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March 19, 1921 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-03-19

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TRAD E RELATIONS Daily Reprters, 2
DaCertificateOf 2
+"C After successfully running the
gauntlet of the University police
force, a dubious ticket-seller, a stern
OFFICE PLACED IN RIGA TO GET woman door-keeper, and the gaze of
10FRiWATION AS TO 1,200 pairs of curious feminine eyes,
two male representatives of The Daily,
BLTIC TRADE fortified with the certificate of the
dean of women, were finally ushered
NO DECISIN REACHED to their seats in the last row of the
YET IN DISCUSSION balcony at the opening performance
of "Selina Sue," the seventeenth an-
Deelarei Embargo to StopDrumping bynual Junior Girls' play.
But it was worth the trouble, from
Foreign Exporters Would Be the prettily scened "Frills and Fol-
(By Associated Press)
WashingtonMarch 18.-There has
been some discussion of the possibil -
ity of trade relations with Russia,D
Secretary of Commerce Hoover said .....:4
today. As yet, howeverr, there has Nearly Every Legislative Session
been no decision reached. An office of Takes Up These Matters, Says
the department has been placed at Professor Wood
Riga, Mr. Hoover said, to provide in-
formation as to trade in Finland and ACTION SHOWS REALIZATION
the Baltic provinces. OF OLDEN TIME METHODS
Secretary Hoover said an embargo
to prevent dumping by foreign ex- "Conditions at the Industrial school
porters would be difficult of operation at Lansing are investigated at practi-
in view of the shipping and other cally every session of the state leg-
questions involved. He indicated that islature but matters usually are drop-
he favored tariff as an alternative to ped, and no change is made. Whether
an einbargo. this will be the case at the present
1lr. Hoover said that a serious sit- time remains to be seen." This was
uation was facing the agricultural in- the statement of Prof. Arthur E.
terests of the country on account of Wood, of the sociology department, in
the main exporters of the world mak- an interview yesterday.
ing this country a dumping ground for Trouble Recognized
wool, cotton, grain and dairy prod- "The fact that these investigations
ucts and other commodities of which are carried on repeatedly points out
there Is already a surplus here. that there is a realization of the old-
Credit must be provided to relieve time and out-of-date methods that the
the movement of exports to this coun- school employs in its attempt at re-
try as an aid to general revival of form. At the present time practically
business, Mr. Hoover maintained. all of the penal institutions in the
country have dropped the lock-step
and the rule of silence at meals. Just
OPERA MAIL ORDER why these should be carried on by the
SALE ENDS TODAY institution at Lansing against the
younger set of unfortunates is a ques-
tion that I am unable to answer. It
All mail order applications for seems that the institution has not
Union opera tickets must be in to- kept up with the movements of the
day, for after tonight none will be present day policy of reform."
filled. Reservations which have been Speaking of the failure of the Hart
made will be sent to applicants on capital punishment bill, which was
Monday. A two day box office sale for lost Thursday in the lower house of
Union members who have not ordered the legislature by a margin of two
by mail will begin at 10 o'clock next votes, ProfessorWood declared that
Tuesday morning, March 22, the hours he was pleased with the rejection.
of sale being from 10 to 12 o'clock in Compare Cities
the morning, and 2 to 5o'clock in the "During the time that the bill was
afternoon, up for consideration, I have been ask-
Box office sale of tickets for, Uni- ed to furnish statistics relative to cap-
versity women will be from 2 to 5 ital punishment. But it must be real-
o'clock Thursday afternoon, March ized that statistics cannot show the
24, at Hill auditorium. Townspeople truth of the effect of capital punish-
will be given an opportunity "to pur- ment upon crime. The fact that Eng-
chase tickets when the sale begins at land has far less murders than any
the Whitney theater the following one of our larger cities during the
day, Friday, March 25. period of one year is no argument for
Next to the Thursday and Friday the death penalty. Rather it is more
night performances, the Tuesday appropriate to compare the evidences
show is proving to be popular. Annual of crime existing in two cities in this
members who ordered yesterday ap- country where different methods of
plied for opening night tickets to a punishment are used. These statistics
large extent, notice having been given do not show that capital punishment
that the best seats to the week-end has had any effect upon the reduction
performances had been taken. of crime.
Many Mentally Unsound
FRESHMEN MAKE FINAL "A large number of the murders are
PLANS FOR PARTY TODAY committed by persons who are men-
tally unsound, and upon these the
fear of the death penalty would have
Plans are complete for the informal no effect. They act by impulse and do
freshman literary party which will not stop to consider the conse-

