THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDARCH2 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the Univer- sity year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second cless matter. Subscription by carrier oir mail, $3.50. Offices: Ann ArborPress building, Maynard Street. Phones: Business, 960; Fditorial, a44. Communications not to exceed oo words, if signed, the sig- nature not necessarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of faith, and notices of events will be published in The Daily at the discretion of the E4ditor, ~if left at or mailed to The Daily office. Unsigned communications wll receive no consideration. No man- uscript will be returned unless the writer incluses postage. The Daily does not necessarily endorse the sentiments ex pressed in the communications. "What's Going On" notices will not be received after 8 o'clock on the evening preceding insertion. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone ;414 MANAGING EDITOR............GEORGE O. BROPHY JR. News Editor .............................Chesser M. Campbell Night Editors- T. H. Adams H. W. Hitchcock t J. I. Dakin J. E. Mcyanis Renaud Sherwood T. W. Sargent. Jr e Sunday Editor........ ............ ............ J. A. Bernstein City Editor.................. . . B. P. Campbell K~ditorias............... Lee Woodruff, L. A. Kern, T.oJ. Whierner dVors. ...................................Robert Angel omen's Editor............................-- - - - a DLane telegraph...................................Thomas Dewey Telescope ..................... .................. Jack W. Keller Assistants Josephine Walde aul G. Weber Elizabeth Vickery G. E. Clark George 'Reindel Harry B. Grundy Frances Oberholtzer Robert E. Adams Wallace F. Elliott lHughston McBain Frank H. McPike Sidney B. Coates J. A. Bacon C. T. Pennoyer W. W. Ottaway Marion B. Stahl Paul Watzel Lowell S. Kerr Byron Darnton Marion och M. A~Klavm DoothyWhipple E. R. Meiss Gerald P. Overto Walter Donnelly Edward Lambrecht Beata Hasley Sara Waller Kathrine Montgomery H. E. Howlett BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 940 BUSINESS NANAGER............LEGRAND A. GAINES, JR. dvertising...........................1. P. Jovcc Classifieds........................................S. Kunstadter -ublication...................... ............. f. Accounts........................................V. . Hillery Circulation ......................................... Assistants R. W. Lambrecht M. i. Moule H. C. Hunt J. J. Hamel, Jr. N. W. Robertson M. S. Goldring P. H. Hutchinson TIhos. L. Rice H. W. Heidbreder :. A. Cross R. G. Burchell W. Cooley Robt. L. Davis A. J. Parker men wear their pots, the members of the other classes during the colder months cling rather half- heartedly to their distinguishing headgear, but there the whole thing stops. Even the good old cordu- roys of the engineers are becoming almost a minus quantity on the campus, and the whole atmosphere of "college" has rather suddenly switched to one of ultra-conservatism in dress. An editorial in the Cornell Era discusses the cos- tume which the senior class will adopt for the last few months of its college career. Last year, it claims, all seniors wore corduroys ; some years be- fore, brilliantly striped jackets, and even before that - striped vests. Imagine the dignified seniors of Michigan appearing in any such ridiculous attire! The origin of this sudden wave of revulsion for "college" practices seems quite unknown. It has descended upon Michigan and engulfed the stu- dents of the University to such a degree that the slightest semblance of anything which is out of ti ordinary in dress or actions is iumniediately Ilotedl down. It may be the advent of a higher standardl of learning, but that is rather doubtful for there seems little evidence of any increased intellectual stimulus upon the campus ; it may herald the ap- proach of other changes which are to be mighty in their benefits to Michigan men; really, however, it is neither of these, but simply the superficially so- phisticated, hyper-critical attitude which is reflected in much of the literature of today. " It may be the necessary transition to higher things, but, seriously, is it as much real pleasure to affect the nonchalance of the blase University man of 1921, as it would be to just quietly, or rather, quite noisily, slide back to the really human, "col- lege" atmosphere of a few years ago? Why not get away from this conventional attitude of strict ad- herence to rules of dress and conduct, and enjoy, for just four years, the real spirit of college? We recommend that the women of the University get some sort of system in their marching. 