. ..
TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1921.
Number 112.1
0 Council:
he meeting of the Senate Council scheduled for Monday, March 14,
postponed indefinitely.
R. W. BUNTING, Secretary.
e Members of the History Department:
ill the members of the History Department please announce in classes
reek that Professor Archibald Cary Coolidge, Professor of History in
rd University and Chief of Mission in Vienna during Peace Conference,
ecture on THE AUSTRIAN PEACE TREATY in the Auditorium of the
Science building, Friday, March 18, at 4:15 p. m.
Professor of History.
e Course by Miss Ellen Chuarchill Semple:
udents who expect credit for the course of lectures (Geology 3A) by
emple, beginning Thursday, March 17, are asked to call at Room G 440
al Science building before Thursday. These students will report to
iersigned after each of the public lectures, to be given by Miss Semple
N. S. Auditorium, Thursday at 8 p. m. and Friday at 8 p. .
S nyC.y . SAUER.
.oss Gunn Will Speak at the Physics Colloquium on Tuesday:
r. Ross Gunn will speak at the Physics Colloquium on Tuesday, March
4:20 p. m., on The Radio Goneometer and Its Application. All inter-
are invited to attend. W. F. COLBY.
rch Club, University of Michigan:
regular meeting of the Research Club will be held on Wednesday
ig, March 16, at 8 o'clock, in the Histological Laboratory. (Council
ig at 7:30.) The program will be as follows:
eRoy Waterman-Pre-Israelite decalogs in the covenant law of Israel.
. L. Wilgus-Legal Aspects of city planning.
H. H. BARTLETT, Secretary.
:ge in Supplementary Examination in Economies 1:
Because of confilct with other courses the supplementary examination
conomics 1 for those who were absent from the final examination in the
semester will be given Saturday, March 26, at 9 a. m. In Room 102, Eco-
cs building. F. M. TAYLOR.
lementary Examination-in Zoology 8:
Those who were absent from examination in Organic Evolution in the
semester will take a supplementary examination on Saturday, March
t 9 -a. in., in Room Z-231, Natural Science building.
J. E. REIGHARD (per A. F. S.).,
ent Members, Amlerican Institute of Electrical Engineers:
On Friday evening, March 18, the Detroit-Ann Arbor section of A. I. E.
ill be addressed by Mr. B. G. Lamme, chief engineer of the Westinghouse
trip and Mfg. Co. The subject will be Induction Motors. Mr. Lamme is
imineift authority on many phases of engineering, and this opportunity
ear him should not be overlooked. The meeting will be held at 8 o'clock
oit time, in the Board -of Commerce building. Students may also attend
buffet luncheon in the dining room of the Board of Commerce at 6:30 for
. Those intending to go to the meeting are requested to sign up at
1 274 Eng. The full text of Mr. Lamme's paper appears in the Journal
March. The discussion which will take place at the meeting will be ex-
ely valuable. L. E. FROST.
neering English 6, Report-Writing:
rhe lecture in Report-Writing will be given this week at 7 o'clock
'sday evening in Room 348.
ents in Economics,15 and-87:
Students 4n the above courses who were absent at the final examina-
and are entitled to take the make-up examination will present them-
s in Room 102, Economics building, next Saturday morning, March 19,
at 9 o'clock. I. L. SHARFMAN.
omics 1E:
Mdake-up and condition examination will be held in Room 6, Economics
ling,. on Thursday, March 17, at 2 o'clock.
ogy 25a:
'he supplementary examination for students who were absent from
final examination will be given on Wednesday, March 16, 2 p. m., in.
a G 437, Natural Science building.
News of the Day
Washington, March 14. - Recogni-
tion of the Greek government of
King Constantine by the United
States is expected to result shortly
from associations which have been
instituted by the Greek government
with the state department through
the Greek legation here.
Letters from King Constantine of
Grece and his Queen Mother Olga
became known today containing for-
mal announcements of the accession
to the throne of the king. They have
been transmitted to the state depart-
Washington March 14. - Anti-
dumping legislation to protect Amer-
ican industries from European com-
petition will be rushed through at
the special session of congress, ac-
cording to a decision reached at a
conference today by Republican mem-
bers of the senate finance and the
house ways and means committee
with Secretary of the Treasury Mel-
Whether tariff or internal tax re-
vision shall be accorded second place
on the fiscal program was left for
final determination in a conference
which Senator Penrose, of the senate
committee, and Chairman Fordney, of
the house committee, plan to hold
tomorrow with President Harding.
