THE MICHIGAN _ DAILY THE MICHIGAN VA1LY . ,.:. . ..._ y advertising will spell prosper- you.-Adv. r e e Tailoring Offer on Spring Wool Skirts Continued short time Increase yoUr business by advertis- ing in The Michigan Daily.-Adv. SUGARBOWL HOME MADE CANDY ABSOLUTELY CLEAN BEST LINE IN THE CITY EVERYTHING MADE IN ANN ARBOR LIGHT LUNCHES I wfomnen Music Condtt Opens Mronday Making Good. A Straight Line Is the Shortest Dist- See our-Beautiful Samples The Wisteria Shop 330 Maynard Opp. West entrance to Nickels Arcade ANN ARBOR SUGAR BOWL I I r LEANERS -AND- PRESSERS L:one2' a - A DESIRE FOR ANY TYPE OF DANCING may easily be satisfied at MLLEU JEANETTE KRUZSKA'S DANCING STUDIO AESTHETIC DANCING SOFT SHOE DANCING TOE DANCING BALL ROOM DANCING We aim to make you graceful in addition to knowing steps Instructors MLLE. KRUZSKA - PHILIP MILLER, '23 Studio-324 E. Huron St. Phone 2308-R All entering students should make The state contest for young musi- arrangements at Barbour gymnasium cians will be held at the Michigan for nedical examinations. Union under the auspices of the Mat- inee Musicale society begining next All senior girls should be measured Monday. for caps and gowns this week at: This contest has besen already en- Mack's department store, in order that tered by 17 persons. The violinists they may be ordered in time for Jun- will be tried at 9 o'clock Monday for irls pla. !morning, the vocalists at 1 o'clock ior rs' la Monday afternoon, and the pianists at The board of directors of the Wom- 9 o'clock Tuesday morning. A recep- en's league will meet at 1 o'clock Wed- tion will be given the state officers nesday to discuss a change in life and visiting delegates at 4 o'clock membership fees. Monday afternoon at the Martha Cook building. Vesper services will be held at 4:30 Applications for the contest must be o'clock Wednesday afternoon in New- sent to the state chairman, Mrs. Ed- berry hal. win S. Sherrill, 7818 Dexter boule- vard, Detroit. The contest is open A meeting of Mortarboard will be to men and women in the departments held at 7:30 o'clock Thursday night of piano, violin and voice. A cash at the Delta Delta Delta house. prize will be given to the winners. The piano and violin contestants must be between 18 and 30 years of g Tickets for the banquet and cotol-nusbeeten1ad30yaso Tion cket fo t e ba et and c age and the vocal contestants be- o'locil go on sale betwveen 3 and 5 tween 20 and 30 years. They must o'clock Thursday at Barbour gymnas- also have had their training in Amer- ium. Extra cotillion tickets will also ica. be on sale at that time at Miss Wood's office. .JAPANESE PROBLEMS TO BE ance Between Two Points You are chiefly concerned in "making good" in the shortest possible time. All business experience proves that the men and women who "create" new business are the ones who command the big money. That the trained mind, applied to the sale of life insurance is productive of immediate and large results is a fact which we can demonstrate by cold figures-not one or two isolated cases, but from averages drawn from a multitude of experiences. The Edwards A. Woods Company, a permanent corporation, is the largest Life Insurance Agency in the world. Your future career may be vitally affected by an investiga- tion of this really wonderful field. Do you care to hear of it? THE EDWARD A. WOODS CO. Party Gowns a Specialty GENERAL AGENTS k E i 1-2 Price Suits and Overcoats Top Coats, Raincoats Flannelette Night Robes and Pajamas Freshman songs for the cotillion must be in by 4 o'clock tomorrow aft- ernoon at Miss Marion Wood's office in Barbour gymnasium. Girls who wish to take part in the colonial dance to be given for the Cos- mopolitan club entertainment are ask- ed to report at 5 o'clock this afternoon at Barbour gymnasium. TOPIC OF VESPER SERVICES 1-3 Off Sport Coats Basketball practice for all classesk will be held at 2 o'clock and at 3 o'clock this afternoon. General rehearsals of the Junior Girls' play will be held from 4 to 6 o'clock and from 7 to 9 o'clock today in Sarah Cas-vell Angell hall. All girls who desire conferences with