tHE MICHIGAN DAILY "Jolly Jester" Preaches Health Through the personification of the spinach, carrot, beet, and turnip by - "The Jolly Jester" yesterday after- - noon in Hil auditorium, more than 5,000 Ann Arbor school children were told how to grow healthy. The en- tertainment was given for the child- ren, and methods particularly appeal- ing to them were used throughout. Making his first appearance on the platform on a prancing hobby horse, he received the close attention of the children during the entire entertain- ment. Though his actions were en- tertaining, health principles were in- directly given to his hearers. 1 Two members constituted the com- plete company, the other actor being Harry," the doll. As the last act on the program, the doll summarized the health points of the entertain-. ment. "The Jolly Jester" is the same char- acter who entertained soldiers at the front, his real name being Mackay. He was sent out by the Child Health Organization of America as a part of the national campaign fcr healthy children. LEAGUE SUPPERS START TOMORROW Sunday evening suppers in the par- lors of Barbour gymnasium, to make for acquaintance and friendship be- tween the University women living in the different sections of the city, is a new plan having the backing of the Women's league, the house presidents' organization, and the various women's honor societies on the campus. Tomorrow evening Senor society will have charge of the affair, which will start at 5:30 o'clock. Supper will be served around the fire, and songs and other informal entertainment are being arranged. Women from houses in one part of town have been invit- ed for this evening, and later sup- pers are planned to entertain all wom- en students. CAST CHOSEN FOR PLAY BY MASQUESf "The Florist," one of the Harvard workshop plays, will be produced by Masques at the Women's league party on March 11. Contrary to the usual custom the play is entirely under the direction of the student members. The different committees will each have complete charge of the work coming under its head. The coaching committee has been working with the following cast for the past two weeks: Miss Wells, Gladys Burch, '21; Made, Adele Zim- merman, '22; Slovsky, Leslie Gaylord '22; Henry, Frances Oberholtzer, '21; and Mr. Jackson, Constance Smith, '23. WAFFLE SUPPER GIVEN FOR LEADERS OF GIRL RESERVES Leaders of the Girl Reserve clubs were entertained with a waffJe sup- per Thursday night at the city Y. W. C. A. Mrs. J. M. Wells gave a short talk on "How the Clubs Can Help the Mothers." Miss Carry Dicken, prin- cipal of the Perry school, talked about the ideals toward which clubs should strive. Mrs. Thomas Rankin, a member of the membership commission of the national Y. W. C. A., explained the work of that commission, which is to present at the next national Y. W. C. A. convention plans for individual membership whereby women in towns where there is no organized group may become members nationally and receive the benefit of the association. Girl Reserve Clubs Present Play Members of the city Y. W. C. A. held their annual supper and meeting at the Y. W. C. A. building last night: After the supper a play, "Daughters of Uncle Sam," was presented by one of the Girl Reserve clubs, under the direction of Josephine Shaffer, '21. The Y. W. C. A. Girls' Glee club sang several selections. This program was followed by reports of committees and the reading of the new constitution. Methodist Church Offers Courses Six new student classes in religious education are being offered this se- mester by the First Methodist church. Enrollment began Thursday night and classes will begin Sunday. Ellen Moore, student director; is in charge of enrollment. Senior and Junior Eng. Corduroy Trousers. Especially priced at $6.00. N. F. Allen & Co.-Adv. English Tweds and Herringbone Caps. Just arrived at Davis Toggery Shop, 119 So. Main St.-Adv.! PROPOSED AMENDED CHARTER OF THE S. C. A. CONSTITUTION ARTICLE I.-The name by which this corporation is to be known in law as The Student Christian Asso- ciation of the University of Michigan. ARTICLE I.-The purposes for which this Association is formed are as follows: To unify the organ- ized denominational work for students of the University of Michigan and the University School of Music, car- ried on in connection with the churches of Ann Arbor together with those activities of the Student Young Men's Christian Association and the Student Young Women's Christian Associaion which are suitable to local conditions and to promote the all-inclusive program of Christianity throughout the world. ARTICLE III.-The principal office or place of business shall be at Ann Arbor city in the County of Washtenaw. Michigan. ARTICLE IV.-The term of existence of this proposed organization is fixed at thirty years from the date of these articles. ARTICLE V.