should arrive at their destinations time. The Badgers scored first blood not later than Monday afternoon. A when Taylor dropped in a free throw. will be approxi- few of the marks were sent out late This was followed by field goals by feet which willThswsflwebyildgasy all sports in- Friday evening and the remainder yes- Gibson and Caesar making the score ze by the base- terday. 'Y5-0 against the Wolverines. Miller Every year at the end of each se- who was largely responsible for the g the favorable mester a rumor arises from the stu- victory then came through with a free' dent body to the mffect that the grad- throw for the first Michigan point. f such a strue- ing system of the literary college is Michigan could not seem to find the ficers t formu- unfair and the professors and in basket in the first hpf, not registering hboard and at structors employ moe or less of an a field goal during the entire period. oar andatautomatic rule in distributing A's, Miller contributed all s'x of the Wol- tion woiku h B's, etc. - It is sai4 often times that verine points via the foul line. For the he failure of the'some professor invariably gives' 10 Badgers Gibson, the tall centet, scor- e per cent of his class A's, 10 per cent ed two baskets and Caesar and Taytor t, declared that F's, and the remaining 80 per cent ie t the board had partialed out in B's and C's, and neapeceam inds Basket that under ex- D's. This rumor is absolutely false The Wolverines came back with a ,t could not see and groundless, according to Regis sd blish crew as a trar Arthur G. Hall spurt in the second half which corn Ulniversity. " ';F tl"n 1912,"stated Dr. IaX "the prs- petely snowed under the' ardinal 14 Ounivty. 1sst , o gadng.wHaladtedfr during the opening part of the period. led Out ent system of grading was adopted for Ely dropped in three baskets one after portant matter the literary college. After a close ob- another and Miller added to the Mich- .e board for ac- servance of the grades of the average igan icount by garnering three free ag to the design- course of the literary college for many throws in as many attempts. all games as years it was found that in the long Along with this was a fiel goal by id it was'decided run the mathematical curve of prob- Coesar and three free throws by Tay- l1 games -played ability showed that the grades would for making the score 15 all. At this basis discontin- come ot in a manner which would point the scoring stopped for a time idea, point toward a predetermined percen- and the two teams fought hard for a ken in view of Clage rule; but it was explicitly stated slight advantage. Michigan's chances ignation of any at this time that no instructor or pro- received a sudden setback when Gib- game tended to fessor was to apply such a rule to any son scored a long goal from the center e particular op particular group of students."on coedlo as of the opin- Another question over which much the Wolverinesby wonderful team onote good feel- misunderstanding has arisen is' the The Wr eries by. wonefl pponntstha itsystem of placing students on proba- work carriedtJ~ ball down the floor ppwnents that ittn an waing andrasing thm twice only to lose it under the basket with any such but on the third try Miller -counted ~. from these lists, a All of t e records of the grades are again, tying the score. gone over carefully by the registrar With three minutes to play Miller onors and a list is made of all those students scored the. winning point by a free who have received two or more D's or throw. The ball from then on was E's. These students' records are tak- carried from on end of the floor to the ' uest's - en to the committee on delinquents other, first in, the possession of one Game and carefully scrutinized, and those team and then the other but the close LPaI. students who have two or more D's or guarding made is, impossible for either E's, the aggregate hours of which do team to get an open shot. Just as the got amount to more than half their timer's gun was fired Kipke dropped W the Chicago woik are warned, while those receiv- in a pretty shot but the basket was Wored atra ban- ing D's or E's in hours amounting to not allowed, leaving the score 18-17 noted at a ban- more than half their work are placed with Michigan on the top. at the Union. on probation . Wisconsin Play Solved by Coach Yost' Warnings are raised