London, March 14. - Leon Trot-
sky, the Russian soviet war minister,
according to advices received here to-
night has decided to blockade Kron-
stadt despite the fact that this will
entail great suffering to the 8000
women and children in the town.
The reason for Trotsky's unwilling-
ness to bombard the town is the
presence of a war ship which he is
anxious to retain intact, the advices
New York, March 14. - The wage
reductions proposed for unskilled la-
borers by various railroads in the
East probably will be rejected by the
workers, a canvass of officials of the
interested union organizations indi-
cated tonight.
(Continued from Page One)
Bill was suggested by Bairnsfather's
clever cartoons of the Old British
soldier. This part will be taken by
HamiltonlCochran, '22, who Is to be
sjpported by a quartette of typical
Tommies. The song numbers render-
ed by the quartet are of the variety
commonly sung "overthere," but rarely
heard on this side.
The feminine roles are to be taken
by amateur actresses on the campus.
Milldred Sherman, '21, who took a
leading part in the Comedy club's pro-
duction, is to take the part of the old
French madame, who keeps the Cafe
du Rhin. Other mademoiselles who
will aid in giving the production a
French atmosphere, are Elizabeth
Vickery, '22, Katrina,, $chermerhorn,
'21, Adele Zimmerman, '22, and Nielen
Roberts, '23, Beulah °Brown, '21, who
will present an artistic French dance.
Poet to be Iipersonmted
Byron F. Field, who won distinction
on the Micbigan championship gra r-
ical team, will impersonate Alan See-
gar, the famous war poet. He will
give the author's version of "I Have a
Rendezvous with Death."
The doors of Hill auditorium will
open promptly at 7:30 o'clock. The
remaining tickets for the play are on
sale at Oaham's bookstore.
(Continued from Page One)
in the general funds was $134,958,
while against this were unpaid claims
left over from the previous year
amounting to $2,000,000, and appropri-
ations of $6,192,695 for special pur-
poses, many of which have not as yet
started. In the highway department,
however, the outstanding contracts for
work now in process of construction
will call for a payment of $5,500,000 by
the state, the repott 'continues.
As a remedy for the exigency, Pro-
fessor Friday declares that some new
source of revenue which will yield
$8,000,000 must be found. He suggests
that the state authorize a bond issue
of $10,000,000 for the calendar year,
the bonds to be from the $50,000,000
highway bond issue. By this means
"The department could rush its work
and at the same time relives the un-
employment situation." Professor
Friday also urges that provision be
made for issuing these bonds at a rate,
of interest that would make them at-
tractive investments and would thus
make an immediate market for them.
Other Methods Offered
Other methods which might be con-
sidered as a solution, as offered in the
report, include the levying of a fran-
chise tax upon corporations, both
domestic and foreign, for the privilege
of doing business in the state.
R. W. Winslow, '19, Married in Italy
Rollin R. Winslow, '19, Aierican
vice-consul at Florence, Italy, was
married to Miss Esther Bartlett, for-
merly of Pasadena and Boston, on
Feb., 26, in Florence, according to
news just received in this country.
Patronize Daily Advertisers.-AdY-.
Washington, March 14. - Plans to
divert immigrants from the cities and
industrial centers and to co-ordinate
agencies of the departments of inte-
rior, agriculture and labor, and to
place the newcomers on small farms
were announced today by W. W. Hus-
band, commissioner general of immi-
gation, after he had been sworn in as
successor to Anthony Caminetti.
The plans, he declared, would
Daily advertising will spell prosper-
ity for you.-Adv.,
Tru bey
Home-made Candies
and Box Candies
Discount on Box Candies
Phone 166
SOPH ENGINEERS ; solve the immigration problem which
TO HOLD SMOKER was largely a matter of distribution
of immigrants and at the same tine
correct the economic situation aris-
Sophomore engineers have p:anned ing from the flow of population to
a smoker for Wednesday night which the large cities.
is to be followed by a theater party
at the Arcade. The smoker will be SHIELDS DISCUSSES DEMANDS
held at 8 o'clock, in the reading room OF PRESENT DAY EMPLOYERS
of the Union.
