L hiPP I AO * / ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH. 31, 1921. { m G ~PERORTorchlights And'ANUC IH tusic Will See T\Il Track Team Off DA1 OPERATIP lscorted by a torchlight procession, the Varsity track team will be given a Itinerary Longest Ever Taken in the rousing send-off at 11:42 o'clock (Un- .hIstory of Union Organ A AE iversity time) tomorrow night at the izatona FRE Michigan Central station.'Definite an- 1. TO KEEP nouncement as to the time and place A PA E E A NT; where the procession wil form to go ~UMP NETRTIdi; to the station xiappear in tomor- PREPARE SOCIAL RECEPTIONS TCCESSFUL; row's Daily.I ACUATION The Varsity band has promised to Battle Creek, Jackson, Pontiac, Port be at the station in full regalia to Huron, Bay City, Saginaw, Flint, and, " % ' "help give the team a never-to-be-for- Detroit will be visited by the Union led on Charge of gotten send-,off. Al Cuthbert, '21E, t ent to Retore will be on hand to lead the crowd in opera this year in the longest trip1 es cheering., ever taken by the organization. "Top 'We realize that there are many o' th' Mornin'" will be on the road ed Press) other things which will take istudents' eight days, leaving here Friday, April 0.Count Stefan time tomorrow night, but at the same , and returning late Saturday night, 1otta time we have every reason to expect wered to act for a big crowd to give the team a real April 16. T .te, has been sent send-off as they leave for an invasiop 120 Make Trip West Hugarian of the West," said Robert W. Christie, Those who will make the trip num-1 "an border, where .'2VD, student councilman in charge her 120, which includes members of of, arrangements. ."Every loyal Mich- iarles has taken i anguent s not alreadh the cast and chorus, orchestra, con- igan student who-has not already ttenwoahrsE.Mrtmr n attempt to re- planned something else should be pre- mitteemen, two authors, E. Mortimer sent," he said. Shuter, director, Earl V. Moore, mu- visit- to Budapest sical director, Homer Heath, minager a of 'taking pos- of the Union, and a faculty represen- rian throne, but U1, VWlSSLDO INEW" tative. Three Pullmans and a baggage e thae Hungarian von'ncar will constitute the headquarters1 Swith hisgplan. Iof the company on the road, and it is1 > at one time was likely that they will be made into a xr premier, Arch- IS WELL KNOWN AS LECTURE special train much of tie way.- stronxg'forceof AND AUTHORITY ON SUBJECT The opera will play in the Post the- al to suppress a OF ANTHROPOLOGY ater in Battle Creek Friday evening, ,should any be - April 8, the first night out. The next Teleky and-Count "Time-Perspective in Culture and night "Top o' th' Mornin' " will be pre- mer foreign min- Rtace" is the subject of a lecture to be sented to the people of Jackson at the the former ruler, delivered at 8 o'clock Thursday night Majestic theater. A holiday'will be Bethlen to en- in Natural Science auditorium by Dr. taken on Sunday, but on Monday the Charles to leave Clark Wissler, 'curator of anthropdlo- show will be given in the Oakland; . *gy of the American Museum of Nat- theater, Pontiac.{ trict military su- ural History in New tork. Dr. Clark The Tuesday performance will take nanger. He has is acting temporarily as ,chairman of place at Port Huron in the Majestic, s staunchest sup- the division of psychology and an- while on Wednesday the opera exhib- ermitted to leave thropology of the National Research its in the Washington theater, Bay friends. The for- council with headquarters in Wash- City. People of Saginaw will witness ied the govern- ington, D. C The lecture is a Uni. the show in the Auditorium Thursday, was pAparing for versity affair given under the auspices those of Flint will see it in the Ma- neutral country, of the, Michigan. Academy of Science jestic Friday and the trip' will wind in session hei'e this week. up at Detroit Saturday, April 16 s, who with many Dr. Wissler has written a popular where the engagement is scheduled e Hungarian aris- work on the American Indian and is for Orchestra hall. manger, has been also the author of other monographs Alumni Enthusiastic h being the head on more technical.