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February 25, 1921 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-02-25

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VOL. XXXI. No. 97.



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'Fashion Number'
Of Gargoyle Out
Heralded as "The Fashion Num-
ber," the Febraury Gargoyle makes its
appearrance on the campus today with
cartoons and stories of styles and
modes of dress of the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries at Michigan.
Several drawings are devoted to a
review of the styles which predomin-
ated at the J-Hop since the event be-
came an established function in the
University's social program. In addi-
tion, the Gargoyle will contain a va-
riety of the usual spicy humorous
stories and jokes.

Calls on 1Iarding for Real Spokesiman
of People as Seeietary
of Labor
(By Associated Press)
Washington, Feb. 24. -- Organized
labor called upon President-elect
Harding today to appoint to his cab-
inet as secretary of labor "a recog-
nized representative of organized la-
bor," and "a real spokesman of the
working people of all the country, who
understands the toilers."

All the 215 tickets for the Soph
Prom to be given March 11 at the'
Union were disposed of at yesterday
afternoon's sale, and it is estimated
that 250 were unable to secure tick-
ets. The first comer in the waiting
line is -aid to have arrived at 8
o'clock, and by 10 o'clock there were1
about 10 men waiting for the sale,I
which was not scheduled to begin un-
til 4:30 o'clock.
Shortly after noon the numbers
were rapidly augmented until at 2:301
o'clock there were 230 sophomores in1
line, 15 more than there were tickets.
Upperclassmen and freshmen dis-
covered trying to purchase tickets
were taken out of line, and their
places turned over to sophomorestwho
arrived too late to receive slips. D.
C. Turnr. '23E. who is in charge of

Armed Forces Sent by Panama Pres-
Ident to Regain Sovereignty
Oyet Invaded Region
(By Associated Press)
Washington, Feb. 24.-The United
States government was asked by Pan-
aam today to use its good offices to
avoid any bloodshed in Central Amer-
ica growing out of the alleged inva-1
sion of Panama soil by Costa RicanI
Acting on instructions from Pres-
ident Porras, charge d'affaires Le-
sevre of the Panama legation, inform-
ed the state department that what
first advices describe as an influx of
political refugees from Costa Rica to
Panama was actually an armed inva-
sion. Mr. Lesevre requested that the
United States intercede with the Cos-
ta Rican minister here.
A message received by Mr. Lesevre.
from his government and communicat-
ed to Under-secretary of State Davis
was to the effect that troops, acting
from instruction from the Costa Rican
capital at San Juan, had occupide ter-
ritory bordering on the Cota Golfido
and Colorado.
An armed force headed by Gen.
Manuel Quintero, a member of Pres-
ident Porras' cabinet, was said to have
been dispatched from Panama to the
threatened section. The purpose of
this expedition, the cable stated, was
to "regain sovereignty over the invad-
ed territory."
William Braatz, age 55, was bur-
ied alive Wednesday when the roof of1
a tunnel in which he was digging at i
the new University hospital caved
in. He was covered by 12 feet of
earth, and other workers were only
able to recover his body after an hour
and a half of frantic digging.
Braatz was a foreman in charge of
the construction work on the tun-
nel. He had lived in Ann Arbor for
the past 18 years and had been em-
ployed by the University for three
Two other men, working near the
mouth of the tunnel, were caught
when the roof fell in, but they were
able to liberate themselves from the



Chicago Symphony, Renowned S
ntr~nat3s1s Will Appear in Twenty-
UOLFSUI 522VINNERL OF Eighth Festival Week
OPERA POSTER CONTEST This year's May Festival, the
since the coming of Dr. Albert A. S
Alvin Wolfson, '22, is the winner ley to the University School of M
of the Union opera poster contest. E. in 1888, is the culmination of
A. Krueger, '21E, general chairman of leader's career at Ann Arbor. He
the opera, announced yesterday that assembled a corps of artists for
his design had been accepted for the year's festival such as has seldom
1921 opera, "Top o' th' Mornin'.,, fore been brought together at
Second place was given to the (work time. At the request of many m
of Clayton B. Seagers, '23, and third patrons, the program will include
place to the design of Elmer H. Nash, eral of Dr. Stanley's own coml
'24. Twenty posters were turned in tions.
to the committee, the largest number The first program of the festiva
ever submitted in the history of the Wednesday, May 18, will, be given
opera. the Chicago Symphony orchestra,
The official poster of "Top o' th' Frederick Stock as conductor.


