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March 20, 1921 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-03-20

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VOL. XXXI. No.,117.


BETWEEN RUSSIA AND, (By F. 0. and M. D. L.) Hop-as it might have been-forms a1
EUROPE Combining the atmosphere of an fitting commemoration of the passing
-Ann Arbor fraternity house with of an Ann Arbor institution, the J-
"SIGNING SHOWS DESIRE that of Arabian Nights, "Selina Sue," Hop house party. The second act, a
FCUwritten by Sara Waller, and pre- dream fantasy, takes place in an Ar-
FOR PEACE BY RUSSIA"sented by the junior girls, excelled abian rose garden and affords ample
all past Junior Girls' plays and es- opportunity for Oriental color and
Soviet Chief Says Act Should Prove tablished a °still higher standard for music. Later the scene is again trans-t
Thai Russia is Not an Aggres' future performances. In variety of ferred to Ann Arbor.
sive State choruses, bizarre costumes, and clev- I Honors
er dialogue, "Selina Sue" pased all Divided
(By Associated Press) expectations of the audiences at the Several intertwined romances afford
Riga, Latvia, March 19. - After matinee and evening performances at opportunity for many stars rather<
months of negotiation, peace finally the Whitney theater yesterday. than one, no one person taking all
was signed last night by the repre- The first act staged in a local fra- the honors. Notable among the popu-t
sentatives of Russia, Ukrainia and Po- ternity house on the evening of the J- lar favorites was Elise Smith, in her
land. blac'k face role as Sam, the porter.
After the signatures had been affix- Leading his "Uke" chorus and "rollin
ed to the treaty, M. Domsky, at the de bones" she met instant favor with
head of thie Polish mission, declared it ELI UN the crowd and held it to the end, keep-
was the desire of Poland to be the ing the audience in continual applause
bridge between Europe and Russia. He andlaghtr.
added, however, that future relations 11O RChristine Murkett, the co-ed hater,1
between Poland and Russia would de shows 'promise of becoming the mat-t
pend on the execution of the Peace I inee idol of many girls, so finished was t
Treaty. Has Just' Completed Extensive Tour her portrayal of the always attractive, t
Russia Desires Peace of That Country; Studied cynical college youth. Evelyn Rock-
The conviction that good relations C t Problems well, as Selina Sue, an adventurous
would be established between Russia little Southern miss, took her part with!
and her neighbors, because Russia admirable grace. Her singing shared
was the first to recognize the right o LECTURE AT 8 O'LOK IN honors with that of Edith Staebler, as
self determination of small nationali- ASSEMBLY HALL OF UNION Nancy Moore, and Mildred Chase, as1
ties, was expressed by Adolph Joffe, Barry Breckinridge, the central pair
chief of the Russian delegation. "Japanese Impressions" is the sub- of lovers. Mildred Trick, as Professor
"Soyiet Russia's enemies," he said, ject upon which Julian Street of New Mortimer, played Prince I-Got-a-t
"hhve endeavored to represent her as York City will lecture at 8 o'clock Grouch in the second act.
an aggressive state, but the signing of tomorrow evening in the Union as- Inter1retations Realistic
this treaty shows her peacefulness." sembly hall under the auspices of theI
M. Meirmwitch, the Lettish foreign Collegiate Alumnae association and Ruth Mills and Florence Freeman
minister, said he hoped, on behalf of the Homoeopathic Hospital guild. presented interpretations of their rolest
his country, for the economic collabo- Was Member of Prominent Party of Indian student and society snob.1
ration of Russia and her neighbors. Mr. Street, whose name is usually Joyce McCurdy portrayed the beauti-P
Frontier Established connected with the better magazine/ ful, mysterious Arabian princess. Amy
