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March 13, 1921 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-03-13

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ON rf





Nominees for the student advisory
committee to be voted on at the cam-
pus election Wednesday, March 16,
- were announced yesterday at a meet-
ENATE WAITS TO PASS ON ing of the Student council.
I|TAMES FOR SHIPPING The committee will be composed of
B1AR six upperclassmen, four from the se-
Nominees for student advisory
a Follette Causes Consideration of committee to be voted on at the
Esch for Commission To Be campus elections 'Wednesday,
Held Over March 13, are as follows:
Seniors-four to be elected:
Robert Grindley, '21E,
(By Associated Press) Robert E. McKean, '21,
Washtigton, March 11.-Plans of James I. McClintock, '22L,
enate leaders to end the sgcial ses- Albert C. Jacobs, '21,
ion today were overthrown by a com- Elton E. Weiman, '21,
ination of delays affecting important Lee M. Woodruff, '21,
Robert Angell, '21.
ppointments on which the adminis- Juniors-two to be elected:
ration wants action before adjourn- Hugh W. Hitchcock, '22,
ent. o. W. Rush, '22,
Failure of President Harding to send Walter B. Rea, '22, '
n any of' the nominations for the R. Emerson Swart, '22E.
hipping board is understood to have
een the chief barrier to bringing the
ession to a close. It was indicated ST TE UCI3S MEET
he President was having difficulty in A
ducing some of the men he wants to
While it waited for the shipping AD A
oard nominations the senate heard
Ilso that Mr. Harding might ask it FAMOUS EDUCATORS SPEAK HERE
o pass judgment before adjournment ON IMPORTANT QUESTIONS
n the appointment of Col. George OF DAY
arvey, New York editor, as ambassa-
dor to Great Britian. Selection fo
Colonel Harvey is understood to have The fifty-sixth annual meeting of
been definitely decided on. the Michigan Schoolmasters' club
Still another cause for prolonglig wil be held in Ann Arbor on Thurs-
he session was provided by Senator day and Friday, March 31 and April
LaFollette who objedted to immedi- 1, the purpose of the meeting being
ate consideration of former Rep. to promote education and to enable
James John Each to be a member of teachers from the various universi-
the interstate commerce commission. ties, colleges, normal schools, junior
Under the rules the nomination had high and high schools of the state to
to be put over until Monday. convene and exchange ideas on edu-
In the meantime the senate cleaned cational subjects.
up most of its slate of left over nom- Many men of prominence will be
inations. in Ann Arbor during the meeting, in-
_________eluding the following: Prof. David
---- Sneiden of Columbia university, Dean
Army CommtSSions Cubberley of California, Prof. C. M.
Andrews of Yale, and many others of
W1ill Be 4warded prominence in the educational world.
President Marion L. Burton is sched-
uled to address the assemblage on the
Examinations will be held within second day of the meeting.
the next few weeks for some 4,000 The meeting is to be divided up in-
appointments in the grades of first to a number of conferences, each ap-
and second lieutenants to be made in plying to some different phase of ed-
the ommssinedpersnne oftheucation. Students wishing to attend
the commissioned personnel of the
any of these conferences may secure
United States army. The appoint- tickets after March 29 from Mr. Louis
ments will be distributed throughout P. Jocelyn, secretary-treasurer of the
the various branches of the service. club, at his office in University hall.
Major Arthur, commander of the
University, army unit; will receive ap- Will Print Inauguration Speeches
plications for the preliminary exam- Editing is completed upon the com-
ination, which he will give on the pilation of the speeches made at the
campus, up until April 12. The final inauguration of President Marion L.
examination will be held ' at Fort Burton, proof-reading. is now being
Wayne, Michi, on April 25. done and the actual printing will be
"It is the most unusual opportu- begun next week.
nity since I entered the service," said The compilation, according to Prof.
Major Arthur, in commenting on the John L. Brumm, of the rhetoric de
examinations. "A senior in his sec- partment, who has had charge of the
and semester would only have to pass work, includes all of the important
one examination which he could take speeches made at the inauguration,
on any one of the following four sub- and is an interesting and educational
jects: Analytic geometry, calculus, ad- collection.
vanced mechanics, or surveying. He
would be almost certain of an ap- Dean Bursley Will Talk Tonight

