" 1 L' VA L Fll....AI%-J.Hii' I.J41L . o rn en II 0 house or at Barbour gymnasium last WOMEN EDUCATORS semester may obtain them from Mrs.; Blackburn from 2 to 5 o'clock Wednes ACT AS DELEGAT iS day, afternoon, Oct. 20, and from 9 to 12 o'clock Thursday morning, Oct. 21. Among the delegates to the Educa- tional Conference are several women All classes in gymnasium work will educators from the larger women's begin on Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 18 colleges of the country as well as rep- I . I I The first regular meeting of the Uni- rsity Y. W. C. A. cabinet will be Id at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon at e home of Mrs. Margaret Mac D. ewart, 1015 Church street. All girls who are good at print ag, sting and general poster-making are ked to come, to the Women's league oms in Barbour gymnasium, Friday ternoon or Saturday morning. Please 'ing scissors and attractive maga- ne covers. Try outs for the University Girls', lee club will be continued at 4 o'clock. uesday afternoon, Oct. 19, in room 4, in the School of Music. The date the tryout for the Freshman Girls' lee club will be anonunced fatr. Freshmen and sophomores are re- inded to keep their medical appoint- ents. These appointments have pre- dence over classes. Classes in outdoor work for fresh- en and sophomores begin on Mon- ly, Oct. 18 or on. Tuesday, Oct. 19, cording te schedule. All University houses which have ganized and elected a president are quested to report the name of the ected officer to Marguerite Chapin,; 0, at Barbour gymnasium. Sophomores who left any of theirl and 19', according to schedule. This is a correct statement made by Miss Wood. , W.*A. A. PLANS FOR TWO DAY CAMPAIGN Campaigning for membership to the Women's Athletic association this year will be confined to two days, Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 20 and 21. Dormitories, sororities and the larger University houses will be visited on Wednesday by leaders in athletics who will present the workC of the association to the various{ groups and receive members. On Thursday tables will be stationed in University hall, Barbour gymnasium and other central points on the cam- pus for the benefit of those who have not had the opportunity to join. "The women of many smaller uni- versities have shown a keener in- terest in ahletics than Michigan women have up to the present," saidC Phyllis Wiley, '21, president of the as-I sociation. "Now is the time for us to show that we can back our asso- ciation as well as the men back theirs. It is only through this co-' operation car we hope to gain aI name for the women's athletics at resentatives from alumni organiza-j tions. Some of the most noted of these are: Prof. Ellen C. Hinsdale, of Mount Holyoke college, Minnie 0. Kimball of Randolph Macon Wonn's college, Prof. Lucy M. Salmon, of Vaf- saj college, Clara Belfield Bates, of Wellesley college, Edna Belle Thur- ner, of Radcliffe college, and Mrs. Nel- lie H. Ornbaum, representing the Bay Cities' group of Michigan University women of California. Novelty neckwear. Narroy shapes. Knitted loid fancy silIM. Sat. Spe^- al, $.75$1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50. Davis Toggery Shop, 119 S. Main St.- Ad v. Courteous and satisfactory er, whether the account be large I or small. 3 SCHOOL OF DANCING MILE. JEANETTE KRUSZKA Private lessons in modern dancing. Private and class lessons for ladies in classical and toe dancing. STUDIO: 324 E. HURON ST. (2 Blocks West of State) THE TTE I 'I p ' . 1) 11, : I.- WAIWGRVAMWM 1 ATTENTION! DENTAL AND MEDICAIr STUDENTS 0 :-f 1. aasium clothes either at the field Michigan." THIS ' OLUMN LOSES '3 P. M. lA SISIFIEN THIS OLUMN CLUlES AT3 P.M. 'To Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capita1 and Surpiris, $625,000.00 Resources . ......$5,000000.00 Northwest Cor. 'Main & Huron 707 North University Ave. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH 5th Ave. and Washington 1aReception to all = Lutheran iStudents ; Friday, Oct. 15 8-10P.M. k1l 'ilIIllll[11111111611111i 11t i ii liii li9ihi Have a limited supply of Ward's Operative Dentistry Black's Dental Anatomy ' Prinz Dental Mat. Medica Endeiman Dental Pathology Ziegler's Pathology Hes Pediatrics B1d9L1'S BdW( STORE No. 11 Nickels Arcade Phone 763-1 r II~ Mrs. Fox was bragging one day about the large number of her cubs. "How many cubs do you bring into the world at one time?" she asked the LIONESS. "Only ONE," replied the Lioness-"but it's a LION." MURADS COST 20 CENTS for a BOX of 10-BUT THEY'RE MURADS* MURADS would be lower priced if we left out all or part of the 100% Turkish tobaccos of the puree and best varieties grown-or if we substituted inferior grades of Turkish tobacco. But they wouldn't be MURADS-they'd only be Foxes! "Judge for yourself--!"' Specik)attention is called to Murad Wsin Tin Boxes , ' Make, . of r' tiq e4 (ij urkishe andEFyprfaL gdraaiinrH lSd LcVcrnc IS ale LOST AND FOUN ) ST-Between Newberry and Mar- .ht Cook-brown pocketbook con- aining money and papers. Finder please call 217. Reward. ST-Black wardrobe trunk, misde- ivered by Ann Arbor Taxi Co. Claim 'heck No. 9638. If found notify taxi Co., or 325,S. Ashley. ST-A Delta Gamma pin. If found >lease notify Margaret Whyte, 1205 Kill St. Phone, 452. 