SUPPLEMENT SUNDAY FEATURE SECTION I C'tfYT'TxI~P. r,. FEATURESara ...i_ 6 ITERARY TWO YOL .XL. No. 105. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 1921 PRICE FIVE CENT University . Women Aid Dr. Sargent] BUNTY WILL PULL THE STRINGS WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT WHITNEY WORBZUl IN CHINA GIVEN WANCIAL ASSIST- ANCE FI- (By Frances Oberholtzer) To teach the Chinese to "swat the fly," to show the danger of germs lurking in filth, and the necessity of drainage and ventilation, to combat such prevalent diseases as cholera, bubonic plague and tuberculosis, to point out the connection between mos- quitos and malaria, in short to preach the gospel of health and sanitation, this is the work of Dr. Clara Sargent, '15M, working in China, supported by the University Y. W. C. A. Women of the University of Michi- gan are being solicited for $1,700.00, to pay Dr. Sargent's expenses while conducting this campaign during the next year. The drive for this fund, in charge of' Gertrude Boggs, '22, was begun in a meeting Thursday night at Martha Cook building, when Mrs. Katherine Willard Eddy, foreign sec- retary of the National Y. W. C. A., ex- plained to the workers, the value of the health work and the necessity for a suecessful campaign. Points Out Needs , Dr. Sargent's letters to the local or- ganization present forcibly the great need for this type. of work. She tells of houses, closely packed together, crowded with inhabitants, lacking in ventilation, of, streets flled with filth, with gutters clogged with old vege- table debris and waste matter. "You wonder at the number of little children everywhere and how they ever survive after fairly wading and crawling through this filth day in and day out," she writes. "There is a great deal in acquired immunity of course. Then you must remember this is winter. If it were summer you would see many thin little bodies and much evidence of disease. Doctors who have been in China for any length of time have said that they believe infant mortality to be at least 50%. These people are very prolific and there is no attempt made toward vital statistics of any sort." The health campaign against the appaling situation there is being waged through direct contact with the people, by meetings throughout the cities, where charts similar to those used in our earlier health cam- paigns, though almost entirely pic- torial because of the illiteracy of the people, and motion pictures are used, and also through the schools from which the Chinese women will go out to spread the message. Colleges Co-operate One of Dr. Sargent's letters told of a call to come to Foochow, where there had lately been a terrible scourge of cholera, with 20,000 deaths. The people had put their efforts and thousands of dollars into idol parades, the only prevention in their ignorance and superstition they know anything about. Here, Dr. Sargent had the co- operation of the students of a local college, and great numbers of meet- ings were held throughout the terri- tory. Evidence of the awakening of the people to the nec i of sanitation was seen as a result of her campaign in greater efforts at cleanliness and attempts at screening against flies. In Newberry hall, there is a huge poster depicting China and United States, with the broad ocean between. For every one of the teams working on the campaign for $1,700.00 to pay Dr. Sargent's expenses this year, which brings in its quota, a ship will be plated on this chart. How many ships will reach China? Hand carved toys showing the customs of that country and pictures telling the story of Dr. Sargent's work are also on exhibit there. ..;:s: .... .1 '21, as : : r, ::;:. : ti.+:.: a:: :,:;;,,::.;: ;;;;; ,; : c ",; i.?. ".x ,... i :; . .51i f Frances Maire, Bunty. Element Smith, '23, as Wellum Sprunt. Below, Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, who is directing the production. f Graham Moffet's renowned play, "Bunty Pulls the Strings" is to be presented by Comedy club at the Whit- ney theater Wednesday, March 9. The successful production of this piece is a task of no mean proportions, and it the club succeeds in its efforts, as it undoubtedly will, the achievement will merit a great deal of praise. The setting of this drama is placed' on the west coast of Scotland, while the story follows the fortunes of a group of the bourgoisie, as it were of that country. Frances Maire, '21, in the role of Bunty takes it upon her- self to be the controlling factor in the lives of the other characters, manag- ing her father, Tammas Bigger, played by Richard Forsythe, '22L; her bro- ther Rab, known on campus as John Hassberger, '23 Sch of M; and even, her fiance, played by Clement Smith, '23; with amazing facility. Other actors in the cast are Mildred Sherman, '21, in the role of Eelen Dunlop, the father's former sweet- heart; Carrie Smith, '21, as Teenie Dunlop, Eelen's niece; Camilla Hay- den, '22, in the part of Susie Simpson, a cross old maid; Carrie Pairchild, '21, as Maggie Mercer, the village gos- sip. A number of other members of the Comedy club make up the Lintre- baugh congregation. Urges Grad Advises Students To Learn Books S U G G E S TS SELF -IMPOSED COURSE IN MODERN LITERATURE It is perhaps a trifle late to add1 comment to the query which appeared recently in your Michigan Daily, "Is Michigan asleep?" but looking at the matter from a broader angle, it should never be out of place to present a sug- gestion which will really solve a perti- nent problem, and if Michigan is really asleep, a reply which will solve the question should be most apropos. Not that this article claims to be the last word on the question-far be it from one who is separated from his university by a comfortable space of years to attempt