kN DAILY in Woman Sails for Singapore Fillingham, '16, sailed Thurs- 'eb. 24, for England, on her Singapore where she has ac- a position as associate Y. W. ecretary. Miss Fillingham wl ith Miss Mary Rutherford who nt a number of years in India .o recently took graduate work University of Michigan. Miss ham expects to be in Singapore Immel to Address Lansing Audience Prof. Ray K. Immel, of the public speaking department, will address a, father and son meeting this afternoon at Lansing on the "Force of Habit." The lecture is given under the direc- tion of the University Extension serv- ice. SPECIAL 90c Chicken Dinner, Sun- day, 12 to 2 p. i., Chinese Gardens.- Adv. eil i iltllitlT h entlllDlllcill lilli ltlidlleli1IIIIII HIIU =' C r We Will Lend You A Valet AuteStrop Razor for a full thirty day trial. If you then decide to keep it, pay us $5.00 for it-if not, return it without further obligation.' Wlomen R. B. Schoeman, '21D, will give an illustrated lecture on South Africa, before the Michigan Dames organiza- tion in their meeting at 8 o'clock, Tuesday evening, in Lane hall. Women's dancing classes will hold ai important meeting at 5 o'clock Monday in Barbour gymnasium. Dean Myra B.4 Jordan will resume her afternoons at home for the new semester, beginning with Tuesday, March . All entering students should make arrangements at Barbour gymnasium for medical examinations. Dancing classes will be discontinued until further notice. A sophomore song parody is neet r for the cotillion. Songs should be glv- eht to Elsa Oiesen, 1414 Washtenaw avenue, before Monday.. All Presbyterian\ girls are requestett to return their election cards to New- berry hall at once From 2 to 5 o'clock every afternoon, the social service office at Newberry hall will be open in order that all girls who desire to do social service work in the hospitals may sign up. Basketball practices will be held at the -regular hours nex~ week. Class basketball teams will be an- nounced by Tuesday of next week if possible. f Y BRACELET WATCHES SPECIALS 15-J. Gold Filled...$15 7-J. Gold Filled ... 1 15-J. Sterling ..... 16 15-J. Octagon ..... 20 f , 15-J. White Gold... 30 15-J. Green Gold.. 30 I15-J. Square Gold.. 0 !15-J. Nurse Watch Sterling .... 19 We invite your inspec- tion H A L L E R __-AND -_ FULLER STATE STREET JEWELERS CA3 L V~el- - -1 :''S t4iIIiY For go to WASHTENAW ELECTRIC SHOP PHONE 273 200 WASHINGTON ST. STUDY CLAMPS and all kinds of let Auto trop Razor Is Complete in Itself is more than a razor-more i a safety device. is stropped, it shaves and is ned without taking apart; zout even removing the blade." nd like a perfectly stropped nary razor, the blade im- ves with use. end it doesn't cost you a cent prove all this to your own Afaction. ELECTRIC SUPPLIES You Pay Nothing to Try This Razpr Any responsible party can ar- range at our Cutlery counter for this Free Trial. If you have a charge account, write to us and )we will mailbthe razor to you. You are given the opportunity of trying this wonderful Razor, without any kind of risk. For a month your shaving will cost you nothing-then you may return the razor if you can get along without it. Irr111n InrI1H 11I rnuH11nI HH11H111111n111tn11il IlMlil IHlllllulllullll , % Good Board at -ANoble's Boarding Ho me' 1212 South University Avenue One block East of Eng. Bldg. - - 7H11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111 11111111111 1111HIlliliF At UKI III , A G CO ... s h 1 1 YY 1Yt r i ! w w_ r _ r f _ r a s s r r r w s r Important7 at 4 o'clock gymnasium. meeting of senior girls Wednesday in Barbour I I fTHIS COLUMN CLOSES ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. P.M. WANTEDX NTED-Agents everywhere to sell hoc-Lo. A new and delightful food roduct from house to house also to etail trade. We have special con- iiners for hotels, restaurants and' arding houses. Write for our lib- ral agency proposition and free full .ze package. Address dChoc-Lo ood Company, 316 Eason St., High- nd Park, Mich. 96-4 NTED - Advanced Engineering nd Commercial Art students, good ttracing and making sketches, to ach a process to local and out-of- wn business men. Call Monday nd Wednesday evenings only. Maj- Carson, 1200Packard St. 98-3 NTED-Regular boarders at 1106i 7ashtenaw Ave. Across from Gym1 nd Dental College. Good home >oking. Inquire at 407 E. Univer- ty Ave. for Pates. Chicken dinner, unday 12:30 to 1:30. Lunch, 5:30 7:00. 99-1 NTED - Summer salesman for plendid selling propostion. You re guaranteed $525.00 salary, and an make three times that much. or particulars call, Martin Larson, 9. 99-3 NTED - A stenographer, student referred, part time at convenience. pply in person. C. P. Wagner, 205 Wing. 99-1 NTED - Roommate in suite or ngle rooms for rent $3.50. Phone 48-J. 99-1 NTED - Two tickets for Soph rom. Call 357. 98-3 MISCELLANEOUS J CAN earn two thousand dollars ext summer. Mr. Cobb at Bay City rned $220.50 last week. Good pos- :ns for next summer may still be >tained by calling on H. L. Bald- in. Income. does not stop when immer vacation is over, but con-' nues the year around. 