THE MICHIGAN DAILY SAl - '1 ;anI hti "OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFTHE UNIVERSITY OFFICIAL DOFMICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the Univer- y year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press l exclusively entitled to the use for ublication of all news dis atches.credited to it or not otherwise edited in this paper and te local news published therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second 58a natter. Subscription by carrier or mail, $ ces:Ann Arbor Press building, Maynard Street. Phoane : 'Bsines. 46o ; Editorial 44. Communications not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig- ;re nt necessarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of and notices of events will be publishd in The Daily at the lreion of the Vitor, if left at or mailed to The Daily office. s gned communications will receive no consideration. No man- t will be returned unless the writer incloses postage. "'fi Daily does not necessarily endorse the sentiments ex Csed lin the comn' ,ntfniceices ,What's Going On" nic es will not be received after 8 o'clock the evening preceding insertion.. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 2414 WIAGING EDITOR ..........GEORGE O. BROPHY JR sEditr.........................Chesser M. Campbell Adam itto'H.'W. Hitchcock . . DAkih J. E. McManis . enaud Sherwood T. W. Sarent. Jr .day Editor..................... A. B ,Editor .........................B. P. Campbell dtor. .. . . -.....--- Woodru-,- L. A. Kern, T. J. Whinery ,tt5. ... ............... ......Robert Angell arsd...i.. .....----------- .....Mary D. Lane egraph ...........-.--.---.----..---...-.-Thomas Dewey f .Cope ......... ............. .....Jack-.---ell Assistants ehine Waldo Wallace F. Elliott . R. Mes y 1.e WWeber Leo J. Hershdorfer Walter Donnelly 3Beth Vickery Hughtoii McBain Beaa Haley i. Clark Frank H. MPike Katlrie Montgomery RelinelrA. Bacon Gerald P. Overton roth Monfortt W.w. Ottaway Edward Lambrec t 'r Lrni Paul Watel Sara Walle- ices Oberholtzer Byron Darnton H. E. Howlett irt Z. Adams. M. A.Kla.e- BUSI1VESS STAFF Telephone 90 SINESS MANAGER............LEGRAND A. GAINES, JR. ertisng ............. ................-D-- P.Joyce iifieds .......... ..............Sigmund Kundltatet iication.......................... ... . F. M.eath unts ...... ..... ...---- . ..... .....'.s. Prie lation ........................................ F. Hilley ua o ......-- . ---- -.--,---. ' - ---- Assistants ; W. Lamnbrecht M,. M. Moule H. C. Hunt J- Hanel, Jr N. W Robertson M. S. Goldring . H. Hutchinson Thos. BL. Rice H.. WHeidbrede 11* A. Cross R. G. Burchell W. Cooley -ob-t. 1.Davis A. J. Parker Persons wishing to secure informat6n concerning news for any 0 of The Daily should %e the nigt edito, who has full charge 11 news to be printed that night. 1 9 SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1921. Night Editor-THOMAS H. ADAMS. MICHIGAN IN THE TEST TUBE [here are two ways of looking at the function the University. The two instructors who wrote Acolyte article on student activities for this th's Chimes take one side of it; and very evi- tly the great majority of the student body is on other, judging by comments. There are many o believe, with the authors, that the campu is r-organized, that many societies are not living to their functions, that some others have no real actions at all. But beyond this most of us will go. We would have to adopt the academic view- nt of the authors if we did; and the idea that chigan's activities should be trued up to -the rely scholastic standard of education sticks in our ellectual throats and refuses to be downed. Asa perfect example of the method and purpose the two investigators, their trip to The Daily 1 suffice. They looked over the offices, and talked it with the business manager, who told them the nber of men on his staff and the hours they spent Daily tasks. He explained to what an extent The ily was a business proposition; and, naturally, not ng on his guard in any sense, he did not feel the :essity of offering arguments for the present sys- a. The same was true of the editorial board, o were next interviewed. This body, however, . in the course of the interrogation provide a nber of excellent justifications for The- Daily's torial policy - partof which the writers en- ,ly disregarded, and another part satirically mis- erpreted in