take place this afternoon at the
As has been customary at informal
class parties, men and women will SENIORIT NOTICE '
come singly as well as in couples.
Women are to enter the Union at the Senior lits are urged by the
north entr'ance. committee to be measured for
There are still a few tickets left caps and gowns emediately at
which will be on sale this morning at George Moe's, North University
the booth in University hall. Any re- o avenue. This is important.
maining tickets will be placed on sale a
at the door.

Dean Of Women, PLACES
~l n a u e " Sucess1DE A E A strong plea that the people take a L
ILUDUBATE part in determining newspaper ethics11
before permitting the establishment of
lies" opene- to the "Good-night Argument Against Soviet System a department of Journalism at the
Song" at the end of the third act, the Seems More Conclusive Than University of Michigan is voiced bySI
music, staging, comedy, dancing, and Affirmative Pipp's Weekly of Detroit in a recent
acting must have been up to the Jun- ---~_ issue. Claiming that there exists an BUTLER AND WETZEL QUALIFY
ior Girls' play standards of the past, MANY QUESTIONS PUT TO agreement among Michigan newspa-
no matter how brilliant that past has DEBATERS IN OPEN FORUM pers to suppress news of libel suits FOR FINALS OF 440
been. against any one of them, the article YARD DASH
Evelyn Rockwell as Selina Sue Jen- (By Robert Bernard) goes on to say that organized inter-
kins herself, portrayed well the diffi- In the sixth Mid-Western debate, ests desire the establishment of this FORBES IS SPIKED AT
cult characterization of a Southern which was concluded last night in Hill department in order to attgact new START BUT FINISHES
belle who, as an experiment, served auditorium many interesting argu- un BrkhordersandnBurns WsngSecony
as ladies' maid at a fraternity J-Hop ments were advanced, for and against, underpaid- Burkholder and Burns Win Seconds
house party where other co-eds were the immediate official recognition of The author admits that it is desir- to Illinois Runners in
guests. Edith Staebeler as Nancy the Soviet government in Russia. It able to instill the ethics of newspaper Half Mile
Moore, the guest whose romance is appeared, though no official decision work into students if only the public
halted by a bet, and Mildred Chase as was rendered, that the Wisconsin can obtain some control over the In- (Special to The Daily)
Barry Breckinridge, her lover, whose Negative team presented the most co- terests that he claims dominate Mich- Evanston, March 18.-Michigan qual-
Arabian "transportation-pill" dream herent and logical argument. igan journalism. ified two men for the finals in the
of the second act comes true in the The Michigan team, by their re- quarter mile, Butler and Wetzel, run-
third, were a splendid pair for the marks, kept the audience in a very rning in the same heat came in first
plot focus. Christine Murkett as Don good humor to readily assimilate the and second respectively; Forbes who
Likem is a beautifully cynical anti- facts so well presented by the Wis- LI was expected to place, was tripped
co-edder as well as a first-rate loose consin debating squad. CHOStNandt'spiked in the heel in rounding the
bone dancer. Many questions were submitted in IID5E PRESIDENT first turn disabling him. Nevertheless
the open forum which was held at the he finished the race, coming in third,
As Sam, the colored porter, Elise end of the debate. It only two in heat qualify, however.
Smith waendasofythe debate.stItseemed from
Smith was easily the comedy star, the nature of the great majority of the Student Advisory Committee Elects Lewis, the other Michigan runner ran
"putting over" the evening's hit with questions that the audience wanted Officers; Dow Selected as third in his heat. Illinois qualified
the support of "his" uke chorus, and three for finals.
further proof from the Michigan a- Secretary
keeping the plot well interspersed firmative team that an immediate Summary: First heat won by Don-
with laughs. Elizabeth Vickery was recognition of Soviet government in REQUEST FOR RECOGNITION ahue (Illinois); second, Fields (Illi-
convincing as the burglar whose Russia would bring order out the WILL BE PRESENTED SOON nois), time 52.4. Second heat won by
sweetheart had "blue eyes and a fur chaos which the affirmative Michigan Butler, (Michigan); vecond Wetze,
coat," and Joyce McCurdy soloed in a team on one occasion admitted existed James I. McClintock, '21L, wa (Michigan), time 52.4. Third heat won
realistic Indian dance n the Arabian in Russia today. elected president and Douglas Dow, by - Kayser (Wisconsin); second,
garden scene. Robert B. Ritter, '22, quoted a Wis- '21E, secretary of the newly formed Schlaprizzi (Illinois), time 54.5.
The most memorable music was in consin professor as having said: "I Student Advisory committee at the Burkholder and Burns qualified for
the first act- the day will probably traveled 20,000 miles in Russiia and initial meeting of that body last night finals iA the half mile, each placed
be spent in writing extra encore vers- never saw a clenched fist in all that at the Union. second in his heat. Merz (Michigan),
es for "Overhead Expenses" and time." This statement was introduc- A request for recognition of the failed to place. Illinois qualified three.
"Happy-Go-Lucky," as well as "Rep- ed by Ritter in his rebuttal argument committee will be presented immedi- Sunimary: First heat won by Yates