from those One of the outstanding features of ,swhile mus - who receive nothing lower than C's in the game was the free throwing of is furnished by all the courses that they. carry and Miller. "Bill" had 12 chances and made od feeling be- probations are lifted providing the his shots successfully in all but two ord ties wa he- probationer's grades are not lower at empts. He counted six straight in r, staed Prof. than C's with a grade better than C the first period and in the second rmber of in one subject, counted on every shot. member of the Wisconsin had the edge in the open- ntrol, who was T E TERTAIN inghalf playing all around the Wol- verines. However toward the end of troduced Coach WITH VODVIL REVU the period Mihigan solved the play aker. Following (Continued on Page Ten) rebtor of athlet- - y of Chicago, Playing to a packed house, the best often the bitter local talent available appeared in Hill K indler Plays various teams auditorium Friday night in the Boy pore so in the Scouts' Revu. A varied program was f I' but that gather- offered in which many members ofm uch to overcome the opera cast appeared. 1 bring about the President Marion L. Burton, Mayor Hans Kindler, 'cellist, and the De- should exist be- George E. Lewis, L. A. Butler, super- troit Symphony orchestra will Join no matter from intendent of schools. Ray Dolph, pres- tomorrow night in a program that. ident of the Chamber of Commerce, promises well. The program consists g several songs Dr. James F. Breaky, tpresident of the of three orchestra numbers and a tte, composed of Rotary club, Herbert Silvester, presi- 'cello concerto as follows: Pom Underwood, dent of the Conopus club, and Robert Overture, "Donna Diana"..#.Reznicek 23L, and Don Norris, president of the Kiwanid club, Symphony in D minor........Franck 1. Al Cuthbert, were administered the tenderfoot Intermisslon ader, was there oath. President Burton gave short 'Cello Concerto ............. d'Albert for Stagg; Yost speech upon receiving the oath. Hans Kindler cities. 'The University of Michigan is glad British Folk-Music Settings ... Chicago track to endorse the campaign of the Ann....................... .,Grainger nsin basketball ,Arbor men and women to make possi- (a) Colonial Song all the men on ble the continuance of -the Scout (b) Shepherd's Hey cell as the Mich- work," he said. "There is no great- This concert will be the fourth in ts of the Union. er medium for character building in the Extra Concert series. The final were filled with America today among our citizens' of concert will be given by the Detroit dining room of the future than lies in the Boy Scout Symphony orchestra, with Bendetson led to capacity. movement," he said. Netzorg as piano soloist. EDGAR GUEST WILL SPEAK TONIGHT IN.WOLERINES DFEAT WEAK I METHODIST CHURCH Edgar A. Guest, prominent popular poet, will speak at 7:30 o'clock to- night at the fifth of the Wesleyan Guild lectures in the Methodist church. Mr., Guest, more generally known as, "Eddie," just last year celebrated his twenty-fifth anniversary of connec- ARMS CONFERENCE LANDOWSKI, D tion with the Detroit Free Press. Dur- ing the most of that time he has been GREAT STEP AHE AD MARKS; SARG conductor of a daily column of poetry -G. F. PIERCE. OST I and humor which is now syndicated and sent to newspapers all over this "In its effects the Washington con- TEAM WORK country. During the anniversary cel- ference will loom large and remain SNOWS UN ebration itis reported that Mr. Guest longer in the human mind than any reecived between 30,000 and 40,000 other like event, said Senator G. F. congratulatory messages. Pierce, the head of the Australian del- Oie Sided Conte During a recent trip to the Pacific egation at the recent peace conference Mali coast Mr. Guest was received by so and one of the greatest statesmen .) many people and so enthusiastically Australia has produced, speaking last that his journey took on more the night at Hill auditorium on "Our Taking firsts in nature of =triumphant march than a Common Interests in the Pacific." the Michigan t'ac pleasure trip. As a speaker Mr. Guest Senator Pierce launched his mes- swamped the Wea is in great demand throughout all of sage with a short survey in which he the score of 77 t Michigan and the East. outlined racial, social and political indoor meet betwe history of Australia. t held In Waterman iLLI