their article. As a result of this sur- e-scratching process they conclude: "The Michi- : Daily . . . is another example of an institu- u that ought to be of immense educational value. foritunately, as constituted and administered at sent, it is as much of a hindrance to education as elp." Their solution is some sort of a Univer- -endowed newspaper depending in no wise on business side for circulation or advertising, ating not the news the students want but the Ns the faculty - as represented by a journalism artment official in the position of a paternal :rseer - prescribes- [. the first place, no matter how many faculty- ted journals of- this sort may be set up at :higan, the students - who are perfectly normal erican men and women - will still be entitled a newspaper - and will demand and have one. ere is no reason they should be compelled to hunt nly in outside newspapers for the sort of campus vs and comment they want, merely be- se some of the faculty wish to uplift'them edu- onally by stuffing The Daily's columns with the st scandal in the Dinosaur family or a full and iplete feature story of Einstein's theory. 'his one-sided conception of education underlies undermines the whole article. The real func- of the University of Michigan is to take Amer- i youth in the rough, rub off the raw edges, in- an appreciation of the beautiful and the well-' e, inject a working understanding not only of a icular field but of men and things in the large, - the mind to think logically and resourcefully, finally turn out men and women who will serve more efficiently, more intelligently, and in a better spirit than they would have served it without such training. Into the production of this type of graduate go all the varied experiences of his years on the cam- pus. The task is a many-sided one. Logic and Math and Fine Arts and M. E. 2 and Anatomy and Torts and Ec. z and campus politics and fraternity life and dances and publications and athletics and Honor so- cieties (to provide incentive), and mixers and the Union and campaigns and committees are all tools in the process - very important tools. Some of them provide the student with the positive knowl- edge that will enable him to build bridges or argue cases or write books or pull teeth in the future. Others broaden his thinking range. Some give him the social poise and "mixing" ability expected of a Unversity graduate. Still others develop his char- acter by setting him tasks to do and giving him a chance to prove himself and assume positions of responsibility. Publications and the Union are par- ticularly of this character. The two Acolytes place far too low a value on the social phase of student activities and on the character-building side of stu- dent government, student adminstration, and stu- dent competition. "Educational," so far as their article is concerned, means educational only in the pedagogic sense. Ifsomeone who perceived the true nature -of the American university as a place to develop men and women ready to face the practical problems of life could be induced to conduct a similarly sincere and methodical}investigation, the real faults in the pres- ent organization system - which are practical faults rather than faults of purpose - might be segre- gated and worked out of it. But investigators who think Michigan is a place to develop the scholarly type instead of all-around men and women, and whose view is necessarily limited by this concep- tion, can hardly be expected to discover either the true defects or the true remedy. Starting with a false hypothesis as to the nature of the University,. they have naturally gone about hunting only the data which is "on all fours" with their theory. In the process they have missed the truth. The Daily and the Union and the Gargoyle are cogs in a sys- tem the nature and value of which has been for- gotten or cast aside by the writers of the article in their search for material to bolster their belief. No Blonde Women- for His Juries; "They're- Too Fickle,",says Judge Morris, of New York city. One moment, Judge - this is a jury, not a harem. The senior lits certainly believe in the representa- tive system. At the present rate the class meetings will soon resemble a committee of one. Sport these canes! The TIelescope !Illt11111111 11111 11111111 1111 111111111H 1 .1111m i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111iIIII1 N1 #1 !# 1 1111 !