pointment if he passed it success J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students, will
fully. Other students would of course speak at 6 o'clock tonight in IIarris
have to take more examinations and hall at the second of the Sunday eve-
of a greater variety. At the same time, ning churcli suppers to be given this
liberal exemptions in the examina; year under the auspices of the Hobart
tion would be allowed students at this guild of the Episcopal church.
University." It is the hope of those who are pro-
The pay of a second lieutenant in mating these weekly suppers that they
the United States army is about $183 will be well attended and that, in ad-
a month in addition to 'quarters. dition to furnishing entertainment,
From this amount until the time when they may afford opportunity for Epis-
an officer recives $650 a month his copal students to became better ac-
rise is gradual but assured. quainted with one another.

nior class and two juniors. The se- a
niors nominated are as follows: Rob- Well-Known Alumnus Will Discuss a
ert Grindley, '21E, Robert E. McKean, Problems Encountered by 1
'21, James I. McClintock, '22L, Albert College Men d
C. Jacobs, '21, Elton E. Weiman, '21,-i
Lee M. Woodruff, '21, and Robert An- SPEAKER IS THIRD ON t
gell, '21. From the junior class two UKIS TUID O ti
of the following will be chosen: Hugh ION SUNDAY PROGRAMS
W. Hitchcock, '22, 0. W. Rush, '22,
Walter B. Rea, '22, and R. Emerson Emund C. Shields, '96L, who h
Swart, '22E. speaks at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon t
May Petition for Nomination in the assembly hall of the Union, o
Additional nominations for candi- d.
dates may be entered by a petition will discuss the problems which con- s
signed by at least 200 students. Peti- front the college man when he enters
tions must be in the hands of Renaud business life, particularly the atti- J
Sherwood, '22, secretary of the Stu- tude of the employer. From his ex- o
dent council, at The Daily office, be- perience since leaving the Univer-
fore 5 o'clock Monday afternoon. sity, he will tell what the average
Gaines Urges Undertaking business man expects of his new em-
Urging that the ballots be marked ploye, and will give pointers as to how V
intelligently, LeGrand A. Gaines Jr., to rise after securing a position.
'21, president of the Student council, Mr. Shields is an attorney at Lan-
has made the following statement: sing, and very prominent in Demo-
"I believe that, if the plan for the cratic state politics. In the course of
student advisory committee is adopt- 'is address he will touch upon the re-V
ed it will be one of the most forward quirements of his own profession, but
steps the student body has taken to the range of the talk will be by no
secure a voice in the regulation of means limited in inte-est to prospec-
student conduct. The plan, as pub- tive attorneys. The talk, which is the
lished in The Daily a few days ago, third of the Union Sunday afternoon a
was self-explanatory, but, if there are meetings, will have as its aim the S
any men on the campus who are still presentation of actual business world U
in doubt as to the manner in which conditions to students.u
the committee will function, ,they -a
should make an effort to see a mem' G
ber of the Student council and have GIRLS' PLAY H A d
the details explained. The council MANY NOVELTIES w
desires a large intelligent vote on this
question and will have sufficient bal- This year's Junior Girls' play willS
lot boxes to enable every man to ex-
press his views either for or against outrival all former productions in
the proposed plan." every way according to the committee
Balloting on the proposition of the in charge. Judging by the unexpect-N
student advisory committee will take edly large advance ticket sale all
place Wednesday, and on the same three performances will have agreat-C
ballot will be included the names of
those who will comprise the commit- er average attendance than the two
tee in the event of its adoption. Vot- performances of other years.T
ing will be in charge of a council com- The audience will be s'urprised,
mittee headed by C. N. Johnston, '21E pleased, and interested in the intrica-
cies of the plot which is entirely dif-h
ENSE Bir lA1fWRK. ferent from that of any other in the
history of Junior Girls' plays. Each
EWILSTARTTIS WEEK1I of the three acts has distinctive chor-
use inkeeping with its action.
Another feature of the play that is
different and unusual is the fact thatA
FORSYTH, '22L, AND ALBERT, '22E, there is practically no hero nor hero-
SELECTED AS NEW CAST ine, but instead several characters
31EMBERS -that will answer each description. In
,BRSfact every one of the 22 girls who will
play the speaking parts has a char- f
Complete ensemble rehearsals of -acter part and can be considered a
'Top o' th' Mornin'" will be held at lead..
the workshop this week, the first of Romance, misunderstanding, fan-
tasy, and conciliation co-operate in
their kind since the individual danc- formi.g a story which will always be
ing acts and cast rehearsals were be- remembered by those who see it not
gun more than five weeks ago. The only for the tale itself, but for the
entire opera will be practiced daily, reality and ease with which the parts3
and rehearsals will increase^ in in- are portrayed.
tensity from now until the opening
at the Whitney theater, Tuesday even- BISHOP WILLIAMS ASKS FOR I
Two new members of the cast were
announced yesterday. Richard A. "A gospel urging the co-operation of
Forsyth, '22L, is to play the role of all Americans and Englishmen is the
Professor Botts, while A. E. Albert, doctrine that I preach wherever I
'22E, jvill act as Molly, bar maid at go," said Bishop Charles -David Wil-
the Inn. The latter replaces Elbert liams of the Episcopal church atg
Haskins, '23, who has' been assigned Harris hall last night.
a position in the "pony" chorus. For- In discussing the antagonism thatf
syth appeared as Tammas Biggar in is reported as being fos'tered between
the Comedy club production last week. the two nations, Bishop Willimst
Mail order envelopes for opera stated that the reason why Englandt
tickets will be sent tomorrow to full cannot understand America is that
paid life members. Members of the her institutions of government are far
cast, chorus, committees and orches- more democratic than those of this