* subjects. There Difficulty in securing play houses restore Charles will be no admission fee for his lec- in Chicago and Grand Rapids has ture and all interested in his subject made it impossible to play those two are invited o attend. cities wltere the opera was well re- IEN WI Certai mebers of the faculty feel ceived last year. rElPHI DE$ATEthat Dr. Wissler's lecture is especial- Alumni in the cities which "Top o' ly opportune, coming at a time when th' Mornin'" will visit have indicat- the interest which is being' expressed ed that they intend to give the trav reshman team to in anthropology .is thought sufficient e g tha pth y toive tectav- anua debte wth {elling compay a social reception inual debate with to warrant serious consideration be- y lie placecif : t eevery time a stogy is made, Al Fint, lie place of the ing given the project of establishing.a particularly, complete ' preparatiois Alpha Nu at 7:30 department of that subject in the have been made for a big night after in its clubrooms University, the show. *f University hall. : The present session of the Academy Cost $12,000 debated is: "Re- of Science is the first during which a Thcotfte191riwllb ted t te sh io f ath oo gyhas e nThe cost of the 1921. trip will be ited States should section of anthropology ,has been held. ependence to the Phe program of the section will be higher than last year, the estimated giveh from 9 to 12 Friday morning expenditure being $12,000. It is said that an average of between $1,700 and $2,000 must be taken in each night j to put the show over financially. The DI SEIGTEEN ATHLETES paraphernalia for travelling has been *E lIAT U constructed to stand the extra strain, STT AIF BNI MEETespecially the elaborate stage scenery which cost a great deal more because it had to be taken on the trip. on yesterday aft- dition. In addition to this, Forbes' s which were to ability to run the 440 and relay and NAMES ON BALLOT of the' Varsity his entry in the high jump.gave him WILL BE ROTATEi) xal meet with the the post over Sargent. In the discus 'nia, Coach Steve trials, Jacobs beat Dunne's best arry Butler last throw on his last attempt but in five , Names on the All-campus election names of the 15 out of . six trials could not equal ballot will be rotated this year ac- the party which Dunne and consequently lost the cording to a resolution passed, last tomorrow. The place. His performance was' highly a well balanced creditable and gives promise of points the men whom for Michigan in this event in later council. This was done in an effort best qualified to meets. to give every nominee the same s the strongest. California Gets List chance and will, by changing the or- the country. An entry sheet was sent to Califor- der of the names, give every man on iounced nia last night and lists the follow- the ballot the opportunity of being jitain Butler the ing men in the events: 100 yard dash, first on the list an equal number of been chosen: Losch and Simmons, 220 yard dash, times. Wetzel, Forbes, Losch and Simmons. 440 yard dash, After considerable discussion, con- Douglas, Free- Butler, Wetzel, Forbes. Half 'mile, cerning the number of students who Dunne, Wesbrook, Douglas, Burkholder, and Burns. Mile walk over the lawns of the campus, nd Hoffman. All run, Douglas, Burkh'older, and Free- the council also drew up the follow- participate in at borne. Two mile, run, Freeborne and ing resolution: d Duke Dunne is. Douglas. 120 yard high hurdles, Whereas-The general hazing of to the limit on Cruikshank, and Dunne. 220 yard low freshmen has been abolished and it who can be en- hurdles, Cruikshank, and Dunne. High is for the good of Michigan that gen- nd the number of jump, Forbes, and Wesbrook. Pole eral restrictions be placed on fresh- run off. vault, Wesbrook. Broad jump, Wes- men, the Student council rules that trials was strong 'brook, Cruikshank. Shot put, Stipe, freshmen shall keep to the sidewalks! was encountered Van Orden. Hammer throw, Stipe, at all times while on the campus, and aking his final Van Orden, and Dunne. Javelin, that it is the duty of every upper- s severely handi- Hoffman, and Dunne. Discus throw; classman and sophomore to enforce illness which de- Hoffman, Dunne, and Van Orden. The this and to report