THE MICHIGAN IDAIL Y X, ILY atal Faculty: The regular ID ion Thursday, F inges in Electlei n account of del making unavoid; re, Science, and rch 3 and 4. Th Henceforth the on Mondays and rnittee on Boon The Committee rs this week oil , 3-3:313 p. in.; son Hll. Inanee Club Meet There will bea at 4:30 o'clock, mnomics 2: Due to the col 1 on Wednesday sweek on Friday tt registered in E Friday, Feb. 25. iomics 1E: The Tuesday ai gineering buildir The Tuesday a: w Engineering b The Wednesday Room _21, Old I gineering buildin Lectures will 1 gring building. (dents In Econon The reading asi Economics Bull( not they were p, z section on Thi from 3 to 5 o'clock in room 106, Ma- II111111111ul1ll IItulIIIIli1111IIIIlt111111ttNIIII son hall Junior engineer dinner dance at the I - Of uOFF ICIALoBU LLETI N_ WhTSGIN N TK^aenwonsl o tefra THURSDAY, FEBRUAIRY 24, 1921. Number 96. THURSDAY There will be no paty for tihe spho- f 4:00-Junior Girls' Play rehearsal, more engineers this week end. Sarah Caswell Angell hal. I E. Itortim er Sater's company and ' 4:00-Meeting of senior honor com-' workshop dancing class will notc mittee in room 306, Union. meet until after the opera, due to ental Faculty luncheon will be held at the Michigan 4 :30--8o00 Prom tickets go on sale Mr. Shuter's duties in connectionlE F'eb. 24, at 12:15 o'clock. at Union desk. wit the opera- Where Yu h n MARCUS L. WARD. 6:30-Wafarers meet in room 302. Members of the iRicard N. Hal post-- Usn7:1tipo n eeaslo tm 422, Veterans of Foreign Wars, are _ P leasure M eect 7:00-Imortnt rheasalof tie n-,advised to secure tickets immediate- lays for which the Registrar is not responsible, the days ioopr.ocetaasmbyhl, yifhyexctoatndheotS table CHANGES~ IN ELECTIONS in the College of Liter- Uion.oeaoceta seblal yi hyepett tedteps the Arts are postponed until THiURSDAY and FRID.AY, udnc.obehl, -axa veig maiedoutbeoretht tme7400- Selence and Faith in the uip-( Feb. 26, in the league rooms of Bar- a e grades will be mie u eoeta ie e om aehl.a ARTHUR G. HALL, Registrar.perLnhalhorgm si. '7 :00-Freshman band meet sFuier- Mmers of the Scroll who wish to'at- sity Hall. tend thepat and dance to be held fAttendance Committee for the women will meet as us- p i-rtge et no.Fi arigtyi abu ynsu d~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~MR ThrdyBfo.1121 nthJfieOteRegAr. 7'16--Ticket takers for the Oratorical should notify James A. Starr, 1025N I KL MR B.JRA.association report for Jane Manner Pakrste, 2663-J, at onesatACD LieayDprmn:lecture, Hllauitrimthe nmbrthey can dispose of onRomsf h Literary Departmentwl hl ofce7:15-Lecture by Senor Del Toro on "Spanish American Women Writ- Tiktsfr h NwYrkfuinero Wednesday at 11-11:30 a. m. and 3-3:30 p. in.; Thurs- everycit nx-Mnayngh ayf y'mers,' Tappan hall.MuisoitnetM danghmyj Friday, 11-11:30 a. mn. and 3-3:30 p. in., ;in Room 106, 7:0A be obtained at the University School _ L. C. KARPINSKI. of:30-AicSat 50E 7preetripameeting0. room 229, Engineering building,fMsca 0 5 et n 10I ameeting of the Romance Club on Thursday, February 730-S Uimo elan.imet n omy(_~u u 7:30-Round-Up club meeting, Uno.; TO HOJNOR F ACUT Y]T' A.chgGn CANnFRoELD0. 7:30-Zoological Journal club meets in= Z 231, Natural Science build-- ing. Invitations have been issued by Uni- I-M ioeM ld un m >nference of Highwa: Engineers meeting in University 7:30-Colonial Literary circle nmeets, versity house women to faculty mem = y Lane hall. brwme ncareo niest- ,y afternoon it has been necessary to have the lecture 8 :00-Ane Manner speaks, 11111 audi houses, the ministers of-the ity and y- .y at 2 o'clock in University Hall auditorium. Every stu- tru.ohrgetfrteana a Economics 2 will be expected to be present at the lecture ________otherguestsfortheannualfac ______ ulty tea to be held on the afternoon - DAVID________ FRIDAY of March 9, in the parlors of Barbour- ' gymnasium. 