THE MICHIGAN DAILY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday (hring the Univ-r- sity year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE A':SOCIATED PRESS The Associated Priess is ex(:'.isively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the loc il news published therein. Entered at the postofface at Ainn Arbor, Michigan, as sewrtd Bless matter. Subscriptioni by carrier or mail, $3.50. Offices. Ai Arbor Press bilding, Maynard Street. Phones: 1,usisiess, 966; fEditorial, 2414. Communications not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the 'sig- nature not necessarily to appear in print, but as an evidenice of faith, and notices of events will be publlishied in The D)aily at the dtretion of the LEditor, if left at or miild to The Dlaly office. ' Unsigned communications will receive no considTeration. No juan- uscrllt will be returned rnless the writ~r inclo)ses postage. rho Daily does not necessariy endorse tie sentin~ents ex- prets.ed in the commkunications. "What's Goisig On" notie~ will tnot be received after 3 o'clock oar tke evening preceing insertion. Y'l)$ITO1IA .LSTAFF lfele boizlh2414 MANAGING EDITOR....... .GEORGE 9. 'BROFHY, JR. ' . ., . News Editor......... .......... .. ... .. .. . lcsscr 71. CarpelI Night Editors- i.W iccc 'f. 1.Adams11 V.liccc J" A. *I rnstin . .1l' meanis L. P. Camikll T. W. Sargent, Jr. J. 1. 1)akin Editorials...... ..Lee Woodruff, Roort Sage, C.,H "i. Arghion Sports ....................... ............ .... .. 1.obejoyel Assistant News ........ "".............. s.,..... ...l~ .LxC Women's Editor ................. .............. fary D. Itnec Talegraph.................... " .............West Galo~iy Asistans Josephine Waldo Thomas J. Whinery Harry I{. Grundy Paul G. Weler R. W. wrebleski Winfred Iithan Abuena Barlow Geore Reindl Robert D. Sage Elizabeth Vickery Dorothy Mnfort Marion ~ichols G. E. Clark Minie Niluskatt Fanes Oberholtzer BWS~IES STAFF Telephone 960 B SINESS MANAGER......LERAND A. GAINES, JR. Advertising ........................ Joyce ~redits and Classified Ads......... ..a...........J. \L. awjing Publication ............. ...................M et Accounts .......................................PESchneidrr Circulation ............ ........................P.Shnir Assistans R W. Lambht 1. G. ower Lester W. Millard Robert . Ker Sigmund Kunstadter V. I. Lillery 'rhe night editors for this week will be: tMnday night, Hugh Htchcock; Tueday night, T. W. Sargent, Jr.; Wednesday night, B.'. Campbell; Thursday night, T. H. Adams ; Friday night, J. I. Dakin; Saturday night, J. A. Bernstein. Persons wishig to secure iforaton concernin news for any issue of The gaily should see the nigt ditor, who has full charge of all news t be printed that night. m ~FRIDJAY, OCTO0Br&R 1, 1920. KNOW YOUR UNIVl9RSITY Michigan's Graduate school was organized in 1882 as a part of the College of Literature, Sci-I ence and the Ats and it was not till 1912 tht it wa~ *made indepeident by the Bodrd of Regents. PRE SIDE NT TO THE STUDENTS President Marion L. Burton, inaugurated fifth executive of tke University of Michigan in the great ceremony held Thursday morning in I-il audi- toriuml, delivered an address which appealed to edu- cators, students aisd the geneal1-public alike oi a most "earnest, far-sighted, ad stirring call for full realization of the state university's f unction in state and national progress. Among the various classes of persons w~ho heard it, probably the ad- dress came most intimately home to the students, Who learned as never before how well President Burton knows them, and how siicerely he intends to workc with them in the era to come. Discussing America and universities, he said of the student, "Hle regards his university work as -secondary if not tertiary to his stuent activities, and finds a satisfying outlet for his energy and ge- nius in athletics, dramatics;~ journalism, and Stu- dent government," and asked this question : "Is there any method by which a student world can be developed in which the