THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRESHMEN TO BE MEN I GYM TESTS THISUU YE Inaugurating a new system, Dr. G. A. May's department of physical edu- cation will give the incqming class a series of personal efficiency tests, in conjunction with the physical meas- urements which are taken yearly. The personal tests, which are to in- clude a series of indoor and outdoor activities, will extend over the en- tire year's work in freshman gym ,classes. Some of the events on the chart which has been made out are as follows: Chinning, dipping, rope climbing, shot put, bar vault, 50-yard dash, high jump, broad jump, half mile run, gymnastics, swimming and individual contests. This system which is new in the field of physical educa- tion is in use in several other uni- versities. Special importance will be attached to games such as football, basketball, baseball, boxing :and wrestling. A distance kick and throw has been ar- ranged for in football. A rather unique idea will be worked out in baseball with practice In throwing at a target. This target which is 12 feet by 12 feet has an outer and inner circle and 'Y' TO H AVE MORE points will be scored according to the N UAV hit. The basketball events 'will be IN S RILM VE basketball shooting and distance throwing. Teams will be made up With the purpose of bringing stu- from the men in the classes in all dents and labor leaders to a better sports to give them the advantages understanding and to a more perfect to be derived from team play. A chart has been made out for each knowledge of each others' pr'oblems, man which indicates the average for n .Eraty,geeral secretaryf th fair, good, and excellent in each of University Y. M. C. A., plans further the various tests. Accurate records industrial moving pictures which will be kept and appro'priate certifi- were inaugurated last Saturday' cates of merit will be awarded to Mr. Evans states that his purpose those makin' excellent grades in all is to bring students, particularly en- events.medgineers, who will work in after life It was at first planned to give the with laboring men and labor prob- efficiency tests at the lame time that lems, to hear and talk with prominent the measurements were taken but this men of this class both in Ann Arbor was, found impossible. and from some of the industrial cen- ters of Michigan. Arrangements are being effected Class Elections Next Week now whereby there will be men here Plans are being completed by the as often as possible in the future to Student council to hold the nomina- attend the Saturday night gatherings tions for class officers the first of next and it is expected that there will be week and the elections the last part a local labor leader here tonight at of the week. These plans with the the meeting. place and time for the elections in The moving pictures for this week the various classes and colleges will consist of three reels, entitled "Alpha be given fully in Sunday's Daily. Cement," "Speeding the Spoken Word," and "A Visit to the Grand Canyon of Use the advertising columns of The Colorado." The first of these will give Michigan Daily to reach the best of a good insight into the cement busi- Ann Arbor's buyers.-Adv. ness and its manufacture, the second AT THE THEATERS TODAY Screen Majestle-"Lady Rose's Daugh- ter," with Elsie Ferguson. Mack Sennett comedy and Pathe News. Arcade-- Jack Pickford in "The Man Who Had Everything." Regular novelty film and Bray Pictograph. Wuerth-"Big Happiness," star- ring Dustin Farnum. Snub Pollard comedy and Pathe Re- view. Orpheum-"The Eyes of Julia Deep," starring Mary Miles Minter. Universal News and Pollard comedy. THIS WEEK Stare Garrick (Detroit)-The musical comedy success, "Piccadilly to Broadway." Shubert (Detroit)-The Winter {Garden's eiglfth annual review, "The Passing Show of 1919." shows many phases of the telephone organizations of the country and gives a new idea of their work and their importance, while the third presents many and varied views of the Grand Canyon and the trip there, the pic- turesque Indian dwellings and danc- es which take place there nightly and the famous inn near the brink of the great cut. Educators Like Pitching Quoits SCHUBE RT DETROIT The Winter Garden Eighth Annual Revue The Passing Show of 1919 WUERTH THEATRE TUESDAY- William Farnum in "If I Were King." Hank Mann in "The Nickel Snatch- et." Fox News. Orchestra and Pipe Organ Music. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAYj H. B. Warner in "Haunting Shad- ows."j Kinograms and Hall Room Boys Comedy. Orchestra and Pipe Organ Music. FRIDAY, SATURDAY- Dustin Farnum in "Big Happiness." Pathe Review and Pollard Comedy.I Orchestra and Pipe Organ Music. GAR R I c K DETROIT THIS WEK PICCADILLY TO SROADWAY ORPEUM THEATRE TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY- Buck Jones in "Firebrand Tre sion." Clayplay Comedy and Serial-"IH den Dangers." THURSDAY, FRIDAY Jack Pickford in "In Wrong." Comedy-"Bullets and Bullies." SATURDAY- Mary Miles Minter in "The Eyes Julia Deep." Universal News and Pollard C edy. J. L. CHAPMAN ______ JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST The Store of Reliability & Satisfaction 113 South Main Street ANN ARBOR, . . MICHIGAN L 4 Ready to Serve From 11a.m. to 1p.m.- 5 to 7p.m. Pot of hot tea and bowl of rice PLAIN CHOP SUEY 35 cents CHINESE and AMERICAN Style Short Orders Q.zan Tuy .jLo j ~6135E;. Liberty St. (EANERS --AND- 6RESSERS LIt.e68 me Ladies Pary Gowns a S LAST TIMES TODAY ELSIE I Mi IW Am Ferguson Last Times ,Today 1 IN "LADY ROSE'S DAUGHTER" Anyone who happened to pass by the home of President Marion L. Bur- ton yesterday morning, could have seen, an interesting game in progress at the rear of the house. The Presi- dent was pitching quoits. The contest- ants in the game were President Bur- ton, Donald J. Cowling, president of Carleton college, Dean Roscoe W. Thatcher and Dr. John Sundwall from the University of Minnesota. They were enjoying this morning exercise prior to the meeting of the education- al conference. in Hill auditorium. Girls' Attention. Rain Water Sham- poos, Marcelled" Waving, Face and Soalp Treatment at Mrs. J. R. Tro- ianowski's, 1108 So. University. j Phonie696-W.-Adv. JackPickf ord IN "The Man Who Had Everything" Tomorrow- MoDnday & Tuesday Here He Is ALSO MACK SENNETT COMEDY "SHERIFF' NELL'S TUSSLE" *' Dance tonight, Packard Academy.- Adv. I WUERT ORPHEUM LAST TIMES TODAY SATURDAY SUNDAY - MONDAY DUSTIN FARNUM MARY MILES MARY i MINTE "Big Happiness" MINTER PICKFORD PATHE REVIEW : PATHE COMEDY NIN ORCHESTRA ORGAN MUSIC _ A THEART 'O THE SuN -TiEs. "The Eyes of -"THE JuliLDee lTJulia Deep" Story by John Fox Jr. - aa - ~CITY"___ Blanche - SWEET COMEDY Larry Semon "Help "THE STAGE Wanted- NEWS HAND" Male" ' lrlrl lil lillllillillillp iliillrrrrrilrr~ 1rri~ lUlllIr 11 fl rt1rl rli trlllirrllrllllllilliililllilliilll r1 r~ rI11 rrrrllrlrpiti ll lll llififlllUiril rrlrrir11rlrrlrilili I 1 .4 I.%- s' 11 t14 S iamr also Al StJon andthefamous beauties in "THE AERO N 111t11t111fil1qI111111111111111111111111111111 il1111111111" n I I I I fl 11111111111t~ I1tI111tit11t1U I111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIII "The Little Mother of American Prisons' Aonday Night October 1 At 8 O'Clock MAUD BALLI NGTON BOOTH Hill Auditorium Admission 5 l lttll t11 1111t11tN1[ti i[1111 IUI1i111lIt11111t111111111111M111t11