THE MICHIGAN DAILY I. Every Sunday Afternoon from 2 to 5 Tonight will be the last evening skating session this season ICE SKATERS NOTICE All ice skates left at the coliseum in lockers or for repairs must be called for this week as we will not be responsible for skates left here during the summer. J. H. WEINBERG, Mgr. - ~ I-I 9 4 - a 'Communication which time everything possible is done to give honest brain work in the school the credit and standing it deserves: I Editor, The. Michigan Daily:- believe the University could take A few observations suggested by action along some line in the way of some remarks recently made in my honoring its worthy students that hearing by a University man will, I would be greatly to its credit. think, interest some of your readers SELBY A. MORAN. and should offer food for thought to a very considerable number of young SCIENTISTS WILL PRESENT people enrolled as students in the Uni- IMPORTANT RESEARCH PAPERS versity. The remarks I refer to were___ "It is unfortunate that the names of Dr. Clark Wissler, of the American those students receiving all A's in the Museum of Natural History, will give final examinations last semester were the principal address before the Mich- published as it must necessarily sub- igan Academy of Sciene at its annual ject such students to the taunts and meeting which will be held in this city ridicule of a not inconsiderable num- during the last week in March. His her of students who think that any- subject wi be, "Time Perspective in body who tries for more than a barely Culture and Research." passing mark is odd and bizarre and A new section of anthropology has a worm. The number of students who been added to the academy this year, feel that way is far greater than most and a prominent speaker will be people suppose. It includes all those brought to lecture on this subject. An students who are here only for the address by the retiring president, Dr. purpose of having a good time and Ward Giltner, professor of bacteriol- tpending Dad's money." ogy at M. A. C., will be featured. I Scholars Taunted? Important papers on research will The man who said this may have be presented in all sectional meetings, overstated the matter, but I think peo- which this year consist of agriculture, ple who are close observers of stu- botany, economics, geology, medical dent affairs will be disposed to agree and sanitary science, psychology, and that there is at least some justifica- zoology. Members of the society are tion for such an opinion. If there is, drawn from all over the state, and it certainly is a sad commentary upon papers are read which will be pub- conditions here at the University. It lished and widely distributed through- seems to me that it is up to the Uni- out America. The public is invited to versity faculty to take some decided attend all meetings. steps to counteract such a state of affairs. It could be done by working Ann Arbor's progressive merchants out some plan to give'those students use The Michigan Dail.-Adv. who work hard enough to make such grades the most decided University honors. The men who win distinction Use Classified advertising and sell in athletics are honored in every way your miscellaneous articles.-Adv. possible by trophies and cups and let- ter M's and the greatest possible pub- licity, while the best brain work mere- ly gets an "A" on University books _ which fact latr leaks out and gets mere mention in the papers, and then subjects those who get such marks, as the University man quoted above says, to the taunts and ridicule of the nu- merous lightweights on the campus. I I High School Incident Cited The University might obtain i sug- gestion from what happened in the Ann Arbor high school some years ago. The Log Book, a publication by the class in Journalism, contained article by a sophomore entitled, "To Dig or to Kick," In which he ridiculed in an exceedingly virile way l.1 trlrs- tom of the school people generally to honor athletic success while those whe attained high marks for honest and To OUR CUSTOMER conscientious school work were guyed as teachers' pets and made fun of by We wish to adv the great mass of school people. The high school authorities immediately took effect February got wiso w the situation and estab- lished an annual honor banquet at It is our desire t order that we may d as soon as we receive PENGLS Below we are q 1.F 140 e student or Pro,12 - l LL A , . V 2 ( .,." Do not fail to get the Record LOVE BIRD at The ALLMENDINGER'S MUSIC SHOP H E right col- lar is essential to the dress of the man of affairs- even if they are only love-affairs. SPURWOOD ZELWOOD EARL @sWILSQN,iitY. K . Collars &S~its .. 51-ukrr & mp~tn~ T lvf4itutt, . Nurrttts4rrtt ttttd tt xtt 342 Bu.ttttR Btrrrt Ault Arbar, u g a March 5th, 1921. , AND FRIENDS :- 4 ise you of the new prices on Intervoven Hosiery, which 15th, 1921. o meet the new price level as rapidly as possible and in b so we are taking our loss on all merchandise on hand the new prices for 1921. uoting the new prices on Interwoven Hosiery. i 10 Q r tFu t> .' ". F,: , rivals all for perfc peneil work. 17 b:ics degrees and 3 copy1 9, American Lead Pencil cf larges seZIn qua ly penci 4500 6500 7500 ' lines lines lines lines liles Old Old Old Old Old price price price price price $ .75 .75 1.25 2.00 3.00 New New New New New price price price price price $ .40 40 .75 1.25 1.75 Yours very truly, TINKER & COMPANY. a r T H E E D Y CLU B Presents Its 38th Annual Production Bn Pulls T h' e Strings A Scotch Comedy at the WHITNEY THEATRE WEDNESDAY NIGHT Reserved Seats at Graham's Bookstore State. Tickets $1.00, $1.50 Tickets $1.00, S1.