A 1 AA-A AICHIGAN DAILY PHYSICIANS WANT MUNICIPAL HOSPITAl _. __ S HUBER T DETROIT Broadway Brevities of 1920 ARRI C K * ET DR THE BIRD OF PARADISt with Florence Rockwell and n 5;nSinqgHuaina;n Nights 76c to $3 wed, and Sof. h~a! nci 50c to $2 Editor, The Michigan Daily: "Lit Student" in his letter published in The Daily of March 18, calls atten- tion to the large number of deficiencies in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts during the past semester, and by implication, if not direct state- ment, charges the faculty with com- plete responsibility. The point of v~iew of an outsider may have little value, but attention should be called to at least two considerations over- looked by your correspondent. The first of these is that a consider- able number of students enter the Un- iversity without adequate preparation. The responsibility for this may fall to the student in some cases, or it may fall to his preparatory school. Even lax entrance requireiments may be partly at fault. If a University is not to enter the field of the high school and the grade school, it must be permitted to admit only such as are prepared. The second consideration is the at- titude of the student. Does he show the attitude toward his work that might reasonably be expected of a student in a University? This is a pertinent question, even in a state in- stitution, for the state has reason to expect a reasonable return on its in- vestment. I cannot say with authority what the answer is in all cases, or even in a hundred. Yet much of the evidence secured is not indicative'of a favorable verdict. More than one fresh- man has told me this year that he considered one" hour eno gh, time to spend in the preparation of any les- son. If he had given the subject any consideration, he invariably told me that he did not consider a "45-hour week" too long for a laborer. Yet he would have the state, and possibly his parents, give him the, means for a comfortable living in return for thirty- two hours a week spent at his work Allow two hours for preparing a les- son, and even then the demands will scarcely exceed union hours. I do not argue that the faculty is perfect; I only suggest that in fair- ness to all we must consider the prob- lem in all details-or suspend judg- ment. Possibly our system of senior advisors is not fulfilling its premises: ENGINEER. SENIOR LITS NOTICE Senior lits are urged by the committee to be measured for caps and gowns immediately at George Moe's, North University. avenue. This is important.' Detroit, March 23.-In a resolution proposed by Dr. J. R. Rupp at a meet- ing of the Wayne County Medical soci- ety, last night, the serious situation of limited hospital accommodation was clearly pointed out and the recom- mendation for a new municipal hospit- al which would be owned and operated by the city, to be open to all prac- titionersand their patients, regardless of whether the former was a member of the staff of the hospital or not. Dr. Rupp pointed out that every hospital in Detroit is crowded at thespresent time, and that in times past when plenty of beds were accessible the hos- pitals have been monopolized by staff members to whom the hospitals. cater almost exclusively. The resolution, which was passed after more than two hours discussion, explains how the relations btween pri- vate practititioner and patient would be retained. It gives some relief from they present bed shortage, the ratio in Detroit being 3.5 beds for every 1,000 people. RIFLE TEAM CANNOT BE REGULAR VARSITY SPORT "There are only two reasons that I can see why the rifle team as it exists under the control of the R. O. T. C. could not be made an exponeut of Varsity sport," said Maj. Robert Arthur, professor of military science and tactics in the University, yester- day. "These two reasons are the fact that we are at present, obliged to ob- serve eligibility rules, and that other than R. O. T. C. men would be eligible to the, team if we were obliged to compete . under Varsity eligibility' rules. If these two points could be adjusted satisfactorily I see no oth- er reasons why the team should not be recognized as a Varsity organization. We have a team which can boast an average marksmanship ability per man of 90 out of «every 100 shots, and do it consistently." WANTED-AUTOMOBILES Four automobiles are wanted for Saturday, March 26, for use in the morning and evening to convey the visiting Cornell ath- letes about the campus. Stu- dents having automobiles which they will offer to this use are asked to call R. A. Bailey, '22, phone 355. I Smart Spring Hats We have a group of hats that will attract instant attention-not only for their remark- able values, but because they are fashioned according to the very latest styles for spring. The lovely trims will take*your eye in- stantly. Gay flowers and colors profused by cleverly embroidered ribbon effects in as many different styles as there are women to wear them. IPUYEAR & HINTZ 328 So. Main I WHITNEY - - Sun. Apr.3 Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri., and Sat, Mat. MARCH 29, 30, 31, APRIL 11 2 WHITNEY THEATRE BOX OFFICE SALES University Women- Today 2-5 p. m. at Hill Auditorium GeneralPublic tomorrow at Whit- ney Theatre. I I fits. Edit~ion A JOYOUS MUSICAL DELtGUJT n Inacs 2 Scenes oV Gorgeous Sptend sr 13001& LRICS-MUSIC6Y.\VVYNN' Sla~ed by NECDC WAV 3U aN Madn6 aemenI- of 0''. C.''+W IT N C' A TUNEFUL TONIC Sc seryCostumes Tei pischoi e Unique anid1-D,\WYN N qlepE16C '4 \Vi#h is \Wnn-some\Vynnnnsemble o6'Charm ' I~N ALL "\V ORLD P _NO CNTcriTANM CNT T. COMPAIZE Exaetlyas plesen-e< 8 Months In Ne#wYo1' '3 Monfhs in Chid~ 1 I IL I. E -- FLOOR $3.00, BALCONY $1.50, $2,00. $2.50 ORDER NOW- D0N'T WAIT a TODAY ONLY TODAY ONLY I A Rip-roaring, Mile-a-minute F k Comedy EUGENE O'BRIEN I Co-Starring ival MARITHA MANSFIELD in SHOWS PRICES 2:00-3:30 Adults 20c 7:00-8:36 Matinees 15o In "GILDED LIES" l\1 TODAY ONLY 1 _:_: PEARL W H ITE e .f wty , .¢ IN "The Tiger's Cub" r4 7,yil ROMANCE All her life Tiger's Cub (Pearl White) has lived in the solitude of the northern wilderness. Men-the right kind of men-never have come into her life, and she is, unconsciously, romance starved. When her mate does arrive, adoration becomes the medium through which she showers upon him all the wondrous richness of her pent- up affections. Neither pity nor regret was in the heart of Kenne McComb when he first learned of the wretchedness of his former fiancee, However, in time his bitterness melted, and he protected her from her brutal husband. How they became remarried and forgot the tragedy that almost threatened to wreck their lives is set forth in one of the most absorbing dramas ever screeied. I Gayety Comedy "TEA for TWO" Episode & "VELVET FINGERS" I I SAMUEL GOLDWYN r n WIMHAPPENEDTORSA [apted orthe soyROSAALVARO,ENTRANTE PEARL LENORE CURRAN DirectId by VICTOR SCH-ERTZ INGER II SUNSHINE COMEDY UNIVERSAL NEWS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY t "TWIN BEDS" F R IDAY SATURDAY BEBE DANIELS 'She Couldn't Help It' with MR. and MRS. CARTER DE HAVEN p7 all llim'lmiimmmm 1 CATCH THIS WOMAN SHE'S "OUTSIDE THE LAW" Priscilla Dea -