tHe MICHIGAN DAILY N PROFIT BY ARSHIP LOAN ._ VS ne women have taken advantage ie Lucinda Stone scholarship fund this semester, borrowing a total .,125. There is $200 left from this . Two loans were made from the Florence Huson fund and two from Jane Turner fund. These loans d from $100 to $200. ice there are several more loans 3 awarded, any women who are in- ted should call at the office of the of women for details. The money is loaned without interest until one year following graduation. NORTH CAROLINA MAN WILL TALK ON MILTON, TUESDAY James H. Hanford, professor of Eng- lish in the University of North Caro- lina, will speak on "John Milton's Studies: Reconstruction," at 4:15 o'clock, March 22, in Natural Science auditorium. This will be a Univer- sity lecture. Lightweight imported golf hose. $3.00 upward. Wild & Co., State St.- Adv. .F, .. New Hat S for Women -at- WJomen Chaperones for the dances provided by the office of the dean of women for this weekend will be as follows: At the Union-Mrs. Yates Adams. At the Armory-Miss Martha Hills. Hours will be arranged later for interclass basketball practice Thurs- day and Friday of next week. Basketball practice for first and sec- ond teams will be held as follows: Sophomores, 5 o'clock Monday; sen- iors, 5 o'clock Tuesday; freshmen, 2 o'clock Wednesday; juniors, 3 o'clock Wednesday. Senior society will meet at 7:15 o'clock Monday night at Betsy Bar- bour house. The Association of Collegiate Alum- nae invites the public to be present at a meeting at 3 o'clock this aft- ernoon in the Natural Science audi- torium. Miss Virginia Murray, an of- ficer of the women's division of the Detroit police department, will be the principal speaker. Miss Harriet Wild, director of phy- sical education for the bureau of so- cial education of the national Y. W. C. A., will talk on "Health Standards in Their Relation to the Trained Wom- an," at 8 o'clock Monday night in1 Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Letters have been sent out from the office of the dean of women asking that all women on the warned or pro- bation lists see Dean Myra B. Jordan in that connection. Dean Myra B. Jordan will not be at home to the women of the University on Tuesdays hereafter. ALUMNAE GUESTS OF HONOR AT LEAGUE'S TEA DANCE An atmosphere of expectation char- acterized the tea dance given by the board of directors of the Women's league yesterday afternoon in honor of alumnae who are' in Ann Arbor for the Junior Girls' play. A number of "Mothers" were present Marguerite Clark, '21, Aletha Yerkes, '21, and Esther Pafenbach, '21, pour- ed tea while girls from the Goodrich, O'Hara, Cannon, and Alice Freeman Palmer houses assisted. More than 100 girls were present. Sunday night specials. Both Amer- ican and Chinese, for your entertain- ment. Chinese Gardens.-Adv. Pyramid Press: Publishers 1416 Broadway, N\ew York City Gentlemen:-Enclosed herewith is $5.00 for which kindly send me your shorthand course in ten easy lessons by mati. It is understood that at the ena of five days, I am not satisfied my money will be gladly refunded. Name ........................ Street ....................... City and State............. Thne Smartest For Easter Our Easter millinery display offers a remarkable gathering. All the most-wanted materials and trimmings are represented. It is a showing, which, quality and price considered, is unsur- passable! Puyear & Hintz 328 South Main Street - S -ilillltlillil~iltnH H uttutiu llnlitifiN iil t- - _ me - - Ann Arbor's Finest Restaurant LIKE A KING LIKE A QUEEN c Come in sit down to clean sanitary places, give your order to a, waiter, listen to music for a couple of minutes, eat-the best cooked food in town and then pay less. That is What You Do Here 601 E. Liberty ttlltlill I~t lll11 ItlItilltllilflltlltil 1lll tt11i ~I I tt ll ttll l 1t1Iti illlflN Hll A SHORTER SHORTHAND SYSTEM IN TEN EASY LESSONS This course covers ten easy lessons which will enable the Student, Pro- fessor, Journalist, Doctor, Lawyer or anyone seeking a professional career, to go thru life with 100 per cent effi- ciency. THIS COURSE Is short and inexpensive, and is given with a money back guarantee if not satisfied. Send This Clipping Today S0. D. and Khaki Riding - Sport Breeches a Cordovan and Wrap Puttees Munson Army and'Dress Shoos O. D. and Khaki Shirts Army Blankets, Leather Jerkins, Pup Tents, Barracks Bags, Hip Rubber Boots, Mess Cans, Canned Fruit, Meats, etc. ARMY SURPLUS' STORE 213 North 4th Ave. = IHI1H~IlHIIrr IlHI~rIH II III HIIIHiHI1HI111111111111111111111111111H liiH111{111 DANA RICHARDSON I 15 EAST LIBERTY STREET moil -a Ann Ar Ma y Fesival Public Sale o Course Tickets All Course Tickets not ordered by mail will be placed on public sale at the University School of Music, beginning Saturday Morning at 8:00 o'clock, March 19. I __ _ __ _ Today Marks the Opening of a Six Concerts - - Four Days New Economy May 18, 19, 20, 21 ARTISTS Lucrezia Bori, Rosa Ponselle, Florence Hinkle, Sopranos; Cyrena Van Gordon, Merle Alcock, Contraltos; Orville Harrold, Charles Marshall, Lambert Murphy, Tenors; Arthur Middleton, Theodore Harrison, Chase B. Sikes, Baritones; Gustav Holmquist, Bass; Fannie Bloomfield- Zeisler, Pianist. University Choral Union, Albert A. Stanley, conductor, a ho rnus of children, George Oscar Bowen, eonductor, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Frederick .Stock, conductor. H~is THIS COLMNLASS 1Ff fl COLUMN CLOSES IGCLOSES AT 3 P.M ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. Basement In which Ready-to-Wear Ap- parel of High Quality Will be Sold at Prices that are Very Low Come to Teet's Dining Rooms, 805 E. Huron St. for your Sunday Night Lunches.