HIGAN Ii L &L 7 __ W= , "7 Congregational Church SUNDAY, OCT. 17, 10:30 AN ADDRESS BY THE MINISTER ON: 'HESE WILD YOUNG PEOPLE" ADMIT ONE r SCHOOL OfMUSIC LEE ENGLISH TEACHERS IN GREAT DEMAND I- ATTRACTIVE MILLINERY I FOR IMMEDIATE USE :: AT. DANA RICHARDSON'S 115 EAST LIBERTY STREET GOODHEW FLORAL CO. CORSAGES Members for the University School' of Music Glee club have been chosen and will meet at 4:15 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in room 217 of the School of Music building: First sopranos: Hazel Wiltsee, Sch.+ of M., Caroline Lovewell, Sch. of M., Marguerite Calder, '21, Corrine Wood-. worth, Sch. of M., Ruth Scheidler, '23, Mary Stauffer, Helen Howe, Ruth Purvis, Alice Rominger, Sch. of M., Florence Gingrich, Irene Straub, Catherine Coburn, Sch. of M. Second sopranos: Helen Scott, Genevieve Peoples, Sch. of M., May- belle Hall, Dorothy Cozad, '23, Helen MacCauley, Althea Bird. First altos: Genevieve Alger, Sch. of M., Dorothy Bridges, Madeline MacGregor, '21, Mary Wood, Bernice Rowe, Sch. of M., Helen Elloit, '23. Second altos: Nancy Henry, Doris Howe, Sch. of M., Gertrude Carlyon, Sch. of M., Louise Letson. The first regular meeting of the Uni- versity Y. W. C. A. cabinet will be held at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoonl at the home of Mrs. Margaret Mac D. Stewart, 1015 Church street. All girls who are good at printing, pasting and general poster-making are asked to come to the Women's league rooms in Barbour gymnasium, Friday afternoon or Saturday morning. Please bring s ssors and attractive inaga- zine covers, Try outs for the University Girls' Glee club will be continued at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, Oct, 19, in room 204, in the School of Music. The date of the tryout for the Freshman Girls' Glee club will be announced later. Classes in outdoor work for fresh- men and sophomores begin on Mon- day, Oct. 18 or on Tuesday, Oct. 19. according to schedule. Sophomores who left any of their gynmasium clothes either at the field house or at Barbour gymnasium last semester may obtain them.from Mrs. Blackburn from 2 to 5 o'clock Wednes- day afternoon, Oct. 20, and from 9 to 12 o'clock Thursday morning, Oct. 21. For the interest and information of prospective high school teachers, the Appointment committee has collected data concerning the number of calls received for the various subjects dur- ing the last five years. There were more calls for teach- ers of English than for any other one subject, more than 200 more calls than there were candidates. Mathe- matics came next on the list followed in turn by physical science, history, Latin, French, biological science, com- mercial courses, athletics, German, manual training, Spanish, domestic science, and so on. In practically every case there were a great many more calls than there were candidates to fill them, indicat- ing a growing need of teachers of every kind. Dance tonight, Packard Academy.- Adv. AMATEUR MOVIE CO. A school, Room 27-No. 8 W. I ulWarren, Detroit Would You Like A Tryout? Also Specialize in Brennan's feather fans, orders taken for special designs, remodeling or redycing. I- 1 bane i ngleton !shop lb aberbasbery I 1 . 1 -111 1-1.1 - - - ._. . .. . .. _ ,- I. _. _ . OF DISTINCTION HONE 1321 225 EAST LIBERTY OSES 3 P. L II ADVERT SIN THIS COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P. M FOR SALE OR SALE-Furniture and table lin- en. A faculty club, due to re-organ- ization, has the following articles tr sale: Twenty-fourchigh grade leather seats, dining chairs, Lim- bert make, six round top tables 42 inches in diameter, eighteen linen table clothes 54x54 inches for above tables, five doz. linen napkins-din- ner size. The above articles are in fine condition, having been in use three months only. They may be purchased at a very reasonable fig- ure, would prefer to sell all to one person. Call 820-M or Univ. -, between. the hours of 9 to 12 a. i., and 3 to 5 p. m. OR SAE-A 19h~ Buick Roadster, practically new and in A-1 condi- tion. A bargain for cash. Phone between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M., -490. OR SALE-Twelve guage Reming- ton Automatic Shotgun, $50.00. Re- tails for $75.50. Call Saturday, three to six. 919 Oakland. Phone 636. OR SALE-- Modern European His- tory book (1st and :n d sem sters), French Crauiiiar, iyi Shoes (girl's size 4%). Ca l 07-R. OR SALE-WiUless raceiivnH tet. In walnut cae. (ail altur I . K.V i 510 Benjam.in St. OST-Black wardrobe rak, misd- livered by Ana Abor ',ax ,o. C.ann check No. t23.1Li su l a Taxi Co., or 315 S. A e OST-A pair of giasses enclosed in lavender case. Please r eturn to Dora Harris, 209 S. Ingalls, S49-R. Reward. OST-Pearl bads-Tus - bete en Mary St. and campus. Return to Secretary's office or cafl 13-J. Re- ward. OST-The first week in Oct., on Mon- roe, E. Univ., Willard, .or Church Sts., blue silk dress. Phone 1492-W. OST-Fairly large bunch of keys- probably east of campus. inder1 please return to box H, Dail office. 