4; THE MICHIGAN DAILY . .,. ...,,.,.,. . r...Y.. -- DAILYE OFFICUIAL BULLETIN Volume I FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1920. Number 10. tepresentative Regents: The meeting of representative Regents of State Universities to be eld at 9:30 a. m. Saturday at the Michigan Union will be open to Presi- ents of State Universities and any members of Governing Boards of Col- eges and Universities who may be in the city. It will not be an executive ession., JUNIUS E. BEAL, Regent. 'o Hosts: Metibers of the Faculty who are hosts and have no car and who wish to ave their guest or guests taken from Union or Hill auditorium to their res- d1ance before the Reception and Banquet, or taken to the Hill auditorium on aornings of Thursday or Friday may notify Transportation Committee, Me- iorial lull, or telephone 580. The service will be rendered if possible. H. P. THIEME, Transportation Committee. raduate School--Faculty Bibliography: Members of the Faculties should report their publications for the eriod, July 1, 1919, to June 20, 1920, within a week if possible. The re- orts should be typewritten and strictly according to the form that has lready been sent out. Copies of the Bibliography for the period, 1909-1918, iay be had in a limited number on application at the office of the Graduate chool. ALFRED H. LLOYD. Po the Faculties: Kindly return gowns today to desk in the office of Registrar Hall. SHIRLEY W. SMITH. Secretary. tudent Honor Guard: Kindly return caps and gowns to the office of Registrar Hall in Uni- ersity Hall today. SHIRLEY W. SMITH, Secretary. All students who were in Military, Naval, or other Federal service dur- ng the European War and who have not sent in a detailed and complete ,ccount of their service, are asked to call at once at the Alumni Catalogue )fnice, basement of the Alumni Memorial hall, and fill out a blank. This .pplies to all University students, including those who saw service before nrolling in the University for the first time. Circularizing of all former students has been completed. By means of his notice only will students now in attendance at the University be cir- ularized. H. L. SENSEMANN, Secretary of the Military Record Committee. There will be no classes today in the Engineering Shops; also Engi- .ering Mechanics I, Section I. J. AIREY. ngineering English: All students in the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture, condi, ioned last semester in English 1 or 2 will met Mr. C. N. Wenger, Friday t 5 p. m. in Room 28, Old Engineering Building, to arrange for the organi,. ation of English 1 x. J. RALEIGH NELSGN. omedy Club: Members of Comedy Club who wish to read "Bunty Pulls the Strings" efore next week's try-outs will find the manuscript on the reserve shelves n the Library Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of the prsent week. J. RALEIGH NELSON. BURTON OFFICIALLY GIVEN PRESIDENCY (Continued from page Five) "But our stranger would, if he re- mained long enough, endeavor to find out what goes on inside the head of the average undergraduate. By! adopting this method in an effort to appraise the university, he would come very close to the actual facts. He would discover that the student lives in his own world of reality * * * * he seeks an outlet for his initia- tive and his resourcefulness. So he organizes hi, student activities and gives them his primary interest. * * * * Frankly he regards his univer- sity work as secondary if not tert>- ary, and finds a satisfying outlet for his energy and genius in athletics,! dramatics, journalism, and .student government. Perhaps the highest test which American universities will be asked to meet lies just in this -realm. Is there any method by which a stu- dent world can be developed in which the scholar, the thinker, and the writ- er, will be just as highly honored as the man who achieves distinction in; football. cern itself. In a word, it should be- come the thinking, investigating, philosophizing center cf the common- wealth. "4--Finally the university must per- meate the state with knowledge. "I am quite conscious that the main proposals of this address have fo~r-reaching ramifications. I am equal- ly aware that I have left many ques- tions untouched and some of our most serious problems unsolved. A man cannot remake the universe or even the educational world with words in a short half hour. A wise adminis- trator must often ese an inaugural address to conceal not to reveal all of his educational fads, frills, and fan- cies." RESERVATIONISTS BEHIND HARDING TITH STATEMENT (Continued from Page One) ence upon that ar icle but by frankly calling upon the other nations to agree to changes in