Account of Purdue Game Will
Handled Through Univer-
sity Station


With the final games of the basket-1
ball season only a short distance
away, arrangements are being made
by The Daily to. establish communica-
tion by wireless with the student pa-
pers of Purdue and Illinois universi-
ties for the purpose of reporting the
progress of the game more rapidlyI
than has been possible by using land
Prof. Joseph H. Cannon, of the engi-
neering college, who has charge of
the University radio station, has shown
a considerable interest in the project.
and has made arrangements whereby
the station may be used for the pur-
pose of handling the game reports on
these occasions. The Daily has alsol
communicated with the Purdue Ex-
ponent and the Daily Illini in an ef-
fort to interest them in the possibil-
ity of handling these reports by air.
ThePurdue Well Equipped
The boilermakers at Lafayette have
a powerful radio equipment with
which they are able to work through
to considerable distances, and the Ex-
ponent has expressed an enthusiastic
willingness to co-operate with The
Daily in this connection, it being the
intention of the northern Indiana pa-
per not only to announce the reports
to the assembled fans as they are re-
ceived by wireless, but also to use the
service for the Tuesday morning edi-
Illinois' radio capabilities, on the
other hand, form an unknown quan-
To Conduct Tests
It is probable that tests will be con-
ducted with the station at Purdue this
evening for the purpose of firmly es-
tablishing communication, preparatory
to the handling of the reports Monday
Although this method of handling
(Continued on Page Eight)

The request, made in the form of a
.telegram to the President-elect at St. the ticket sale, is making every effort
..tetegramctoethehPresident-elect atht-
Augustine, Florida, was declared by t discover the cases of any soph
more buying tickets for members of
labor leaders tobespractically an en- other classes, and a close check will
dorsement of James Duncan, of Quin- a h ort e htol
cy, Massachusetts, a vice-president be made at the door to see that only
and member of the executive council are present.
of the American Federation of La- tSuch a large ntumnbertwereunable
bo, wom tey egad astheoneto secure tickets that the names of:
bor, whom they regard as the one phomores were taken who were in-
candidate who is a ",recognized rep- spooe eetknwowr n
resentative of organized labor." - terested in an overflow dance, and the,
The telegram was signed by Pres- committee is now endeavoring to
id, the members of the make arrangements for such an af-
(ent Gompers, thfair.
executive council and representatives
of the national and international
unions affiliated in the American Fed-
eration of Labor and the representa-
tives of the four railroad brother-
ho resolution authorizing the tel- 400
egram was adopted here today by the
labor leaders after a lengthy confer- ESTIMATED SUBSCRIPTIONS CUT
ence at which the cabinet situation IN NUMBER BY ACTION
and the incoming Republican admin-
istration was discussed. While ap-O
proval of Mr. Duncan's appointmentf
to the cabinet as secretary of labor With the purpose of explaining the
was voiced by the speakers, it was need for its three-day subscription
learned that it was considered inad- campaign, which commences Monday,
visable to suggest any name to the Feb. 28, the business department of
President-elect. the 1921 Michiganensian has issued
the following statement:
"In former years the Board of Re-
geEsN ITES STATEMENT ;gents of the University have subscrib-
ed for approximately 400 copies of the
Michiganensian, which they sent to
ABOUT FRATERNITY PARTYIdifferent preparatory and high
schools. This year, however, the Re-
gents feel it necessary to suspend this
: REPU CATES VIiOS RUMOS practice, and thus the estimated num-
NW CUR N O Eber of subscriptions is cut down by
CAMPUS that amount.
"It is therefore necessary for us tol
(By F. B. D.) conduct another sales - campaign,
Dean Henry M. Bates, of the Law which will enable us to put out a
school, when asked yesterday if there year-book of high standard. The
were any foundation of certain de- money which this drive will bring in
famatory rumors that have been cir- will be used to add new features to
culating concerning the Phi Delta Phi the book.
dance which led to the disciplining of "This will also give those who fail-
that organization, issued the follow- ed to subscribe during the last cam-
ing statement: paign an opportunity to do so now.
"The rumors which you refer to Subscriptions may be entered at the
concerning the regrettable Phi Delta office in the Press building or withl
Phi affair are viciously exaggerated. men who will be stationed at the ta-
A sickening mass of gossip has been bles which we will place on the cam-
retailed by persons who have not the pus during the campaign."


