THE MICHIGAN _._..t I'% ..., C . ". s as ." . " r. " A y^ . . . .'. f ". :. .., ." .;" r. a " r' n I r y . _... r "" " R , I _\ .. ... .. , '- .. '. .. ..' .. ' :' ." .. .. . ".. ., ... . . ., . , .. . . . - ;.. .. . , .. . .., -. ....- . . , ... ., ,.. ..... _. ,.. .. . . . . ,. SKOWS INCREASE Catching and Pitching Staff Will Share Burden of Michigan's Heavy - Schedule OTHER CONFERENCE NINES HOLD INDOOR PRACTICE Coach Pratt's prophesy made during the early part of the week that dia- mond candidates would be out for the squad has been fulfilled as there are at present 81 men who have signed up and more than 15 ball tossers whose names do not yet appear on the big chart. The new Michigan mentor is pleased with the turnout and expects to give each man a fair chance to make good, for this year more thn in the past few seasons, there are many positions open to players who can make good. Many Positions Open Outfie)ders and infielders are caus- ing the coach more worry than any other positions. Although there are more than 50 men out 'or these posi- tions few of them have ever had Var- sity experience. The backbone of the team running from catcher to. center field has only Captain Parks and Ed Ruzicka among the veterans although Karpus or Van Boven may be shifted to the keystone sack. ,Vick, Coates, McPike, Golinski and Robey are men who should make up a first class re- ceiving department. Langenhan's old position in center field is open to any one of some 25 aspirants. Genebach and Perrin are former "M" men while Ronan, a former M. A. C. player, may be the man to fill the position. Among the new men trying out for the infield, Hanna, Uteritz, Hicky, Carter, Hoffman and Middleditch show promise. Other infielders have been lost to Coach Pratt-because of inelig- ibility. On first base Schaklefora, Novak; Johnson and Broome are all handling themselves well. New Hurlers Out New hurlers trying out for the nine are: Liverence, Torrey, Gibson, Mudd, Schultz, Dickerson and Hubach. Of these moundsmen Gibson and Hu- bach are southpaws. Mudd and Gib- son are numeral men from the-1923 freshman team. Upon the pitching staff will fall the burden of work in one of the hardest schedules ever at- tempted by a Michigan nine. Next week Coach Pratt will begin whittling down his squad. Up to this time the squad has been of such size that it overcrowds the gymnasium and with a reduction in numbers the sur- vivor of cuts will be given more in- dividual training. Have you seen the new brogue Ox- fords and boots for $10.00 and $11.00 at Davis Toggery Shop, 119 S. Main St.-Adv. After the dance you are invited to the Chinese Gardens.-Adv. DIAMOND TALKS As we have shown in our previous ads. the actual cost of diamonds is very great. But the price does not depend entirely on the price of a commodity. Public demand has an equal influence. And public demand for good diamonds is very great for diamonds stand for many very desir- able things, the greatest of which is -SUCCESS. Not only do diamond stand for success but they help to bring success. Invest wisely n dia- monds and your dividends will come to you in many forms. Our business is to help you invest wisely. When you buy a diamond here you know you are getting full value, no matter what you pay.--Continued,, SCHLANDERER & SEYFRIED "Home of Good Diamonds" 113 East Liberty Michigan is somewhat behind sever- HANDBALL TOURNEY Anticipating a hard time in defend- al other Conference schools in its COMMENCES MONDAY ing their 1920 championship, Brucker indoor practice due to the late open-ad ncehaebnpttgin and Sanchez have been putting in ing of the spring semester. Illinois, morning practice during the week. Iowa and Wisconsin have been hold- Play in the handball tournament Such teams as Glasgow-Ogdon, Lu- ing practices for nearly a month but commences Monday. In order that the Potts, Gehring-Watson, and the Greene the Wolverines should suffer no handi- names of the Michigan entries in the brothers will bear watching. It is cap by a later start and will be in top national tournament may reach the rather -expected that Gehring will re- condition when the weather permits D. A. C. not later than March 14, all tain his singles championship although practice on Ferry field. entrants must play off their matches Clark, last year's runner up, Ogden, as soon as possible. and Sanchez are also adapt in the in-. GUENSBERG TAKES 3 CUSHION TITLE door game.I The schedule of matches is as fol- lows: J. L. Greene vs. Swartz, Geh- ring vs. Brucker, Ball vs. Glasgow, Wolcott vs. C. Greene, E. C. Bowers vs. Hauser, G. M. Bowers vs. Morse, Edmunds vs. Van Doweler, Clark vs. Sloane, Ogdon vs. Ross, Wihagrand vs. Sanchez, Buell drew a bye in the first round. The doubles draw is as follows: Lu and Potts vs. G. M. Bowers and part- ner, Greene and Greene vs. Dunr Goldman, Hanselman and Thor Watson and Gehring, Brucker Sanchez vs. Ball and Harris, gow and Ogdon vs. E. Bower Van Doweler, Edmunds and W vs. Buell and Clark, Hauser and vs. Roselman and partner. Let a classified ad find that 1c ticle.