the proposed agree- ment which will obviate this vital objection and other objections less the subject of dispute. "For this course we can look only to the Republican party and its can- didates." Many Educators Sign Other si~: -s 'f this statement in- cluded P =vonkins of Dart- Imouth college, Samu'1 Lindsay of Colun,.bia university, Henry S. Pritch- ett, president of the Carnegie founda- sity-it requires a thorough house- cleaning. "The standard which should be ap- plied in selecting a faculty should be solely that of the competence of its members to render, by efficient instruc- tion and research, the maximum serv-r ice to society. Burton Unusual Un dergr lad uate (By Norman C. Damon) When President Marion L. Burton in his inaugural address, laid stress oi getting more of the student's in- terest in his work, as well as his play, he knew from his own undergraduate experience whereof he spoke. A Phi Beta Kappa man, participat- ing in athletics, and excelling in pub- lic speaking, President Burton was an outstanding man even in his un-E dergraduate days, stated Dr. Donaldl J. Cowling, president of Carleton col- lege, from which President Burton graduated in 1900.t "Because of his height, President Burton made good at Arst base on thet Carleton nine. He did not, however,1 participate in football, but was in practically every other student activ- ity on the campus. But the most re-t markable part of it all was the factt that he kept them in their proper re- lation, majoring' as it was then term-Y ed, in Greek and the classics, which required good, consistent study," con- WH A T GOING ON FRIDAY 7:00-Meeting of the Women's Cos- mopolitan club at 203 University hall. 8 :00-Intercollegiate Soolalist society meets in room.P-162 of the Natural Science building for election of of- ficers and discussion of program. Meeting open to interested students. U-NOTICES Upperclass advisers will receive lists of freshmen Monday. UNIVERSITIES BIG FORCE FOR PEACE SAYS FALCONER (Continued from Page One) Intellectual convictions which are the common possession of all men of science to whatever country they may belong. Nationalism is expressive of the people themselves, of their hopes and passions, their health, their educa- tion, their justice, their religion." Yet education even in its lower strata, as for example the common school, can be made to have broad sympathies which prepare for a reasonable inter- nationalism. "Children are too young to understand internationalism, but they are not too young to have those virtues instilled into them which will make the world a happier place. These are fortunately the very virtues which will make their own home happier." Throughout their history, Sir Robert believes, universities have been centers both of national culture and f inter- national understanding. In three ways particularly the universities of the world may help to promote interna- tionalism. They may continue the mutually profitable interchange of students between one country and an- other-a means of special importance to so cosmopolitan a school as the University of Michigan; they may call outstanding teachers of one country to hold chairs in another; and they may train their students to become genuine- ly humane, to possess those intellectual, moral, and social virtues which dis- tinguish man as man, and which are the accompaniments of a broad univer- sity training. No Dance at Union tonight. Danee at Packard, 9 to .-t--Adv. "Portraits that please" at the Derr Stndio.--Adv. University's Assets "Here then is the university. Pos-1 sessing equipment of lands, and tion for advancement of t-aching, Ray buildings, watched over by men of Lyman Wilbur, president of Leland great training and - scholarship, it Stanford university, Robert R. Brook- has committed to its care the most i president of Washingtoa univer- precious assets of the state-the citi- ity, S . Louis, Nicholas Murray But- 7ens of tomorrow. Afflicted with all, or, Chas. Danby, University of Cin- the maladies of the academic mind, nnati, and Wm. H. P. Faunce, pres- hypnotized by the students' world of ent of Brown university. reality, stabilized by the ennobling and y_ ancient ideals of all true universi- D7INISTRATIVE FUNCTIONS ties, it finds itself suddenly elevated into a unique position of leadershin OF THE FACULTY DISCUSSED and directly sharing responsibilit',s for the standards of a rapidly chang- (Continued frcn Page One) ing civilization. dismissal of members of the facult- tinuediDr. Cowling. Following h.is graduation from Carleton, President Burton entered Yale, graduating from there in 1904 with the Ph.D. degree; was offered and accepted the position of assistant professor in one of the most famous professorshi sofYale,--an appoint- ment without precfdent in the history of the university. But, according to Dr. Cowling, "He succeeded because hetk ept the right relation between outside activities and his studies, making him an unus- ial man as an undergraduate, and his exceptional career has more than borne out early promises." .! 