!, IC DAiLY PAL HOSPITAL STATE-VAUGHAN Medical Facilities in Rural rcts No^Attraction for} Good Doctors the result that younger and better doctors will be locating there. The alarming death rate for the rural dis- tricts will decrease immediately, Dr. Vaughan says. FORMER MICHIGAN WOMAN DIES AT LOCAL SANITARIUM i "Does Michigan hold the lives of ys and girls living in small towns d the country as less valuable than e lives of those who dwell in the rger cities?" This is a question ised by Dr. R. M. Olin, commission- of health, recently. According to Dr. V. C. Vaughan, an of the Medical college, there is present a serious lack of medical eilities available for use by country ctors, and as a result only inferior ctors are found in the country and e small towns. "What is needed is a municipal hos- tal in every county in the state," ys Dr. Vaughan. In this way modern edical apparatus will be available for e by doctors in rural districts with Mrs. William J. Digby, '11, of De- troit, died this morning at St. Joseph's sanitarium, following an attack of heart trouble. Formerly a resident of Ann Arbor, Mrs. Digby attended the University and later had charge of the medical desk at the University library in 1915. While in 'the University Mrs. Digby was a member of Collegiate Sorosis and the Detroit Review club. Funeral services will be held to- morrow in Battle Creek. Use the advertising columns of The Michigan Daily to reach the best of Ann Arbor's buyers.-Adv. TEChNIC IANTS WORKERS I JUNIOR GIRLS PLAY Freshmen and Sophomore try- outs are wanted at once for the DISTINCTIVE COSTUMES CIIAItAC- All entering students should make Technic. { T ENTIVE ODTCE CAA arrangements at Barbour gymnasium TION Ufor medical examinations.'~ TIOg Patronize Daily advertisers.-Adv. Approximately 10 girls make up hImportant meeting of senior girls Apprximaely100 irl mak upat 4 o'clock Wednesday in Barbour A AD NERTY the final cast of the annual Junior at4HARVARD UNIVERSITY Girls' play which will be given on gymnasium.DECH March 18 and 19 at the Whitney thea-! ter. The three performances includ- All senior girls should be measured There is unlimited demand for skilled ing the matinee on Saturday will be for caps and gowns this week at den ists and specialists in dentistry. open only to women, as has always Mack's department store, in order that 'Ihis school offers a most thorough been the custom. they may be ordered in time for Jun- ;nd efficilnt training in this interest- Work on the play is progressing ior Girls play. n profession. For those who wish to rapidly with rehearsals scheduled specialize therare course in55 i Oral every day. The cast includes 22 The board of directors of the Wom-S urgey ,Orhodontia (straightening , ot teeth) and other branches. Instruc- speaking parts and a number of dis- en's league will meet at 1 o'clock Wed- lionbeandens. IBstrcd tinby leading dentists of Boston and tinctive choruses. Much talent is dis- nesday to discuss a change in life vicinity. Up-to-date equipment with played by the members of the chorus- membership fees. unusual opportunities for practical es as well as by the leads, according work. A college certificate indicating to the committee in charge, and un-'one year's work in college English, General rehearsals of Junior Girls' Biology, Chemistry, as well as high usual costuming will add greatly to play will be held from 4 to 6 o'clock school or college Physics, required the general effectiveness of the plot this afternoon and from 7 to 9 o'clock for admission. Write for particulars. itself. tonight, at Sarah Caswell Angell hall. ErGENE 1. SWIT1, 1. 