-The affairs of the Association shall be managed and controlled by a Board of Trustees, consisting of twenty-three members chosen by the Association. The Student Presidents of the Men's and Women's Departments of the Association shall be members of this Board, ex-officio. ARTICLE VI.-The names of the trustees selected for the first year of its existence are as follows:-- Term expires Term expires Baptist I. W. Bunting ............................... 1923 Leroy Waterman. ......... ............. 1922 Congregational - H. B. Earhart. ................... 1923 Mrs. E. H. Kraus ............................ 1922 T. E. Leland ............. ................ 1922 Presbyterian I Miss Helen C. Bishop....................... C. T. Johnston .......................... Frank E. Royce .... ................. i}isciples 1923 1921 1922 W. C. Htoad ................................. G. C. Huber ................................. V. H. Lane . ... ........................... Mrs. . MacB. Stewart ...................... rS itarian 1923 1921 1921 1923 L. A. flookins ............................... 1921 A . T ,k) in ................. . . . ... ..1921 .n..a-ra. Episcopalian Mrs. E. R. Sunderland....................1923 Mrs. A. H. Lloyd......................... 1921 J. F. Shepard........................... 1923 A. G. Hall ....................................1923 C. Stewart Baxter-President for Men. M. P. Tilley ................................ .1922 Miss Lois DeVries-President for Women. Lutheran Ex-officio, without Vote Albert Fiegel ............ ...........1922 Miss Eva Lemert-Executive Secretary for Women Methodist Students. H. J. Abbott ................................. 1921 T. S. Evans-General Executive Secretary and See- J. L. R. Brumm..........................1923 retary of the Board. The term of office for the trustees shall be three years-one-third of the Board being elected annually as pre scribed in the By-Laws. ARTICLE VII.-The qualifications required of officers and members are as follows: The members of the Board of Trustees and the elected student officers together with all of the employed officers shall be members of ,Christian churches, so chosen as'prescribed in the By-Laws. BY-LAWS ARTICLE 1. CONSTITUENT ORGANIZATIONS OR UNITS.-Participation in this united student organ- ization on the part of the several communions shall express itself in any one or all of the following items:- (1) Each denominational organization or religious group, consisting of. men and women students, shall be considered a unit of the central Association upon their taking official action. (2) A proportionate representa- tion on the Board of Trustees as specified in the Charter and Article III -of the By-Laws. (3) Acceptance of a place on the Student Christian Association Staff by the official denominational Directors of Student Work. (4) Use of the Association Treasury as a Clearing House for funds. (5) Acceptance of the position of "Hon- orary Adviser" by the local minister. ARTICLE 2. MEMBERSHIP.-Membership in this Association shall be of four classes as follows:- (a) Student-men and women. (b) Faculty and Officers of the University and School of Music and other citi- zens. (c) Honorary Advisory members-Ann Arborministers. (d) Life members. The student members shall be those students of the University of Michigan and the School of Music be- yond High School age who are members of or associated with some Christian organization. The members of the student Y. W. C. A. shall be those members of the S. C. A. who qualify for membership in this organiza- tion by signing their full membership statement. (attached.) Membership under group (b) includes those who express their interest in the Association by sharing in its support or in some form of religious activity related to the Association. The Honorary Advisors shall be ministers of Ann Arbor churches who accept .membership and are willing to advise with the Staff of the Association from time to time as occasion may arise. Life members are those friends of the Association who contributed the sum of five hundred dollars or more towards Lane Hall Building Fund. Members shall be invited to contri 'te financially towards the current Budget of the Association. Memberships, except in the case of life members, shall be renewed annually and cards of membership containing a receipt for the annual contribution shall be available for each member. ARTICLE 3. TRUSTEES.