the solution of its most vital problems. But just a word may be helpful and if it does no more than to heap fuel on the flames of con- troversy, the time spent in writing it will surely be well spent. Points to Reading Perhaps more than one student will be surprised when he reads that this long delayed solution is to be found merely in a self-imposed course of re- quired reading. Undoubtedly many will turn right here to the sport page or the editorial column and brand the writer as another of those aged num- skul's who believe that the problems of the entire world may be solved by reading its literature, and it is to be feared that he must admit the charge. There is no single thing which is more important in the acquirement of culture than is a firm foundation in literature. It immediately places the final stamp of "education" upon the man, and marks him for all time as one who has spent his spare time wisely. And now, as to what one should read to acquire his education. Doubt- less your professors and instructors will be better able to give you the final word on the earlier periods of English literature than this article ever could. Just in pasing, it might be said that some of the essentials are to be found in Shakespeare, Mil- ton and a few of the Elizabethan and seventeenth century lyricists and son- nettees. There are others of course, and if one is really to enjoy them, he must din into each one and pick out for himself those things which inter- est and please him. Many Good Works But to come down to the present day. Ther is so much being written today, and so little of it is worth the time spet in perusing it, that it seems quite probable that a list of those books which are really worth while would be somewhat appreciated-at least by those who are searching for the better things in contemporary fiction. Of course, there are some writers whose works should be read complclely-there is not a single one of them which one can more possibly waste his time in reading. Joseph Conrad is one of these representing as he does, a style whic is hardly paralleled in English liter- atura today. Among his later things "The Arrow of Gold" and "The Res. I cue" are worthy of note. Then ther t is James Matthew Barrie, the patro saint of women and children, whose plays and stories are among the sweetest and most fanciful which we have today. His "Alice Sit-By-The- r Fire" will be remembered as having * been presented by some of your stu- denis a year or two ago. And then there is George Bernard Shaw. Whether you like him or not, you should not fail to become ac- quainted with this gentleman whose EDITOR'S NOTE The accompanying article, written by an alumnus who de- sires to remain unknown, was sent in at the request of the Editor as a contribution to the matter which accumulated fol- lowing the query, "Is Michigan asleep $" The article does not attempt to answer the question, but it, does say some mighty interest- ing things about books in gen- eral which will be well worth the while of every student to read. The Daily feels that there is no medium through which the view- point of the student-body in gen- eral can so surely be broadened as through its reading and it is in the interest of widening this outlook on life that the accom- panying article was solicited. The writer of the article wishes it to be clear that he has made no attempt to list all of the books in contemporary literature which are worth reading, but he has simply attempted to put down a few which have come at random to him, and which he feels to be among the best of the output of contemporary fiction. }'any Writers Named Who Merit Study SCORE OF AUTHORS OFFERED FOR CONSIDERATION OF STUDENTS More Readin a great deal more beneficial. Let's start out with "Moon Calf," (Knopf) by Floyd 'Dell, one of the latest novels of naturalistic fiction and one of the best. It falls under Chesterton's indictment of showing its hero's "psychological. thrills over his first hair-cut" and yet, nevertheless, it is interesting, and it is one of the best written books of the day. "Potterism," (Boni and Livright) by Rose Macaulay has gone into its 20th edition since last September which would seem to give some sort of hint of its intrinsic worth. It knocks off the hero rather unexpectedly and quite uselessly in the last few pages, but you will find it interesting, and you will also discover just what ailment you are suffering from if someone calls you a "Potterite." Knut Hamsum, who numbers among his achievements the driving. df a horse-car in Chicago in the latter half of the last century, and the winning of the Nobel Prize in literature for 1920 for his book "Hunger," is also the author of "The Growth of the Soil" (Knopf) which has just ap- peared in a two-volume edition. -Naturalistie Work "Hunger," his earlier book, is writ- ten in that intensely naturalistic style peculiar to many continental writers and while it is highly interesting, it must make its strongest appeal tc devotees of that particular school. For those who desire to get away from the purely fictional side of liter- ature there is "Steeplejack," (Scrib- ner's) in which the late James Hune- ker has recorded a sort of intimate account of some of the interesting fea- tures and encounters of his life. Mr Huneker, who died only recently, is remembered as one of the foremosi critics of the last two decades. Also out of the fictional line, there (Continued on Page Four) fiery attacks upon the adverse critics of Ibsen thirty years ago did much to bring the great Norwegian into prominence in England. I believe Shaw's latest plays are issued in a volume which goes by the name of the principal drama in the book, "Heart- break House." "Heartbreak House" is now having a more or less success- ful