THE ICH 1 k'..*,.A.1 DAILY SUNDAY, MARC' THE MICHiGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARC ____ _ _ -. 4 o- OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the Tuniver- year by the 1Board in! Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for, blication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise ited in this'paper and the local news published therein. 1Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second smatter. Subscription by carrier er mail, $3.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press building, Maynard Street. Phones: Business, 96o; Editorial, 2414. Communications not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig- re not necessarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of i, and notices of events will be published in Tfhe Daily at the retion of the Editor, if left at or mailed to The Daily office. igned communications will receive no consideration. No man ipt wi! be returned unless the writer incloses postage. The Daily does not necessarily endorse the sentiments ex- ;sed in the comimunications. "What's GoingnU" notices will not be received af-r 8 o'clock he evening preceding insertion. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 2414 NAGING EDITOR ............GEORGE O. BROPHY JR. s Editor ...........................Chesser M. Campbell :t Editors- I. IH.Adams H. W. Hitchcock J. I. Dakin J. E. McManis Renaud Sherwood T. W. Sargent, Jr lay Editor...........................--.J. A. Bernstein EditorB............. ..............B P. Campbell rals............... Lee Woodtruff, L. A. Kern, T. J. Whinery >r. . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . R o b e rt A n g e ll ,en's Editor............................Mary D. Lane graph'...................................Thomas Dewey cope ............ .....................Jak W. Kelly Assistant: hine Wald* Wallace F. Elliott E. R. Meiss G. Weber Leo J. Hershdorfer Walter Donnelly beth Vickery Hughston MeBain Beata Hasley . Clark Frank H. McPike Kathrine Montgomery -g Reindel J. A. Bacon Gerald P. Overton )hy Monfort W. W. Ottaway Edward Lambrecht y B. Grundy Paul Watzel Sara Waller ces Oberholtzer Byron Darnton H. . Howlett rt E. Adams M. A Klavei PREVENTING A TIMBER FAMINE No less authority than theUnited States Depart- ment of Agriculture reminds us that if things are allowed to go on as at present in our forest regions, this country will soon have a timber famine that promises no small difficulty. They tell us that it is high time the present wasteful policy be controlled and scientific methods introduced. In certain parts of, notably in the Western states, our timber lands are being devastated by men who think only of the money side and who pay no attention to the future of our forests. In an effort to control this situation and reforest our denided timber lands, men are endeavoring to have some suitable legislation passed. But in spite of the fact that the couitry is in eminent need of such laws, a great deal of trouble is being experi- enced in forinig tlemne. ( n ibstacle is the opposi- lionl, on tile part of tillIller owfriers and others with perSonil interests, aga:ihist, such legislation, but the main danger seemls to lie in the indifference sltown by the people and the gove inent as a whole. The majority of the people are not aware of the con- ditions and do not realize how grave a situation will arise if present conditions persist. And on the other hand it is time the government should look into the matter, as one affecting the welfare of the people, and take measures on a scale commensurate with the task. The proposed legislation aims to have better busi- ness methods introduced into our forest industries, and in general to do everything that will preserve thle existing timber and provide for future needs. As public opinion in the matter is the force that will eventually forge the law, now is eminently the time when the people should harken to the advice of au- thorities and protest the depletion of our forest re- sources. RAAM Just Received--- Marshal & Lyon--- OUR ECONOMIC ORGANIZATION for Econ 1 B T E A H AMVA BOTPH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK N DETROIT UNITED LINES In Effect Nov. 2, 1920 Bet-weeti Detroit, Anin Arbor and Ja-kson (,astern Standard Time)-. Limited nid Express cars leave for Detroit at 6:05 a. in., 7:05 a. mn., 8:10, and hourly to 9:10 p. mn. Limiteds to Jackson at%8:48 a. m. and every two hours to A:48 p. m. Ex- presses at 9:48 a. m. and every two hours to 9:48 p. m. Locabs to Detroit-5:55a.m., 7:00 a.m. and every two hours to 9:00 p. ra., also 11:00 p. m. To Ypsilanti only, 11:40 p.m., 12:25 a.m., and 1:15 a.m. Locals to Jackson 7:50 a. in., and 12:10 p.m. II This N o. for odge Taxi ep za >l beC rar a.l. si"+w+="a BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 INESS MANAGER............LEGRAND A. GAINES, JR. rtising.................