Twenty-six paragraphs and five ap- writers of "today, is said to be espe- Loomis and Ruth Goodhue, the chap-t
pendices made up the document. The cially adapted to speak on this sub- erones of the party showed poise andE
first four paragraphs establish the ject as he has just completed a thor- proper professional dignity in enacting
Russian- Ukrainian- Polish frontier, ough trip of investigation to Japan. their parts,.
covering the present demarcation line With him in the party to that coun- Among the minor characters, Olive
and allowing for alterations under try, which was headed by Frank A. Lockwood, as ' Wenlioni, Elizabeth1
which 3,000 square kilometers are ced- Vanderlip, former president of the Vickery, a convenient burglar, and Is-
ed to Poland, near Minsk, and the dis- National City bank of New York, were abel Kemp, as Nile Green, the fresh-
trict of Polesia, on the Ukrainian George Eastman, inventor of the ko- man, were especiallytalented.
frontier. dak, Dr. Jacob G. Schurman, presi- Opening Revue Effective
dent of Cornell university, Henry W. The revue presented by the opening
TAYLOR '18, WRITES Taft, lawyer and brother of former chorus was particularly effective, and
President Taft, Hon. Lyman J. Gage, the following choruses kept up the
DEAN FROM POLAND former secretary of the treasury, Dar- high standard of beauty and excel-
--- Twin P. Kingsley, president of the New lence. The Fluffy chorus girls, dainty
Dean John R. Effinger, of the liter- York Life Insurance company, and and light, contrasting strangely with1
ary college, is in receipt of a letter Seymour Cromwell, vice-president of Sams aforementioned Uke chorus, and1
from J. Morrison Taylor, '18, at pres- the New York Stock exchange. the dancing "Ouijas" were among the1
ent American vice-consul at Warsaw, Afforded Unusual Chances most ingenuous choruses in the play.
Poland. Taylor entered the consular The party was given every oppor- To Prof. John L. Brumm, director of 1
service last summer but was detained tunity to gather information on all the play, is due the chief credit for its
in Berlin because of the Polish Bol- manner of subjects pertaining to Ja- success. The professional finish of thel
sheviki crisis. He was later sent to pan and had unusual chances in the dancing and acting testify to his skill
Lyons, France, for two months' tem way of discussing the country's do- as a, producer. The author; committee
porary detail, and is now acting in the mestic problems and foreign relations and the girls themselves, share in thet
capacity of American vice-consul at with the most prominent men of Ja- praises accorded the play.
Warsaw. pan.c
Taylor states in his lepter that he is After the Vanderlip party had left
living with John Caffey, '19M, and Ted for home, Mr. Street remained for
Barnett, '19M, who are at Warsaw some time in Japan supplementing his -
with the American Red Cross. He al- earlier impressions of the country, yl f IIDY" TUESDAY
so mentions the fact that Leo Keena, the people, and Japanese life in its -IIru o t U i ty d - m lUe s
a graduate of the University and ex- simpler aspects.
Varsity football man, is consul gen- Seventy-five cents admission will be
eral at Warsaw, and that Lyman Bry- charged at the lecture tomorrow New revelations as to Robinson Cru-
son, '10, formerly in charge of jour- night.soe s career on his desert isle will be
nalistle' courses here, and at present - -igiven by "Oh, Oh, Cindy," the pro-a
an official of the Red Cross in Euro- duction of the Irwin Prieskorn post,
pean service, spent a month recently Qu retT C o e No. 46, of the American Legion at thei
in Warsaw. According to Taylor, tin e S s Whitney theater, March22 and 23. The
there is a good Michigan representa- aitsneyhaseMa d23. Thee-
tiot there, discovery has been made of the ex-