Mrs. Katherine Willard, nation- al secretary of the foreign department of the Y. W. C. A., are asked to make appointments at Newberry hall. There will be a meeting of the Mummers group at 3 o'clock tomor- row afternoon, in the dining room in Barbour gymnasium. SENIORS DISCUSS PLANS FOR PARTY! Mrs. F. F. Curtis will speak at Vespers at 4:30 o'clock this after-, noon, in Newberry hall, on Present Conditions in Japan, stressing partic- ularly the differences between edu- cated and uneducated women in that country. Mrs. Curtis is said to be especially fitted to speak on this subject, having lived in Japan over 30 years and hav- ing travelled among the Japanese colonists in Korea. She has lately!{ been head of the dormitory in a girls' school in Japan, and is now president of the board of directors of the Shl- monoski school. Courteous and satisfactory TREATMENT to every custom- er, whether the account be large or small. THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY 0F THW UNITED STATES ... FRICK BUILDINNG,. Any way you look at it - whether from the standpoint of purity, therefore safety; or from the standpoint of food value, of genuine good- ness; you are justified in ordering PITTSBURGH, PA. Wadhams & Co. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $625,000.00 Resources .........$5,000,000.00 Northwest Cor. Main & Huron 707-North University Ave. ICE CREAM TWO COMPLETE STORES E STATE STREET MAIN STREET 'THIS MIiN LOSES 3 P.M. LASSFIETHIS r LCOLUMN CLOSES ADVERTISING * AT 3 P.M. Senior women will hold a meeting at Bo r d 4 o'clock this afternoon in Barbour - Boaru Reduction .: gymnasium to discuss plans for the se- nior party to be given at 3:30 o'clock !=- next Tuesday afternoon at the Pi Beta $6.50 Three Meals Phi house. The senior supper which _-. will be given the Saturday night of the = $5.50 Two Meals. Junior Girls' play will also be given consideration at this time. The cam-5e paign for selling tickets for the senior 5 9 r party will be discussed and also the question of the wearing of senior caps liiIIIIriIIIIIIIIIIirrlrrri¢Iiiiiiijiiiiii1 and gowns. THE BANK OF SERVICE Commercial Banking in all its Branches. Savings Department and Safety Deposit Vaults. Exchange on All Parts of the World. A. B. A. Travelers' Checks. FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK .li i WANTED kVANTED - Summer salesman for splendid selling propostion. You are guaranteed $525.00 salary, and can make three times that much. For particulars call, Martin Larson, 959. 99-3 VANTED-Regular Boarders at 1106 Washtenaw Ave. Across from Gym and Dental College. Good home cooking. Inquire at 407 E. Univer- sity Ave. forrates. 4Dinner 11:30 to 1:00: Lunch 5:30 to 6:30. 100-3 V'ANTED- Stenograhpic work and typing. MisstWeaver. 508 Thomp- son St., after 6 P. M. Phone 1579-M. 101-2 WANTED-To rent first floor suite. Bath on same floor. North of cam- pus. Box F. B., Daily. 100-2 VVANTED- Work fby student. No eight, eleven or Saturday classes. Call McMullin, 1547-J. 101-2 WANTED--6Soph prom ticket. Call 'White, 236. 101-2 MISCELLANEOUS OU CAN earn two thousand dollars next summer. Mr. Cobb at Bay City earned $220.50 last week. Good pos- tions for next summer may still be obtained by calling on H. L. Bald- win. Income does not stop when summer vacation is over, but con- tinues the year around. 310 State St., 3rd floor. 98-7 [AKE A NOTE OF THIS. Typewriting of all kinds. First class work guaranteed. Double space, 10c per page; single space, 20c per page; carbon copies, lc ex- tra, each. 0. N. Graves, 517 S. Di- vision; H. A. Hart, 953 Greenwood. Phones 1512-J., 2726-W. 97-6 AVE RENT-Buy a sanitary couch and spare space. Garvey Wishbone fabric, six spirel supports for $8.50. The St. Clair Shop, 309-311 N. 4th' Ave, Phone 454. 100-3 OCKSMITH - All kinds, door and trunk keys. Repairing locks a spec- ialty. Phone 2498. Dell.Keeler. 92-12 ISS MARTHA SCHALLHORN has opened up her dressmaking shops again in the Wuerth. Arcade . 101-2 1 LOST AND FOUND LOST - Large Conklin fountain pen with gold band and calendar clip left on desk in Arcade postoffice. I value this pen particularly. Re- ward. Return to N. G. Bashara, 1021 Hill St. 1298-3. 