~~...............n P. Jorce ifieds .............................Sigmund Kundstadter ication .............-........................-F.-M.-R eath runts ..........................................1<.Priehs lation ................................V. F. Iiillery Assistants W. Lambreclht 'M. M. Moule 11. C. Hunt J. Hamel, Jr. N. W. Robertson M. S. Goldring Ht . utchinson Thos. L. Rice H.RW. leidbreder A. Cros R. G. Burchell W. Cooy ,t. Ir. Davis A. J. Parker >x ^r e ..r. ..... .,, Persons wishing to secure information concerning news for any issue of The Dily should "~e the night editor, who has full charge of all news to be printed that night. SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1921. - Night Editor-RENAUD SHERWOOD. INCREASED ART APPRECIATION If recent movements in the United States, as ex- emplified in certain national conditions and partic- ularly in changes here at the-University are to be taken as a criterion, it,would seem to the even cas- ual observer that there must be in this country a rapidly increasing appreciation of music, literature and art, but especially of art. As one example of this change in the general con~- dition we have only to examine recently published statistics regarding thq Art Institute in Chicago. There the attendance for January of this year was nearly twice that of the same month of 1920; and tutrning closer home we find that there has been of late a considerably greater number of visitors at each of the art exhibits held in Alumni Memorial hall than in former years. Although these are only two cases, there does seem to be an awakening on the part of Americans for some of the finer things of life. One of our own professors, who is particularly well fitted to pronounce an opinion on the subject, attributes the change primarily to natural causes, holding that the United States is so young that she is just now get- ting to the point where her people are beginning to see the value in the things of the spirit and to pos- sess a desire to supplement some of their commer- cialisnr with a more intellectual type of develop- ment. As a matter of fact, the Metropolitan mu- seum of New York was only founded fifty years ago, and up to that time there was not an institution of that kind in the country. Now, however, even the smallest of small towns are coming to realiz that such things as art, music and literature do count for something, and the village or country community that has no library or art exhibit of some sort these days is rightfully considered far behind the times. There is in this country a really high percentage of people of the cultured class, higher than that of which almost any European nations can boast, and these and nearly all of us in fact, are possessed of such a highly developed sense of social ambition that we are anxious to do everything we can to fit ourselves the better for the positions in society which we would like to fill. Women's clubs are an illustration of the form in which this attitude takes hold of us. And then, too, the fact that so many more young men and women were able to go abroad during the war and that they were there brought to a realization of their own deficiencies in such forms. of the intellectual side of life may have something to do also with the marked change for the better. But whatever may be the cause, certain it is, if we are to judge from indications with v hich we come into contact on every side, that there is a general tendency among the American people to- ward a higher appreciation for the artistic. The great increase in attendance in colleges and univer- sities is one indication of the intellectual change toward the better, and surely, whether tfie motives behind it be entirely worthy or not, the national trend is undoubtedly a condition which s'hould be appreciated and encouraged. DON'T PUT THE RIVER FIRST One of the Elizabethan sonnetteers something more than three hundred years ago made the sage observation in one of his bits of verse: "Spring, the sweet Spring, is the year's pleasant king," which only goes to show just how consistently history re- peats itself. Spring is still the "year's pleasant king," and with its approach we are much too apt to answer its succulent call. Books, somehow, don't seem to go with spring -- at least, those books which we are required to read. If we must read. it is a novel which contaiiis all of the romance and adventure consistent with the thoughts which spring up within us. Some worthy gentleman decided that this call which comes to us in early spring, when the trees are beginning to bud and the birds are chirping their first notes, must be some sort of an ailment, and he named it spring fever. Doubtless there is no sickness, if such it may be called, which is sweeter. Yet it has