DO FIflIITHe paid a great tribute to the Unit- day afternoon.' T ed States in his belief that this coui- Varsity was decid try, by the successful conclusion of the opening test o: TO irrnrainr the Arms conference, had done what however, was piti no other great power could do in for one or two ev bringing about international amity in real competition to the world. best that Coach St WILL LEAVE AT END OF WEEK was to take one f FOR NATIONAL MEET onds, thie rest of IN CHICAGO froni straggling t Ali faculty members of the School Two 'Waterman J of Education will leave the latter part were shattered an of this week for Chicago to attend a the course of the week's conference of the National Ed- the feature and oI ucation association. f Jance of the after Those who will take part in the Evelyn Rockwell, '29, Given First Landowsid' of M conference are: Dr.-Guy-M.- Whipple, Prize; Coroboration Wins vault. Having alr "Dr. .Charles Berry, Dr. Calvin O. Dav- ' Second for the Varsity at is, and Dr. James B. Edmunson. Deanr.. vaulter set out to t A. S. Whitney, 'who "will take no for- I-vutrstott a p. ite co will ta lk COMPANY TO START ACTUAL record. After the ma 1part in theach ,'atert en' talk WORK ON PRODUCTION SOON p laced pon the ma on\Wednesday, March 1, at the Michi- high as they coul gan luncheon to be held in the Con-mh gress hotel. Evelyn F. Rockwell, '22, submitted measured i the Executives of the conference will the scenario which was chosen by the sag.The height be: Dr. Guy M. Whipple, who is sec- juding committee as the best of the incthes ;i hts retary-treasurer of the National So- 24 entered in the University movie on the first attem ciety-for the Study of Education, one contest, according to a decision an- over the bar with section of the educational conference. nounced yesterday. The title 'of the y E Doctor Whipple was both editor and winning plot is "Reputation" or 'The 1915. contributor to the yearbook of the Unpardonable Error. The second . National Sdciety for the Study of Ed- prize was awarded to Francis Brun- The other record ucation which will be discussed at the ner, '24L, and Stewart Conant, '23, co- ry Davis in the t conference. Dr. James B. Edmunson, authors of the plot entoitled Parch- in e race. Davis who is secretary of the National As- ment. the first mile and sociation of High School Inspectors, The judges, Pr. L. A. Srauss, of rst e will also present a paper at the con- the English department, Dr. rank A. the rest ofthe ed ference. Dr. Calvin 0. Davis is pres- Robbins, assistant to the President, 9:sumwasa1t:iv.e ident of the department of education and the president of the, producing n1920,Ha therst tie for land grant colleges and state uni- company, met Thursday afternoon in ' versities, and is on the committee for the Presidentrs office and made th ran an easy race the reorganization of secondary final selection.- not"exert'himsel schools. Doctor Davis will also have The final production script will ar- Michigan, was atl charge of the Michigan dinner in place rive in Ann Arbor March 1 from the the entire run H of Doctor Edmunson, who was unable studios of the producing company, tntir run to take charge of it, due to injuries where scenario experts are now at and a half behnk received last week. , work on the necessary revisions and of'Michigan toqk I Previous to the ' c'onference there amplifications.. One Re( will be a three' day conference of the Actual work on production will be In the 50 yard d National Association for Deans of started as soon as the revised con- igai tied th rec Women, together with the Bureau of tinuity outline has the approval of the Johnson, H. E. O' -Occupations and the Association of judges appointed by President Marion Losch for the gy Coilege Vocational Activities, at which L. Burton. A complete technical unit distance in 5 3-5 s both Dean Myra 'B. Jordan and Miss will in all probability be moved to One of the mos Grace Greenwood, social director of Ann Arbor from the company's stu- couraging things Martha Cook dormitory, will take part dios, and the selection of a cast of the fact that Michi in the program. Dean Jordan will be characters will be started as soon as three events and guest of honor at an informal lunch- the details of the plot are finally rat- were in the distan eon which will be held during the con- ified long time since a i ference. The