tra received envelopes yesterday, and country. "The English people ex-
by tomorrow will have had two days press themselves directly throughc
to apply for tickets. After tomorrow parliament; if the heads of the gov-
they will forfeit their right to prece- ernment disagree, parliament is dis-
dence for tickets, as will the full paid missed, and the people vent their feel-
life members in turn by Wednesday, ings' in a new election." The bishop
y when participating life members may believes that since the war, the peo-
apply for tickets. ple of England have come to feel a
great kinship with America, and that
THE WEATHER they are yearning more than ever to
Probably ;Rain Turning to Snow understand the great country that is
Much Colder. Cold Wave Monday. already allied with them in ideals.


Having for its purposeteducation as
ell as entertainment, the "All Na-
ion Fandango" to be given by men
nd women of the Cosmopolitan club
t 8 o'clock Thursday evening, March
7, in Hill auditorium, will depict the
ancing, singing, dialect and musical
nstruments of more than nine na-
More than 50 people will have parts
n the show, the costumes for which
ave been obtained in Detroit. Pro-
ucers promise that this year's en-
ertainment will be better than in
ther years, some of the titles of
hich have been "All Natons' Re-
iew," "The Magic Carpet," "All Na-
ions' Hullabaloo," and "All Nations'
amboree," the latter being the name
f the 1920 show.
Several pieces for the flute, clarinet,
nd string quartet by Mrs. Helen M.
Snyder, an advanced student in the
University School of Music, offer an
unusual feature in the Faculty concert
t 3 o'clock this afternoon in Hill au-
itorium. The program also includes
a sonata by Daniel Gregory Mason,
who spoke here recently.
The complete program is as follows:
Sonata for Piano and Clarinet
(or Violin), C minor, Op 14..Mason
Con moto, amabile; Vivace ma non
troppo; Allegro moderato
Mrs.Maud Okkelberg and Mr. Samuel
P. Lockwood
Canzonetta, "Gia la Notte" ....Haydn
Nora Crane Hunt
Two Pieces for Flute, Clarinet
and String Quartet........
.Mrs. Helen M. Snyder
(a) In 4utumn; (b) Serenade
Mrs. Snyder, flute; Mr. M. E. Fossen-
kemper, clarinet; Miss Marian
t Struble and Mrs. Lockwood.
violins; Mr. Lockwood,vi-
ola; Mr. M. C. Wier
A Matin Song.........Oley Speaks
The Sea..............Grant-Schaefer
Auld Daddy Darkness ..Sidney Homer
The Living God ......Goeffrey O'Hara
Miss Hunt
Two Pieces for Flut, Oboe, and
Clarinet..... .......Mrs. Snyder
(a) Pastorale; (b) Allegretto
Mrs. Snyder, Mr. H. R. Evans, Mr.
Trio, E flat (Koeched, No. 498),
Piano, Violin, and Viola
Andante; Menuetto; Allegretto
Mrs. Okkelberg, Mrs. Lockwood, Mr
An address by.Ex-Governor Ferri
was the feature of the banquet of the
Ferris Institute club, the campus or
ganization of Ferris institute graduate:
at 7:30 o'clock last night in th
Union banquet hall. The banquets
formerly an annual affair but discon
tinued during the war, have been re
commenced as an effort to keep up in
terest among the Institute alumni.
The subject of the ex-governor's tall
was: "Why Do People Think?" H
showed that constructive thinking i

