1 iL-
r 11~
which the Varsity line
made. The
Abe Cohn Biggest Ground Getter for
First Eleven; Circles Ends
for Big Gains
Michigan's Varsity defeated the
freshman team 16 to 0 in a hard
fought scrimmage Wednesday after-
noon. Jack Dunn's drop kicking was
largely responsible for the victory,
for the diminutive quarter booted no
less than three goals from the field
in the half hour of play.
Abe Cohn was the biggest ground
gainer for the first team. Helped by
fine blocking, the big lad ploughed
through the line and skirted the ends
almost at will. Jack Dunn showed
his usual cleverness when in the open
field, but often found it hard to get
clear. Nelson and Searle, the other
two backs, did fine blocking and tac-
kling, but seldom were able to get
much distance with the ball.
Recover Bloked Punt
The first score and only touchdown
came after a blocked freshman punt
which the Varsity recovered near the
yearling goal. After the freshmen
had held the Varsity for two downs,
Cohn was given the ball on a run
around right end. His interference
was effective and he was given a
comparatively free path to the last
chalk line. Wieman kicked goal.
Thereafter the Varsity advanced the
ball to the fresh 30-yard line without
much difficulty, but there the year-
lings braced each time and held the
Yostmen. It was on these occasions
that Jack Dunn's toe came into p y.
Three successive times Jack stepped
back and booted the ball neatly be-
tween the uprights.
Two forward passes to Goebel were
completed during the course of the
play, and another failed by the nar-
rowest margin. One of the successful
ones advanced the ball a good 40
yards. Cappon distinguished himself
by his tackling. He was especially
fast in getting down under punts and
seemed always there to tackle the
receiver when he caught the ball.
Line Ts Stronger
The line showed itself much
stronger today than at any previous
time, despite the absence of Captain
Goetz. The men seemed to have more
fight and smothered the great major-
ity of the freshman plays before they
were fairly started. Vick played a
good game at defensive center, while
Petro and Wilson held down the
guard jobs in great style. Gilmore
was at Goetz' tackle position and
showed that he will make a good sub-
stitute when the captain or Wieman
are unable to play.
The freshmen line is undoubtedly
weak and this may account in some
measure for the unusual showing
No Dance at Union tonight. Dance
at Packard, 9 to 1.-Adv.
Dr. School's foot expert will be at
my store Friday, October 15. Consult-
ation free. Davis Toggery Shop, 119
S. Main St.-Adv.
Coffee, sandwiches, pies, light
lunches of all kinds. Right prices.
Sodas, sundaes, Coca Cola, all soft
drinks. Kept right. It's a B. & B.
Red Crose-the best fountain at Hus-
ton Bros.-Adv.
freshman right end proved the only
serious stumbling block in the way of
the Yostmen and he was usually clev-
erly blocked. The freshman back-
field is undoubtedly an all star aggre-
gation, one which cannot be appreci-
ated until it has a strong line in front#
of it. Kipke, Robey, Rockwell, and
Fairbairn are a quartet of . shifty
backs whom the Varsity may well
fear. All carry the ball well, block
well, and are strong defensive play-
ers. The fact that they were unable
to make many long gains in Thurs-
day's scrimmage is not to their dis-
credit, as they were not given an op-
portunity to get started.1
Many Substitutions'
Yost made many substitutions to-
ward the end of play. Johns replaced
Wilson, but soon had to leave the fray'
when he was kicked in the face,
Wachter replacing him. Planck was
given a trial at guard also, Petro go-
ing out. Jack Perrin was given a
chance at half for the first time in
two weeks. His bad leg seemed well
and he will probably figure in all
games from now on. VanOrden, An-
drews, Ro land, Fortune and Czysz
were also sent in during the last few
minutes of play.
In the preliminary encounter be-
tween the second freshmen team and
the Reserves, the former won 12 to 0.
Uteritz, quarter on the fresh aggrega-
tion, showed up to good advantage,1
making several long end runs. Mc-
Kay is another one who will bear
watching. This lad was a consistent
ground gainer and also tossed an ac-
curate pass which resulted in the first
There will be no practice in cross
country today. Coach Farrell has de-
cided to give both varsity and fresh-
man tryouts a day of rest, but at
10:30 o'clock tomorrow morning work
will be resumed in earnest. Every
man, freshman or Varsity, who holds
a locker for cross country work is
expected to be out on time, and as
large squads as possible will be sent
over the course.
