SUNDAY FEATURE SECTION SUPPLEMENT FEATURES TREATRES LUSICE LITERARY T4irr rigaxt :43I&*ttIj SECTION, TWO 9 VOL. XXXI. No. 99. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1921 PRICE FIVE SPIRIT OF REFORM HOLDS SWA Iichigan Campus SPlays Bie Q of Button-Button' SUFFERS EPIDEMIC OF MYSTIC PINS AND BADGES; OVER-ORGANI- ZATION CALLED RESULT OF SOCIAL INSTINCT WHICH IS OLDER THAN HISTORY i f :.ull lIH=lurllnlllnllntlnlnl nnn lli=l inr11K SMichigan Man on Harding Cabinet Michigan can well be proud of Edwin Denby, '96L, who has re- cepjtly been signally honored by his appointment as secretary of the navy in-President Harding's cabinet. Mr. Denby was admitted to the bar immediately after his graduation from the University in 1896; and began his practice of law in Detroit at once. Since that time his life has been one of almost continual service to Universities A ttaeA Dancing; }Ichia Case., Onie of Y ah DIGEST OF OPINIONS VOICED BY UNIVERSITY AND METROP TAN PAPERS DECRIES FR IVOITY OF AGE; CAMPAIGNS BEGUN BY STUDENTS_ (By Stewart T. Beach) "Or with the dance-let joy be unconfined," cried Lord Byron I Childe Harold." as he considered the grand ball of the Duchess of mond at Brussels on the eve of Waterloo. Now reformers, throughot country, as they watch with fearful gaze the antics of the younger ge tion, are holding up their hands in horror and changing Byron's wor read, "On with the dance, if you will-but let joy be more confined-on (By L. Armstrong Kern) Way back in the darlt ages, long be- fore humanity reached any kind of a state that we can logically conceive, there may have been a time when there were no societies of any sort. Perhaps that was only until Cain and Abel came along and began to fra- ternize with each other. But whenever it was that the first social organizations hatched forth and began to bloom, certain it is that we cannot now readily conceive of a con- dition of affairs in which they were non-existent. Look in an encyclopedia. "Probably the first fraternal organizations," it says, "existed among primitive tribes and were exemplified in such societies as -the Duk-Duk of the Island of New Britain in the Pacific or the Mumbo Jumbo of West Africa." What those two were we don't know, but it shows that the social instinct went way back into th'e past. Societies Ancient These old organizations were partly religious in character and were se- cret, as were also the next examples which we find, namely, 'the Eleusians of the Greeks and the priestly col- leges of the Romans. Then, follow- ing these Greek and Roman groups, came a perfect flood of societies of one sort and another during the Mid- die Ages and now we have them all boiled down, or spread out, into the mass of societies of today: We Ma- sons, out of which countless other or- ders have grown, Christian societies and organizations directly under the control of the Roman Catholic church, and so on. All of which brings us to the point. The social instinct is as old as man and out of it have developed thou- sands of organizations, brought into being for thousands of different pur- poses.' And now, to and behold, we have the exemplification, the consum- mation, of the whole of history from the time when Adam first took a bite out of the apple skin down to the prese.nt, right here on our campus, and we have a mass of societies that would fairly make the hair of the old grad turn grey when he compares the conglomeration now with the time when there was only one lone frater- nity at Michigan and that in a back- woods shack to which the brethren had been forced by the Board of Re- gents. Activities that Function. We have, in ,short, a society for about every activity that is now going on or ir ever expectedhto blossom forth hereabouts, and 'when we want to do anything in any one line the only problem which confronts us is which of the groups aiming at that sort of thing we'll choose. The effects of all this mixture is curious, and especially so its effect on the students themselves. Take the (Continued on Page Three) his country, for in 1898 he be- came a gunner's mate on the U. S. S. Yosemite. Following the Spanish-Amer- ican war he returned to his law practice, and in 1902 was elect- ed to the Michigan house of rep- resentatives. EDWIN DENBY Secretary of the Navy It was in 1905 that Mr. Denby was elected to Congress, where he served until 1911. In 1917 he enlisted as a private in the marine corps and he rose to the rank of major before leaving the service:' Denby is a member of Phi Delta Phi, professional law fraternity. Ornery'Oenothera ' Will Not Behave) the 'toddle' and 'shimmie'." University of Michigan students, who believe themselves to be the in- dividual victims of a faculty which it is sometimes charged, is puritanically attempting to "Blue-Law" them, may be surprised to find that their case is simply one of many which are eith- er the cause or the result-no dne seems to know just which--of a reac- tion to the sudden and almost com- plete change in standards which war brought with it. Universities and col- leges throughout the country are wag- ing individual conflicts against the modern forms of dancing-sometimes the campaigns are carried on