scholar, the thinker, and the writ'er will be as highly honored as the mlan who achieves distinction in football?" The American university of today is a place of many and varied interests and we are apt to place too high a value on the unessential. Nevertheless there is a necessary teamwork between the scholas- tic side of a university and it campus activities. Both are means toward the same end, and, mixed in the proper proportion, they are bound to accom- S plish their purpose-that of making an all-around citizen But today we have come to put a one-sided value on achievement. Those who distinguish them- selves in athletics are greeted with approbation, while the scholar and the thinker are passed by al- most without notice. This is an unfair condition that defeats the real end of the university, fr the stuident is encouraged to excel in outside work rater than in his school work. fortunately. our talent does not all lie in the same direction. Our interests rest in different lines of endeavor. But exceptional ability in any work is worthy of recognition and praise. We should accord the all "A" man as much credit as a star quarterback, a succesful writer as muh 'rie as a good track man. President Burton has touched a significant paint. He considers this as possibly the highest teot the American university will have tb meet. The solu- -tion lies in the .hands of both thie faculty and tfie students. A little careful thought and a broaden- ing of "the academic mind" would convince us that we should be more tolefant of the interests of our colleagues and that we should widen the ipliere of our standards of achievement. "SPIKE"---A MAN AND A FRIEND George A. Cadwell, known to the campus as the hard-working 'business manager of Chimes, to his classmates and professors as a student' who took a man's attitude toward his courses as a preparation for life, and to his many close friends as."Spike," a good fellow and a true friend, is dead. His pass- ing is Michigan's loss, to an extent which only those who know the value of energy and ability and kindly, personality can fully understand. Classroom associates, men who knew him as an intimate comrade of their good times in the campus social life or on the opera tour, colleagues who saw him face the problem of launching Chimes on its second and most critical year and place the newecst campus publicati on well on the way to financial success, have already joined the ranks of those wvho, with The Daily, feel strongly the *sense of a life cut short which promised gfeat things, and which even in the short period of undergradumte dIays left menmories and in examnple which Michigan canndt f org4. TTE EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE The fact that one hundred and thirty-three rep- resentatives, from one hundred and twenty-one col- leges and universities of this country and foreign nations, men numbered among the world's -fore- most educators, have come to Ann Arbor for three days to participate in an educational conference on the occasion of~ President 14urton's inauguration, conmposes 1in ltsel'f an occasion for pride on the p~art 'of the entire University community, both in the prestige imputed to Michigan, and rightly,-we believe, by the educational world, and in the trib- uite to our new president accorded by our guests. In our sincere welcome to our visitors eve hope that they will read our tribute to their achievement in every branch of the world of academic achieve- ment, our appreciation of what they have done for research, for the advancement of better educational methods, and for America's ideals. We trust they will find among th~ studenit body of Michigan a genuine and serious interest in the progress of th% conferenice:; and we wish them the full me-asur'e of success ,hich* their co-operation in a spirit of §er'r- ice to the entire educaticrnal world should bring. Aram Arbor his not gone "dance mad" as vet, but if we loop about w will find six nights each week given partially over to the trrpsicho; txau arts, counting