1. )., Dean for rehearsals, I see no reason why Best ci, )fass. Our layshold ot b evn btte Athena Literary society will meet our play should not be even better than anv before." said Edna Groff. '22.promptly at 7:15 o'clock tonight in bPAI DIN " Athletic Equipment 4 For Every And~o Outdoor Sport t"~caogueo reQuest A. G SPALDING & BROS. 211 S. State St., Chicago, Ill. Ready to Serve AT ANY TIME Open from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Pot of hot tea'and bowl of riot PLAIN CHOP SUEY 35 CENTS CHINESE and AMERICAN Style Short Orders uaz LTwryn Lo 613 L61berty 8t E. NOW "The O PEN Castle" THE ORIGINAL HOME OF HOME COOKES MEALS, STATE St. at HILL St. 4EGE ly L[iV , AGE .L L i , , w chairman of the play committee. The the Alpha Nui rooms in University cast, manuscript, lyrics, music, and hall. committee have already contributed much toward making the play a suc- Regular practice of the University cess. Girls' Glee club will be held at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon in Barbour )AUGHERTY '81Lgymnasium. All members who have not turned in the Glee club dance tick- IN NEW CABINET ets are asked to check up at this time. 999 TAXI 999 4 a- A Dodge Car and D o d'g e - enough said.am iI BENZOL Used Exclusively Two graduates from the Law school hold important in President-elect Harding's Michigan positions cabinet. °1111111111111111 H1111111 Ann Arbor's Only Cleaners Not Using Gasoline in Any Form Phones 1840-1891 We call for and deliver TIIS COLUMN CLOSES AT3 P.M. LASSIFIETHIS COLUMN CLOSES ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. LOST AND FOUND LOST- Black leather pocket loose- leaf note-book. Notes very import- ant to owner. Finder please write or leave at Box X. H. B. Daily of- fice or call 1739-R. 99-2 LOST-One Silver Coin Purse, initial H. C. S. Finder please return to 1333 Washtenaw or call 2226-M. Reward. 10.0 LOST-Girl's red sweater Thursday night between Ferry Field and 433 Maynard St. Phone 2707-J. 100 LOST-Pair of gray buckskin gloves, Saturday morning. Reward. Phone Dunn, 1166. 100-2 LOST-Silver Eversharp pencil en- graved D. W. C. Finder please call 1534-W after 6 P. M. 99-2 LOST-Grey suede glove on State St., Tuesday. Call 1521-W. 100 WANTED WANTED - Advanced Engineering and Commercial Art students, good at tracing and making sketches, to teach a process to local and out-of- town business men. Call Monday and Wednesday evenings only. Maj- or Carson, 1200Packard St. 98-3 WANTED - Summer salesman for splendid selling propostion. You are guaranteed $525.00 salary, andl can make three times that much. For particulars call, Martin Larson, 959. 99-3 WANTED-Regular Boarders at 1106 Washtenaw Ave. Across from Gym and Dental College. Good home cooking. Inquire at 407 E. Univer- sity Ave. for rates. Dinner 11:30 to 1:00: Lunch 5:30 to 6:30. 100-3 WANTED--To rent first floor suite. Bath on same floor. North of cam- pus. Box F. B., Daily. 100-2 WANTED-Student living near Wal- nut and Geddes Aves. to tend furn- ace. Phone 2635-R. 100-3 WANTED - Two tickets for Soph Prom. Call 357, 98-3 FOR RENT FOR RENT-Large front room for single student. Well lighted and , well beated. Very congenial people. Three other fine roomers. Very reasonable Well located. Call 2388-J. 100 F OR RENT-Large room - for two students-modern throughout. Also roommate desired. Apply 408 S. 5th Ave. Just off Williams. 100-3 FOR RENT-A large front room ar- ranged for two students. $3.50 each or $5.00 for one. 425 S. Division St. 100-3 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Dressers with 14x24 bevel plate mirrors and three drawers, solid oak, $24.75. Brand new spring designs. The St. Clair Shop, 309-311 N. 4th Ave. Phone 454. 100-3 MISCELLANEOUS YOU CAN earn two thousand dollars next summer. Mr. Cobb at Bay City earned $220.50 last week. Good pos- tions for next summer may still be obtained by calling on H. L. Bald- win. Income does not stop when summer vacation is over. but con- tinues the year around. 310 State St., 3rd floor. 98-7 MAKE A NOTE OF THIS. Typewriting of all kinds. First; class work guaranteed. Double space, 10c per page; single space, 20c per page; carbon -copies, 1c ex- tra, each. 0. N. Graves, 517 S. Di- vision; H. A. Hart, 953 Greenwood. Phones 1512-J., 2726-W. 97-6 SAVE RENT-Buy a sanitary couch+ and spare space. Garvey Wishbone fabric, six spirel supports for $8.50. The St. Clair Shop, 309-311 N. 4th Ave. Phone 454. 