by the faculty-more often it is the students themselves who have been aroused by conduct which they feel instinctively degrades and cheapens the high stand- ards of womanhood inherent to the just conceptions of moralitywhich should prevail in civilized society. In Brown University, the student body, led by the Brown Daily Herald, has "declared a war of pitiless pub- licity on the 'don't-give-a-damn' so- ciety girls." Short skirts, short socks, and visible garters are among those things which the students seek to ban- ish. "We fellows don't claim to ring any bells for extra virtue," states the edi- FAMOUS ALUMNI (By William W. Ottaway) (Qy Paul Watzel.) They are nothing but small, yellow flowers, some consider them to be hardly more than weeds, and yet there are two or three thousand of them in the University botanical gar- dens, 'and soon there will be thirty thousand. Oenotheras, oenotheras in abundance-but why? It seems that the plant, commonly known as the evening primrose, con- -- r That S. E P. Yarn Had A Leak; College. Life Has Two Sides (By Leo Hershdorfer) I been readmn' t' e S. P. Post, which other big paint the S. E. P. forgot- is a good magaZine miot of the time. uphuilding of character through de- and what nice covers, etc., and I s seraFie companionship and intellec- where some big writer comes out with ,;al conversation. That's what a lec- an article that a man is fooi'h for going to college, and that it's better tuire s for. for parents to fix t;,'ir cars and pay For example. It's afternoon, and off their ortgages thn to send their ziiout a coupla minutes before the lovin' chicks and ceildren to a uni- hour. The room's half filled up, and versity. Why, they can learn to tod- the ' die in the high schoo , and that's hi th profs sitting on the platform enough for any Amie:'ican son oy' talking to his assistants about the . daughter. Nix on that stuff, is all I weather and what questions to give in gotta say, that dope's all, all wrong. the next blue book. Then thg drifters The leak in this S. E. P. story was begin pilin' in, auld pretty soon there's that the writer forgot that collitch a quorum, and the assistants go to life has two sides-and justo as many the back of the room, from force of kinds of advantages. There's the m4- habit, and the professor begins the terial and cultural sides-"the cultur- ordeal. al and social advantages as contrast- The students (-that's all those ed with the material benefits" is how whats in the room-) get the signal they put it up to us in freshman rhet- from the platform, and out comes the oric. newspapers and the letters, what and modern modes of self-adornment .as illustrated by living models, these birds snatch a. delightful little snooze. Ah, the dreamers! Bill Shakespeare said "ambition should be made of sterner stuff,"-that was before near beer-but are not the dreamers of to- day the thinkers of tomorrow? Chalk up another one for collitch! Then there's the -business ad boys reading the papers, preparing for their life vocation by keeping in touch with worldly events even while in the class-room Talk about your prac- ticability-would living mortal want more proof than this? If the fellow or girl sitting next to them hasn't something to read, those with the papers passes around the inside pages ang. editorials, leaving themselves de- prived 'of all the reading matter but the sporting page. Which all goes to show that students develop their spirit of generosity, sociplibity, and willingness, to deny themselves to help others in need, all while they're in collitch. Then, when the hour's up, and the prof. hops off the platform, they shakes their sleeping companions till they wakes up; and then arm in arm they leave the room, walking down the street like two brothers. "For this is college life, and none shall deny youth of its privilege and desire for higher education," some clever man once said. Great stuff, says I. { forms to none of the laws of heredity in its reproduction. Ordinarily plants of closely related sorts can be cross- ed by placing pollen from one on the pistil of the other. The results in subsequent generations follow defi- nite laws; the botanist can expect certain characteristics in the pro- duct. But not so with the oenothera. And although it has . been believed that there is "method in the madness" of the small flower that refuses to conform in its laws of reproduction, no one has as yet been able to hit upon that method. Started Experiments Experiments started some 30 years ago when de Vries, the greatest of the Dutch botanists, noticed that in ma'ny evening primrose families cer- tain peculiar individuals looked and acted different from the rest. On ac- count of this peculiar characteristic he started a bed of the flowers in the hope of establishing some general law for them. He raised them in quanti- ties, crossed and re-crossed them, and developed a theory of evolution from them, but he could not definitely es- tablish it. Finally he wrote about them, but the utmost he could do was to convince other botanists that they were still largely an enigma. De Vries' theory, known as the "mu- tation theory of evolution" has at- tracted more attention