violators to the ip he would have reray team will be picked from the sophomore committee. on underclass Unusual Staging, True Comedy, Vie For Union Opera Honors 1/ 1 (By Joseph A. Bernstein). We came, we saw, and we wereE conquered! We came, we saw, and we blushed. The only thing that kept us from falling in love was the fact that Jack Frost was a man. It all happened when the pretty "Irish Coleens" tripped lightly onto the stage last night at the Whitney and performed one of the most charming little dances that ever add- ed attraction to the annual produc- tion of the Mimes of the Michigan Unioni. The Opera, second night, went over bigger than they said it did the first night. The male woinen, "Hot Dog" (as Lead Comadian Rosenthal would say), enthralled us, and being privi- leged, we could not resist the tempta- tion of .visiting the forbidden area - back of the scenes. (We sought proof, and almost found it.) The only thing wrong with the whole party was that the chorus girls were men - so our date with Jack Frost wasn't. i'ow, to comeout of our rapture, Jack Frost was one of the colleens. After Frost had finally convinced us that it was "he" and not "she", we proceeded to tour the dressing rooms. Kemp Keena, the leading male, was found hidden in the Star's parlor gaz- ing intently into a mirror adjusting the make-up on his lips, while Hil- Bard Rosenthal, in the same room, was like Bert Williams as he climbed into his green costume for the seond act. In the narrow corridors familiar voices greeted us, but painted faces and frilly dresses denied us the right to recognize those who spoke. If it hadn't been for the cuss words, we'd have 'been sure the males were females. For, This Yer No attempt to raise the $38,000 nec- essary for the completion of the Union swimming pool will be made during the present school year, according to an anpouncement made yesterday aft- ernoon by Union officials. Coach Elmer C. Drulard of the swimming team and Paul Eaton, '21, president of the Union, have been sounding out the alumni on the propo- sition and they are convinced that it would be almost impossible to put across a successful drive .at this time. Drulard interviewed .mDetroit alumni last Saturday and Eaton spent Tuesday in Port Huron, and the' alumni they balked with advised against running a campaign until h9tiness' conditions are better. Yesterday afternoon a meeting was held of men interested in the finish- ing of the pool and the difficulties were explained to them. The tentative plans call for a final effort to raise the money some time next year when. it is thought, business conditions will warrant such action. PROF. CHASE DELIVERS TALK ON ANCIENT SCULPTURE (By Lee M. Woodruff) Conceived in brilliant green and dedicated to the proposition'that all the world loves the fair colleen even when her red, red beard shows through, "Top o' th' Mornin'", Michi- gan's fifteenth annual and first Hiber- nian opera, again had its audience with it from curtain to curtain in the second performance Wednesday night at the Whitney. Acting and music are up to opera standards of.recent years, and scen- ery and costumes - mostly green but with a bi't of orange to make it im- partial - can compare favorably even with "George Did It's" elaborate pro- duction. But the features which set the 1921 Opera apart and above the efforts of the past are its comedy, which is a revelation because for once its basis is witty lines rather 'than awkward steps and still more awk-I ward situations, and its remarkably novel and well executed trick dances. Hilliard Rosenthal, '21, as Miltiades Fitzgerald, negro servant, is the king of the Opera's excellent comedy troupe. From the first roar of mirth which gieets his "cork" joke until the final chuckle when he waves aloft the empty bag from which Paris Green has, (Continued on Page 'Eight) HARDING ACCEPTS! Pres. Warren C. Harding ant a personal letter to Mark Ii. Ehl- bert, '20, grand president of Pi Delta Epsilon, honorary journal- ism fraternity, accepted the, in- vitation of the organization to honorary membership yesterday. The letter on White House sta- tionery was as follows; "Please thank your fratern- ity's convention for inviting me to honorary