Mornin' " is said to be distinctly dif- Schipa, tenor soloist with the Ch
ferent from designs used in other Opera association, has also bee
years. It is the absence of charac- lected for the opening concert.
ters, which were effectively used by will sing several arias of his
Reed Bachman, '20, winner of the choosing.
"Come On, Dad" and "George Did Choral Union to Appear
It" contests, which places this year's
design in a class by itself. "Top o' Thursday evening, Mendelssc
th' Mornin' " and "15th Michigan "Elijah," will be sung by the Ur
Union Opera" appear in lettering, and sity Choral Union. This organiz
there is also a maize and blue "M" since the inception of the fe
Union emblem, nearly 30 years ago, has forme
On account of the uniform good important part of the program.
quality of the drawings which were effort is being made on the part
not accepted, it has been desided to members of the organization to
show them to the public. A display the last time that Dr. Stanley wil
I till ha n.. Le in the windows of, it the climax to his labors.



Wit De rraue g i u wLu wsv
Wahr's bookstore tomorrow forenoon.

chorus has had a remarkable hi
and is acknowledged to be the
est permanent chorus made up a
exclusively of students. It will i
sisted by the Chicago Symphon

fR T INi S chestra and a quartet composed
t( iFlorence Hinkle, soprano, Merle .
cock, contralto, Lambret Murphy, t
or, and Charles Harrison, baritone.
(By JA.B.) Tetrazzini Coming
Miss Jane Manner, dramatic reader
of New York, presented several in- A children's concert will make
the matinee program on Frid
terpretive readings last night before George Oscar Bowen, of this city, m
one of the largest audiences which has lead the choruses and Chase B. Sik
assembled for the Oratorical associa- baritone, will act as soloist. The 1
tion programs in Hill auditorium this ter was formerly a student at the U
year. A pleasing personality combin- versity School of Music and is now
ed with a well modulated voice drew sociated with Guiseppe Cappanari,
the immediate attention of her lis- well known baritone teacher. His p
teners and held it throughout her en- gram will consist of a work for cl
tire performance. dren by Earl V. Moore.
Gives Barrie Play Luisa Tetrazzini, one of the wor

U. S. Lacks Impetus To Jaintain
Pure Language, Says Jane Manner,

slightest evidence to support the
wretched stories which they are cir-
culating with such unction. A small
number of students have degradedl
themselves and have injured the en-
tire student body and the University,
but the greast majority of the students
are essentially wholesome and self-

That the people of the United
States have no place for maintaining
the standard of good speech was the;

assertion of Jane Manner, reader of
drama, in an interview yesterday. Not
.even in the universities is such a,
standard upheld, according to Miss
Manner, who believes that the reader
of drama and the repertory theater'
must accomplish this result for us.
"When a musician comes to this
city," she said, "he gives a certain!
impetus, not only to students of
music, but he sets a standard for oth-
ers as well. So it is with the reader
of drama. She gives an impulse to
all who hear her. God gave us artic-
ulate speech. Why can we not make!
it as good as possible? We must
realize the great effect of our speech
in every-day life."


In support of her views, Miss Man- Least Reprehensiblel
ner quoted from Alfred Ayers, who "Among the few 'entertainments' byr
said: "When a person opens his societies, that given by Phi Delta Phi
mouth you judge him." She then was probably altogether the least
pointed out that the way one speaks reprehensible, but the fact that offi-T
his mother tongue shows more than cial atcion has, thus far, been taken1
any other one thing what his culture with reference to it alone, has brought
is and what his associations have the chapter into unjust notoriety. A.
been. She believes the drama can plain statement of the actual factsl
furnish recreation and at the same may serve to check vicious gossip and
time teach the audience correctness prevent further injustice.
of speech. "The fraternity was put on tempor-
Although European countries have ary probation by the law faculty, fort
established repertory theaters, Amer- entertaining six members of a visiting
theatrical troupe, together with the,
ica has no such advantages, Miss Man- director of the organization and his
ner continued. It is her conviction wife. The party was reprehensible,
that a state should endow a reper- first, because of the obvious impro-
tory theater when it endows its uni- priety of entertaining members of a
versity. This theater would be ex- traveling company of this kind; sec-
petced to travel among the different ond, because the entertainment be-
cities of the state, giving classics, gan while it was still Sunday night;
standard plays, and modern dramas. and, third, because it was a violation
"These performances," she said, of a University regulation. These in-
"could replace our recreations which fractions are serious, as the members
now lack distinction." of the society themselves recognize.
Miss Manner has been inspired in' Rumors Unfounded
her work by the following words from "On the other hand, I am absolute-
Lloyd George: "There is nothing ly convinced after a rigid investiga-
more fatal to a people than that. it tion, that the entertainment was lim-
should narrow its vision to the mate- ited to daucing and singing in the
rial needs of the hour. National ideals parlors of the fraternity house and
without imagination are but as the that it stopped absolutly there. Rum-
thistles of the wildernese." (Continued on Page Eight)