-The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Board of twenty-three Trustees, as provided in the Charter. The Trustees shall serve for a term of three years, one-third being elected annually. Trustees shall be ineligible for re-election for more than two successive terms. The Trus- tees shall consist of laymen and women chosen proportionately as near as may be to the number of men and women students in the University, the women members representing as many different denominations as pos- sible. The co-operating religious denominations shall be represented in the Board in proportion, substan- tially, to the number of their student members and adherents, in the University. The men members of the Board shall constitute the Advisory Committee on men students and the women members of the BBoard shall constitute the Advisory Committee on women students. The Executive Committee of the Board shall consist of the Chairman and the Treasurer t'ogether with the Chairmen of the men's and women's Committees and the Chairmen of the Standing Committees. The Gen- eral Executive Secretary shall act as Secretary for the Board, Cabinets, and all of its Committees except the womens Committees and Cabinet of which the Executive Secretary for women students shall act as Se-retary. The Board shall elect its own Chairman and the Treasurer, of the Association from among its own number. There shall be standing Committees of the Board appointed annually by the Chairman as follows:-Finance Committee, a Committee on Buildings and Grounds and such other committees as may from time to time be ordered by the Board. The Board of Trustees shall have charge of all properties and financial interests of the Association, employing or approving all officers and determining the general policies of the organization. ARTICLE 4. OFFICERS.-The Association shall function in two parallel departments, one for men and one for women students. The officers of the departments shall be:-(1) An undergraduate President of the Men's Department who shall be a member of the Board of Trustees, ex-officio. (2) An undergraduate Presi- dent of the Women's Department, including the Y. W. C. A., who shall be a member of the Board of Trustees, ex-officio. (3) A Vice-President for men and a representative for women from each of the communions which desire such representation. There shall be standing Committees in both the men's and women's. departments including at least the following:-University Services, Religious Education, Extension Service, Church Mem- bership, Finance, World Service, and Publicity. The above officers, together with the Chairman of the Stu- dent Standing Committees shall constitute the Cabinet in each department. The Student Volunteers shall be represented in the Cabinets of the Men's and Women's Departments. (4) A Treasurer, chosen from the Board of Trustees. (5) A General Executive Secretary who shall be ex-officio secretary for the men's De- partment, and an Executive Secretary for the Women's Department and Church representatives in charge of the student work of their respective denominations in Ann Arbor. These officers shall constitute the Staff which may also have a women's section. ARTICLE 5. DUTIES OF OFFICERS.-Sec. 1. The presidents shall be the representative officers of the undergraduates, performing the usual functions pertaining to those offices. They shall appoint the chairmen of all standing committees and special committees and shall preside over their respective cabinets. Sec. 2. Tle Church Vice-Presidents of the Men's Department and the church representatives of the Women's Depart- ment shall represent their particular denominations in the Association and shall unify the student work within their own communions. So far as possible these representatives should be identified with the leader- ship of the student denominational organization. Sec. 3. The Treasurer of the Association shall be responsi- ble for. the care of all the funds of the Association and for the keeping of the accounts in the several offices. He shall care for all the funds of the Association'and for the special trust funds of the denominations and churches and shall see to it that these funds are kept intact for their particular uses. The Treasurer shall be required to furnish Bond in amount fixed by the Board from time to time. Sec. 4. The General Executive Secretary shall be the employed executive officer of the corporation and ex-officio shall be responsible to the Board of Trustees and the denominations for the general interests of the work among the men of the Univer- sity and shall co-operate with the Board of Trustees in securing the financial support of the entire work of the Association on behalf of both the men and wom en students. The Executive Secretary for women stu- dents shall be similarly responsible to the Board of T rustees for all the work on behalf of the women stu- dents. Sec. 5. The Employed Staff of the Association shall consist of the General Executive Secretary as Chairman, the Executive Secretary for women students, and those official denominational and church student workers in Ann Arbor, who, having acquiesced in Art. I, Sec. 3 of the By-Laws, may desire from time to time to avail themselves of the facilities offered by th e Association for united religious work in the Univer- sity. The women members of the Staff may form a subsection under the Chairmanship of the Executive Sec- retary for women students. Members of the Staff may have charge of subdivisions of the work as may be arranged with the Executive Secretaries, acting as secretaries of the various Standing Committees of the Cabinets. ARTICLE 4. ELECTIONS.