membereship, and say I accept with pleasure. ' "Very truly yours, "WARREN G. HARDING." SOPH LITS MEET TODAY !sci Dr. week come tomorrow, section me the snort-term i ing of the conv masters' club. Yesterday's c enth short-term to light many angles on the p Dean E. P. Cub' department of 'university spoke "Finance the JC brought out the and especially s tion in large a to progress in e Prof. Da ers' collei addressed the morning on "Apprec Should They Be Ta phasized the need higher degree of apj fine arts without goi discussion of the could be done. Today's program joint session with tI club and will take p torium. At 10 o'clock den will lecture on "1 of Mental Discipline ondary Schools," Dc speak at 11 o'clock Conceptions of the S "Charcoal Activat subject of a paper o' chemistry conference will be given by Dr don, of the physi 2:30 o'clock this afte physics lecture ,roox masters' club progra 1Will Nominate Student Four Candidates Council ,ffiees forI Members of the sophomore lit ,class will hold an important meeting at 4 o'clock today in University Hall in- stead of in Natural Science auditorium as previously announced for the pur- pose of nominating four representa- tives of the class for student coun- cilmen, and to consider further busi-I n tess. A member of the Student council will be present to explain the work of the body and the part that sophomores are expected to take. Following the explanation, four nominations will be made, two of whom willtbe elected at the general election to serve as Student councilmen. The class will be asked to give ex- pression as to its desire to go on rec- ord as favoring the adoption of the honor system, 'after considering the report of the honor committee. Some definite action will also be taken to follow out the Student council sug- gestion of keeping off the grass, and using the sidewalks. In addition to other nominations two class baseball managers will be elect- ed and the handling 'of the spring games and other activities will be turned over to'the'under class con- duct committee. public school University S appointed ch tion for the club. He w ing to be he the School oc All the stages-in the development of Grecian and Roman sculpture can be illustrated by examples in various Americaa collections, according to Prof. Charles H. Chase, of Harvard university, who spoke on the variety and quality of ancient sculpture Wed- nesday evening in Alumni Memorial hall. ,The lecture was accompanied with slides showing many examples of Hel- lenistic and Roman sculpture which are now on exhibition in American museums. Professor Chase pointed out the important influence of Greek art' upon the later Roman sculpture. "The excavations of the American expedition at Sardis" will be the sub- ject of his lectur9 at 11 o'clock this morning in the uipper auditorium of Alumni Memorial hall. J-Lits Elect Six Councilmen The names of the six men chosen for Student councilmen at the junior lit meeting yesterday afternoon are as follows: Walter B. Rea, Rufus. A. Bailey, Robert F. Wieneke, Hugh W. Hitchcock, Brewster P. Campbell and will be discusse ing of the memb faculties and the which 'will be h day afternoon in building. Dr. Gil Section meetii Academy of Scic and will be con morrow until th< 1:30 o'clock Fr ence auditorium. dress was given of M. A. C. at 8 Natural, Science Ject was "The ground of Som tices." Harry 3. Carey, Harry M. Care ing editor of Th to Miss Jeannet in Port Huron. ding ceremony at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C in Detroit after cAJIs All student cars to take Varsity track Michigan Cet PROF. RANDALL ELECTED TO AMERICAN OPTICAL SOCIETY Prof. H. M. Randall, director of the physical laboratory, has been ap- pointed a member of the committee on nomenclature and standards- of the Optical Society of AmErica. The duties of this committee will be to do research work in standards of wave length and terminology spec- troscopy. The four other members of this committee are Professor Crew of Northwestern university, Professorl Pfund of Johns Hopkins university, and Dr. Burns and Dr. Meggers of the Bureau of Standards at Washington. Professor Randall is also a member of the spectroscopic committee of the