only possible when men have som
overpowering incentive, in the earl
stages of life the need for sustenance
and in our own day a love of subjec
or mankind.
Wisconsin Defeats Notre Dame
Madison, Wis., March 12.-The Uni
versity of Wisconsin defeated Notr
Dame university 51 to 35 in a dua
track meet here today.

Polish Government Picks Up Message
From Insurgents Asking for
Food Supplies
(By Associated Press)
Warsaw, March 12.-Petrograd is in
the hands of revolutionary forces and
the Bolsheviki have been ousted, it
was declared in a wireless dispatch
received here today. The , message,
which was confused and disconnect-
ed, owing to the weakness of the send-
ing station, is believed to have been
sent out from Petrograd.
A dispatch from Vilna says anti-Bol-
sheviki forces fought their way into
Minsk and held control of the city
for hours, but were later driven out
by Soviet forces. While occupying the
city, the revolutionists killed many
local communists, it is said, and when
the Bolsheviki reentered the town they
executed more than 200 persons, many
of whom were Poles, who were accus-
ed of sympathizing with the insurg-
The reports received in government-
al quarters here say the revolutionary
movement continues to spread in the
region surrounding Minsk. The Sov-
iet authorities are described as' mak-
ing desperate efforts to control the
situation. A wireless appeal from the
Kronstadt insurrectionists was pick-
ed up today by the Polish government
radio station here. It made an urgent
plea for food supplies and for outside
Artillery Drill
To Herald Play
As an introduction to "Cest La
Guerre" which will be produced by
the Veterans of Foreign Wars at 8
o'clock Tuesday evening in Hill audi-
torium, an artillery drill will be stag-
ed shortly after noon tomorrow on
the mall between the Chemistry and
Natural Science buildings.
Lieut. A. F. Sherzer, assistant pro-
fessor of mechanical engineering,
who served abroad with the 'first
army, will command the drill which
will be complete with a French ,"75",
brought down from Lansing especial-
r ly for the occasion, a troop of mount-
ed men, and a truck load of soldiers.
The parade will ofrm in front of the
Union at 12 o'clock and will proceed
- up State street to North University,
s where it will enter the campus on the
e driveway between the Chemistry and
Natuitm Science buildings. There the
- gun, drawn by four horses, will be
- unlimbered and the crew will go
- through the actual workings of artil-
lery practice.
k Following the exhibition on the cam-
e pus, the cavalcade will go to West
s park and repeat the performance. In

e case of rain tomorrow the exhibition
y will be postponed until Tuesday.
t Germans Approve Government Stand
Berlin, March 12.-Approval of the
German government's attitude to-
ward the Allied reparationsdemand
- was voted by the Reichtag today after
e Foreign Minister Simons made a
l lengthy explanation of his work at the
London conference.



Hill Auditorium
8 O'clock

University Post VETERANS Of FOREIGN WARS Presents





Written, Produced and Acted by Men Who Were "Over There"

Tues. Eve. Mar.15

50 Cents


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