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VOL. XXXI. No. 10.
DS RIll T or MITnOniFl llri
Many Noted Educ
Visitors On
nU ILU ULIU 1n U I U 1UII LL n 1 U 1I Seldom if ever has it been the pri-'
vilege of Michigan to entertain upon
Slher campus so many noted visitors
as those who are attending the edu-
cational conference being held here on
ELIZABETH CARTER,'2 , SUSTAINS the occasion of the inauguration of
SLIGHTLY HURT Representing as these men and wo-
In declaring Dr. Marion Le - men do, the collegiate spirit and sent-
BACK WHEEL COLLAPSES Roy Burton President of the Un-. iment of pratcicaly all important Am-
ACKty of Michigan, Regent erican universities, their viewpoints
WHEN CAR HITS SAND Vict'or M. Gore said: and attitudes toward the more press
"Marion LeRoy Burton: By ing of university problems is of de-
Occupants Thrown Clear of Wreckage; reason of your distingushed cided interest.
Victims Rushed to Hos. successes and eminence as an When questioned upon his views on
pital administrator, you have been the gathering yesterday, the presi-
called to the leadership of this dent of the University of Illinois, Dr.
George A. Cadwell, '21L, of New great University by the unan- David Kinley, said: "This idea of an
Britain, Conn., suffered injuries when imous action of its Board of Re-
his automobile overturned at 2 o'clock gents. The trust imposed is pre-
yesterday afternoon near the County eminently a sacred one. This
Infirmary, which resulted in his death old institution has a deep and D ES T EU
45 minutes later. His companions, firm hold upon the affections, as
Anderson Meadows, special law stu- well as upon the pride of the
dent, and Elizabeth Carter, '23, were people of the state of Michigan.Of W [ U
also injured. Miss Carter's back was Into your hands we cheerfully
severely wrenched and she was con- confide its traditions, laden with Dr. Wliston Walker, Robert Vin-
siderably shaken up. Meadows was the worth and work of her sons cent, Roscoe Pound, Robert Fal-
braised and scratched but suffered no and daughters." coner Speak at Second Session
more serious injuries.
The party left Ann Arbor early yes- DEAN OF HARVARD LAW SCHOOL
terday afternoon, according to Mead- ASKS FOR HIGHER CITIZENSHIP
ows, and started toward Ypsilnti onn
the Wastenaw road, in a Cleveland
roadster. A short distance this side (3Y *.P. Oveton)
of the county poor house, Meadows, The capital of the intellectual world
who was driving at a rate varying be- yesterday was admittedly Ann Arbor.
tween 20 and 25 miles an hour, at- After taking part in and adding to the
tempted to turn out around a,_Fordsplendor of the academic procession,
car which was traveling in the same Thirty Prominent Advocates of and witnessing the solemn services in
direction, to pass It.International Agreement State
Rear Wheel Breaks ntn i reemnt the responsibilities of the presidency
The road at this point had been Their Position of the University of Michigan, the
heavily gravelled, and the roadster, delegates settled down to a consider-
striking the loose gravel, skidded ARTICLE X CONDEMNED AS tion of present day educational prob-
slightly, breaking the left rear wheel UNNECESSARY FOR PEACE lems at the conference in Hill audi-
and overturning. The occupants of torium at 3 o'clock ,yesterday after-
the car were all thrown clear of the (By Associated Press) noon.
wreckage, lighting on the road where New York, Oct. 14.-A statement ex- . Preceding the session, Prof. Earl
Cadwell struck his head. plaining the position in the presiden- V. Moore, of the University School of
Automobiles approaching from the tial campaign of thirty prominent men Music, gave a recital on the Frieze
other direction rushed Cadwell to the who have advocated some form of in- Memorial organ.