run in New oYrk. Among Shaw's better-known works are "Man and Superman," "Candida," "Caesar and Cleopatra,." Choosing Authors But what of the authors of fiction of the present day? Well, there are many and some of them are good, but most of them are bad. The question is, then, to separate the sheep from the goats, for while one is reading fic- tion, he might just as well read good fiction,-it is just as interesting and rC'Est La Guerre" To Bring Wit of Trenches To Campus Entertainment Planned by Veterans of Foreign Wars, Not a Musical Comedy, Not a Revere, But Something Different and Original, Declare (By Byron F. Fields) lesmatosuclus, Newest of Old, Discovery of Prof. Casd Imagine a French Cafe in Amiens- in it a lot of tables and chairs--on them a crowd of people-American doughboys-black and white-and every color between, shave tails and "bucks;" British Tommies with an accent that will make you go to the Blighty for drinks; a "frog" garcon of 70 and his madame of the same vin- tage; Susette, Julie and all the other fair ones of the village, and you have a bit of an idea of "C'est La Guerre." Back in 1915, before most of us even knew that the guns were firing in France, Dick Hall of our own school had already gone over in the American Ambulance Section, and on the Eve of Christmas of that very year had had his fighting days ended for him by a Boche shell. So, here on the Campus, five years later, we have a Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars honoring Dick Hall and the other men who made the supreme sacrifice. The Post is composed entirely of men who saw service overseas. And now they have determined to get a beautiful stack of "colors," fitting accounter- ments for such an organization. To get the money they are putting on this show, "C'est La Guerre" of which I write. Meaningful Title Now, while I said that 'you might get an idea from the setting of what the show would really be, I didn't exactly mean that. Take the title for example. "It is the war" is what it means, and the French said it more than all the other things put together. In fact; I'm here to say without any reservations that more meaning can be crowded into that sentence as said with the varying inflections than any other combination of words ever pressed together by anyone on earth. And remember that the boys who wrote the lines, the boys who trip the tickle toe to the music of tinkling glasses, the ones who tear off the sol- dier songs that you never dreamed to hear from the same platform where Caruso and McCormack performed, and in a way they never could sing,; tle ones who spout the repartee of a kind with which Stone and Bryan are unfamiliar, the boys who make the noises that even Earl Moore never could produce on the organ,-all were over there,-have been in just such places, and certainly don't need any sign board to tell them what is ex- pected. There is something wrong that isn't in the book if the things they do and say don't satisfy even the most bltse' of the Tap Room Hounds and the Kings of the polished floor and dim-lit parlor. Maybe you've thought that the Spot Lite and the Opera and the Minstrelsy had exhausted all the things that could interest you. Take another think, George, for if you've ever heard any such a program as this before it has been only in just such a place as this (Continued on Page Three) Ten years ago, while travelingz across the barren state plains oft Texas, Professor E. C. Case, of thet geology department, was caught in a bad storm and wandering off aboutI a mile from his camp, he came upon. a gulley, where he found a number; of bones. They were of the Triassic age. Gathering what he could, he; took them to camp. He found that he had considerable of the back bone and; armor plate of a great reptile which appeared to be much like the ances- tor of the modern crocodile. Knowing that a part was missing, he was able two years ago to return within 20 miles of the place, and there. found many more bones. Coming back to the University with them, he found that he had discovered a totally new sub order of reptiles, having collected in his later expedition a skull and a good part of the plates of the back and the vertebrate column. ty Named Desmatosuchus The creature has been named Des- matosuchus, meaning betwixt and be- tween, as this specimen is between two known ones. The skull is so perfect that it enabled members of the depart- ment to take a cast of the brain cavity, and has revealed much of the nervous system. A complete description will shortly appear in one of the geological magazines, and a report on it will ap- pear in the Carnegie Institute publiea- tion at Washington. The creature is between 12 and 15 feet long and shaped like an alligator with an armor plate, while over the shoulders are a great pair of spines that stick out over 18 inches. The skull is totally different from any known. The specimen will shortly appear in the geological museum. On the same trip the skull of a giant amphibian of the Triassic age wts discovered, and this is also of a new genus, and the most perfect specimen in existence. It will give a knowledge of bones of the skull unsurpased. Discovers Others Skulls of two other great reptiles, which were about four feet long were discovered. Both are apparently new specimens. Many isolated bones and teeth were discovered, and among the teeth, one of a lung fish which at present is found in Australia, but which previous to this discovery was never known to have been in Triassic America. As the locality of the expedition had never before been examined, it was found to contain material which aided Professor Case in adding much of value to Michigan's collections. GdmA "Am For Your Convenience TWO STORES R AHA Both Ends of Diagonal Walk I