3ST-Will the person who borrowed my fountain pen in Waterman Gym Wed., kindly return it. Box H. H. OST-Pair of shelled rim glasses sometime in September. Reward. Daily office. )ST- Pair dark shell glasses in black case on Wells St., Tues. night. Finder please call 2254-M. )UND-Gt f sleeves in automobile. Owner na.y have same by calling 2072 g.6 paying for this notice. )ST-Small blue leather purse on campus. Call 2226-M. )ST-A large No. 7 Parker fountain pen. Call Leenhouts, 319. Reward. )UND-Two chemistry lab. equpons. Call Rosenberg, 751-W. MISCELLANEOUS LL CARL BIRD, His wagon. Par- eels delivered to all parts of the1 city. Phone 1627-W. WANTED WANTED-- Student with experience wishes position in store all day Wednesday and from 3 to 6 other days. Phone 976-J. Mr. Pearson. WANTED-Single room by graduate student with private family. Quiet surroundings. Phone 899-J'or ad- dress 325 E. Jefferson. Inquire for Mr. Fuller. WANTED-Student barber for part time or all time. Good percentage or guarantee. Must be good. State and Packard Sts. WANTED-Women students with bus- iness ability who wish to earn good money. Address Box DD. WANTED-Several students weighing about 150 or over as donors for blood transfusions. Fee $15. Ask for Dr. Morrill, University Hospital. WANTED - Student desires employ- ment playing piano in music store afternoons. Repid sight reader. Ap- ply Box GG, Michigan Daily. WANTED-Eight advanced engineer- ing students. $15 per week. Spare time. Cali Mon. and Wed. evenings on ly. VANTED-Room-mate by upperclass- man. Well furnished room. 715 E. Huron, 240-M. W'ANTED--A room-mate to share nice 'arge room, $4 a piece. Inquire 403 E.. Washington. Phone 1463-M. YVANTED--Room-mate in a large front suite with two Soph. Engineers at 143 Tappan. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Desirable suite for mar- ried couple or two gentlemen-close - to Packard car line. Price very rea- sonable. 1105 E. Univeristy Ave. Phone 2579-R. FOR . RENT--A very desirable suite. One and a half blocks from cam- pus. Call 725 Haven Ave., or Phone 2574 FOR RENT- Large front suite and single room for married couple or lady, one block from campus. 1724-J. FOR RENT- Pleasant single room conveniently located. Phone 1079-W, 549 Packard. FOR RENT-Large parlor arranged for two. Steam heat. Desk. Phone 1194 -M. FOR RENT--Large front room for two men. One half block from cam- pus. 1724-M. FOR RENT-Two suites and one large room all decorated for boys or mar- ried couple. 545 E. University Ave; FOR RENT-Front suite of 2 rooms. Reasonable rate to right party. Also room for 1 extra. 518 Hill St. FOR RENT-Double or single room. Private family of three, $4 single. $6 double. Phone 1588-J. FOR RENT-A large single room near. Campus. Inquire 315 S. Division. FOR RENT-First class suite. 417 E.] Washington.j We are zealous in maintaining the QUALITY of Our Factory at Ann Arbor is One of the Finest in the State and it is equipped with every modern appliance to insure uniformity of product A SK FOR IT 4T YOUR FAVORITE FOUNTAIN Music Notes American bred and, tutored artist musicians are rapidly gaining niches in the hall of fame. A young man who will bear considerable watching dur- ing the coming season is Josef Stopak, who will make his American debut a' Carnegie hall on Saturday afternoon, Oct. 16. Stopak is a young American violin- ist, who has spent his twenty-one years entirely 'n America, serving with distinction in the army for over a year. His musical training has been received in New York, where he has been under the artistic guidance of Jacques Thibaud, the eminent French violinist. So great is Thibaud's faith in the boy that he took him to Europe this summer to put the finishing touches to his artistic training. Thi- baud immediately arranged for Stop- ak's European debut, which took place with great success at Scheveningen, Switzerland, on Aug. 15. So success- ful was this event that Stopak was signed for a return solo appearance. He also has many important engage- ments in Belgium and France. It is said that in adidtion to pos- sessing a tone of great charm and a splendid technical knowledge, Stopak has an unusually. sound musical edu- cation. This is clearly reflected in the surety of his playing and the convincing manner in which he in- terprets his music. Members of League Receive Badge Life membership in the Women's league is shown by a small, circular gold pin with a band of blue enamel around the edge and a tiny Roman lamp in the centgr. Formerly alumnae members of fthe league paid their dues yearly, and had no special badge. Now a payment of $10 constitutes an alum- na a member )f the league for life with the assurance that league liter- ature will be mailed to her annually. This is a new feature of the league, and all members who are eligible are urged by the president of the league to become life members. LeVerne M~. Halsey SIX YEARS AT COLONIAL COURT J3UFFALO, N. Y. ANNOUNCES THE OPENIN OF HIS ANN ARBOR Daneing Studio. 21-22-23 WUERTH ARCADE This Studio will be conducted under my own personal supervision; teaching private lessons exclusivelye A Private Studio for each pupil; therefore there will be no embarrassment. . guarantee you to dance gracefully and artis- tica ly in eight lessons. y I Competent Corps of Instructors, Silk Socks, two tone effect, Sat. Special, $85c. Davis Toggery Shop, 119 S. Main St.-Adv. Take your dancing lessons at the Packard Academy. Phone 1850-F.- Adv. 11 I