Homoeopathic hospital where he died ternational agreement was issued Burton Presides
from a fractured skull 45 minutes aft- over their signatures tonight and an- In a short speech introductory to
erward without regaining conscious- nounced they would support Senator the symposium on educational read-
ness. Meadows and Miss Carter were Harding, the Republican nominee. justments, President Burton, who pre-
hurried to St. Joseph's sanitarium Elihu Root, Herbert Hoover, Geo. sided at the session, stated that there
from where Meadows was later taken W. Wickersham, Henry L. Stimson, A. are four great problems confronting
to the Phi Alpha Delta house. Miss Lawerence Lowell, Henry W. Taft and the universities today, and that the
Carter was reported as resting as Charles E. Hughes were among the four men best fitted from personal ex-
ocmfortably as could be expected at a signers of the statement. "The ques- perience to discuss these problems
late hour last night. Meadows and tion between the candidates for pres- "had been selected for the program of
Miss Carter are severely broken up ident is not whether our country shall the afternoon.
by the shock of Cadwell's death. join in an association of nations," the university, discussing the first prob-
Cadwell Was Delta Tau statement said, "but whether we shall lem, the integration of the university,
Cadwell was a member of the Delt join under an agreement containing made a plea for the revision of the
Tau Delta fraternity, Phi Alpha Delta the exact provisions negotiated by Dr. Williston Walker, provost of Yale
legal fraternity, Griffins, and Pi Delta President Wilson at Paris or under plan and interrelation of studies. Dr.
Epsilon. He was business manager an agreement which omits or modi- Walker expressed his personal pleas-
of the Chimes axd manager of the fles some of those provisions. ure at being present for the inaugu-
Varsity Glee and Mandolin club. Two Types of Treaty ration of President Burton, his for-
The story of the aceident as told by "There are distinctly two types of mer pupil at Yale.
Meadows has been corroborated by the International relationship, one is an Attitude More Favorable
driver of the Ford car which the other offensive and defensive alliance of "The question of academic freedom
machine attempted to pass. The nam great powers. The other is a society has been agitated for more than a
of the Ford driver could not be ascer- of free nations animated by consid- generation in America," said Presi-
tained erations of right and justice instead dent Robert E. Vinson, of the Univer-
Funeral arrangements are bein of might and self-interest. sity of Texas, in his address on "Acad-
taken care of by the Phi Alpha Delta "We cannot regard such a provision emic Freedom and Social Responsi-
fraternity and the body will remain as Article X of the present covenant bility." "The supreme test," he con-
in the undertaking rooms of R. A. as necessary or useful for the league tinued, "is whether the people o the
Dolph until word is received from to preserve peace. state will tax themselves to support
Cadwell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Say Give Up Article I a state university, and then bind
George A. Cadwell, of New Britain, "We have reached the conclusion themselves to leave it free to develop
Conn.' that the true course to bring America and maintain its own intellectual
Into an effective league to preserve standards.'
STATES GOVERNING peace is not by insisting with Gov- He declared that there is an in-
B ARD FUNCTIONS ernor Cox upon the acceptance of creasingly favorable attitude by peo-
such a provision as Article X, thus ple toward the universities, and that
prolonging the unfortunate situation this indicates a trend toward greater
Complete success of any educational created by President Wilson's insist- academic freedom. With the modern
institution depends on the members (Gontinued on Page Six) university standing in relations of a
of the governing body of the institu- most Intimate nature to life, there Is
tion having Its interests really at PROSPECTIVE CHEER LEADERS need for application of the principles
heart. Such was the substance of the ASKED TO REPORT SATURDAY of sound pedagogy in the transmis-
address of William L. Abbott, trustee sion of ideals and discoveries to the
of the University of Illinois, on 'Irhe With the view of appointing an of- general public, he continued. Presi-
Function of the Governing Board in 4 ficial cheer leader and assistants for dent Vinson stressed the need of clos-
the Administration of a University," at the Illinois game, the following men ing the widening gap between profes-
the inaugural session yesterday have been named to try out next Sat- sors and executives and regents, by
morning. urday: R. Cuthbert, '21E, R. E. Hunt, recognition that all are bound to-
Trustees should not be responsible '23, R. J. Wall, '21, M. N. Conklin, gether in a common task.