prize money, consisting of $'5 has come across s Instructors will take. charge of to the first choice and $25 to the sec- events. Every poi practically all of the education class- ond, wil'l be awarded to the winning mile. and two mil es during the absence of the faculty. authors on March L. verine irunners.I little, nevertheless NOECOBB NOTABLE TO Michigan distance NO RJLES MADE COing. In the mile, IN CHIMES CONTEST BE HERE FOR TALK himsef as being o ers .thathas been - ' number ot years. Chme hs Irvin S. Cobb, humorist, wh hs tiful r foer s.d The editorial staff of Chimes hash s tiful form d h been asked by several students if it finish, Bowen race was necessary that contributions to Hill auditorhlm under the auspices of in the good time the short story contest conform to the the Oratorical association, was strick- formance was mo technicalities of short-story writing. en with influenza Thursday and will be the same -time, t Such is not the case. Chimes is not unable to fulfill his engagement here men were coverin interested in rhetoric, as such, nor at the scheduled time, according to a good shape. Arnd will it even be detrimental to a story's telegram received from his manager under 4:35, Then chances if the grammar or punctua- yesterday by ProfT. homas C, True- SArgent Best tion is faulty. What Chimes is inter- blood, of the public speaking depart- Tile half mile w ested in is the encouragement of ment. 2:1:1-5. Price and short-story writing by students at the "We expect to secure Mr. Cobb at ond and third. Fo University of Michigan. To do this a later date," stated Professor True- led the field but he is the aim and object of the short- blood yesterday morning. No action fast a pace and hi story contest. will be taken at the present time to- him on the last la It is suggested that those interest- ward securing any other speaker as a To Sargent of ed in writing short stories begin work substitute for Mr. Cobb." honor of being h upon one or more stories in the near meet. With eight future, so that their stories may be Alex Dow to Speak at Union by virtue of win' in early and thus receive the most "-Opportunities in Public Utilities". high hurdles and careful consideration. For full de- Will be the subject of an informal talk hurdles, he led tl tails and conditions of the contest, see by Alex Dow, president of the De- in the matter of p the last issue of Chimes. troit Edison company, at 3 o'clock this (Continued afternoon in the assembly room of the Illinois Defeats Iowa Union. Students from all depart- Wisconsin Vi (By Associated Press) ments are invited; the aim of the South Bend, Ind Iowa City, Ia., Feb. 18.-The Uni- Sunday afternoon committee in se- sin defeated Notr versity of Illinois track team won a curing leaders in each profession rep- meet here today,I Western Conference indoor track meet resented is that the talks may be made Wisconsin, broke today from Iowa by the score of 81 sufficiently broad to interest the stu- -two mile race an to 23. ' dent body as a whole. team for the rest ul nul AVis SET ENT GAT zALLIE S $ SMOOI )ER VISI' $t Easily G e and ime 10 of the 11 Ik team coni k ,Chicago tE 0 18 in the en the two gymnasium 'he showing odly satisfac f the year. C fully weak a 'ents could o Farrel's m agg's team o first and thr its points hirds. peetacular gymnasium d one was meet. Undo utstanding p 'noon was t ichigan in tI eady *on th 11 feet, the ;ry for a gym standards ha is and raise .d go the bi center to all was t2 feet jrsey stll- pt, Landows beautiful ea feet had bee of Michigar was made t Mo mile run. y for the fir took the lea held first p1 vent. His tiD time for th, - This was n that the eve gymnasium. and apparen b. Chute, a Davis' heels a finished but 1him. Whit third.. cord Tied ash, Kelley o: ord held by Brien, and :i n. He clipi econds. t unusual a about the me gan scored, s1 these three ces. . It has Michigan trac o well in the nt in the ha: e, went to th While Chica the running men was Bowen has s cue of the-be at Michigar Running wit: aving a rem d around th of 4:29. H st encouragi: wo other M g the dista t and Standi, they finishe Point Winn ent to atte Douglas pla r four laps I e had set him is 'teammates ap. Michigan go igh scorer points to hi ning a first a second in .he rest of t oints. oil Page Six itors on Tr d., Feb. 18.- e Dame in 62 to 34. Fi hiS leg dur d will be los