The Detroit Symphony String Quar- istence of the man Saturday, a friend
REQUESTS FOR BONUS BILL 1 tet, assisted by Olga Samaroff, pian- of the well-known man Friday and,
BALLOTS MUST BE SENT SOON ist, will give the last concert in the his rival for the hand of Lily, the
- Matinee Musicale series at 8 o'clock queen of the cannibals.
As the time is limited for securing Tuesday evening, March 22, in Patten- The parts of the three bears will be
the ballots whereby residents of gill auditorium. - played by William Myers, '23E, Rich-,
Michigan, absent from their homes, It has been said of the Detroit or- ard Holt, '24, and Carl Boswell, '24E.
may vote on the question of the pro- ganization that its work is on a par Adele Zimmerman, '22, will play Le- .
posed amendment to the constitution with the finest chamber music now Crier, and Iva Fisher, '23, and Lucia
providing a bonus for ex-service men before the public. The quartet con- Boynton, '23, are members of the "Big
of the state, the University post of the sists of Ilya Schkolnik and William Four." The rest of the parts will be
American Legion urges that all citi..Grafing King, violinists, Herman Kol- taken by members of the post, and
zees of Michigan send in their ballot odkin, violist, and Philip Abbas, cell- according to the directors some fine
applications to their county clerks at ist. talent has been unearthed.
once. Olga Samaroff is one of the foremost Proceeds from the sale of tickets
The same system will be used in women pianists in the country and is now going on at the box office of the.
this case as in the election of last fall, the peer of any of the great masters Whitney theater will be used to buy
and it is essential that men who live now. appearing on the concert stage. new colors for the post.
at a considerable distance within the She made her debut with the New
state' send for their 'blanks at once. York Symphony orchestra under Walt- Professor Cross Talks ln Muskegon
The vote will be taken on April 2, the eV Damrosch in 1905. This was her Prof. Herbert R. Cross, of the fine
provision in the document to be de- first appearance on any stage and was arts department, lectured yesterday
cided upon being that each Michigan followed by six years of one of the afternoon and evening at Muskegon
citizen who served in the army, navy most successful careers of any woman Heights before the Teachers' club of
or marine corps during the World war, pianist. Since then, except for- three that city. Professor Cross gave illus-
shall receive $15 for eevry month of years, 1911 to 1914, she has given trated talks at both times on the sub-
such service. many recitals throughout the country. ject, "American Art."