for the formulation of educational '21L, J. A. Bacon, '23, J. Ross, '23, B. Citizenship that embraces some-
programs, which, he said, must be del- M. Shaw, '21, J. Vandevisse, '23, W. F. thing more than scrupulously observ-
egated to the trained expert at the Frannhauser, '22, O. B. Kelley, '21, ing the laws, paying taxes and vot-
head of the university. According to and G. F. Stone, '22. ing, was demanded by Dr. Roscoe
the speaker, the governing board will Fred Petty, '21, chairman of the Pound, dean of the Harvard Law
have fulfilled its duty by providing committee on yell leaders, requests school, speaking on "The Place of the
suflcient funds, leaving the president that all of these men report by 3 University in Training for Citizen-
free to pursue his policies unhamper- o'clock Saturday afternoon at the ship." He said that the function of
ed by financial problems and .difficul- clubhouse in the usual white uni- the university is to bring out of men
ties. form. (Continued on Page Six)
ational Heads
Michigan Campus
educational conference at the same
time as the inauguration of a univer-
sity president is very unique and fine.
Also I wish to congratulate the Uni-
versity of Michigan upon the selection
of President Burton. Thirdly, In be-
half of the University of Illinois and
the state of Illinois, I wish for you a
long period of success, such as you
had under the regime of President-
emeritus Hutchins."
Favors League
It is the belief of Dr. Harry A. Gar-
field, president of Williams college,
that all universities should advocate
a League of Nations which will es-
tablish a world order and do its ut-
(Continued on Page Six)
9:30 a. m.-Organ Recital, Prof.
Earl V. Moore, Hill auditor-
10:00 a. m.-Symposium on Ad-
ministrative Problems'. Hill
2:30 p. m.-Organ Recital, Prof.
Earl V. Moore, Hill auditor-
3:00 p. m.-Symposium on Con-
structive Measures.
7:30 p. m.-Banquet at the Mich-
igan Union. President Marion
L. Burton, toastmaster. Speak-
ers: Pres. A. Lawrence Low-
ell, Harvard university; Pres.
E. A. irge, University of Wis-
consin; Jose Eladio Benedic-
to, University of Porto Rico;
Hon. Thomas E. Johnson, Sup-
erintendent of Public Instruc-
tion for the State of Michigan._f
Urging increased participation by
university faculties in the determina-
tion of educational policies, Prof.
Joseph A. Leighton, of Ohio State uni-
versity, in his address on "The Func-
tion of the Faculty in the Adminis-
tration of a University," before the in-
augural session yesterday morning,
found ultimate justification for facul-
ty self-government in that it consists
of a body of competent experts "whose
will are dedicated to social service."
"At present, in most cases, the legal
administrative powers of faculties are
confined to the governing of curricula
and student activities," he said. "In
practice, faculties exercise much larg-
er administrative functions. They par-
ticipate to a considerable exten.. i.. th
determination of educational policiez,
in the choice of their own membership,
in the choice of Deans, Presidents, and
even in the determination of salary
scales. The practices which prevail in
these regards in the better institutions
should be regularized by definite pro-
visions in the constitution and by-laws
of Universities.
"Specifically, the faculty should have
an Increased participation in the de-
termination of educational policies, in
the selection of new members of its
own body, in the nomination of Deans
and President, and indirectly, through
Deans and President, in the determina-
tion of the budget. Provision should
be made for the exchange of views be-
tween the governing board and the
faculty on matters of educational
policy. The right of the faculty to
have a voice in the nomination of its
administrative officers should be rec-
ognized. The faculty should partici-
pate in the making of the budget. But
the governing board should continue
to have final voice in the election-and
(Continued on Page Six)