Prof. John C. Parker, of the engi- (Continued from Page One)
neering college, is to be the speaker square as you know how to be, and
of the evening, while A. W. Church, then have a knowledge of when you
'23, and "Nobe" Weatherbee, '21L, are are licked."
to furnish music for the occasion. G. Mr. Shields was introduced by John
W. Johnson, '23, and Ransom Sher- Winters, '23L, chairman of the Sun-
man, '23, will entertain with songs day afternoon meetings committee,
and jokes. . who explained that the Union was
From the Union \the sophomores bringing to Ann Arbor men who are
will march en masse to the Arcade recognized as leaders in various lines
theater, which has been engaged for of work and who will give practical
their private use. The film program advice to University men.
will consist of a special comedy and Starrett Next Speaker
a professional act, the nature of W. A. Starrett, vice-president of the
which is to remain a secret until Fuller Construction company of New
Wednesday night. York, one of the largest companies of
"The customary smokes, dough- its kind in America, will be the next
nuts, and cider will be present in speaker in the series of lectures and
abundance," said Donald Turner, '23E, will tell what his organization re-
chairman of the program committee. quires of young men.
W. "'1. HUSBAND ANNOUNCES Let a classified ad find that lost ar-
ticl e.--Adv.
Read The Daily for Campus news.
A "8ide Rule" to Lettering
Price $1.25
.. ..
.. ...
Phone Orders
Promptly Filled
Mail Orders
Promptly Filled,
EST. 1957
The Lure of The Strap
4:00-Art tryouts for Chimes meet in
the Chimes office, Union.
7:00-Choral Union rehearsal, School
of Music.
7:00-Rehearsal of Union orchestra in
assembly hall, Union.
7:15-Meeting of CanadiaQ club in
room 302, Union.
7:15-W. C. Baumann lectures to Aero
club in room 306, Union.
7:15--Glee club rehearsal, assembly
hq.ll, Union.
7:15-All V. F. W. men who signed up
as ushers report at Hill auditorium.
7:15-Mandolin club rehearsal, Union.
7:25-Adelphi House of Representa-
tives meets, fourth floor of Univer-
sity hall.
8:00-University post of the Veterans
of Foreign Warsdpresents "C'est la
Guerre," Hill audito'rium.
S:10-Czecho -Slovakia club meets.
Lane hall. All Bohemian students
7:80--Round Up club meeting, Union.
A block of tickets for the Veterans of
Foreign Wars show, "C'est la Guer-.
re," has been reserved for American
Legion members. They can be se-
cured today at the Union.
Economics 43a will not meet Monday,
March 14, but will meet Thursday
from 2 to 4 o'clock.
The Ferris Institute club banquet
tickets are now on sale at the Un-
ion and at Sugden's drug store.
The meeting of the Boxing club
scheduled for Tuesday night at the
Union has been postponed until
7:30 o'clock Thursday.
Senior engineers will have their last
chance to order commencement in-
vitations on Wednesday and Friday
mornings at the table in the Engi-
neering building.
All femininity has seemingly fallen under the spell of the strap-on
shoes. But one can hardly blame them for they are so extremely graceful
and dainty, After the vogue for heavy mannish looking brogues that has
held sway for so long it is only natural that fancies would turn to these dainty,
delicate looking styles.
So that all the new shoes are boasting straps of some
According to Chief or Police
Thomas O'Brien, the playing of
baseball In city streets, alleys,
and lawn extensions is prohibit-
ed by city ordinance,
Sleep, Anyplace hut
Eat at Rex 'Si
N ear State and P~pkar4
the Qpera pump in popularity.
for walking and sports shoes,
you a black suede one strap pump with a baby Louis or full Louis covered
heel, that will delight you with its graceful lines and patrician air. This shoe
with the baby Louis heel is $10; with the full Louis is $12.
A novelty in a
leaf brew suede one strap pump is the divided strap with two smoked pearl
buttons, This shoe is shown only in the baby Louis style and sells for $10.
For more informal wear you will be pleased with a one strap pump of fine,
kind. The one strap pump with the walking or military heel is rapidly usurp-
ing the place of the oxford and the one or two strap slipper is gaining over
Suedes, of'course, for dress wear and fine kid
And speaking of suede, we are able to show
-Meeting of the Matinee Music.
, assembly hall, Union.
-Cyril W. Hass, '041W, speaks on
:nquering Disease in the Near
st," Lane hall."
-Prof. W. I. Humphreys, of the
glisbi 'department, speaks on
roverbal Unwisdom," in room 206,
iversity hall.
Tryouts for assistant photo-
graphic editor of the Chimes are
needed at once. Those possess-
ing a camera with sufficient
speed to take action pictures call
F. E. Jacob, '21, at 920-R or see
L. E. Waterbury, '21L, at the
Chimes office in the Union.
extra quality kid in a rich shade of brown with a military heel.
also $10,
When the desire for strap sippers comes to you remember that
This shoe is
you will find what s absolutely correct here,
Ten Dollars reward for return,
months old Airedale puppy or for
information leading to recovery.
C. Mack, 730 Haven.-Adv.
of a