utations" in the final act. in a vain effort to prove that newspa- ately to the faculty through J. 'A. (Illinois); second, Nash (Wisconsin),
The junior girls are to be commend- per reports of riot and disorder in Bursley, Dean of Students. Quick ac- time 2:03 3-5. Second heat won by
ed for a well-rounded performance in Soviet Russia did not exist. tion is hoped for in this matter .so Brown (Illinois); second, Burns
which cleverness and good music are that the committee may start at its (Michigan), time 2:04 4-5. Third heat
the outstanding features. The re- . new duties without delay. won by McGinnis (Illinois); second,
porters wondered all during the show Unon W ill Get President McClintock announced Burkholder (Michigan), time 2:05 1-5.
why men should not be admitted. last night that the energy of the com- Results of preliminary: Illinois
ira$ $ mittee will be concentrated for a time qualifies six, Michigan four, Wisconsin
on the work of gaining recognition. two, for finals in quarter and half mile.
SHen said that the matter will be pre-
gymnasium, Evanston, Illinois, where sented to the Senate council by Dean LAMME TO SPEAK
EXP1AINED Dy ClO[IDGEthe Conference indoor track meet will Bursley and that it is expected this AT ELEVEN TODAY
be held tonight, are to be received at will be accomplished in time for the
the Union tap room. A program of Regents to pass on the move at their
next meeting, which occurs the latter Mr. B. G. Lamme, chief engineer of
Several difficulties which arose con- music and specialty acts has been ar- next meeth o ccur. th WasteG ouseEcteine&raof
poitcaranged to entertain the men during part of the month. the Westinghouse Electric & Manu-
cerning the settlement of political, the intervals between the messages "The hearty support given the self- facturing company, will address the
geographical, and economical ques- which will tell of the progress of the government plan by the student body students of the engineering college
tions regarding the states which grew Maize and Blue team. should be a decisive factor in gaining at 11 o'clock Saturday morning in the
out of the disrupted Austro-Hungar- It is expected that first reports will the approval of the University author- Natural Science auditorium. His .ad-
atbe received about 9 o'clock. Lampe's ies," McClintock said last night. The dress, however, it is stated, will be of
iaorchestra has been secured to play formal request for recognition will be equal interest to students in all de-
Archibald C. Coolidge, of the history rom 8:30 to 10:45 o'clock, followed by prepared today. partments as it will deal with the
department of Harvard university, in Phil Diamond's 11-piece organization, elements needed for success in the
lecture on The Austrian Peace which will arrive at 10:45 o'clock and engineering profession.
t" Auron3SPlea Prof. J. C. Parker, of the electrical
Treaty" delivered at 4:15 o'clock yes- play until the final report is received. engineering department, in speaking
terday afternoon in Natural Science e of Mr. Lamme stated that he consid-
building. ENGINEERS PL AN ered him the foremost engineer in
Starting his lecture with a historical -Relectrical machine design in the world
outline Professor Coolidge stated that TO HONOR COOLEY Featuring a statement by President today. He characterized him a a
the Hapsburg empire when establish- -- Marion L. Burton on "The Legislative genius without the eccentricities com-
ed in the 15th century consisted of Senior and junior engineers will Program," the March Alumnus ap- mon to most men of that class.
three states-Austria, Hungary, and honor Dean Mortimer E. Cooley with pears today. The article discusses the Pres.' Ira N. Hollis, of the Worces-
Bohemia. "Additional territory was a birthday banquet at 6 o'clock Tues- entire situation and presents the need ter Polytechnic institute, and a form-
acquired by the partitions of Poland day evening, March 29, in the assem- for funds in a detailed manner, end- er president of the American Society
and war with the Turks. In each of bly hall of the Union. ing in a plea for the support of the of Mechanical Engineers is also ex-
the three states there were at least J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students, as alumni. pected to be present. Dr. Hollis is
three different nationalities. After the well as many of the engineering -in- The magazine also contains a re- making a series of talks on "Industri-
armistice, the empire broke up into structors, are expected to attend. print of the memorial of Prof. Isaac al Wastes" throughout the country at
many new states, and quarrels over Tickets will be $1.50 and may be ob- Newton Demmon, late head of the the request of Herbert Hoover.
boundary lines resulted. Austria and tained Monday in the engineering English department, which was read Dean Mortimer E. Cooley has a-
Hungary were at a disadvantage in building or from any member of the before the University Senate at a thorized instructors to excuse students
these petty wars, since the Allies had committee. A program including mu- meeting last fall. "A Page from an from classes in order to attend these
ordered them to disband their armies. sic and speeches has been arranged, Ancient Assyrian Prayer Book," by lectures.
This had to be settled by the diplo- and the committee is anxious that as Prof. Leroy Waterman, of the semit-
mats at Versailles," said Professor many of the upperclassmen engineers ics department, is accompanied by a'