7:0-etn fteBxn nd Thursday 8 o'clock section will meet in Room 6, Old room 302, Union.clbi Thcomteinhag ofa rgheete.8 :00-Poloia Literary" circle meets' rangements for this affair are Frances] ng eefe.y1Oberholter, '21, lIone Ely, '23, Doro______________ nd Thursday 9 o'clock section will meet in Room 336, Lane hall. building, hereafter. 8:00-RL RevT. Bishop Nicholal lec- :thy Jeffrey, '24, Marjory Kerr, '24 y and Friday 9 o'clock section will meet on Wednesdays tures in Natural Science auditorium, and Ellaaer, '23, ithMaion, 23 Engineering building, and on Fridays in Room 28, Old Subject: "The Reconstruction of Con 2,peieto h raia- heldEuroe."tion of University house -presidents, in ;I be hl Mondays at 9 o'clock in Room 348, New Engi- general suprvision.--~ ISADOR LUBIN. A. SATURDAY gnrlspriin WUERTH AR=E NC E 7__:00___M.___A. C. banquet for all students -A C D SN KE S mics6-Rilwy Poblms:in the University and all people in Odd trousers, a complete line. Wag- ° ssignment, for this week and section lists are posted on Washtenaw county who have attend-! ner & Co.-Adv. ietin Board. All students enrolled in this course, whether ed M. A. C., at the Union. Those present at the Monday lecture, are expected to attend a planning to attend please notify E. ursday or Friday of this week. L. Overholt, 426 Cross street, 778-W.II<- I. L. SHARFMAN. Eigllsh 12--Shakespeare Seminary: The initial meeting of the Shakespeare Seminary, for arrangement of ours and assignment of subject, will be held Thursday, February 24, at 4 . in., in Room 208, Tappan hall. LOUIS A. STRAUSS. [athematlcs 1l: Mr. Anning's 9 o'clock section of Mathematics 1 will meet in Room 108, [ason hail, until further notice. NORMAN ANNING, Instructor. sychology 25.45.46: Psychology 25 will meet Thursday morning at 9 o'clock in Room 203, appan hall. Psychology 45 will meet Thursday at 2 p. m. in Room 250, Science wiliding, to arrange. hours. Psychology 46 will meet Thursday at 11 a. m. in Room 217, Science iilding. HENRY F. ADAMS. 'gllsh 2 for Dental Students: The sections in English 2 for Dental students will meet as follows : Section I. M., W., F., at 8, Room F 427 Science building. Section II. M., W., F., at 8, Room M 441, Science building. Section III.'T., Th., S., at 8, Room F 427 Science building. Section IV. T., Th., S., at 8, Room M 441, Science building. J. RALEIGH NELSON. andscpe Design 2: This class will meet in Room 214, Natural Science building, Tuesday ad Thursday at 11 a. in. H. 0. WHITTEMORE. conomi es 34: Economics 34 meets Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8 o'clock, Room 101, eonomics building. Also Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11, Room 102, Eco- mics building. C. EDMONDS. U-NOTICES{ Class hockey teams must notify the! intramural department by Saturday, nmorning of their entry in the hockey;! tournament to begin Monday even- ing. Freshmn who are coming into tihe University this semester should reg- ister with the Union today from 2, until 5 o'clock in the lobby. Philosophy 1-The schedule for tMel discussion sections of Philosophy 1 is as follows : M. 11, M. 3, Tu. 9, Tu. 10, Tu. 1, Wed. 1, Thu. 9, Thu. 10, Thu. 1, F. 10, F. 1. Enrollment in these sections must be arranged this week Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday TEXT. BOOKS New and Second Hand For all Departments w H I'S University Bookstores r Get Your eBudweiser From Klis Beverags Co. Distributors Washtenaw County Phone 1948 331 S. Ashley St. lillll , >r .. w. .. .. waf r s s r s wr r wr i. iww Yaw Yaw s aY!If t/ '. Good Board at Noble's Boardling HomeI 1212 South University Avenue One block East of Eng. Bldg. Why Pay Mrore? second __________________________________________________________________________________'1i1111H11t11