101-1 LOST-Lady's gold wrist watch in jam outside of gymnasium at Pur- due game. Finder of remains please call Johnson, 1510-R. Reward. 101-2 LOST-Bill fold in Waterman Gym or between Gym and Union. Call 1288-W. Reinhart. Reward. 101-1 LOST-Pair of gray buckskin gloves, Saturday morning. Reward. Phone Dunn, 1166. 100-2 LOST-A blue Burrberry overcoat Thursday.Return to 555 Packard. Reward. 101-1 FOUND-Overcoat. 'S. L. Bird Co. Co. Call 1951-R. Wm. Mays. 101-1 FOR RENT IOR RENT-Large room - for two students-modern throughout. Also roommate desired. Apply 408 S. 5th Ave. Just off Williams. 100-3 FOR RENT-A large front room ar- ranged for two students. $3.50 each or $5.00 for one. 425 S. Division St. 100-3 FOR RENT-Very desirable suite for girls or mother and daughter. 922 St. State St. Phone 1850-F2. 101-1 FOR RENT-Suite and single room for man and wife or ladies. 1724-J. 101-3 FOR SALE FOR SALE--New model Fox Portable Typewriter No. 2, the student's type- writer. Remarkable for touch, dur- ability and ease of operation. Wes- ley Marston, Agent. Phone 1951-R. 655 Packard St. 131 FOR SALE-Dressers with 14x24 bevel plate mirrors and three drawers, solid oak, $24.75. Brand new spring designs. The St. Clair Shop, 309-311 N. 4th Ave. Phone 454. 100-3 I PATTERSON TO OPEN SERIES OF FRENCH LECTURES TODAY Th'e first of a series of five lec- tures to be given under the auspices of the Cercle Francais this semester will be delivered by Warner F. Pat- terson, instructor in the romance language department, on "Emile Ver- haeron," famous French poet, at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in room 203 Tappan hall. Other lectures are: March 16, M. E. Mathieu on "Labiche;" March 30, M. A. Jobin on "Voltaire;" April 6, Prof. Charles H. Vibbert of the phi- losophy department on "The Attitude Taken by France in Regard to the Peace Treaty;" April 27, Dean J. R. Effinger on "Le' Bourgeois Gentil- homme," one of Moliere's plays to be presented by French students Thurs- day, April 28. The lectures, with the exception of the one given by Dean Effinger, will be delivered in French. Associate members of the Cercle Francais will be admitted to all lec- tures upon presentation of their mem- bership card at the door. NEW YORK CITY ALUMNI PLAN FOR BEST ANNUAL BANQUET Among those from Ann Arbor who are planning to attend the annual banquet of New York City alumni on March 10 are President Marion L. Burton, Deans John R. Effinger and M. E. Cooley, and Regent Junius E. Beal. There is a possibility that President-emeritus Harry B. Hutch- ins will go, but his plans are not yet definitely made. The New York alumni have been planning for the event for some weeks, and it is their intention to make this year's banquet the best! they have had. Trubey Home-made Candies and Box Candies Diseount on Box Candies 218 S. MAIN STREET Phone 166 101-103 So. Main St. 380 So. State St., (Nickels Arcade) Member of the Federal Reserve System. ® ' L 4 TRADE MARK. RCS. U.S. PAT. OM - or Spring Shoes F Young People" GjETLOCK-ANewNarrow ARRow COLLAR C ett.Peabody & Co., Inc.,Troy, N.Y. Born with February Brand New Arrivals - DIAMOND TALKS For Men a' o. ' 7;; ..t' For Women The qualities that make up diamond values are so difficult to define that only a diamond expert can rely on his own judgment when buying a dia- mond. For this reason we believe that it is appropriate that we suggest to less experienced purchasers that they buy only of old-established firms who have built up a reputation for de- pendability. The important thing is to know that you are getting what you pay for. Then you will never have any difficulty in realizing on your investment. One of the oldest and one of the reliable jewelry stores of Ann Arbor solicits your patronage. SCILLANDERER & SEYFIIIED "Brogue" and Semi-Brogue effects Brimful of the air of "Dear Old Lunnontown" Walk-OvernJBoot Shop 115 South Main Street FOR SALE - Conn C-Melody phone phone. Nearly new. sonable. Call 2220 noon or Ing. Saxa- Rea- even- 101-3 "Home of Good Diamonds" 113 East Liberty