-The members of the Board of Trustees and the officers of the Association shall be elected by plurality ballot of the student members during the spring of each year, on a date or dates approved by the Board of Trustees and the Cabinets. The details of election shall be arranged by the Cabinets. The Presidents shall appoint nominating committees with power to present nominees for all of. the student offices-such committees to represent the co-.operating religious denominations. Nominations for Trustees shall arise with the Cabinets in consultation with the Board of Trustees and shall be made in con- formity to the wishes of the denominations expressed through their proper officials, each co-operating com- munion having representation on the Board of Trustees in number substantially proportionate to the num- ber of its student church members and adherents in the University. Vacancies in the Board of Trustees which occur between the annual elections, may be filled by action of the Board itself. The Executive Secre- t ries, church representatives and other employed officers shall be selected or approved by the -Board of Trustees in consultation with the proper denominational officers. ARTICLE 7. MEETINGS.-Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees shall b held monthly during the academic year at the call of the Chairman-due notice having been given. Special meetings shall be held at the call of the Chairman. A majority shall constitute a quorum. Undergraduate meetings shall be held at the call of the Presidents and one-tenth of the membership shall constitute a quorum. The Faculty and Cit- izen membership shall meet upon the call of their ow n Chairman. The Cabinets shall meet at the call of the Presidents and a majority shall constitute a quorum.The Honorary Advisory members shall meet upon invi tation of the Staff. ARTICLE 8. EQUIP .U T. -It is understood that Lane Hall shall be the headquarters of the Men's De- partment, and Newberry Hall the headquarters of the Women's Department, both buildings' being freely open to the religious and allied organizations of the University, subject in all cases to the consent and regu- lations of the Board of Trustees. Church student offices with facilities and ;enominational student buildings of constitueent communions may be accepted as additional headquarters of the Student Christian Association by mutual agreement. ARTICLE 9. AMENDMENTS.-Amendments to these By-Laws must be passed by a two-thirds vote of each of the Cabinets and of the Board of Trustees when a quorum is present at least ten days notice of proposed amendments having been given. THE STJDENT MEMBERSHIP BASIS OF THE Y. W. C. A. The Young Women's Christian Association of........................affirming the Christian faith in God, the Father, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord and Saviour; and in the Holy Spirit, the Revealer of Truth and Source of power for life and service, according to the teaching of the Holy Scrip- ture and the witness of the Church, declares its purpose to be: I. PURPOSE.-(1) To lead students to faith in God through Jesus Christ; (2) To lead them into mem- bership and service in the Christian Church; (3) To promote their growth in Christian faith and character especially through the study of the Bible; (4) To influence them to devote themselves in united efforts with all Christians, to making the will of Christ effective in human society, and to extending the Kingdom of God throughout the world. II. MEMBERSHIP.-Any woman of the institution may be a member of the Association provided: (1) That she is in sympathy with the purpose of the Association; (2) That she makes the following declaration: "It is my purpose to live as a true follower of the Lord Jesus Christ." III. QUALIFICATIONS FOR LEADERSHIP.-(1) All members of the cabinet (officers and chairmen of standing committees) shall commit themselves to furthering the purpose of the Association. (2) Two-thirds of the cabinet members shall be members of churches which are entitled to representation in the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, and only those delegates who are members of such churches shall be entitled to vote in conventions. (3) Members of the Advisory Board shall meet the qualifications' of cabinet members. .49 I.