#Iillllliiil#111111111#11i11 UNIVERSITY, WOMEN- SEE JuniorGi'rls Play ~Slelin1a Sue" This Afternoon and Tonight Whitney Theatre This Space Donated-by GRAHAM'S 1l,11110I0li t11101011#lmlsmlm!mlf mill l111011111i11111111111 01101111iU#100i111#1INit11ui 1 #i u l tl l #010111111 DETROIT UNITED LINES In Effect Nov. 2, 1920 Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (EsenStnadTie 1t(Eastern standard Time Limited and Express cars leave for Detroit at 6:05 a. t., 7:05a. m., 8: 10 a. mn., and hourly to 9: 10 p. m. , Limiteds to Jackson at 8:48 a. m. and every two hours to 8:48 p. m. Ex: The Turkish 0a , eL presses at 9:48 a. m. and e,.ery two - hours to 9:48 p. m. Locals to Detroit-5:55a.m., 7:00 a.m. - and every two hours to 9:00 p. m., also 11:00 p. m. To Ypsilanti only, 11:40 p.m., 12:25 a.m., and 1:15 a.m. Locals to Jackson-7:60 a. m., and 12:10 p.m. MARCH S M T W T F s We go 6000 miles for the S1 8 9 10 11 12 Turkish tobacco 3 14 5 16 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Murad-Why? Men: Last season's hats turn- ed inside out, refinished and re- blocked with all new trimmings Because--Turkish has a taste--Turkish has a look just like new, wear just as mildness -Turkish has a delight-far beyond all dollars. We do only high class cigarette tobaccos of all other lands- work. Factory Hat Store, 617 Murad gives Packard St. Phone 1792. ua gesYou real enjoymnent, and true delight such as no Tobacco other than 100% Pure ___________Turkish Tobacco can give. Facts--Facts -FACTS-! Tens of thousands of smokers -tens of thousands of tines- During Spring Vacation have PROVEN this- SELLING BRUSHES Judge fr Yorse You Can't Misstake- 200 It,* A Money Maker! : r sv' Write Box "Brushes" - Care Micigan Daily TAILORED AT FAS H}N PARK WAGES WAR ON WANTON W AST E Result of Investigation of Secret Society Turns Light of Pitiless Publicity on Student Affairs (Special to the Telescope) Ann Arbor, March 18. - The result of the in- vestigation of the Jackolites, national secret society (the secret being the reason for their existence) was made public tonight. A perusal of the report has left the student body weak and shaken. Some of *the ways pointed out by the society by which the students are selling their birthright of knowledge for a mess of pottage are: Of the 1,500 women who daily powder their chins the average time consuned for such opera- tion was found to be 5o seconds or a total time ex- pended of 75,00 seconds. Figuring that 20 per cent or 300 of the women also have a second shin to powder, the 15000 seconds required for this added to the original 75,000 seconds make 90,000 seconds or 1,500 minutes per day wasted by the fair ones at this girlish sport. Figuring only 5 school days to the week we thus have 7,500 minutes so spent. Last semester, so the report states, 900 students took Economics r. Figuring that 1o per cent of those attending the lecture each week were kept awake by the loud snoring of their neighbors, a con- servative estimate is that 800 students slept for 50 minutes or a total of 4,000 minutes a week also wasted. In estimating the number of lectures attended each week by the students the report figured that at least 8,ooo students attended on the average 2"lec- tures a week; that at these lectures the last five min- utes was wasted by the students shuffling their feet so that 16,ooo x 5 or 8oooo minutes were lost. In Poly Sci. 2, though, Prof. Reeves succeeds in utiliz- ing the full hour so that his 400 listeners do not waste those last 5 minutes. Subtracting these 2,000 minutes we have 78,ooo minutes as the net loss. Adding the 78,ooo to the 7,500 minutes lost in powdering and the 4,000 lost by the Ec. lecture we have a total of 89,500 minutes which the student body wastes each week. Dividing this number by 1,440 we find that the total aggregates 62.1 days. 62.1 days wasted each week on only these three phases of college life. Well may the student ask himself the question raised by the report and the Sunday Supplement, "Is Michigan Dead or Is She Just Sleeping?" Famous Closing Lines "A make believe," he muttered as he saw the mis- sionary trying to convert the heathens. NOAH COUNT. j4Yb Na I.l (JA 9 =- ---r KAY - B A C HE WEARS A KAYT-BAC SUIT- THE LATEST F1A SH ION PAd RK STYLE DEVELOPMENT {P~D CUSTOM SER VICE WITHO U7 THE 4NNOYANCE OF A TR Y-()N RE DY-FO-P.UT- ON aAMKisn J. F. WUERTH COMPANY 322-324 SOUTH STATE STREET