-Adv. YOU HAVE WRITTEN POEMS!I Do you care to have them revised or constructively criticised by suc- cessful authors? If you do, then send us your manuscript (stories, articles or poems). We will criticise, and place them should they prove to be acceptable for publication. There is ho actual charge for our services. If, however, you have not previously enrolled with the advisory department of this association, we re- quest that you enclose the initial fee of two dollars, which we must ask of each new contributor. There is no additional expense, no future obliga- tion. It must be realized that we can only be of aid to those of serious intent, If you do mean to strive for literary auc- cess, we can help you in many ways. Our services are yours until we have actually succeeded in marketing at least one of your manuscripts. Send something to-day! Please enclose return postage with your communications. NATIONAL LITERARY ASSOCIATIONr 131 W.d39th St., New York City Advisory Department 4 d t e As indicative of the values that are here we direct your attention to the / Sm art Silk 0 Silk Blouses $5 Each FO SALE R SALE-A new Spring top-coat- dler Rochester make-size 36 large. ,ost $50.00. Never been worn. You an buy it for $25.00 at GLEN, the Tailor, 631 East University. 114-3 R SALE-New Corona Typewriter. Price $50.00. 400,000 in use. Easy erms if desired. Other typewriters aken in exchange. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Uickel's Arcade. 13 LOST AND FOUND LOST-Small black leather combina- tion bill fold and coin purse con- taining three tickets for C'est la Guerre, bills and change, in south- east part of town. Call 1192-W. - 114-3 LOST--The person who took a lady's hat and umbrella from a cloakroom of the Engineering building, Thurs- day afternoon has been seen and is asked to, return same immediately. 116-2 O NE of these blouses at $5.00 should be yours. There are exactly 100 in the allot- ment. Fashioned of crepe de chine and georgette crepe in flesh, white, brown, navy blue, honey- dew and the new colors of the spring season. Styles are the lat- est. Trimming is effected in ac- cordance with the newest vogues. The price is unusually low for the opening day.. Undergarments Low-pr*ced A DEPARTURE from the ordinary is the establish- ment of a silk under-ar- ment section in our new Economy Basement. Here the college girl may find smart underwear of silk at extremely modest prices. For example, glove silk vests are priced as low as $1.9; enve- lope chemises of fine crepe de chines, plain or, fancy, are $2.29; -and other remarkable values. 1 r SALE-Banjo-mandolin (Bruno) instrument. Will sell at reason- e price, leather case included. 1 2410, or 1460. E. E. Meyers. 116-3 - Iw SALE-Law library of the late dge Stevens of Flint. $1,000 cash. any standard works. Bargain. dress 311 East Court St., Flint. 116-5 WANTED VTED-Telegraph Operators. Stu- its part time shifts. Local brok- and bond house is installing pri- te New York wire and will neces- ate a keen operator to send and eive quotations on stocks, bonds, : foreign moneys. Apply Langley ldner & Co., National Bank Bldg. 116-2 TED- A roommate to share a te of rooms at 444 So. State St. :ht across from the campus. Steam t. Non-smoker only. 114-3 TED-Family and bundle wash- Drona carda nd willcal ,nor LOST-Leather Notebook in cloak- room Union basement. Contains notes in Ec. 32, 33, 34, Geology la, 31; 420 Maynard. Reward. 116 LOST-Silver Eversharp pencil be- tween Natural Science building and 'Tappan 14all. Finder call 1058-R. 116-2 WANTED WANTE r-To exchange two Saturday evening tickets, first floor, for two Saturday afternoon tickets to Jun- ior Play. Call 2650-W. 115-2 WANTED-Sewing woman by day or week. Apply The Wisteria Shop, 330 Maynard. 115-2 MISCELLANEOUS WILL PERSON who took an Allen & Bursley text book on Heat Engines from Room 311, Eng. ,Bldg., ''hurs- day, March 17, return 'it to Beattie, 114 N. Ingalls. Phone 855-J. 116 IF INTERESTED in profitable Sum- mer work, see Bald at 1034 E. Hur- on St. Phone 2024-R, 111-6 BASE BALL GE T INTO THE GAME WrrH SPALDING EQUIPMENT GLOVES, MITTS, BATS, BALLS, ETC. Qor catair,$na 4a nowraady. t's youl's fur tho ask E. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 911 c lbef4. 0 S i I 4 Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts and many apparel accessories are also included L 1 6. at e t., iicagU,iII Trubey. Home-made Candies and Box Candies Discount on Box Candies 218 S. MAIN STREET Phone 166 '. i / /// 124 South Mai Street I . ., ... 0 31 .... t V1