4 MANY PROMINENT EDUCATORS VISIT MICHIGAN CAMPUS (Continued from Page One) most to maintain international peace. One of the pressing problems in the opinion of Dr. Garfield is the educa- tion of our citizens to a point where they will realize that in industrial dis- cussions and disputes, the rights of the general public should govern all decisions, in other words, to follow that course which gives to the great- est number of "people the greatest good., Previous to his appointment as president of Williams college, Dr. Garfield served on the Hoover price' committee, and later acted as nation- al fuel administrator. Reviews Burton's Work "There are four outstanding fea- tures of Dr. Burton's great work at Minnesota," said President L. D. Coff- man, who after working with Presi- dent Burton for five years, has suc- ceeded him as president. "First, he secured an $11,000,-l 000 appropriation for the university and started with this, his second task, a 10 year building program. The third step was the strengthening of the Minnestoa faculty by the addi- tion of several great men. The other outstanding feature of his work was the starting of a "Better Minnesota" movement, which has permeated the spirit of the whole college, faculty, and students." "The inaugural procession was one of the most beautiful sights that I have ever witnessed," was the char-] acterization of the morning ceremon- ies by President L. A. Birge, of the! University of Wisconsin. In the opinion of Dr. Birge the edu- cational conference eclipsed any like meeting ever held. Special Class for Soldiers Questioned as to what adjustments, the University of Toronto had made{ since the war, President Robert A. Falconer told of the institution of special classes for returned soldiers of whom there were approximately 1,200. Sir Robert Falconer spoke of the Hart house, similar to our Un- ion, which was recently opened in Toronto. This building, containing a' swimming pool, theater, and dining room accommodates 400 persons. "American youths often meet with a perplexing problem in making a choice between an Eastern university, such as Yale or Princeton, and a? Western university of such standard as the University of Michigan," said Provost Williston Walker, of Yale unlh versity. "Although much has been said regarding the name and tradi- tions of the Eastern school, in my op- inion for a man to have about him as friends and associates alumni of the university of which he is a graduate is to add materially to his general happiness and to his successful start in life. For this reason I should put this question to the prospective stu- dent: 'In what part of the country do you intend to take up residence, following your graduation?' "Of course, in the large cities of the country, such as New York and Ghlcago, alumni of practically every large university of the United States are to be found, but in the smaller cities of the East and West, this con-' dition is not generally true. The stranger is apt to find himself stand- ing relatively alone in affairs which are of vital fnterest to other residents of the community." DELEGATES GIVE THOUGHT T1o EDUCATIONAL PROBLEMS (Continued from Page One) all that makes for the highest civili- zation. From its walls miust come prophets and statesmen, poets, engi- neers and dreamers, all prepared for good eitizenship. Falconer Speaks Sir Robert A. Falconer, president of the University of Toronto, in his address on "The University and In- ternational Relationships," expressed the opinion that in the inuence of the universities is to be found one of the best-founded hopes for the peace of the world. "Internationalisn will survive," he said, "and the universi- ties themselves will be powerful fac- tors in its permanence." Universities have always been centers of national culture and international under- standing, he added. Fxlerimental Work Open to Students Students interested in experimental problems in reinforced concrete and steel will find opportunity for such work under Professor Menefee's E. M. 7 course. Phone White Swan Laundry-165. We call for your clothes. We wash in soft water; sew on buttons, ar-d do reasonable mending.