310 State :., 3rd floor. 98-7 KE A NOTE OF THIS. ypewriting of all kinds. First: ass work guaranteed. Double ; >ace, 10c per page; single space, c per page; carbon copies, ic ex- a, each. 0. N. Graves, 517 S. Di- sion; H. A. Hart, 953 Greenwood. hones 1512-J., 2726-W. . 97-6 jKSMITH - All kinds, door and unk keys. Repairing locks a spec- ,lty. Phone 2498. Dell Keeler. 92-12' FOR RENT FOR RENT-Large front room for single student. Well lighted and well I-eated. Very congenial people. Three other fine roomers. Very reasonable Well located. Call 2'-38-J- FOR RENT-For one or two ftudents, large corner room. One bloc'T north of campus. South and west expos- ure. Light housekeeping if desired. Phone 1317-R. 13 FOR RENT- Very desirable suite for girls or mother and daughter. Price $8.00 per week. 922 S. State. Phone 1850-F2. FOR RENT - Very desirable single room. South of campus. Reason- able. Only roomer. Phone 1585-W. 99-1 FOR RENT - Part of large steam heated room. Phone 1194-M. 422 E. Washington. 97-3 LOST AND FOUND LOST-On State St., the Campus lead- ing to S. Thayer, or, Oakland Ave., a fountain pen (without cap)--al- most entirely covered with gold fili- gree and bearing initials H. L. S. Finder please return to 928 Oakland Ave. Reward. 99-1 LOST- Black leather pocket loose- leaf note-book. Notes very import- ant to owner. Finder please write or leave at Box X. H. B. Daily of- fice or call 1739-R. 99-2 LOST-Gold fountain pen, initials W.. H. M., Jr., engraved. Please notify W. H. M., 913 E. Huron St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 99-1 LOST-Silver Eversharp pencil en- graved D. W. C. Finder please call N34-W after 6 P. M. 99-2 MISCELLANEOUS I WILL PAY $1.00 or exchange best Detroit Concert ticket for May Fes- tival coupon. Will sell Detroit con- cert ticket for $1.00. Call Lee, 976-J. 99-1 SERVICES of a high-grade cook avail- able for catering in your own home. Dinner parties a specialty. Phone 2705-J. 95-6 FRENCH AND SPANISH tutor. Un- iversity graduate and three years study abroad. Inquire 203 S. Thay- er St. 13 All senior girls should be measured for caps and gowns this week at Mack's department store, in order that they may be ordered in time for Jun- ior Girls' play. The board of directors of the Wom- en's league will meet at 1 o'clock Wed- nesday to discuss a change in life membership fees. League To Give Another Cabaret Once more is the atmosphere of Broadway and the white lights to be transported to Michigan. Because the cabaret, presented by the Women's league several months ago, was such a complete success, a similar shoe on a larger scale is being prepared for the next league party, at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon, March 4, in Barbour gymnasium. Tables will be arranged around the sides of the gymnasium, and refresh- ments served all afternoon. Between the regular dances, singing and dan& ing skits will be presented for the benefit of the guests who sit about at the tables. Zeta Tau Alpha, Pi Beta Phi, and Gamma Phi Beta are to give the stunts, while Alpha Phi will supply the brigade of neat~ white capped waitresses who serve. PROF. RANKIN 'ADDRESSES WISCQNSIN WOMEN'S CLUB Prof. T. E. Rankin, of the rhetoric department, addressed the Wisconsin Women's club of Milwaukee, Thursday afternoon on the topic: "The Effect of the War on Literature." Professor Rankin is the first mem- ber of the University faculty to ad- dress this organization, which calls men from Chicago, Wisconsin and oth- er universities, as well as other speakers of note in this country and Europe. Korean Educator to Talk at Vespers Vesper services will be held at 4:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon in New- berry hall. The speaker for the meet- ing will be Mrs. F. S. Curtis, whose topic is "The Ci'sis in Japan." Mrs. Curtis and her husband have had charge of the religious work in Korea for 30 years. Mrs. Curtis, who is enjoying a year's furlough from her work, is matron of ,a large girls' school in Korea and is president of the board of directors. Have you tried those wonderful Sun- day Chicken Dinners at Teet's Din- ing Rooms.-Adv. English Tweeds and Herrinbones Caps. Just arrived at Davis Toggery Shop, 119 So. Main St.-Adv. Sunday night specials. Both Amer- ican and Chinese, for your entertain- ment. Chinese Gardens.-Adv. M Latest in Gage Hats _. w - r IO - \ 1 n- T o w 4 -" , . .- * Spring Milliinery (L Irresistibly smart are these newest millinery developments. Individuality is in every detail of crown, trimming, tilt and shape. Every model is ex- clusive. Fisk and Gage designed these new hats. They're tailored, semi-tailored, and trimmed shapes-some strikingly daring, others modishly conservative. And with all their pleasing virtues, low prices prevail. (Second Floor) I, ,-""own :i. 124 South Mai x " r