On Monday morning, Oct. 23, Steve
will send his candidates out on their
final tryout to determine the Michigan
men who will make the trip to Pur-
due for the opening run. Each day
the prospects for a successful season
grow brighter, and Coach Farrell's
optimism is becoming more notice-
able. While the Boilermakers are
represented by a strong squad, a
Michigan victory is not at all un-
Mr. and Miss Moses announce the
re-opening of their dancing classes
for University men and women in the
Nickels' Arcade Dance Hall. Enroll
Monday or Tuesday evening, 7:15 to
8:15, Oct. 18 and 19. Classes will be
held for advanced' students and be-
ginners. Private lessons by appoint-
ment. Call 1545-W for further inform-
We write insuranc eof all kinds,
fire, tornado, automobile, tourist float-
601-4 1st National Bank Bldg. Phone
The regular M a s o n i c
smoker will be held Satur-
''' at the Michigan Union.
Every Mason on the campus is invited
to attend. President Burton will speak.
(Signed) JAMES G. FREY,
, Sec'y Craftsmen's Club.
Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing
I Hand Pressing
White Swan Laundry Agency
Formerly with Steam Dye Wks.
528 East Liberty St.
Chicago Keeps Elton and Reber Out9
Until Question of Eligibility
Is settled
Chicago, Oct. 14.-Uncertainty over
the eligibility of Elton and Reber has
caused the Maroon mentor to keep
them on the side lines, while the Con-
ference authorities decide the matter.
Preparation for the game with Wa-
bash has gone forward at a great
stride, and the Maroons expect to
give the Little Giants a real fight,
despite the well known scrapping
ability of the latter eleven.
Minneapolis, Oct. 14.-Reports of
scouts following the Indiana game
caused Coach Williams to give his
men the hardest sort of scrimmage
in preparation for the Hoosiers Sat-
urday. All of the cripples, including
the speedy Oss and Arntson, were in
the lineup, and took part in the prac-
Madison, Oct. 14.-Wednesday was
the last scrimmage for the Badgers
before the Northwestern game. Coach
Richards will spend the rest of his
time working with the line, which has
not showed to advantage this year
and which was particularly off color
in the Michigan-Aggie game. The
overwhelming Northwestern victory
last Saturday has put fight into the
Badgers, and the game should be one
of the season's best.
Lafayette, Oct. 14. - Coach Scan-
lon's varsity was easily able to break
up the forward pass offensive of the
freshman team, but was not so good
in stopping the end runs of the year-
lings. There is every evidence that
the !Boilermakers will have plenty of
trouble with the open field running
of Stimchcomb, the Ohio State star,
next Saturday.
Urbana, Oct. 14.-Coach Zuppke has
been running his men hard in prepa-
Crowded every meal
Room for All Our
Last years customers
One half block South
of "MAJ"
ration for the Iowans, the strength of
whose team the Indian coach does not
underestimate. Al Mohr, ill since the
Drake game, returned to the fold to-
day, and will go into his old place at
guard. Ems will be at tackle Satur-
day, with Anderson and McCann held
in reserve.
Bloomington, Oct. 14.-The Hoosiers
are in poor physical condition for the
Minnesota game, as Right End Dono-
van, star of the Syracuse game last
year, is under treatment for appendi-
citis. Manard, right guard, has several
bones in his side broken, and Quarter-
back Mathys is nursing a bad shoul-
Following are the results of yes-
terday's matches in the fall tennis
Parsons d. Swanson 7-5, 4-6, 7-5;
Workman d. Babbit 6-1, 7-5; Pearson
d. Genebach by default; Stewart d.
Howe 6-1, 6-1; Gustus d. Kerr 6-2,
6-1; Peterson d. Steketee 6-1, 6-3;
Rogers d. D'Cabera by default; Lang-
worthy d. Bacon 7-5, 6-1; Davis d.