SWIMMING TEAM The first number was "The Will" greatest concert and operatic si
by J. M. Barrie. While this play was will be the soloist Friday night.
TIES WITH ERIE well presented, it did not affect the will be the first time that she
-- audience so favorably as those which been heard in Ann Arbor. She
(Special to The Daily) followed. Her characterization of had a brilliant career in the g
Erie, Pa., Feb. 24. - Michigan and Devizes Senior was one of the most opera houses of this country
Erie Y. M. C. A. tonight battled to a distinctive features of the entire pro- abroad and has been recognized s
34 to 34 tie in what is claimed to have gram. her debut with the Hammerstein I
been the most exciting swimming In "Toller's Wife," by Cosmo Ham- es in 1907, as perhaps the wo:
meet ever staged in this city, famous ilton, Miss Manner created an atmos- leading coloratura artist.
as it is for its tank teams., phere which was lacking in the read- fated Woman Pianist to Play
Hubbard was the individual star for ing which preceded. F. Frankfort I
Michigan, taking first place in the 150 Moore's "Kitty Klive" was a comedy Fannie Bloomfield-Zeisler, pia
back stroke and the 220 free style, and, as might be expected, drew the and the Chicago Symphony orche
first and second places in both the most entbusiastic applause. It was a will be heard on the Saturday a
back and breast strokes and was defense of the modern play and a noon of the festival.. She is sai
largely responsible for Michigan's humorous illustration of how an act-1 be the greatest woman pianist in
showing against a wonderful team. ress may live to a reality the part, erica. In her recent appearance
The Erie relay team swam the 160 which she plays. the large cities of the country
yards distance one second faster than Encores Acknowledged has won much acclaim and is ackn
the present conference record. Wright The audience was . so insistent in edged to be at the height of her a
was the stdllar performer thr the its applause that Miss Manner was tic powers.
Y lads. called back for several encores, and; Verdi's Aida will make up the
The Michigan team leaves tomorrow she acknowledged them by reciting of the festical programs Rosa
morning for Cleveland, where they several short poems. The evening selle, of the Metropolitan Opera .
will engage the Central Y. M. C. A., proved that a program of this type is ; pany, will take the part of Aida.
Allegheny district champions. highly desirable to a large share of the has made a permanent place for
followers of the Oratorical associa- self among the foremost sopran
SCROLL WILL GIVE REGULAR tion's programs. (Continued on Page Eight)
WIN'TIER DANCE TONIGH'Iron County Club Holds Party Tonight Graduate School Tops 400 Enroll
The Scroll will give its regular An informal party will be held this More than 400 students have en
winter party and dance tonight in evening at the Kruzska studio, 324 ed in the Graduate school for thi
Barbour gymnasium, the dancing to East Huron street, by the Iron Coun- mester and the total enrollment
continue from 9 to 1 o'clock under ty club of the University. This is the reach the 450 mark, inthe opinii
the rhythmical leadership of Rhodes'l first of a series, and is intended to give Graduate school officials, before
four-piece orchestra. Members who the members an opportunity of get- week is over. The present enroll
wish to secure tickets for themselves ting acquainted. The membership of indicates an increase of 76 over
or friends should communicate at the club comprises some 40 students, semester, the majority of the stu
once with James A. Starr, 2663-3, the a few of whom attend the Ypsilanti newly enrolled being transfers
chairman of the committee. Normal college. the literary and engineering col

Any subscriber who has
changed his address this semes-
ter should notify the Daily office
so that his paper may be sent
to his new address. Either call
in person at the Daily office or
phone 960 in the afternoon.


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