THE MICHIGAN DAILY FJ V i LRl 1 1 111.V 11 1 .) ILY OFFICIAL. BULLETIN I SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 1921. Number 111. 1e Council: The meeting of the Senate Council scheduled for Monday, March 14, postponed indefinitely. R. W. BUNTING, Secretary. [embers of the Literary Faculty: The Faculty Directory blanks for the College of Literature, Science and Arts will be found in the tops of the messenger boxes or in the com- nents'belonging to members of the faculty of this College. These blanks separate and distinct from any issued by the President's office, and Id be filled out and returned to Dean Effinger's office not later than lay, March 14, directly or through the messenger service.e JOHN R. EFFINGER. Ross Munn Will Speak at the Physics Colloquium on Tuesday: M!r. Ross Gunn will qpeak at the Physics Colloquium on Tuesday, March t 4:20 p. m., on TheRadio Goneometer and Its Application. All inter- are invited to attend. W. F. COLBY. arch Club,. University of Michigan: A regular meeting of the Research Club will be held on Wednesday ing, March 16, at 8 o'clock, in the Histological Laboratory. (Council ing at 7:30.) The program will be as follows: LeRoy Waterman-Pre-Israelite pentads in the covenant law of Israel. K. L. Wilgus-Legal Aspects of city planning. H. H. BARTLETT, Secretary. lementary Examination in Economics 1: e supplementary examination for those who were absent from the ex-. ation in Economics 1 in the first semester will be given Saturday, h 19, at 9 a. m. in room 103, Economics building. F. M. TAYLOR. omics 1E: Iakc-up and condition examination will be held in Room 6, Economics ling, on Thursday, March 17, at 2 o'clock. ISADOR LUBIN. >gy 25a: the supplementary examination for students who were absent from inal examination will be given on Wednesday, March 16, 2 p. m., in a G 437, Natural Science building. I. D. SCOTT. Davis, Summer 1921: e prospective enrollment for the first session of Camp Davis is too high oome adjustments will be necessary. Students who prefer the first ses- are asked to submit their reasons therefor in writing. Letters should ate whether students are to return -to the University next fall and her they are wholly or partially self-supporting. These letters are to be y hands not later than Saturday, March 19. CLARENCE T. JOHNSTON, Director, Camp Davis. al Examination Results: ton-probation students who participatd in the mental tests adminis- by the Bureau of Tests and Measurements may learn their standing ese tests by calling at Room 105, Tappan hall, Monday, March 14, 9-12, 5; or Tuesday, March 15, 10-12, or 1-4.- GUY M. WHIPPLE. Educational Club: he program for the next meeting of the Educational Club will con- f reports of the recent Atlantic City Convention of the N. E. A. by ssors A. S. Whitney, Guy M. Whipple, and J. B.ZEdmonson. Attention led to the -fact that the meeting will be held Monday evening, March t 7 o'clock in Room 304, Michigan Union, instead of Wednesday even- All men interested in education are invited. CLAIR K. SEARLES. FURTHER JURISDICTION GIVEN STUDENTS AT PRINCETON ATTENTION- El Another step in the movement among universities for student control of activities is marked by the grant by the Princeton faculty to the Senior council of jurisdiction over all that A "Slide tend "to lower the moral tone of Princeton." The council will have fulll power of investigation and dismissal without statement of cause to the uni- versity authorities. It will thus be possible for students - to deal directly with cases that morel , T IAVE WRITTEN POEMS! Do you care to have them revised properly call for discipline from them- or constructively criticised by suc- selves alone, this step being a further cessful authors? If you do, then send extension of the honor system which us your manuscript (stories, articles has been used at Princeton for 28 or poems). We will criticise, and piace them should they prove to be years. acceptable for publication. There is no actual charge for our SPECIAL 90e Chicken Dinner,, Sun services. If, however, you have not day, 12 to 2 p. m., Chinese Gardens.- previously enrolled with the advisory Adv. department of this association, we 1k- quest that you enclose the initial fee of two dollars, which we must ask of Ask for the each new contributor. There is no additional expense, no future obliga- tion. It must be realized that we can only be of aid to those of serious intent. If you do mean to strive for literary suc- cess, we can help you in many ways. Rule" to Lettering n 'GINEERS and ARCHITECTS R S Price $1.25 UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE mwmmm wmwma 1 Any way you look at it - whether from the standpoint of purity, therefore safety; or from the standpoint of food value, of genuine good- ness; you are justified inordering Our services are yours until we have actually succeeded in marketingatI least one of your manuscripts. Send <" l'something to-day! Please enclose return postage with your communications. 