'ST-A red silk umbrella. Finder please return to Wooloff Brayton, :16 E. Huron. Phone 299-W. ST-Pair of shelled rim glasses, ometime in September. Reward. Daily office. ST - Meal ticket on the Arcade -afeteria. Name, Killalea on ticket. Return to this office. Box G. UND-G-;-f sleeves in automobile. )wner i_-y have same by calling 072 paying for this notice. ) ; --Phi Delta Theta badge. Re- ,ard if returned to 1437 Washtenaw. 'one 396. IYANTED WANTED---A room-mate in a double room. Electric lightthot air, bath and phone. $3.50 a piece. Well equipped for study. Fresh'man Eng- ineer preferred. 409 N. Division St. WANTED-I Student wit{J experience wishes position in store all day Wednesday and from 3 to 6 other days. Phone 976-J. Mr. Pearson. WANTED-Student barber for part time or all time. Good percentage or guarantee. Must be good. State ard Packard Sts. WANTED Room-mate in a large front suite with two Soph. Engineers at 643_Tappan. WANTED--Women students with bus- iness ability who wish to earn good money. Address Box DD. WANTED-A room-mate to share nice clean suite. $4.00 a piece. 934 S. State St. WANTED-A room-mate. Nice room in private family. $2.50 per ,week. Phone 1901-J. SIX YEARS AT COLONIAL COURT BUFFALO, N. Y. ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS ANN ARBOR V will be proud to. give to keep to show 21-22-23 WUERTH ARCADE a Spedding Portrait This Studio will be conducted under my own personalsupervision, teaching private lessons exclusively. SA Private Studio for each pupil; therefore there will be no embarrassment. I guarantee you to dance gracefully and artis- tically in eight lessons. WANTED--Student laundress ed. Box AD., Daily. want-I --Small blue leather purse on WANTED-Cook for fraternity o" pus. Call 2226-M. men.Phone 785. T-A large No. 7 Parker fountain n. Call Leenhouts, 319. Reward. , FOR SALE t SALE-Furniture and table lin- t. A faculty club, due to re--organ- ation, has the following articles r sale: Twenty-four high grade ather seats, dining chairs, Lim- rt make, six round top tables 42 ches in diameter, eighteen linen ble clothes 54x54 inches for above bles, five doz. linen napkins-din- r size. The above articles are in ae condition, having been in use ree months only. They may be, trchased at a very reasonabla fig- e, would prefer to sell all to one rson. Call 820-M or Univ. 92-J, tween the hours of 9 to 12 a. m., d 3 to 5 p. m. SALE--Blickeinderfer Portable tpewriter, $15.00..New Fox Port- le Typewriters, $50.00. Marston, 5 ,Packard. Phone 1951-R. SALE-A 1920 Buick Roadster, actically new and in A-1 condi- gyn. A bargain for cash. Phone tween 8 A. M. and 5 P. M., 490. , SALE-Twelve guage Reming- a Automatic Shotgun, $50.00. Re- Is for $75.50. Call Saturday, three six. 919 Oakland. Phone 636. SALE- Modern Eropean His- ry book (1st and 2nd semekters), ench Grammar, Gym Shoes irl's size 4 ). Call 907-R. SALE-Wireless receiving set. walnut case. Call after 8 P. M. 0 Benjamin St. FOR RENT RENT-Two suites and one large om all decorated for boys or mar- d couple. 545 E. University Ave RENT-First class suite. 417 E. shington. MISCELLANEOUS M. SHELLHORN dressmaker..l >m 24, Wuerth Arcade, Coed's a cialty. -FOR RENT FOR RENT - Wanted, two refined young mei or wontin to occupy large double room in beautiful east erMd home. Five blocks from cam- pus. No other students in house. $5.00 each per week. Box CC, Daily. FOR RENT--Desirable suite for mar- ried couple or t-. o gentlemen-close to Packard car line. Price very rea- sonable. 1105 E. Univeristy Ave. Phone 2579-R. FOR RENT-Suburban residence at city limits, S. E. section, beautiful grounds. Possession now. Potter & Allshouse, 601-4 1st Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Phone 2072. FOR RENT-Single or double room, two blocks from Main St. No other roomers. $5.00 single; $8.00 double. Phone 1588-J. FOR RENT--A very desirable kuite. One and a half blocks from cam- Call 725 Haven Ave., or Phone FOR RENT- Large front suite and single room for married couple or lady, one block from campus. 1724-J. FOR RENT---Two rooms on first floor. Will rent as suite or single. Two blocks from camp~us. 1021 Hill St. FOR RENT- Pleasant single room conveniently located. Phone 1079-W, 549 Packard. FOR RENT--Large parlor arranged for two. Steam heat. Desk. Phone 1194-M. JOR RENT-Large front room for two men. One half block from cam- pus. 1724-M. FOR RENT-Single room in desirable location close to campus, reason- able. Call 1234-M. FOR RENT- Suite .of rooms. Two blocks from campus. Price 9.00. Answer FF, care of Daily. Portraits oP 9?uality by PHOTO G RAPHY K' I Competent Corps of Instructors. Phone 604W 619 E. Liberty II I II1IttIItIItlttttltltl ii 111 ltiti 1IlIII11I I'', _.__. - . l .. i s / ./,/ sr / e, i n ; .., _s /JjJJj) a .... t f1 IR ai V" .. / jjs, , ,.r i ANNOUNCING THE ARRIVAL OF A SHIPMENT OF HIGH GRADE FASHION PARK DARK GRAY AND BLUE UNFINISHED WORSTED SUITS To Encourage Early Buying We Have Specially Priced These AT $55.00 KNAPP FELT HATS MERTON 'VASSAR UNDERWEAR CAPS Lutz ClothinE 211 SOIJTH WIAIN STREET tore i