'They have lately taken to marching eight abreast instead of six or four, and everybody knows that it is not good military tactics to have more than four. Why not organize and form squads? The truth of the peace conference is to come out at last. Former Secretary of State Lansing has written a book about it. .Well, we suspected that some of our Americans would sooner or later let us in on it. In the old days cows grazed within the campus pickets. Anyone noticing the labyrinthine cross- maze of footpaths today would think old times had returned Keep off the grass! The Telescope After an Unprepared, Sir" He's nothing but a grind, Teacher's pet, as I shall show, For he can answer questions I never seem to know. Dear Noah: Wouldn't you say that a man who thanked Heaven daily because he wasn't like other men was a Pharisee? Count de Coin. Not necessarily; we used to know a glass eater in a sideshow who did the same thing. DETROIT UNITED LINES In Effect Nov.2, 1920 Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Eastern Standard Time) Iinnited and Express cars leave for Detroit at 6:05 a. m., 7:05 a. m., 8:10 a. in., and hourly to 9:10 p. m. Liwiteds to Jackson at 8:48 a. -m. and every two hours to 8:48 p. m. Ex- presses at 9:48 a. m. and every two hours to 9:48 p. m. Locals to Detroit-5:55a.m., 7:00 a.m. and every two hours to 9:00pin., also 11:00 p. mn. To Ypsilanti only, 11:40 p.m., 12:25 a.m., and 1:15 a.m. Locals to Jackson-7:0 a. m., and 12:10 p.m. i see This No. for Dodge Taxi A NEW SHIPMENT OF EXERCISES IN CURRENT ECONOMICS--- Hamilton AT G AH A M BOTH E N DS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK 1' i1 MARCH S N T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 4; ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 7 28 29 30 31 Men: Last season's hats turn- ed inside out, refinished: and re- blocked with all new trimmings look just like new, wear just as long and saves you five to ten dollars. We do only high class work. Factory Hat Store, 617 Packard St. Phone 1792. I lJ / A b~T~Th11D N. I- OT HERS SAY Persons wishing to secure information concerning news for any Issue of The Daily should se the night editor, who has full charge of all new~s to be printed that night. SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 1921. Night Editor-RENAUD SHERWOOD. EASTER Another page has been torn from the calendar ofj the years and Easter, day of praise and rejoicing, of new clothes and hats, of candy eggs and imitation chiekcne > here once more. It is interesting, in considering tie day, to note just how far its sig- nificance ias departed from the original conception of thw *nal1 coterie of believers who passed from, one to the oiher nearly two thousand years ago the ngc.'s words. "He is risen." We shall find that ,s meaning has not changed to such a great extent, and tha Faor is still in its intrinsic and funda- mental ense the same, though expressed by twen- tieth century standards. "is Sunday Easter? Forgot all about it. Must get jO ch.urch on that day by all means." So saith the business man, the student, and the world in gen- qral which isn uite so religious a world as it might be during the remainder of the year. But it never forgets Easter. That single day seems to have worked itself into the minds and hearts of all men as a time for getting away from the worries of business and of life in general for just an hour or two, to make at least an annual appearance in church. The fact that Easter las also come to mean a tiime when new clotljes are to be worn - when the "female of the species" decks herself out in a new bonnet with other details to match, while the male contents himself as a general rule wits a new tie or perhaps shoes - is almost secondary, quite neg- ligible. For we are a vain world, and we must be pardoned if at times we feel the urge of indulging our vanity just a little. Despite the new apparel, Easter means in the twentieth century just what it has always meant - a resurrection from the sordidness of life in gen- eral, and a consecration to the better things which the world has to offer us. And it will always be thus, for the bells ring out just a bit more merrily, the sun shines a little brighter, and the world in general is just a little happier on Easter than on other days. 'The more we see of these lads Parading up and down State street In their "Now you chase me girls" Gawlfing clothes The more convinced we become that They're probably tee hounds In more ways than one. We thank you. PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES (From the Daily Illini.) What is to become or the college professionaltathletes, those who sell their athletic ability in order to gain a monetary reward? Are they to be branded, ostracised, scorned by their fellow students, even by those with whom they have been dearly associ- ated? The case has been reopened by the investigation of University of Michi- gan authorities into charges that Pitch- er Parks was guilty of competing with an organized professional