I r } ..

SLar Wolverine Twirler and Captain
Said to Have Played on
Coast Team
Senior lits are urged by the
Hopes for a third consecutive Big committee to be measured for
Ten baseball championship for Michi- caps and gowns immediately at
gan sank to a low ebb yesterday be- George Moe's, North University
cause of a story on the Chicago Trib- avenue. This is important.
une sport page asserting that "Slick-
er" Parks, captain of the 1921 Varsity --t
nine and for the past two seasons the
premier hurler in Western baseball
circles, had played professional ball
all last summer with the Portland club FS
of the Pacific Coast league under the
name of Harold Brooks.
"Brooks," according to the report, AR DING "XRET E
was one of the most successful APPROVAL OF "GREAT
moundsmen on the Portland roster, HUMANE EFFORT"
turning in victories in over 90 per
cent of his games. Rumors ,as to Major General Leonard Wood, who
Parks' real identity began to circulate is acting as chairman of the Lenten
on the coast last August but no one Sacrifice committee of the Near East
could be found who was ready to iden- Relief, has issued the following ap-
tify the Wolverine star and the story peal to the people of the United
was gradually dropped. Several days States for funds in behalf of the so-
ago the Tribune received a picture ciety and its work in Armenia.
of "Brooks" with a story of his activ- "The spirit of Easter is one of sac-
ities on the coast and a hint that he rifice, the great sacrifice was ,made
was really the leading pitcher of the then. That sacrifice has been made
Big Ten. This led to an investigation since in many lands by many individ-
by the Tribune which culminated uals. But never in history has a
when a picture of 'Parks and one of whole nation made the sacrifice for the
"Brooks" were shown to P. G. Bar- faith that the Armeniapls have made.
telme, director of outdoor athletics "We have the reserves of food and
here, who is attending a conference money and sympathy. We can do the
of Big Ten football officials in Chica- job, do all of it. It is not a political
go. Bartelme was asked to identify duty or a matter of commercial expe-
the picture of "Brooks," whom he im- diency. It is an opportunity to make
mediately recognized as Parks. Due to our idealism a dynamic influence in
Mr. Bartleme and Prof. Ralph W. Aig- I the world, not just fine phrases. It is
ler, chairman of the Board in Con- one of the finest things in our history
trol of Athletics, being at the confer- that, through the Near East Relief, the
ence in' Chicago, it has been impossi- American people from the richest to
ble to obtain first-hand information the poorest unsolicited have kept 110,-
concerning the affair and how it will 000 children in Armenia from hunger
immediately affect the team. and death, have saved a whole people
Investigation Started from annihilation, and have done it
An official investigation is ,to be without fanfares or self-righteous-
commenced immediately by Bartelme, ness," said General Wood.
who is known the country over as a President Warren G. Harding ex-
stickler for clean sports. It has been pressed his sympathy for the cause by
several years since a case of this kind the following statement: "I hope that
has come to the attention of Confer- to the full measure of their ability our
ence officials, the last one being in people will continue to sustain you in
1915, when Loron Solon, star football the great humane effort you are car-
and baseball man of the University of rying on."
Minnesota, was found guilty of having
played professional ball and was dis-
qualified for further competition. The UUURIh1F
last case here was in the season of
1915, when several Wolverine ball NEESloghIVrfllTI
players were deprived of their Varsity
letters for the same offense. Just what _ _
will be done in Parks' case has not
been ascertained yet, but it is certain A University bulletin setting forth
that Michigan's chances for a success- the absolutely ,indispensable require-
ful baseball season have been very ments of the institution is now being
dangerously prejudiced by the affair. sent to members of the state legisla-
ture and to alumni and newspapers of
Othe state. The question today, says
the introduction to the bulletin, is not,
WILL START NEXT TUESDAY "Shall Michigan continue, as in the
past, to lead the states in public ed-
Union members who did not send ucation?" but "Shall Michigan keep
in mail orders for seats to "Top o' the' up?" The University's requests to the
Mornin'," may buy seats at the box legislature are made "not to add new
office sale which begins at 10 o'clock work, but simply to hold its own."
Tuesday forenoon, March 22, in the The University building program at
lobby of the Union. Two days, Tues- present before the legislature is re-
day and Wednesday, will be given men viewed in detail in the bulletin. The
to obtain tickets, the hours of sale be- immediate beginning of expansion in
ing from 10 to 12 o'clock in the morn- building space is made necessary by
ing, and from 2 to 5 o'clock in the an accumulation of needs throughout
afternoon. the past years and by the exceedingly

The box office sale for University rapid increase in registration during
women will be held from 2 to 5 o'clock the last four years.
Thursday afternoon, March 24, in Hill Present conditions cannot be reme-
auditorium, which is the first oppor- died by prohibiting students from oth-
tunity they have had to secure seats er states because there are approxi-
to the 1921 opera.. mately as many students leaving this
The general public may buy tickets state to go' to other universities as
when the box office sale is transferred; come here from other states. Discrim-
to the Whitney theater, Friday, March ination against non-residents would
25. probably bring about' similar action
by other states, and then the situation
UNIVERSITY HEADS LIST OF would be the same as today.
STATE'S APPROPRIATIONS The requests made are moderat
and sound as compared with othei
Figures given out by the tax depart- universities, declares the bulletin, anc
ment of the auditor general's office "unless we can meet the progran
show that the University received the outlined we must frankly ant public
greatest share of the 1920 state tax ly concede that we are out-classed an
as compared to other state institu- out-ranked in equipment by at leas
tions. Of the total tax for the year four if not five state universitie
which amounted to $17,378,328.35 the whose student enrollments do not a;
University was apportioned $2,437,500,|a rule exceed ours and in most case
while the state highway department are smaller."
ranked second with $2,203,505. Michi-°
gan Agricultural college was well up ProablyHRain and Cooler Today
in the list of beneficiaries, receiving Fresh and Strong Southerly Wind
$935,000. Shifting to Northerly.





