1A*L ev.il TANTED: An agent to sell the famous abash stationery box to stu- nts andtteachers. The box tains two hundred letter ads and a hundred envelopes, inted to order, and fifty blank cond sheets. All for a dollar d a quarter. Liberal com- ssion. No investment. Write day to the Wabash Printing mpany, Wabash, Indiana. L !, III i EIII l I III i I l ~llhIII:: f I Board ReductionE $6.50 Three Meals $5.50 Two Meals 5 3 Forest UNION SEEN AS POSSIBLE SCOO 'Iote1 )Monthly" Editor Thinks Insti- tution May Instruct Fu- ture Managers BUILDiIM- FEATURED IN iEADING TRADE )IA(U ZINE "University of Michigan Union, Ann Arb or," is the title of the leading fea- ture article in the current number of "The hotel Monthly," said to be the leading publication of its kind in the country. In the explanation of the building, 12 half-tone illustrations are used, showing both exterior and in- terior views; Diagrams of the four floors and basement and of the kitchen, tap room and banquet service pantries are given. A picture of Homer Heath, general manager of the Union, completes the illustrative IEXTRA!!! . - SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTIONS On- All KODAKS and CAMERAS to go into effect at once. Take advantage of these prices and this weathei. LYNDON & COI'IPANY 719 NORTIhUNIVERSIFY C A PHOTOGRAPH is such a lasting thing that you can't afford to take a chance on posterity by having your pic- ture _ taken in any but the right collar. 4 LEANERS N RESSERS. Tone 68 i I /" '_ a \ V 1i f - IWRMeacWptttiwcw TRAO6 PAAAK fltt4 yS PAT Off. I Ilq CDA RWOOD ZEWOOD AR__qCollars 6%A,'tT,. ,qRl c{, WILSQNTROY. N, V. di Big Special in Hersheys series. Wonderful Place "We found a really wonderful place," says the editor who made the tour of the building with Grand Rapids and Detroit hotel men. Particular interest was atatched to the Union be- cause of its posibilities of becoming a training school for hotel work. "We observed that it is virtually a hotel and students may learn here almost every department of hotel work such as, the chemistry, preparation, and service of foods; accounting, adminis- tration, electrical, refrigeration, decor-. ation and furnishment, cleaning and repairing in all its forms and expedi- ents, all around mechanical know- ledge, the art of entertaining-every- thing pertaining to social welfare, to promotion of the safety and comfort of the traveler and more particularly the knowledge of producing anJ main- taining the privtite and public home of ideal living conditions." Possible School The men saw in the Union a hotel training school already built and equipped, and with only a definite course to be decided upon and ar- ranged for in the way of classes and teachers. "There is a wonderful op- portunity afforded for such a school in this great institution now func- tioning at Ann Arbor." 4' Ladies Party Gowns a Specialty Mr, Steward: Are you satisfied with your market service. We would like to meat you and figure your bill. We steak out reputa- tion on our ability to please you. For Men 't~1" For Women *Spring Shoes for Young People Born with February Brand New Arrivalp Formerly 10 and 20c, now "Brogue" and Serni-Brogue effects 5 and l Oc Brimful of the air of "Dear Old Lunnontown" Easter Goods of all Kinds TIHE We Decorate Eggs as You Wish CENTURY MARKET Walk-Over 1oot Shop 115 South Main Street 213 N. MAIN The Phone is 1091 9 ® ,I Service UP -toto - Date Fresh Raspberry and Strawberry Sundaes SUGAR BowL 109 S. Main Street We Solicit Your Patronage Ir- RISOPENS COURSES FOR WOMEN JOURNALISTS A course in newspaper and maga- zine work for women will be started at the University of Wisconsin this month. This course is the first of its kind to be given in any school of journal- ism and will be known as the "news- paper and magazine department of in- terest to women." It is to be under the direction of Mrs. G. J. Boughner an experienced newspaper woman. Women students 'Will be taught how to turn out the curreint popular fea- ture material for all newspaper, Wag- , zine, and syndicate work. Material on household management, marketing, physical culture, interior decorating, daily homily on conduct of life, woman's exchange, ,business girls' ethics, shopping, child hygiene, are among the courses to be studied. The ;iting of society and club news, pub- licity work for women, special woman's departments for magazines and farm journals will be included. Standard and special features in lead- ing newspapers will be studied in co- operation with their editors. ELLEN CHURCHILL SEMPLE TO SPEAK DURING MARCH It BEA TS . . as it Sweeps as it Cleans THE HOOVER loosens every particle of destructive embedded grit by gently beating rugs or other floor coverings on a cushion of air. It sweeps up lint and stub- born litter with its revolving brush. It carries off surface. dirt by suction. We will be glad to demonstrate the hoover, either on your own rugs or here in our store. r- . I I 191 prngCltIng A a Spring Clothing in the city. _ 4 the finest we h ave seen for several I-years. Prices are right, qu aiy the very best. Most all suits have e tr pants which means double the -life of' the suit. We sell the, only real Young #= I! Men's Suits in the city. Look for the label' Fitform.I - Don" Rest Until You _ a uGet The Best i tformn I-. ra ia ! ==1]atLbet sre WhTom Con uis rbettold sa s ruuluul tu(1111(tt(11u11ni~l~t~l ll uutnlll(Ilnlllt~n 1 1 t1 1tti 1(I~tt1t1I H~t t~llntnln nnn j aa Ellen Churchill Semple; gold medal- ist of the American-'Geographical so- ciety, will deliver a series of 10 lee- tures in the Natural Science audi- torium during the month of March. The series of lectures will be sup- plemented by colored slides. Among the lecture subjects are the Dutch East Indies and Japan. At present Miss Semple is president of the Association of -American Geographers, and one of the most distinguished antpropo- geographers in America. IMMIGRATION TO BE SUBJECT OF ALPHA NU DEBATE TONIGHT "Resolved, that the United States government should restrict further immigration to this pountry" is the subject to be debated at the regular} meeting of Alpha Nu at 7:30 o'clock Friday evening in its clubrooms on the fourth floor of University hal. Visitors, particularly those inter- ested in public speaking, may attend the debate and the parliamentary drill which precedes it. Daily advertising will spell prosper- ity for you.-Adv. MARTIN HALL ER 1 12 1 22 EAST LIBERTY t