100-3 SERVICES of a high-grade cook avail- able for catering in your own home. Dinner parties a specialty. Phone 2705-J. 95-6 LOCKSMITH - All kinds, door and! trunk keys. Repairing locks a spec- ialty. Phone 2498. Dell Keeler. 92-121 Edwin Denby, '96L, secretary of the navy, and Harry M. Daugherty, '81L, attorney general, are two graduatesI chosen by Senator Harding. Harry M. Daugherty was Harding's campaign manager at the Chicago con- vention. He has led a public life. Elected to the Ohio legislature in 1888, he served for five years. He was chairman of the state RepublicanI executive committee in 1912. In 19204 he scored his greatest success in hav-a ing Senator Harding nominated as Re- publican candidate for president in the Chicago convention. Senator Harding has repeatedly stated that he believed in Daugherty's ability to serve as attorney general and legal advisor. ALUMNAE TO SPEAK AT W.A.A. BANQUET Plans for the annual banquet and cotillion to be given by the Women's Athletic association on Saturday, March 5, are well under way. Arm bands and silver pins will be awarded at the banquet to those girls who have earned the required number of athletic honor points. Toasts by Dean Myra B. Jordan and alumnae of the association will be given. Claris- sa Vyn, '18, a former president of the association, will be one of the speak- ers. Special entertainment has been planned for the cotillion, which will be held in the gymnasium after the banquet. Tickets -are now on sale in Miss Marion Wood's office in Barbour gym- nasium. BRUMMD AND WHITE SPEAK IN I TOWNS ON EXTENSION TRIPS "Education in Life" was the subject af an address delivered by Prof. J. L. Brumm of the journalism depart- ment, before a meeting of the Parent- Teacher association last night at Clio. Prof. Albert E. White, of the chemistry department, spoke before a meeting of an industrial organization yesterday afternoon at Pontiac. Both lectures were delivered under the direction of the University Exten- sion Service. UNIVERSITY WOMEN MEET INDUSTRIAL CLUB LEADERS Mrs. Thomas E. Rankin, Mrs. Louis Karpinski, Miss Hulda Bancroft, and a group of University women attended the fifth annual banquet of the Grace- Whitney-Hoff federation of clubs of the Detroit Y. W. C. A. at the Board of Commerce, Saturday night. More than 500 members of the In- dustrial Girls' clubs were present. Dean Jordan Unable to Return Home Due to unexpected illness, Dean: Myra B. Jordan will not be able to be at home to University women this aft- ernoon as was previously announced. Dean Jordan is at present at Atlantic City, where she has been attending a convention of deans of women. Prof. Tealdi Gives Lecture at Howell Prof. Aubrey Tealdi, of the land- scape design department, lectured up- on civic improvement last week be- fore the chamber of commerce and school children in Howell. Basketball practice will be the regular hours this week. Let a classified ad find that ticle.-AdY. 1 *FN 0 ft 4 - A N -'0 PRESSEV I Vesper services will be held at 4:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon in New- berry hall. Stylus will meet at 7:30 o'clock to- night at Helen Newberry residence. A meeting of Mortarboard will be held at 7:30 o'clock Thursday night at the Delta Delta Delta house. Tickets for the banquet and cotil- lion will go on sale between 3 and 5 o'clock Thursday at Barbour gymnas- ium. Extra cotillion tickets will also be on sale at that time at Miss Wood's office. Any girls wishing to act as squad leaders in gymnasium work are re- quested to report at Miss Wood's of- fice at once. VA'SLUNCH Where they all go 1116 So. University Ave. 99 TAXI 999 held at lost ar- Ladies Party Gowns a Specially Prepare! For the OR ANY OTHER DANCE IN WHICH YOU ARE INTERESTED Come At Once AND WE WILL HELP YO1