than any bio- logical theory since the time of Dar- win. It is astonishing that the theory has been generally accepted, since few scientists have been able to sub- stantiate it in their own research. The evening primrose does not act like other organisms; and one of the out-' standing problems of biology is to Ibring its behavior into conformity with the laws of inheritance that ap- pear of almost general applicability to plants and animals. In spite of the perplexities of the problems de Vries has raised, which may not all be solved ii his life-time, he will doubtless go down in history with Darwin and Mendel as one of the three greatest men in the field of ev- olutionary biology. His work at- tracted American botanists, and the first oenothera beds made their ap- (Continued on Page Two) tor of the Brown Daily Herald, "- just hope we are half decent eitiven that's all." The Herald's managir editor is authority for the stateme that he "heard one chap say he nev saw so many garters anywhere ou side of a department store as he sa at Providence dances." "After yc have toddled with a girl," adds th student, "there's no more myste about her for you." The affair at Brown University $u about expresses the turn which the reform campaigns are taking throug out the country. At some colleges, t movement seems to be well-order and sane; at others university a thorities or students seem to be sir ply grasping wildly at any stra which will make it appear to I public that they are really attempti to curb the wave of "jazz-madnesi An example of this latter phase the camwpaign would seem to be foul at the North Dakota Agricultural C lege where the Student Commissi has ruled that "at all informal dan held on the campus no more than ti dances will be engaged ahead by oit er sex." This, apparently, is aim at the man who brings a girl to dance, solely for the purpose of dai ing with her himself. It is diffici to see just what effect thiis rule won have in keeping such couples' fir( dancing together throughout the e tire evening. Perhaps it would ma the student ask his partner for V dances; then for two more, and on, but it. certainly would not'preve the pair from spending the entire c ening in dancing together. "Toddle" Frowned Os In the University of Kansas, t "toddle" has been frowned upon a university authorities are enforei their rules against it. That the ru are not, however, meeting with esp ial favor from the student body general is exemplified by the rep of the first dance held under the n rulings at which were present hea of the various colleges. It appei that the students got arouisl the r ings simply by pushing towards t side-lines where sat the watch chaperones the. more conseryat dancers, while in the center of1 floor, the "toddle" went joyously The so-called "West-Point" style dancing has been decreed in the ' versity of Oregon as a fitting zeutr izer of the influence of "jazz." "Under the new code," says the egon Daily Emerald, official publi4 tion of the university, "the ma right band should be placed ligh upon the woman's back, and the rip elbow at a position conveniently hii The man's left arm and consequen the woman's right, sho4ld not be b4 toward the body, but extended 'aw at the nearest to a straight line lowed by comfort. The proper pla for the woman's left hand is ab (Continued on Page Four) Well, first there's the comforts. Take the lecture rooms,, and jes think -where could you find a better place or a more intellectual atmosphere where a fellow could sleep? If it's an hour lecture, you only have to stay awake twice-until the roll is taken, and when the class begins shuffling their feet so the prof. can wake up and dismiss the class. If a fellow don't want to sleep in his lec- ture class, and mighty few don't, then he can enjoy the companionship and conversation of his mates. There's an- ain't been read since breakfast, and just after the next week's quiz as- signment is given out, whiz, bang! goes the notebooks !shut tight. Over in one corner two birds is cracking jokes, thus cultivating a sense of humor, which is putting an- other one over on the S. E. P. -Hu- mor is as essential to mankind and collitch students as the New York Call is to ,Debs, and that's goin' some. In the back of the room, and along the sides, the birds which were up too late last night after studying figures STEWART EDWARD WHITE Of prominent graduates of the Uni- versity of Michigan Stewart Edward White is perhaps the best known to the average American. Born in Grand Rapids in 1873 'he overcame the am- bition to be a furniture salesman and entered the University" taking his Ph.D. degree in 1895 and his M.A. de- gree eight years later. Following graduation' he rose up- ward in his chosen profession by leaps and bounds until he is now rec- ognized as one of the most popular American authors. Among his well known works are: "The Blazed Trail", "Conjuror's House", "The Gray Dawn" and "The Leopard Woman."./ White is a member of the Players club of New York City, the National Press, of Washington, D. C., and' the Bohemian club. His present address is Burlingame, California. GRAHAM For Your Convenience RAHA TWO STORES Both Ends of Diagonal Walk