-Adv. "I am convinced that in servin the State we must aim consciously and: deliberately to assume our sha-e of responsibility for the new American; civilization which must inevitably de- velop in this period of readjust'nent- Our universities have failed to focus. We have discussed and advocated all 'inds of educational aims, but none has gripped the imagination of all of them and none today emerges as pre- dominant and comprehensive. That, education must serve the state is a doctrine that has been proclaimed many times and in many places. Edueational Aims "Pecisely thet; what does this aim involve? In one sense it will be mere- ly the rebirth of original American intentions.pIt will bring us back to the principles upon which our educa- tional system was established. It meanstthat we must deliberately at- tack the problem -.rising out of our national unity. "To share in this gigantic task de- mands unusual insight and, if you please, philosophical power. Our func- tion is to select the permanent values and idealize them. America must have interpretation. If we may Judge the interest and spirit of our people by the things they do most, we must begin to understand moving pictures, dancing, motor cars, and machinery. There is no need of railing against these. Mighty elements of truth are written in capital letters over these factors of American life. The 'acad- emic mind' may not see it but the col- lege professor of today discerns it. The university must interpret Amer- ican life. America must have unifica- tion, direction, interpretation. Herein lies the specific duty of the univer- sity. "Now with this as the aim of our service to be rendered to the state let us ask precisely what concrete thing should be done, what changes are nec- essary and what meth-ds should be adopted. Purey by way of illustra- tion and with no thought of offering either a complete or adequate.pro- gram, I suggest four things: Four Suggestions "1-The work and teaching of the university should be unified with our primary aim full in view. In some way the student will be given such guidance that he will see the .rela- tionship of his coarse one to the other, to knowledge as a whole and to life in its most practical relation- ship.I "2-The curricula of our various schools and college within the univer- sity must be directed towards comm- nity needs. In faot this tendency is already in ail tide. "3-The university must utilize defi- nitely i ; cauipment and personnel for reserch work in solving the prob- le s of the state. In fact this Uni- vevity should be the research center of the state. Just so in every realm, the university should serve the peo- ple. With every problem of govern- tuent, economics, sociology, art and] education, the university should con-; in the financial -are of the institution and the distribution of its income. "The ultimate justification of faculty self-government is that the faculty in question consists of a body of com- petent experts .whose wills are dedi cated to social service. When an in- stitution has such a faculty, clearly that faculty should have an effective voice in administration. When an in- stitution is without such a faculty, it does not deserve the name of Univer- Girls' Attention. Rain Water Sham- pcos, Marcelled Waving, Face and Scalp Treatment at Mrs. J. R. Tro- januowski's, 1108 So. University. Phone 696-W.--Adv. University Men and Women== You are assured a cordial welcome, excellent service and your money's worth ahx ays at Wahr's University Bookstores 316 State St. Main St. OPP. Court House T ODance at Union tonight. it Packard, 9 .to I .--~dv. DanceI °#II~~lilfllU lilill~ll~17111l1!!~lEI~EI~11EEI11I111111 l1lIEl1111l lEIl~I I : -Whateverthe difference may, be and in the store it may be scarcely distin- guishable-between our suits and gar - I M P O R T A N T .ments of the next grade, it is certainly IN THE DEVELOP-- worth your consideration. For you are M~ENT OF GARMENTS - FOR COLLEGE NEN -t eei t hte THIS FALL, FINCHLEY entitled to the benefit of it, whether it HASRECOGNIZED THE IMPORTANCE OF EX- i- be a difference in style, in comfort or in HIBITING CONSER VA- = TIVE STYLES, AND wearing qualities. We tell you it is all OF ESTABLISHING A VA LUE WHICH WIL Lhb VALE WICHWIL ~ three, because our customers are en- MEET YOUR REQUIRE- , mENTS IN AN ECO- * NOMIC MA NNER. . dorsing our say-so by the persistent re- CUSTOM FINISH WITHOUT = purchase of our clothes. THE ANNOYANCE 02 A TRY-ON READY-TO-PUT-ON -- Shits Nsksearan Ots~ -We make every suit we sell. Shirts, Neckwear and OtksrW e s AccessoriestI E Ace tional Qualitq 324 South State Street - ANN ARBOR ___ FINE TAILORING FINE FURNISHINGS No Dance at Union tonight. Dance _ at Packard, 9 to 1.-Adv. ' E i 1 t t I tt lpl II11 lII E lIEIIEH l f ll l H l I l i l l l I I I I I I I I II H M N I