Strong 6-1, 4-6, 6-1. Stevens d. Fred-
erick 6-1, 6-2; Thompson d. Lightbody
6-3, 5-7, 6-2; Watts d. Sloss 3-6, 6-2,
The following matches must be
played as soon as possible:
Riley (1460) vs. Segal (75iW); Ro-
rich (843M) vs. Schaefer; Langworthy
(2239M) vs. Walbridge (1217W);
Brott (370M) vs. Gregory (1992);
Stewart (1567M) vs. Shirk (374);
Hodgman (437M) vs. Bowers; Pearson
(976J) vs. Seitz (726M); Cruikshank
(1582J) vs. Hall (578); Snider (1615)
vs. Jerome (1189M); Crosby (1755W)
vs. Dichel; Baron (1869W) vs. Rogers
(1755W); Batty (1016) vs. Creedon;
Lott (2444J) vs. Beaudette (1614W);
;Thompson (1166) vs. Gustus (558);
Grisier (1399) vs. Cohen (112R); Os-
born (1744J) vs. Spurrier (1166);
Nowlen (938J) vs. McLeise (23033);
Rice (1399) vs. Kennard (855J);
Grigsby (2576J) vs. Byers (2635W);
Newberry (2635W) vs. Parsones
(1614W); Sullivan (1271W) vs. Wood
(2395R); Lang (2648M) vs. Gothaus;
Mellen (23M) vs. Stevens (396);
Moeller (63) vs. Matthews (1257R).
Read The Daily for Campus News.
Great. Records
Madey y Sisler
In Past Seasoni
When George Sisler, '15E, first don-t
ned the gray pot of a Michigan fresh-t
man, no one, save perhaps Sisler him-
self, dreamed of a day when he would
become one of the most feared bats-t
men baseball has ever known. In the
season that has just closed, Sisler,t
playing first base for the St. Louist
Browns, led the American league in
batting with an average of .405, and
is one of Babe Ruth's closest rivals in
run getting and home run hitting.
Leads National Champions
Sisler starred as a pitcher and out-
fielder on the Wolverine teams of
1913, '14, and '15. In 1914 he pitched
the Maize and Blue nine to the nation-
al intercollegiate championship. In
that year, largely due to the effective
hurling of the Michigan captain, the
Wolverines won 23 out of 29 games
played, and 10 of the victories were
shut-outs. It was not until he had
received his sheepskin that the Michi-
gan star entered the big league ranks
under the tutelage of Branch Rickey,
manager of the St. Louis Browns.
Wins First in Majors
In his first game Sisler -pitched the
St. Louis team to a 3 to 1 win over
the Cleveland Indians. It was not as
a pitcher, however, that George was
to make his name, for Rickey soon
transferred him to a permanent sta-
tion on first base a position which he
has been holding down with the ut-
most skill.
When St. Louis closed this year's
season with Gleason's dismantled
White Sox, Sisler was at his best. He
made three hits, one of them a double,
in five trips to the plate, scored as
many runs, and stole a trio of bases.
At the shouted requests of 10,000 fans
Manager Jimmy Burke allowed Sisler
to pitch the last inning, and the
former Michigan twirler closed the
season brilliantly by striking out Falk
and McClellan, and by taking the
throw from Jacobson which retired
Jonnard at first base, giving the
Browns a 16 to 7 victory.
The Kempf Music Studios -Piano,
Organ, and Voice Instruction. Es-
tablished 1880. 312 S Division St.
Phone 212-J.-Adv.
Paronize Daily Advertiers.-Adv.
"A pressing need of univeristy
is the revision of the plan and in1
relation of studies, in the light
great general principles govern
that which the university aims to
complish for its students, and m
a careful estimate of the various
tellectual resources which the univ
sity has at its command." This'
the message brought to the edt
tional conference yest'erday aftern
by Provost Williston Walker, of Y
university, who spoke on "The int
ration of the University."
Dr. Walker believes that ti
should be established in each inst
tion of learning a widely represer
tive and broadly sympathetic be
on the aim and scope of instruet
not from one school only, but
bracing the whole fields of univer
teaching, which can look at the sit
tion as a whole and plan how
dividual schools and departments r
combine the necessary efficiency
technical preparation with someti
of that breadth of knowledge
vision which will render the nor
graduate not only a good workman
his special field but an intelligent
useful citizen.
- No Dance at Union tonight. Da
at Packard, 9 to 1.-Adv.
Forty silk shirts left after last
sale-former price $10.00 and $1
value. While they last $7.50. D
Toggery Shop, 119 S. Main St.-
We can give you quick service
request. White Swan Laundry. P1
Ann Arbor's progressive mercht
use The Michigan Daily.--Adv.
Read The Daily for Campus NE
. .
Made to
Careful Attention
to Alterations
113 S. Main St.
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