Simmons and Losch Get First and
'Second In 50 Yard
(Special to The Daily)
The final scores were as follows:
Illinois, 45; Michigan, 25 1-2; Wiscon-
sin, 23; Minnesota, 6; Purdue, 5;
Iowa, 3 1-2; Chicago, 2; Ohio, 0;
Northwestern, 0; Indiana, 0.
Evanston, Ill., March 19. - Illinois'
track team won the eleventh indoor
Conference meet by a wide margin.
Michigan came in second and Wiscon-
sin third.
Taking 5 out of 10 firsts and as many
seconds, the Illinois runners had lit-
tie trouble. They were particularly
strong'in the two mile, high jump and
half mile. Michigan's strength lay in
the dash, where they scored 8 points.
They also showed well in the quarter
mile and shot put. Wisconsin took a
first in the hurdles and a first and
second in the pole vault. Minnesota
sprang a surprise by winning the mile.
' One record was broken in course of
the meet when Alberts of Illinois leap-
ed over the bar at 6 feet 4 1-8 inches.
The old record was 6 feet 1-2 inch.
Knollin of Wisconin tied Carl John-
son's record in the 60 yard hurdles,
going over the stick in 7 3-5 seconds.
These were the outstanding perform-
Michigan's dash men ran a beauti-
ful race, Simmons and Losch finishing
a yard in lead. Butler annexed the
quarter by a good three yards. Van
Orden and Stipe did better than 42
feet in placing second and third in
the shot. Sargent came through for a
third in the hurdles which was more
than was expected of him. He ran a
nice race. Burkholder in half mile
and Wesbrook in pole vault scored the
other Michigan points.
Illinois' great strength in the two
mile put them in a substantial lead
when her runners took first, second,
and thirds, First and seconds, in both
half mile and high jump increased the
Michigan qualified Losch, Kelly and
Simmons in the semi-finals for the 50
yard dash. Kelly failed to place for
the' finals. Simmons won the dash
and Losch came in second, breasting
the tape but a fraction behind. Knol-
lin of Wisconsin placed third and Wil-
son of Iowa was fourth. Time, 5 3-5.
The mile run was won by Switzer
of Minnesota. Time, 4:31 2-5. Wall
of Wisconsin was second, Harrison of
Purdue third, Patterson of Illinois
fourth. The first surprise of the meet
was when Illinois placed fourth. Mc-
Ginnis, Illinois, favorite for the event
started, was spiked and forced to stop.
Mile run-First, Switzer, Min.; sec-
ond, Wall, Wis.; third, Harrison, Pur.;
fourth, Patterson, Ill. Time, 4:31 2-5.
50 yard dash-First, Simmons, Mich.;
second, Losch, Mich.; third, Knollin,
Wis.; fourth, Wilson, Ia. Time, 5 3-5.
440 yard dash-First, Butler, Mich.;
second, Donohoe, Ill.; third, Fields,
Ill.; fourth, Kayser, Wis. Time, 51 4-5.
High hurdles-First, Knollin, Wis.;
second, Wallace, Ill.; third, Sargent,
Michigan.; fourth, Crawford, Ia. Time,
7 3-5.
Half mile-First, Yates, Ill.; second,
Brown, Ill.; third, Nash, Wis.; fourth,
- Burkholder, Mich. Time, 1:59 4-5.
. Pole vault-First, Wilder and Mer-
rick of Wis., tie; third, Wesbrook,
Mich., McGregor, Pur., tie. Height, 12

e Two mile-First, Wharton, Ill.; sec-
r ond, Allman, Ill.; third, Dusenberry,
d Ill.; fourth, Gaumnit, Minn. Time,
n 9:46 3-5.
- High jump-First, Alberts, Ill.;
d second, Osborn, Ill.; third, Hoffman,
t Iowa, and Pence, Pur., tie. Height 6
s feet 4 1-8 inches.
s Shot put-First, Weiss, Ill.; second,
s Van Orden, Mich.; third, Stipe, Mich.;
fourth, Sundt, Wis. Distance, 43 feet,
2 1-2 inches.
Mile relay-First, Illinois; second,
Michigan; third, Chicago; fourth, Wis-
1consin. Time 3:29 1-5.

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