THE MICHIGAN DAILY Call and plan your spring gowns. Girls-Let me plan your spring New ideas and designs for all. Mabel dresses. Mrs. Eugene Crum, Vogue A. Tolford Shop, 721 N. -University Shoppe, Nickel's Arcade.-Adv. Ave.-Adv. After the dance you are invited to Read The Daily for Campus news. the Chinese Gardens.-Adv. Get That AYRES & SMITH CAP At dIDt wixomen L Apparatus practice for the indoor meet will be held at 5 o'clock Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday afternoons at Barbour gymnasium. Examinations in apparatus work will be held at the regular class hours, April 4, 5, 7, and 8. Junior Girls' play scores are on sale at Graham's. Girls who ordered books will please call for them there. The Freshman Girls' Glee hold its regular rehearsal o'clock Monday afternoon in gymnasium. club will at 4:30 Barbour Your wo nt lights work? Telephone 273 Interclass basketball games will be held as follows: Freshman-junior game at 7:45 o'clock Monday night, senior-sophomore game at 7:15 o'clock Tuesday night. The judiciary council of the Wom- en's league will meet at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in Barbour gym- nasium. The Women's league senior nomin- ating committee will meet at 5 o'clock Wednesday afternoon in Barbour gym- nasium. Members of the training school for nurses at the Homoeopathic hospital will be entertained by the University hospital nurses at a party to be giv- at 8 o'clock Monday night in the dorm- itory for the nurses of the University hospital. Son Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hildner A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Egmont G. Hildner Wednesday,March 23. Mr. Hildner is the son of Prof. J. A. Hildner, of the German depart- ment. The new baby has been named David Waldron Hildner. Washtenaw Shop Electric .- .- . Headquarters For Sprin Time Needs FERRY Lawn Seed White Clover Seed All kinds of Steel Goods for lawn and garden FIX UP THE LAWN AND GET THE GARDEN READY FERRYGarden Seed and Flower Seed GET THE SCREENS READY You will soon need them Wire Cloth and Screen Paint The Best PAINTS and VARNISHES "Me VP- O-Dd. s i tar ..e 11-1! Trubey Home-made Candies and Box Candies Discount on Vox Candies 218 S. MAIN STREET Phone 166 A SHORTER SHORTHAND SYSTEM IN TEN EASY LESSONS This course covers ten easy lessons which will enable the Student, Pro- fessor, Journalist, Doctor, Lawyer or anyone seeking a professional career, to go thru life with 100 per cent effi- ciency. THIS COURSE Is short and inexpensive, and is given with a money back guarantee if not satisfied. Send This Clipping Today 1, "is THS P0. ULASSIFIEf COLUMN CLOSES CLOSES AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING AT 3 PM. LOST AND FOUND LOST-Dark blue woolen scarf, left inl downstairs reading room of Library. Finder please return to 1414 Wash- tenaw and receive reward. Phone 2570. 122-3 FOUND-A full line of summer furs selling at pre-war prices. Zwerdl- ing's, Ladies' Tailoring and Fur Shop, 217 E. Liberty St. 122-3 LOST-In Barbour Gymnasium, brown silk umbrella with Ivory Shepherd crook handle. Reward. Return to Daily office. 123 LOST-At Soph Prom. White gold bar pin with sapphire set center. Valu-1 able as a keepsake. Reward. Call 2542-R. 122-3 LOST-Small Conklin Pen on Thurs- day between campus and Mary St. Finder please call 1313-J. Reward. 123 LOST-One pair grey trousers Tues- day between Baldwin Ave. and Lib- rary. Phone 1504. Reward. 123 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Military field glasses. Bausch & Lomb Binoculars. Seen A. E. F. service. Good condition. Power 6 diameters. Genuine leath- er carrying case. Phone 1192-W, or. 617 Forest Ave. 122-2 FOR SALE-Lot 565, Whitmore Lake Subdivision, 30 ft. front by 100 ft. deep. Desirable in every way for camping or a cottage. Price$65. Address Daniel K. Day, 115 Broad St., Findlay, Ohio. 122-3 FOR SALE-New Corona Typewriter. Price $50.00. 400,000 in use. Easy terms if desired. Other typewriters taken in exchange. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickel's Arcade. 13 FOR SALE- Two Opera tickets, to- gether, for Fri4ay night. in Or- chestra section. A bargain. Call Beatty, 1465-M. 123 FOR SALE-Three Union Opera tick- ets for Friday night in O. Call Andy, 630-M. 123 FOR SALE-Senior cap and gown, good quality. Bargain. Call 1451, Sunday. 123 FOR SALE-Microscope. Practically, new. Call 829. 121-4 FOR RENT FOR RENT-Large two room suite. Furnished for comfort and study. Two blocks from campus. 815 E. Huron. 117-7 FOR RENT-Furnished housekeeping apartments of two large rooms. Available March 28th. 203 S. Thay- er St. 122-3 WANTED Pyramid Press: Publishers 1416 Broadway, New York City Gentlemen: -Enclosed herewith is $5.00 for which kindly send me your shorthand course in ten easy lessons by mail. It is understood that at the ena of five days, I am not satisfied my money will be gladly refunded. Name . ..................... Street ........................ City and State................. I III Willit's 315 S. State St. Phone 173 Easter Sunday Dinner mlenu LOST-Z. B. T. Fraternity Pin. itials G. W. on back. Finder 2574 after 8 P. M. In- cal 123 LOST-On South University. One pair trousers. Return to Dettlings' Tail- or Shop. Reward. 123 LOST-Stick pin probably in the Gym a or on Ingalls street. Please call 88-W. 122-2 LOST- March 19, black velvet belt with gold pin attached. Call 740-M. 123 MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL NOTICE-Will the preson who removed the pump from auto- engine in the Engineering Shop yard kindly return the same or commun- icate with G. H. Harrison, Asst. Supt. Engineering Shops. 123-2. Soup Cream of Asparagus Celery Olives Wafers Prime Rib Roast of Beef Aujus Chicken a la Maryland Little June Peas Creamed Potatoes Egg Lettuce Salad French Rolls Dessert Apple Pie Vanilla Ice Cream Strawberry Shortcake with Whip Cream Tea Coff-e Milk $verything well cooked and nicely flavored Price $1.o Open from 12 to 2 p. m. (eastern time) ;all 1526~-R~. 121-3' 1-