Coolidge. as possible will be there. cut of the tablet. WANTED-AUTOMOBILES
"Other questions to be settled were: The annual report of the Board in
To what extent were the Austrians S. C. A. FOLDERS TO EXPLAIN Control of Athletics is reprinted in Four automobiles are wanted
and Hungarians representative of the OPERATION OF NEW CHARTER full. Editorials on "That Legislative . for Saturday, March 26, for use
Hapsburg dynasty? Who was re- Program," "Some Statistics," "A Dean
sponsible for the national and the Circulars explaining the activities of Students," "A epartient of Physi- in the oning C ng to
war debt? Austria and Hungary were of the Students' Christian association cal Traiing," "On Proselyting Ath- cey t tin Cornell ath-
calTranig,""O Prseltig Ah- letes about the campus. Stu-j
at a disadvantage in this case also and containing a graph of its proposed letes," "The, Retirement of Professor dents having automobiles which
because they had no vote at the peace charter are to be distributed in Ann Stanley and Dr. Vaughan," "Three they will offer to this use are
conference, while the other states had Arbor churches Sunday. Student Michigan Graduates Honored," and asked to call A R. Bailey, '22,
a voice there. Doubtful questions speakers will explain the new plan "Claudius B. Grant, '59," together with phone 355.
were likely to -be decided against and the work of the organization at the customary- departments, make up
them. the same time. I the rest of the magazine.


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Tickets on Sale Today in U-Hall
from 9 1 12 -Tickets limited







SAT. MAR. 19th, 3 to


Got Them Early,

It of IS I
is of St SI

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