'A P4 The Smart Looking, Popular Shoe NA TIONAL LITERARY or CAMPUS ASSOCIATION for 131 W. 39th St., New York City Advisory Department adCLSSROOM Ideal, All Round College Shoe 1 111 10i 1##111110 1111111# 11!11111110t1 1011110 !l1#1!# 101111111111H1ll I111 111 I y Same High Quality as the TOM LOGAN GOLF SHOE If your dealer cannot supply you write us for catalog and prices - 'fHOMAS H. LOGAN COMPANYMs for . D Hudson, Mas.iu,1 fbL 17rc s Send for the Torn I gan C:leidar, M uo i f -Pt ic' , a which pictures, suitable f';r framing, . the International Golf match be ween Ouimet, Ray and Vardon A SHORTER We can't find it related that St. Patrick SlHORITHAND SX STEM6 i IN sTErs EASY LESSONS This EN EY LESSONS ever thought much of music, but never- which will enable the Student, Pro- theless it has been customary to include fessor; Journalist, Doctor, Lawyer orssy anyone seeking a professional career, to go thru life with 100 per cent efil- music ii all St. Patrick's Day celebra- ciency. tins.arage, a THIS.COURSE tions.We have, therefore, arrarged an Is short and inexpensive, and is given with a money badk guarantee excellent selection of appropriate St. if not satisfied. Send This Clipping Today Patrick's Day music, and those who are Pyramid Press: Publishers planning a party or entertainment in 416 odwy honor of the good old Irish saint should Gentlemen:-Enclosed herewith not fail to visit our store. is $5.00 for which kindly send - me your shorthand course in ten easy lessons by maii. It is understood that at the ena of five days, I am not satisfied my money will be gladly refunded. Name .................. ...... . Street. ......... . ........ City and State............w Have you company coming? Bring them to Teet's Dining Rooms for din- - ner.-Advilillilillillillllilililillilllllilln l i ne .- dv X 11#11111101 1111 0101 101 10 1111#1!0 #10 011111111#1!!!#!0 ll11111111111#U I1 11l110100 i1011l1 i AT'S GOING ON SUNDAY dlversity Men's Bible in the upper room in class Lane A meeting of all Culver men will be held at 5:15 o'clock Monday in room 302, Union. The Ferris Institute club banquet tickets are now on sale at the Un- ion and at Sugden's drug store. The meeting of the Boxing club scheduled for Tuesday night at the Union has been postponed until 7:30 o'clock Thursday. CORNELL FACULTY APPROVES STUDENT HONOR SYSTEM PLAN concert, Hill auditor- 99,0M I This No. 'for Dodge Taxi Announcing dis play of Spring uWoolens -Edmond C. Shields, '96L, speaks "The Man Out of College," Un-' Volunteers meet, Lane Action Follows Unanimous Student Body at Election Vote by J. A, Blrsley, Dean of Students,' ks at the second Sunday even- supper for students, Harris hall. The Wesleyan guild meets for al half hour and special guild ing, Methodist church. William L. Stidger, of Detroit, ks on "Oriental Flashlights," at t Methodist church . Dr. Clarence A. Barbour, pres- t of Rochester Theological Sem- y, speaks on "The Land of theI scovered," Baptist church. Rabbi A. M. Hershman address- hie Intercollegiate society, Lane MONDAY non club meets in room 302,1 With not a dissenting vote the fac- ulty members of Cornell university passed the honor system at a meeting last week. This plan had formerly received almost the unanimous ap- proval of the student body at a gen- eral election. Previous to voting the professors and the deans discussed the plan and the only dissent express- ed had relation to form and proce- dure. This question has not as yet been formally adopted as it will have to be passed on favorably by a -committee on general administration, a sub-com- mittee of the board of trustees, and by the faculties of the several col- leges. After the constitution has been adopted by the board of trustees com- mittee, the power granted under the constitution will be vested in the un- der-graduate body, as a matter of pro- cedure. The disciplinary power will be placed in the hands of the new committee instead of remaining in the faculty committee on student affairs. - The passage of the system by the trustees committee does not insure its use, as the faculties of the several col- leges may or may not institute it. The faculty of each college is to deter- mine how to best conduct its own ex- aminations. Read The Daily for Campus news. Why are you so Insistent? Because f # SI i1k 1 y~ I 1921 1 -a . fiĀ°dr. hIesier's Beefsteak TUESDAY tryouts for Chimes meet in mes office, Union. ral Union rehe rsal, School Dinners are so Hard ;'/ Ul. to Equal -Adelphi House of Representa- as meets, fourtlh floor of Univer- hall. KAHN TAILORIFD CLOTHES $40.00 to $65.00 TINKER & COMPANY SOUTH STATE ST. AT WILIAI ST. Dress Suits for rental ersity post of the ;u Wars presents Hill auditorium. Veterans "C'est la Opposite D. U. R. Station Just Above Rae Theatre U-NOTICES 3a will not meet Monday, but will meet Thursday 1 o'clock. - - 3 (C. (-