baseball team during the summer months. This only recalls to mind several other noted instances. A few years ago Francis Ouimet, internationally famous golfer, was declared ineligible by the staid eastern clubs because he worked in an athletic store and sold golf equipment bearing his own auto- graph. -The western clubs, however, realizing the utter absurdity of the af- fair, failed to accept the decision of the Atlantic seaboard and after consi- derable pressure had been brought to bear, Ouimet was reinstated as an am- ateur. Recently the University of Pennsyl- vania football team was disrupted when players were banished for hav- ing accepted money for exhibition games after the close of the regular season. At Illinois a few seasons ago, Naprstek, sensational catcher, was bar- red because he played baseball in ord- er to make enough money to return to the University. We have our- managers, our editors, and what not who capitalize their uni- versity training during the summer months in order to make money. No- thing is said concerning them. Nothing is said of the swimmers who work as. life guards during the summer. Why is the athlete not allowed to capitalize his university training dur- ing the "off season" in order to help defray expenses? The cases are ex- actly parallel and the question of loy- alty and sentiment does not enter into the considerations at all. It is charged that he professional, if the person who plays clean sports for money during the -summer can be termed a professional in the strict phraseology, has little interest in the university and that therefore he is a detriment to the sport. It is absurd to believe this. Who can say of Parks that he is not loyal to Michigan after all that he has accomplished, toiling on the diamond day after day with only a slight reward? And the same applies to the men at Penn and Naprstek at Illinois. All are now accounted among the most creditable alumni. @ The players themselves do not re- gard the "professional" with disfavor. The coaches smile secretly. The stu- dent body does not care. It is only the old "fogies," imbued with ancient ideas, who are creating the disturb- ance. It is time that college athletics be put on a sensible basis. "Sports for sports' sake" is a bril- liant ideal-but "sports for sports' sake" during the college term is all that can be expected of an athlete. r 'j Darling & Malleaux 224-226 S. State St. 7 Nickels Arcade kU Why are you so Insistent? Because Hr. Vlesimer's tieefsteak Dinners are so Hard to Equal Opposite D. U. R. Station Just Above Rae Theatre 'I '7 One of the Sure Signs First stude-How early did he show signs of be- coming one of these so-called "big men on the cam- pus ?" Second ditto-Even as a freshman. In fact he was dead stuck on himself from the day he regis- tered. HUNTER SHOOTS VALUABLE HORSE BY MISTAKE - recent news head. You might even say that the poor horse died game. No 10:30 Rules There First sweet thing-Gee, I'd like to live in Green- land. Second ditto-Why so? First-I just heard the other day that nights last for six months up there. Second--Well, what good would that do? First-Oh, just think when he dropped in to spend the evening. WHY NOT BE HUMAN? "The years creep on apace" and with them van- ish one by one the good old traditions of the days. of yore which distinguished college students from other men and made them a class apart, indulging themselves in a last good time - a last little flurry - before the stern reqtirements of toil should swalow all of the pretty dreams, the delightful ec- centricities which each man cherishes in his youth. We often hear it debated - "what's the matter with Michigan" and it is quite possible. that those who spend the greater share of their time discuss- ing the question have little or no sincerity in the so- lutions whi); they offer to this most vital of cam- pus problems. But really, is it so hard to get down to the root of the matter - to find out what is the trouble with Michigan? Isn't the answer really to be found just in the fact that Michigan has of late dropped all of those little traditions which meant so much to her sons of old? How many of them do we keep up? The fresh- A Ur1U Insure your garments by having them cleaned in Energine Cleaning will Insure and Protect theM = Your winter clothing, which you are now discarding should be put away safely We Call For and Deliker PHONE et209 S. 2508 4TH AVE. "Me ome of Snergine" Odorless Dry Cleaning, Pressing, RepairingI ANN ARBOR 111111U1111El1111111E111l1N111N1{{111111111E1111111N1111111111Elilt11111111t1111111S ' The Huron Hownd He was sure that everything he knew; Poor fellow, his fate was grim, He tried to paddle his own canoe Before he learned to swim. Famous Closing Lines "A happy faculty," he murmured when he read that the regents had voted to raise the professors' wages. NOAH COUNT.