its dangers, too: - dangers of keeping us from classes during balmy days, and from our books on warm, charming evenings when the moonlight, and the river, and perchance a fair companion send our thoughts fleeting far from ideas of mathematics, geology, chemistry, or law, and when all of the languags may be as nothing to us, excepting those three words "je t' aime." Yes, spring has its dangers, and through its days and evenigs of warmth and wonder, we must re- member always that books come first and then, oh then - the river. [, TheTelescope MARCHl 4 M T W T F S -l 3 4 5 6 S 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1S 19 20) 21 22 23 24, 25 26, 27 28 29 30 31 Men: Last season's hats turn- ed inside out, refinished and re- blocked with all new trimmings look just like new, wear just as long and saves you five to ten dolars. We do only high class work. Factory Hat Store, 617 Packard St. Phone 1792. LUNCH R OOM A Nice Cozy Place Where You Enjoy Your Heal One half block South of "MAJ" illiiilll~ l!!lICICICl1 1 !lll||||11i tlllI CCllll 11!!llili lll ll111 Clllllll You Nust Waltz The Waltz has once more regained its position in the modern ballroom. The Waltz h'ill be more popular than eber this summer. Can You Waltz Can You Dance? If not, M ~ eitrN w 1 ,l Phone Orders Promptly Filled Mail Orders Promptly Filled I 4 df o EST. 1857 6)5th Easter D isplay A. man took his dog out walking, Oan a fine old summer's day, Till they came to a railroad crossing On the Ann Arbor road, they say. A train crossed the way a puffing Having dealt the knockout first. The man, badly hurt, was cussing Because his poor dog looked wurst.- Today's nominee for the Royal Order of Oil Cans is the dame with an impediment in her speech who can't seem to say "Thank you" after you do a Chesterfield and allow her to precede you through the door. THE MODE IN DRESSES Is set forth for your inspection in our ready to wear salon. Styles are changing so con- stantly that it is often hard to keep up with them. But our policy is and always has been to have new goods on hand all the time. For this reason, you can be sure of getting the very latest mode. At present the style demand is for wide flaring skirts, often with a narrow underskirt, tight fitting basque like waists and a general effect of quaintness. This silhouette is exemplified in our store n frocks of taffeta,. satin, canton crepe or georgette in all colors THE BOX COATS Makes its appearance again this spring on suits and will be eagerly welcomed. It is such a jaunty, youthful style and so becoming to almost\anyone. Trimmed witA braid or em- broidery or plain as you may choose, these lit- tie coats, eQmbined with plain skirs are really irresistible. If you prefer a more sedate style, you may find plainly tailored suits, ripple coats or bloused effects in tricotine or serge in gray, tan and the ever dependable navy. OUR IMPRESSIONS+ GIRLS' PLAY: OF THE JUNIOR SEMI-WRAP STYLES SHEER AND FLUFFY Seem to be holding their own in popularity with sport coats. Either style is so pretty and becoming that it is really hard to choose be- tween them. The wrappy coats, many of them approaching capes in style are made either with large loose sleeves or without any sleeves at all, simply armholes. They are usually made of soft, clinging material and heavily embroidered. The sports styles are mostly polT cloth or velour and have large pockets and fancy belts. Either model will be sure to please you. Are the new waists to wear with suits or separate skirts. The waists always seem love- lier in the spring than at any other time of the year and this year is no exception to the rule. Waists of silk or cotton in severly plain or elaborate models, some hand made and hand embroidered, others beaded and trimmed with lace. Bright colors are here as well as plain white. Whatever your fancy may be, you will find it pleased here. We thank you. Dear Noah: I'm a brunette and would like to change the color of my hair withiout dying it. Can you suggest any- thing? Arrabella. Easiest thing in the world. Just sleep on the seashore one night and when you wake up in the morning you'll find that your hair is sandy. Famous Closing Lines "A man of domestic tastes," he cried as he saw the caller flirting with the maid. NOAH COUNT. I (Second Floor) Easter is indeed the day that made hats famous. A woman wouldn't really feel dressed on Easter day without a new hat and preferably a sum- mery hat. You will find our ready to wear salon transformed into a bower of springtime with hats of every description and color and in every kind of straw imaginable. Hats for every occasion whether it be formal or informal, dress hats, sports hats, transparent hats for evening wear, sailors and jaunty little tams for sports and street wear. Don't let Easter day find you without a new spring hat. (Second Floor) IQ