-Adv. Paronize-Daily Advertfers.- In the championship match of the class A three-cushion billiard tourna- ment, Guensbuerg playing af 25 de- feated Shephard playing at 25 for the campus championship by the score of 25 to 23. The match completed the, class A tournament as arranged by the Union billiard committee. Beginning on Monday,: a class B tournament will get under way. This also will 'be a three-cushion event. In the first match which will be played in the afternoon, Loeb will meet Byrne. For the evening Frounfelter opposes. Moeller. On Tuesday after- noon Griffith meets Karpus and. Tues- day evening Kelley will play Bumpus. Prizes are to be awarded to the win- ners in both classes. In the class A tourney, Guensberg was presented with a fine cue. Sp eeial Prices ~DIE EMBOSSED University Fraternity Sorority and Departmental T IYIPE[WII IITII E1111111I - TYPEWRITER For Rent or Sale Typewriting Done Multigraphing HAMILTON BUSINESS COLL STATE AND WILLIAM ;e 111111 I lllll I II111 H111111 t1 li1ii 1till 111111 ll lll l I1 III111 1111Irlllii v STATIONERY Papers Ready for Immediate Delivery Speeial Orders Solicited 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade You Will Need a I CAP Gym Supplies BASEBALL NOTICE Allow us to suggest AYRES & SMITH, Ltd. Famous English Caps Freshmen, who are now out for baseball, should not report until the official call for first year men is made at a later date. The practices now being con- ducted tinthe Waterman gym- nasium cage are for Varsity candidates only, Coach Derrill Pratt announced yesterday. We Have Everything You Need for -the Gym I I The Selection is Large and the Quality is Always There . and Style U I GEO. J. MOE "SPORT SHOP", We would be pleased to show you these Celebrated Caps I ' Donaldson 's 711 N. Univ. Ave. Next to Arcade Theatre 711 North University Avenue We serve dinners to parties. Teet's Dining Rooms, 805 E. Huron St.-Adv. Energine Is in a class by itself It has no competition Used Exclusively by us Our Cleaning and Pressing has no equal Special attention given to Velvet and Silk Dresses SPOE209 SOUTH PHONE 6Q e FOURTH f' 2508 CTany 258AVENUE "ie }Come of Sner ine- - CLEANING, PRESSING, REPAIRING -"""""""""'"""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""''"""""""""° 1, Phone Orders Promptly Filled Mail Orders Promptly Filled EST. 1857 New Silk Dresses, $25 TOOLS FOR Engineering Students Genuine Starrett 4 inch and 6 inch Calipers, Starrett 6 inch Steel Scale, Plumb's 1 1-2 Lb. Ball Pein Hammers, 2 ft. Brass Bound Rules. Small Vises, Pure Lead and Zinc and other suppiies for It gives us as much pleasure to tell you this good news as it gives you to hear it. It has been a long time since we have been able to announce such a decided bargain as this. Dresses, like ev erything else, have been out of reach of nearly everybody. But prices are rapidly dropping and this is only an example of the way we are help- ing reduce them. And the dresses are so pretty and dainty, plain and severe or elaborate enough for any oc- casion, as you may choose. Taffeta, crisp and flaring, probably the most popular material for frocks this spring, crepe de chine, satin, and ge orgette, made in the new styles with flaring lines and wide skirts. Waists are tighter with a basque effect that is sure to prove becoming. Bright colors appear in trimmings of eyelet em- broidery, pipings of silk and sashes. The new gray is very prominent in both dresses and trim- ming. Venetian red is also shown in eyelet em- broidery and pipings. Ruffles trim many of the skirts, while wide, flaring overskirts are very much shown. Whatever the style you choose, you can't help but be pleased with them. And the price is the best part. SECOND FLOOR-REAR . .. . A DESIRE FOR ANY TYPE OF DANCING may easily be satisfied at MLLE. JEANETTE KRUZSKA'S DANCING STUDIO AESTHETIC DANCING SOFT SHOE DANCING TOE DANCING BALL ROOM DANCING We aim to make you graceful In addition to knowing steps Instructors MLLE. KRUZSKA PHILIP MILLER, '23 Studio-N4 E. Huron St. Phone 2808-R I Dental Students Brass Electric Study Lamps Electric Cord and Fixtures, Ingersoll Watches. several kinds, Alarm Clocks, I PRICES RIGHT SERVICE PROMPT i M. D. LARNED THE UP-TO-DATE HARDWARE I 310 S. State Street Phone 1610 ,I I 1 _ - ..'U