all the dance emporiums. How soon will some tmsated syncopation victim try to ~b stitute a series of "balls for the Sunday eveiing Union services' TWO lASTORES hooks and Supplies for'all Colleges at 2Bo1h Stores G A Both Ends of Diagonal Walk DETROIT UMx~LI NK~ Inl EMCI-Jiae 15;1920 1etwecu ]oetrolt, Ana At-bar andI Jxekou (E tern St..iadard VIrilxe) L~iaiite and. Expres cars leav'e for Detroit at 6:10 _A. m. and hourly to 9:10 p. ra. Llitodso to Jac m at 8:48 a. mn. and every two hours to 8:4$8 p. mn. Ex- presses at 9:48 a.,im. and every two hours to 9:48 p. m. Locabls o Dixolt-5:55a.ra., 7:00 a.mi. and every two hours to 9:00 p. Mn., also 11 :00 p.. n. T4o Ypsilanti only, 11:40 p.m., 12:25 a.m,. and 1:10 am. locaN C;tiJackon--7:50 a. mn., and 12:10 p.M. Y OTOBEI S M '1t 1 y lT FL'S 1 2 3 4 5 6 r 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1S 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3o Mien: Last season's hats turn- ed inside .out, refinished and re- blocked with all new trimings look just like new, wear just as long and saves you five to tea dollars. We do on'ly high class work. F'actory Hat Store, 617 Packard St. Phone 1792. SIA Socks, two tone effect, Sat. r--elal, $85c. Davis Toire-y chaop, 119 S. 1a In !at.-4dw. U se It.-Then Dcde PW& Will, LendYon uia ,AutoStrop Razor for a full 'iirty d ay tial: If You .tthat. de- cide 'to keep it .,pay us $5.00 for i --if -xiot, return it without 'further - obligaion. Yoiu Pay Nthing taoTy This Razo r Amxy respoueiba p'artyrcaamaice. arrangemit over our cutlery counter for .1iM, free Ttid. If yd'u" have. a chage account; write to us and we= -l1se'int to you,-by Th11e AuituStrop Razo mail: _ i itmupto n itsel You &;*.. given the opportuflity IAis mbm i than a razr-molt t&an ,of, trjiaitthis wonderful ar.&Tei. ihu t idd* ik ~ an be sxspped. un and 4eaned wi imionth your shaving will coo t- y #hapat; . wiht s4# iing, te o nyrttth And' like a pereetly arp ed oxdin taz r if 'ou-can get along without r :6 mi " a s. 40.. Aed it Jc a'teft YO a-cat to PI alltfiis boyoaie owt~sfa #in. TI eEerbadch & So,01ns Co0. 200.204 EST LIB LRTY T. where Satitt4 'Sr'tirb (gIa$th0Zare fold Th' e Telescope "Darling, we must part," he cried, "That I love you is not the question, The stuff you put on your kissable lips Will surely give me indigestion." Dear Noah 'khe dog who has been guarding my house was struck by an automobile. Where should I take him f or tredtment ? Worried. To the jeweler's. That is the only proper place to take a watch dog that is run down. Our Daily Novete f I Iwas in the shadow of the old garter fowndry, on the Huron, that there stood one dreary night a sadly drooping Aguire. Hearing her wracking, stifled sa~bs, I w w~ a little loath to speak to her, fear-ing that such action might only add fresh fuel to the flanrles of grief wvhich were consuming her. II She hardly started when I asked her what tho trouble was and then, "We were caught," she said simply and turned again to watch the eddying depths of the blue- black river at her feet. Caught," I echoed. "rYes, we were caught in the act," she repeated quietly and slipped another moth-ball betv~een her quivering lips. III An all-enveloping pity for this poor wretch who had been betrayed at the hands of some unscrupul- ond villain, surged over me. "Who was it ?" I asked. "What does it matter now who he war.? I beg- ged him on bended knees. to do the right thing, the manly thing, but ho. refused and last night we-we were caught by friends of the--family and"- Her lips moved, but so low was the whisper that I could catch no more. 'Discovered by friends ?" I repeated dazedly. "Yes," she continued in a despairing, lif eles. tone. "Wednesday night several" of our friends cat gkt us as we were sitting in the gallery at the "thitn~ey." Izxe Manordoj& Working Together Call ON J. B. S~iel0 for Dentistry ail General Insurance T-'he Aliegan (Mich.) News. Famous 'Closing Lines "I'll come out of this all right," said th'e student as he tried to sneak into the football game. NOAH COUNT.